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Weekly Flylady Thread 4th August 2014



  • Frizzle_2
    Frizzle_2 Posts: 1,104 Forumite
    Monday Melee ~ Kitchen and Dining Room
    15 minutes...
    [STRIKE]Clear and wipe kitchen surfaces
    Clear 1 window sill
    Open windows and let in that summer sun!!!![/STRIKE]
    30 minutes to spare...
    Sweep and mop floors
    Scrub out the sticky fridge!
    [STRIKE]Wipe dining table..[/STRIKE]
    Got an hour...
    [STRIKE]Wipe and replace all those small appliances.. kettle, toaster etc [/STRIKE]
    Clean cupboard door fronts and fronts of appliances .. don't forget those kick boards..
    Clean out your mankiest kitchen cupboard..
    Extra Mission : help yourself
    [STRIKE]Clean the hob[/STRIKE]
    32 fling boogie..[/STRIKE]
    [STRIKE]Empty the bin.. [/STRIKE]

    4 loads of washing done, dushwasher loaded and put on. Living room hoovered. Tidied up ds1's bedroom and cleared the window sill ready for a dusting. His bedroom is so bad! Can't remember the last time I dusted it! His big unit and all the skirting boards etc are on my hit list at some point this week.
    Most f the camping stuff has now been put away. Ds1 watching a film while I finish off and then we are going to get a few bits from the shops. Oh has rest of the week off and has decided we are going to Woburn Safari park tomorrow so need some picnic bits!
    Grocery challenge-
    J- 52.40/£200 M- 187.56 A- 212.93 M-193.44 F-201.31 J- 240.62 D- £149.27 N- £210.69 O- 196.80
    S- 213.68 A- £213.03 J- 249.66 J-206.29, M- 252.91, A-£250, M- £250

    debt free as of feb 2015. Now saving for deposit for new house! Moving in June 2015!!!
  • FizzWhizz
    FizzWhizz Posts: 939 Forumite
    First Post
    Kailua wrote: »
    We had the same problem with my mom's computer and it had photos on it etc. We were able to get the hard drive out and sent it off to Ireland and they saved what they could and put it on to DVD's. This was years ago and cost £250!! It might be worth checking to see what the price is like nowadays just in case it is cheaper than replacing all the music?

    Thank you for the suggestion, it had already popped into my head and I had more or less immediately discounted it because I thought it would be prohibitively expensive, but when you put it into perspective vs the cost of replacing all the music, it might be worth it! I found the DVD backups I have, there are a lot of discs but I think that the majority stored on there is KH's tosh :p

    FBO, sending healing vibes to Ozzie and to you too, how horribly traumatic :( I hope Ozzie is home soon, be kind to yourself xx

    Boiler has been serviced, had a good chat with the plumber regarding fitting a mixer shower as we are still limping along with the electric one which can't be run for more than 10 mins at a time due to the too-small electrical cable. He says a mixer would not only be more powerful and more energy efficient, it'll actually be very cheap to fit :T Just got to butter DH up now, I chuffing HATE the shower we have with its pathetic dribble.
  • LameWolf
    LameWolf Posts: 11,235 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Lozzy loads and loads of GWS vibes for you; that sounds unpleasant in the extreme.

    Valli thank you, your kind offer is noted.:o We're up to date right now, and I think I have the immediate future in hand; if I need to take you up on it, I'll let you know.;)
    If your dog thinks you're the best, don't seek a second opinion.;)
  • 2childmum
    2childmum Posts: 240 Forumite
    Hi - may I join you all?

    I used to have a flylady routine of my own, which sort of worked but then back at the end of January we took my 12 year old dd out of school to home-educate her as she was becoming ill with the stress of it all. And all the housework etc went out of the window, cos all my time goes either on teaching her or finding out stuff and planning what to teach her and searching for resources.

    The house and the paperwork stuff has got left until it's reached the point where I must do something! I had thought about getting my old flylady journal out again, but to be perfectly honest the thought made my heart sink - I had gradually developed my own system but I know I can't keep up with it now. And then I found this thread, which is probably what I need 'cos I could do with someone else telling me what to do at the moment.

