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My Sisters Bank Won't Let her release My Inheritance To Me-Please Help.



  • thorsoak
    thorsoak Posts: 7,166 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    For the last time - there is no point in continuing to harass your solicitor, or try to get another solicitor - all you will do is to build up even bigger bills. IT IS THE LAW that says that your sister cannot sign a cheque to you whilst she is detained in hospital - and just because you - like many others in this world - are suffering from mental illlness (as is your sister,for instance) the law will not be altered. Have patience and wait.

    You have been told where you stand legally - you will get your inheritance once your sister is well, or your other sister takes legal advice as to whether it is possible to remove your sister from the executorship at this late stage of the proceedings. This will cost you (and your sisters) a considerable amount of your legacy as her solicitor may have to take Counsel's advice on this matter. Had they not already carried out the work necessary to release funds (sold the house, etc) then it would have been possible to apply to the court to have her removed but the courts, generally, will only remove an executor if they have incapability – physical or mental disability (albeit permanent or temporary), which is preventing them from performing their duties. But these duties, apart from the final signing of beneficiaries cheques, have been fulfilled. And in any case, as you seem to be incapable of even registering with a GP, would you be able to have done this? I think not.

    Your solicitor has told you where you stand on this -you will only be wasting your inheritance by going from one solicitor to another, just as you are jeapordising your health going from one GP to someone who no longer has your case in her portfolio.

    Please read the advice you have been given here. We have no interest in withholding your entitlement from you - and you are being good (free) advice here.
  • System
    System Posts: 178,106 Community Admin
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Yes I will tell my Ex-CMHT Social worker what has happened.
    And if I cannot see her at the CMHT when I go there on Thursday.
    I will send her an email and tell her the whole thing as I have done here.

    It's true that she cannot get my money for me but she can give me emotional support and advise as to what I should do next.

    A Solicitor won't because most of them don't understand MH problems. Or my emotional state.
    But my Ex-CMHT Social work can.
    After all it is effecting my mental Health.

    It would be upsetting enough to most people who does not have MH problems. If they found out that their mum left them 118 and they could not get it.

    So it must be worse for me and I don't even have a family to support me.
    My mum and dad are both dead and my sisters don't want to know.
    But the fact remains that I have been left 118 by my mum and I have not got that money.
    Because my sister have not been putting themselves out to resolve it.
    And my solicitor does not seem very sympathetic as he will not see me at the office.
    So I feel like I am in a corner.

    I know that if I go to another Solicitor it will cost me money.
    But what about if I were to give both my sisters and my solicitor time to sort this out.
    Say until December(that's another 2 months.)
    And if by them nothing has changed and my solicitor does not do anything about it.
    Then I can go to see another solicitor for advise to see what they could do,

    I think that's what I should do because.
    If nothing hapens or changes after 2 months then I can say "well I gave my solicitor and my sister time to sort this out. But they did not do anything."

    Then is the time to seek another solicitor.

    I have read some of the threads on here from other members
    who have also had difficulty getting their inheritace.
    Because their solicitors have either been slow to do things, not bothered or simply have not been helpful.
    And they have gone to another solicitor.
    So there is no reason why I cannot if I am not happy with my solicitor.
    Or he is not doing as he should do to sort this out.

    My inheritance is more important to me than upsetting my solicitor by going to another one.

    I know this will mean I have have to pay both my solicitors bill for the work he did and the new solicitor when I get my inheritance.
    But it will be worth it if it gets me my money.
    And I am getting nowhere at the moment.

    Maybe I should go down to my CAB and tell them what has happened.
    It won't cost me any money to go there and they may be able to advise me as to what can be done I can sort this out and get my money.

    Whatever has happened does not change the fact that my mother left me a third of her estate and money.
    And I have got the will to prove it.
    It's my money and I have not received it.
  • thorsoak
    thorsoak Posts: 7,166 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 25 October 2016 at 6:14PM
    annbarbs wrote: »
    Yes I will tell my Ex-CMHT Social worker what has happened.
    And if I cannot see her at the CMHT when I go there on Thursday.
    I will send her an email and tell her the whole thing as I have done here.

    It's true that she cannot get my money for me but she can give me emotional support and advise as to what I should do next.

