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Weekly Flylady Thread 4th August 2014

Natty68 Posts: 3,351 Forumite
Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
edited 8 August 2014 at 10:08AM in Old style MoneySaving
Welcome to the weekly Flylady thread. If you need help organising your week or getting motivated when it comes to housework then come and join us.

The idea is that even if you are really busy you don't need to fall off the wagon!

Every room comes back around next week so please don’t stress about catching up

These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than welcome to post and follow your own lists.

Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the clutter and make flying easier.

A few of the basics before we start the week

Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of other things follow!

Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like washing, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic areas, making meals etc.

Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals like shower/brush teeth etc.

Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.

Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis

HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the Benny Hill music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing.. other music may be used if you prefer!

Click here to read Toots wonderful welcome guide

Ok here goes this week!

Monday Melee ~ Kitchen and Dining Room
15 minutes...
Clear and wipe kitchen surfaces
Clear 1 window sill
Open windows and let in that summer sun!!!!
30 minutes to spare...
Sweep and mop floors
Scrub out the sticky fridge!
Wipe dining table.. (clean table cloth if necessary)
Got an hour...
Dust any extra furniture in dining area, checking for cobwebs on way round
Wipe and replace all those small appliances.. kettle, toaster etc
Clean cupboard door fronts and fronts of appliances .. don't forget those kick boards..
Clean out your mankiest kitchen cupboard..
Extra Mission : help yourself
  • Clean the hob
  • Wipe down any tiles and shine those taps.. a toothbrush is great for cleaning away the gunk!
  • 32 fling boogie..
  • Phone someone you love just to tell them so!
  • Empty the bin.. wash it out.. and make it smell SWEET

Tuesday Twister! ~ Living room, halls and stairs
15 minutes...
Vacuum floors and sofas and hall and stairs
30 minutes to spare...
Dusting, even if around everything
Remove clutter making sure stairs especially are safe and no-one can have any accidents falling down them...
Clean TV, other electricals and cabinets
Got an hour...
Wipe and water plants
Sort through a dumping drawer/cupboard
Vacuum under furniture you can manage to move without hurting yourself
Extra Mission: Pick one or more of the following tasks –
  • Clean windows & any other glass like mirrors, pictures etc
  • Sort through shoes and coats and bags
  • Binbag dance.. Get a binbag.. fill it and bin it!!!
  • Wash any cushions, throws or curtains that need it
Wednesday Winging & Flinging ~ Bathroom and Study/Pc Area
15 minutes...

Clear floors of guff and stuff
Muck out any pets.
30 minutes to spare...
Clean baths, toilets, don't forget the outside! and sinks
Clear any clutter from desk
Dust PC and desk and wipe off those cup rings!!
Wipe keyboard, house phone, sockets, switches and mouse etc
Got an hour...
Wash your bathroom mats, nets, clean blind/curtains, shower curtains etc
Wipe down tiles in bathroom.. defragment your pc while doing this.
Empty and clean out all the upstairs bins!
Sweep and mop and deslop the floors in these rooms.
Collect all the dirty laundry
Extra mission: Take your pick!
  • Wipe the skirtings, door and window frames in these rooms
  • Wipe the tops of the cabinets and cupboards in therse rooms
  • Fling all those empty bottles and tubes
  • replace any sponges, flannels, toiletries that need it
  • HHI... a bit more gone!
Thursday Thllliiing!~ Master Bedroom & Landing
15 minutes...