    I've decided to start this week because DS and DH are both away, so there is less washing and tidying up to do.

    I plan to do the following -
    Swish and swipe each morning
    Keep on top of the washing every day, cos there will be loads to do at the end of the week when the boys get back
    Get on top of the budgeting ( and hopefully look over our savings accounts, especially the kids)
    The first level cleaning stuff on the list on here
    Clear the kitchen every evening

    Mind you, it's almost 5pm and all I have managed is the s&s, and one load of washing has just finished! It's not just lack of time stopping me - it's more lack of motivation! Hopefully posting on here will keep me more on track

    Looking forward to 'meeting' you all!:)
    May spend - £291.40/£320.00
    June spend - £106.40/£320.00
  • bossymoo
    bossymoo Posts: 6,924 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi 2childmum good to have you on board. Have a good read of the first post, and the links. They really help. If I'm struggling to get going I set my kitchen timer for 15min and direct myself to a small corner to make a start. It helps to know its just a little chore, which [strike]usually[/strike] sometimes spurs me on to do more.

    In fact, I have done just that and done about an hour and a half in the end!

    I have:
    Brought washing in that was on the line
    Finished the ironing and finally put the ironing board away (been up since before hols!)
    Taken all the washing / ironing upstairs (still to put away though)
    Vacced and mopped garage, hall, dining room, downstairs loo and kitchen
    Tidied my car box and put it back in the boot (was under my desk since before holidays)
    Taken delivery of a bargain Xmas present for DD - must stash in loft

    Phew! Hot now so having a sit down and a diet shandy :p it's my "treat beer" lol while I'm trying to lose weight (2lb down since last Wed :T)

    After dinner I need to:
    Finish the kitchen
    Make my packup - in the office tomorrow
    Vac and dust the conservatory and living room inc under the sofas
    Wipe down front of big sofa - seems to be something splattered on it!
    Shower and was hair - want to be in office by 7am so will "get ready" tonight.

    Away with the fairies :beer:
  • lynnejk
    lynnejk Posts: 5,732 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler Debt-free and Proud!
    Hiya everyone :hello:

    Pig-pen - the pictures are super and that cake looks yummy :)

    Honey- bear - so glad the mole thing was a false alarm. At least you now know what to look for and won't get so worried if others appear.

    LW - thinking of you and hope all goes well

    FBO - I've pm'd you

    Lozzie88 - sorry you are not well and hope you soon feeling much better. sending some healing vibes

    2childmum - welcome aboard the ship of flyers and hope it helps you get organised. I find it's so motivational and does stop you dallying about so much :rotfl:

    FizzWhizz - sorry to hear about your music. I think that's maybe why I've kept all my CDs, although they are stored - maybe it's an inherent distrust of technology :D
    FizzWhizz wrote: »
    shower curtains...... but I'm struggling to find replacements that are cream rather than white; I've looked at JL, House of Fraser, Debenhams, Tesco, Sainsbobs, Primark… Any other ideas, ladies? I prefer them to have built in hooks rather than having to use separate ones.
    If you put 'cream shower curtains' into Google there are a few sites that seem to stock cream ones but I'm not sure what you mean about the hooks ?? Hth

    If it's gone I've done it or don't have it

    Monday Melee ~ Kitchen and Dining Room

    Sweep and mop floors
    Clean out your mankiest kitchen cupboard..

    My list for this week (some c/fwd and sure there's more )
    Buy new swimmies
    Buy some more cotton socks
    Look for new breakdown cover
    Look for new travel insurance
    Monthly accounts
    Sort out CDs
    Make Spanish flashcards
    Order railcard for DH
    Find DH's sandals (apparently 'vanished')
    Make 'Bottom of fridge' soup
    Sort dry stock cupboard and check - definite 'frog'
    Sort all hotspots - starting to get to me
    Work Monday
    Work Wednesday
    Work Thursday
    Cane Toad in spare room

    At work atm so should really get on and do some :)
    Back later
    Bulk buy.......APR=233.76
    OS WL= -2/8 ......CC =00......Savings = £13,140
  • FurryBeastOz
    FurryBeastOz Posts: 1,380 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Thankyou all for your kind messages. Have him home - he's stressed out but was happy to see us. They had him on the drip all day but said he was getting more stressed - think he thought he'd been abandoned as he is a rescue.