    A Solicitor won't because most of them don't understand MH problems. Or my emotional state.
    But my Ex-CMHT Social work can.
    After all it is effecting my mental Health.

    It would be upsetting enough to most people who does not have MH problems. If they found out that their mum left them 118 and they could not get it.

    So it must be worse for me and I don't even have a family to support me.
    My mum and dad are both dead and my sisters don't want to know.
    But the fact remains that I have been left 118 by my mum and I have not got that money.
    Because my sister have not been putting themselves out to resolve it.
    And my solicitor does not seem very sympathetic as he will not see me at the office.
    So I feel like I am in a corner.

    I know that if I go to another Solicitor it will cost me money.
    But what about if I were to give both my sisters and my solicitor time to sort this out.
    Say until December(that's another 2 months.)
    And if by them nothing has changed and my solicitor does not do anything about it.
    Then I can go to see another solicitor for advise to see what they could do,

    I think that's what I should do because.
    If nothing hapens or changes after 2 months then I can say "well I gave my solicitor and my sister time to sort this out. But they did not do anything."

    Then is the time to seek another solicitor.

    I have read some of the threads on here from other members
    who have also had difficulty getting their inheritace.
    Because their solicitors have either been slow to do things, not bothered or simply have not been helpful.
    And they have gone to another solicitor.
    So there is no reason why I cannot if I am not happy with my solicitor.
    Or he is not doing as he should do to sort this out.

    My inheritance is more important to me than upsetting my solicitor by going to another one.

    I know this will mean I have have to pay both my solicitors bill for the work he did and the new solicitor when I get my inheritance.
    But it will be worth it if it gets me my money.
    And I am getting nowhere at the moment.

    Maybe I should go down to my CAB and tell them what has happened.
    It won't cost me any money to go there and they may be able to advise me as to what can be done I can sort this out and get my money.

    Whatever has happened does not change the fact that my mother left me a third of her estate and money.
    And I have got the will to prove it.
    It's my money and I have not received it.

    It has also upset one of your sisters enough to land her in hospital - so she has been more badly affected than you - you aren't in hospital are you - and she still has not got her inheritance either.

    But you won't listen - to your solicitor, to us, or anyone. You have fixated upon YOUR MONEY - and it is making you ill. It will continue to make you ill - whilst you continue in this mindset. You are wallowing in your perceived injustice - which is in your own mind. Please let it go - but more importantly - please sort out a GP. Your Ex-CMHT Social worker is just that - an ex CMHT social worker who will now have another over-loaded caseload.

    Two months (which will take us up to Christmas) may see your sister well enough to be discharged from hospital - or maybe not. Then will be the time to ask your other sister - the executor - to ask the solicitor who has dealt with the probate - to take advice about applying to the Court to have the other sister discharged from her executorship. But this too will take time - not days, maybe not even weeks. In the meantime, your inheritance should be gaining some interest, although also it will be wittering away with legal costs.
  • Nicki
    Nicki Posts: 8,166 Forumite
    Annbarbs, could you go to the community mental health team tomorrow, and ask to see the duty worker and explain that you were previously under their care, you haven't had a GP for several months, your mental health has deteriorated and you need their help to find a GP and get seen by them. Whilst they may not be able to give you more help, at least without a GP referral, I would expect them to give you urgent help to get registered and seen by someone with the appropriate skills.
  • Caroline_a
    Caroline_a Posts: 4,071 Forumite
    Annbarbs you originally asked for help. We have all offered everything we could. You don't want our help because you don't or are unable to listen to us. You need to see the Community Health team as I feel you now need extensive help. If you don't act on this, or find and see a GP you will end up in hospital as your poor sister is. Then all the inheritance in the world won't help you.
  • Person_one
    Person_one Posts: 28,884 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    annbarbs wrote: »

    I have also emailed my well sister and told her I spoke to my sister on the phone at the hospital last Thursday.
    I also told her I told my ill sister what she has to do to get that money released.

    And I also told my well sister what my solicitor said that she would have to go to the court of protection if the other sister does not get better.
    I also told my sister that this cannot go on forever and my imheritace problem must get sorted out soon. [/B]In a nice way of course.[/B]

    What you did was not nice, there is no nice way to ring your sister who is in hospital and rather than asking how she is and wishing her well, telling her to hurry up and give you your inheritance money. Hopefully the nurses won't allow any more phone calls from you that could upset her and cause her further stress.