Check fire alarms are working
Remove and wash bed linen and duvet covers.
Fling open the window and let in the fresh air
30 minutes to spare...
Dust surfaces & make sure no cobwebs..
Vacuum & turn mattress before replacing with fresh linen..
Air the duvet
15 minutes floordrobe clearance
Got an hour...
Vacuum floors in bedroom and on landing
Sort through the cupboard and fling everything that no longer fits
Clear a hotspot.. or spend 15 minutes clearing one.
Extra tasks list, as usual choose one or more
  • 34 fling boogie time, go on grab a bag and clear that clutter
  • Clean all the upstairs door frames
  • Clean windows in these rooms
  • Clear the top of a bedside cupboard/chest of drawers or shelf
Friday Frenzy ~ those frightening kids rooms and spare rooms
15 minutes...
Open the windows and let in the fresh air...
Clear away anything that isn't in it's place, clothes, toys, books etc
30 minutes to spare...
Make an appointment for some ME-time.. hairdressers? manicure? night out with friends? .. whatever just do it!
30 minutes to spare...
Vacuum the floor
Dusting.. all those shelves and flat fluffy surfaces!! Don’t forget the light shade and curtain pole!!!
Strip beds, turn and vacuum mattresses!! and replace with fresh linen .. check if duvets need freshening up too!!
Got an hour...
Clean 2 windows
Grab a toy box and throw/rehome anything that is no longer wanted.. it'll be chrimbo before we know it and we need the space!!
Wipe any sticky marks off walls and doors
Extra Task List
  • Wipe the radiators, skirtings and window & door frames!
  • HHI
  • End of week fling!! grab a binbag and fill it with stuff to leave the house.. rubbish or charity shop or to donate to a friend!
  • Vacuum the floor
  • update bank accounts/finances
  • Bake a cake/buns/twinks hobnobs with the children..
Mortgage Free as of 20.9.17
Declutter challenge 2023, 2024 🏅 🏅⭐️⭐️
DH declutter challenge award 🏅⭐️


  • pigpen
    pigpen Posts: 41,074 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    thank you chuck.. we're in.. and decorating!!
    LB moment 10/06 Debt Free date 6/6/14
    Hope to be debt free until the day I die
    Mortgage-free Wannabee (05/08/30)
    6/6/14 £72,454.65 (5.65% int.)
    08/12/2023 £33602.00 (4.81% int.)
  • Valli
    Valli Posts: 24,886 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Ooh good - my kitchen is desperate for a clean!

    I'm in!

    Ironed my duvet cover and spotted that DS has packed bags, which suggests he is going over to his GFs tonight...


    I have 'bottomed' his room - bed stripped including valance sheet, I have even stripped down his fan and vacuumed the cage and washed the blades!

    I have STILL to make MY bed :eek: and I have promised DD a trip to the Swedish store (clearly have been SEVERELY affected by a week in the sun) :rotfl:
    Don't put it DOWN; put it AWAY
    "I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness" Emily Dickinson
    :heart:Janice 1964-2016:heart:

    Thank you Honey Bear
  • aklmatthews
    i am in did really well last week did just about everything on the lists but not done much over the weekend so need to get back into it.
  • bossymoo
    bossymoo Posts: 6,924 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Me please! Desperately needed! But paid stuff too.

    Thank you for the lists, Natty and Dusty

    Hope you had a lovely day, pigpen

    Away with the fairies :beer:
  • greent
    greent Posts: 10,671 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic
    edited 4 August 2014 at 9:00PM
    Thanks Natty for the lists :) I'm in :D

    Am out every morning this week with 2 smallies at swimming lessons, so time will be limited each day and I have a lot of other stuff to do - including (not on list) packing for hols early Sat morning and making sure DS1 is ready for army camp early Sat morning

    Week's tasks:
    Charity paperwork
    PTA & Charity banking
    Pay day for DH and myself - money shuffle - partly done - CC bills left to pay
    Expenses - me - charity ones
    Book hair appt for me

    Sort haircuts for 2 boys
    Book eyebrows appt for me!

    Write Toots list for house and garden :) - started
    Chase DD's EHIC card!
    do bank rec for DH's business
    VAT return
    Chipsaway for my car
    C4C clothes and books
    Deliver ebay parcel and present to Sis
    Give blood :)
    Deliver big pile of craft stuff to friend
    Phone DS1 friend's mum to arrange a 'playdate' for them (not my choice - they are 14, !!!!!! - I think they are capable of arranging their own stuff and then checking with me/ her as to whether it's ok!