    Thanks to his fur he only has two shallow bites. Antibiotics and lots of TLC coming up.
    Goals - Weight loss 6/26lb at 22nd Jan 18
    Mmmm. 26lb at 1/7/18. Oops:o
  • elsiepac
    elsiepac Posts: 2,569 Ambassador
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi all

    Skipped last week I'm afraid - don't know where the time's gone!! One nice big thing I've finally done is acquire more glass jars etc and sort out my massive collection of grains and dry goods. It's brilliant and I found tons I didn't know I had!

    Today was a day off work and I've spent most of it reading. I love to read and I was lucky enough to find one of the only books I didn't have by one of my favourite authors on the £2.50 stall, so now have nearly finished it! Trisha Ashley if you're interested, she writes lovely books and they are often set in the country and have bits about making homemade stuff in, but they are funny and the heroines are never silly girls, they are practical, resourceful and interesting, I just love her writing!

    Onwards then... I had a big cooked lunch today as no breakfast so don't really need any tea, but I will need to make some lunches for work for the next few days. Nothing too fancy, just something to tide me over I think! I've got washing drying and I think just about enough to put another load on but I may wait till the morning to get today's clothes in there too. (I'm on one tariff for electric so can use washing machine etc through the day! Dishwasher already unloaded and loaded again and on, so will need to empty that again later on.

    Monday Melee ~ Kitchen and Dining Room
    15 minutes...
    Clear and wipe kitchen surfaces
    Clear 1 window sill
    Open windows and let in that summer sun!!!!
    30 minutes to spare...
    Sweep and mop floors
    Scrub out the sticky fridge!
    Got an hour...
    Dust any extra furniture in dining area, checking for cobwebs on way round
    Wipe and replace all those small appliances.. kettle, toaster etc
    Clean cupboard door fronts and fronts of appliances .. don't forget those kick boards..
    Clean out your mankiest kitchen cupboard..

    Extra Mission : help yourself

    - Clean the hob
    - Wipe down any tiles and shine those taps.. a toothbrush is great for cleaning away the gunk!
    - 32
    fling boogie..
    - Phone someone you love just to tell them so!
    - Empty the bin.. wash it out.. and make it smell SWEET

    Hope everyone has had a fun and productive day :D

    LC x

    I’m a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on the Old Style, Crafting and Techie Stuff boards.If you need any help on these boards, do let me know. Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any posts you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button, or by emailing views are my own and not the official line of MoneySavingExpert.
    GC: May 22 £tbc/£250 Vegan 27-8-13
  • mrs-moneypenny
    mrs-moneypenny Posts: 15,519 Forumite
    Thankyou all for your kind messages. Have him home - he's stressed out but was happy to see us. They had him on the drip all day but said he was getting more stressed - think he thought he'd been abandoned as he is a rescue.

    Thanks to his fur he only has two shallow bites. Antibiotics and lots of TLC coming up.

    relieved to read that, sorry the day was so traumatic

    LW thinking of you and MrLW

    fizz sorry to read about the puter prob

    only just back from orthodontis app at 11am. DD2 held me captive all day took me on a tour of the craft shops in her town and gave me lots of cups of tea while DS2 played minecraft with her fella.
    promise ill fly tomorrow;)

    off to prep tea
    SPC~12 ot 124

    In a world that has decided that it's going to lose its mind, be more kind my friend, try to Be More Kind
  • FizzWhizz
    FizzWhizz Posts: 939 Forumite
    First Post
    Thanks Mrs-M and lynnejk, I thought I was being smart by storing my CDs in the garage, until they were stolen :mad: Have found the DVDs and have recouped some 6.something gb of stuff onto my lappy so that's a good start :)

    Welcome 2childmum :)

    Dinner has been cooked and scoffed and the DSKs are WUDUPA as we speak. I have stripped the remaining three skids beds are two and a half are washed, the girls duvet covers run better than Mo Farah so they'll go on by themselves tomorrow. Back to work for me then :( and a busy day at that, I'm already tired so will endeavour to have an early night tonight. Shyeah, right :D
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