    Your solicitor is probably incredibly frustrated that you aren't listening to what he's telling you and are not taking the advice you are being given. Everything he has told you has been 100% correct so don't waste your time and money going to another solicitor.

    I don't think we can help you anymore, in fact I don't think we've helped you at all on any of your numerous threads! You need help from a professional, in person, with your mental health, and you know that so its up to you to go and get it. Please go and get it, as soon as possible.
  • System
    System Posts: 178,106 Community Admin
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    No you don't understand.
    My sisters do not want any contact wit me.
    It's been like that since my father died.

    So I cannot simply go talk to my sisters because they don't want to know.
    The well sister keeps putting the phone down on me every time I ring her.
    I only have the well sisters phone number not the address of her new flat because she won't tell me.
    That's why I went to a Solicitor in the first place.
    Because I cannot go to my sisters who unfortunately are executives of mum's will.

    And are in charge of all of the funds and are also holding the monies.
    As a beneficiary I have not access to this account and no executive rights either.
    But I do have a right to inherit as the terms of mum's will.
    I have inherit a third as my sisters have.

    But I have not been paid my money and legally the money is mine because my mother left it to me in her will.

    And yes I am very worried that I might not get my money at all and could spend years waiting for it and never receive it.

    You read about cases like that where a relative has been left money but due to action of other relatives they have not got it.

    Just answer me this:
    What should I do if the worst comes to the worst and I don't get my money?
  • Yorkshireman99
    How many more times do you have to be told? It is not going to happen. Go and get medical help. That is the only way out of your problems. Constantly repeating your complaints on here will achieve nothing.

    Repeat after me.
    Go and get medical help.
    Repeat after me
    Go and get medical help.
    Keep repeating.
  • thorsoak
    thorsoak Posts: 7,166 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 25 October 2016 at 7:23PM
    annbarbs wrote: »
    No you don't understand.
    My sisters do not want any contact wit me.
    It's been like that since my father died.
    So I cannot simply go talk to my sisters because they don't want to know.
    The well sister keeps putting the phone down on me every time I ring her. Are you surprised? I'm not.
    I only have the well sisters phone number not the address of her new flat because she won't tell me. Again, I'm not surprised.
    That's why I went to a Solicitor in the first place.
    Because I cannot go to my sisters who unfortunately are executives of mum's will.

    And are in charge of all of the funds and are also holding the monies. The money will, by law, be in an Executors' account.
    As a beneficiary I have not access to this account and no executive rights either.
    But I do have a right to inherit as the terms of mum's will.
    I have inherit a third as my sisters have.

    But I have not been paid my money and legally the money is mine because my mother left it to me in her will.

    And it will be paid to you under the terms of your mother's will once all the financial signatories have been sorted - taxes paid etc. Which cannot happen until your second sister is better.

    And yes I am very worried that I might not get my money at all and could spend years waiting for it and never receive it.

    You read about cases like that where a relative has been left money but due to action of other relatives they have not got it.

    And you don't read about all the cases where the money is paid out eventually - my father's money was not paid out for almost two years because of delays in the sale of the house due to the purchaser being taken ill. But we didn't immediately think that my brother would keep it all for himself.

    Just answer me this:
    What should I do if the worst comes to the worst and I don't get my money?

    if that should happen, you would be no worse off than you are at the moment. But I'd bet a pound to a penny that it will all be well - but will it make your health any better? I doubt it. Sign on with a GP - that should be your priority at the moment.
  • Person_one
    Person_one Posts: 28,884 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    annbarbs wrote: »
    No you don't understand.
    My sisters do not want any contact wit me.
    It's been like that since my father died.

    Just answer me this:
    What should I do if the worst comes to the worst and I don't get my money?

    We do understand that, that does not make it ok to do what you did by ringing your ill sister to tell her to give you your money. That was not ok. Don't do it again.

    You will get your money, you just have to wait, maybe a long time, but it is yours and you will get it eventually as long as you don't spend it all first on solicitors bills!

    While you are waiting for your money, get yourself some help for your mental health!
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