    Monday Melee ~ Kitchen and Dining Room

    15 minutes...
    Clear and wipe kitchen surfaces
    Clear 1 window sill
    Open windows and let in that summer sun!!!!
    30 minutes to spare...
    Sweep and mop kitchen floor
    Vacuum dining room
    Scrub out the sticky fridge!
    Wipe dining table..
    Wipe kitchen table
    Got an hour...
    Dust any extra furniture in dining area, checking for cobwebs on way round
    Wipe and replace all those small appliances.. kettle, toaster etc
    Clean cupboard door fronts and fronts of appliances
    Extra Mission : help yourself

    • Clean the hob
    • shine the sink & taps..
    • Empty the bin.. wash it out.. and make it smell SWEET
    See you all tomorrow :) xx
    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
    Repaid mtge early (orig 11/25) 01/09 £124616 01/11 £89873 01/13 £52546 01/15 £12133 07/15 £NIL
    Net sales 2024: £20
  • lynnejk
    lynnejk Posts: 5,732 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 4 August 2014 at 12:02AM
    Hiya everyone :hello:
    I'm in again please. That's me back to work tomorrow so need to get organised again and not leave it through the week :naughty:

    Great we're starting with the kitchen as I am kind of on top of that as I have been doing quite a bit of batch cooking.

    If it's gone I've done it or don't have it

    Monday Melee ~ Kitchen and Dining Room

    15 minutes...
    Clear and wipe kitchen surfaces
    Clear 1 window sill
    Open windows and let in that summer sun!!!!
    30 minutes to spare...
    Sweep and mop floors
    Scrub out the sticky fridge!
    Wipe dining table.. (clean table cloth if necessary)
    Got an hour...
    Dust any extra furniture in dining area, checking for cobwebs on way round
    Wipe and replace all those small appliances.. kettle, toaster etc
    Clean cupboard door fronts and fronts of appliances .. don't forget those kick boards..
    Clean out your mankiest kitchen cupboard..
    Extra Mission : help yourself

    • Clean the hob
    • Wipe down any tiles and shine those taps.. a toothbrush is great for cleaning away the gunk!
    • 32 fling boogie..
    • Phone someone you love just to tell them so!
    • Empty the bin.. wash it out.. and make it smell SWEET

    My list for this week (some c/fwd and sure there's more :huh: )
    Buy new swimmies
    Buy some more cotton socks
    Look for new breakdown cover
    Look for new travel insurance
    Monthly accounts
    Sort out CDs
    Make Spanish flashcards

    Order railcard for DH
    Find DH's sandals (apparently 'vanished')
    Make 'Bottom of fridge' soup
    Sort dry stock cupboard and check - definite 'frog'
    Sort all hotspots - starting to get to me
    Cane Toad in spare room

    Hope you all have a marvellous Monday

    Bulk buy.......APR=233.76
    OS WL= -2/8 ......CC =00......Savings = £13,140
  • skint_breeder_5
    We are in here at the Skint Ritz.......need to keep the momentum going as builder comes at 7 am, and I have the BD big boss Dr appt tomorrow

    Done some degibbling in my BR tonight, but now out of plastic mini chests......back to 99pee shoppee for me tomorrow........hugs, sticks and spoons in the jar, help yourselves
    The cold never bothered me anyway
  • ionafan
    ionafan Posts: 4,479 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Thank you Natty for the new list. I am definitely flying this week, but I'm aiming to spend today and tomorrow on clearing most of my Toots list and will be flying up to York on Wednesday. That means leaving all the cleaning until the end of the week.

    My list for today:
    - strip and wash bedding as soon as DH sets foot out of bed
    - get more paint
    - paint
    - finish decluttering study
    - make up another resource box
    - HHI (including curtain hems) if my shoulder will take it
    - craft evening with the Old Wives, so I shan't have to watch any of DH's preferred TV: last night's Genghis Khan was the stuff of nightmares
    broken biscuit box decluttered enough to fit remainders into biscuit barrel (my favourite flying activity of the week!)

    Even Superskinty has to eat, and you deserve a treat after that mega-effort ;) Good luck with the BD big boss Dr appt (today or tomorrow?) x

    Valli, enjoy your trip to Sweden :D

    Hope everyone has a good week. (((Hugs))), spoons and sticks to all as needed
  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,971 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Morning flyladies. Thanks for the list Natty. I'm in again so off I go to wash out the kitchen bins.

    Before 6.30 this morning I was chasing Littleydog down the road after she escaped out the door when I was checking something and chased a cat. The day can only get better.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Spend less now, work less later.
  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,971 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Ok, yesterday's washing is on the line, rest of bedding in the machine, bin smells sweet and the garden is watered. Next gym, shower and walk the dogs.
    Spend less now, work less later.
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