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  • BookWorm
    BookWorm Posts: 2,467 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post
    Have a wonderful holiday JKS :)
  • Byatt
    Byatt Posts: 3,496 Forumite
    Yes, have a lovely holiday JKS, I know some of my best holidays have just been DD and I. Admittedly she's an adult, so often she goes "clubbing" while I stay in and read and relax. Hope the weather is at least dry.

    I'm currently reading 2 Val Mcdermid books, so do get a little confused on first reading :o, plus The Book Thief, Phillip Kerr's Bernie Gunther thriller, and long haul Stieg those on Kindle for pc, but that's another story! ;) I love Lee Child Boddy, along with Bernie Gunther, Reacher is my call on for help if they ever in some alternative universe, exist!

    RPP, hope the tip visit is productive. I usually come away with more than I left. :o

    Calico, love the bee tale, you are a natural story teller.

    BW, how's your head today?

    I'm just clearing up ready to leave here tomorrow, home again, I can't wait, I miss my boy Polo too and he misses me.

    DD is clearing out gf's stuff still, not happy about parent of gf bringing gf to pick up stuff, although it's all outside and DD won't be there. Kind of surpressing my anger which is not good as physical pains are cropping up...but being angry doesn't help DD.

    Thanks again for all your support, :A
  • BookWorm
    BookWorm Posts: 2,467 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post
    Much better today thanks Byatt :)
  • mum2one
    mum2one Posts: 16,279 Forumite
    Xmas Saver!
    JKS - Have a fantastic holiday, and good luck with trying to get DD to cut her clothes back... our house its me that needs to do the cutting back...

    I know what you mean about the adult chat to, not to bad if we go with grandparents, but when just me and DD she happy in the pool, buts it feels like 48/7 rather than 24/7 - were not to bad in evening shes happy to watch some entertainment in the hotel, sometimes she'll make a friend but you still need eyes everywhere xx
    xx rip dad... we had our ups and downs but we’re always be family xx
  • LavenderBees
    LavenderBees Posts: 1,718 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Hello Everyone :j

    Sorry, been very busy recently, and have only skim read your posts for the last few days so need to go back for a proper catchup, but really hope you are all well.

    New Sparky (not CalicoCat's Sparky) had my new shower fitted within half an hour of arriving yesterday morning, and oh, my! the bliss of a lovely warm has to be up there with all the good things in life that we take for granted...pure bliss, it was this morning. He also resealed my bath, so that's another job off the long list I try to ignore :rotfl:

    The chicken run is almost finished :T, my handyman has worked his socks off, and we're now just waiting for the henhouse (and all the other equipment) to arrive on Thursday to get it all set up, and finish the 4th side of the run...and then Folks, the great plan is to go and get some girls on Friday afternoon from this farm...

    Calicocat was here this afternoon, and very kindly listened to me drivelling on for hours about chickens, as well as letting me drag her to the garden centre to get the food for them, and devise toys..perhaps they will be the only footballing chickens in Northumberland?? :p

    Calico has also helped me choose the chickens, and suggested I ring the farm to see what's available - the farmer says he has point of lay Border Blue, Border Sussex and Border Coucou ready now, so that's what I will be getting. They look very pretty, relatively easy to handle and good layers. I am SOOOOO excited. :j

    Next weekend should be a quiet one for me, so my plan is to get the girls on Friday afternoon, and then be at the allotment most of the weekend. I need to get planting potatoes and sorting my seedlings, so it will be ideal for getting to know the girls, and letting them get used to me.

    And I need to be thinking of names, but only when I get to know their personalities a little ....

    Right, that's you all caught up on my news. I'm off to read the last 10 pages or so :o

    LB xx
  • Byatt
    Byatt Posts: 3,496 Forumite
    They have a Happy Hen Holiday Camp! :T

    Lovely birds, good choice! :D
  • LavenderBees
    LavenderBees Posts: 1,718 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Byatt wrote: »
    They have a Happy Hen Holiday Camp! :T

    Lovely birds, good choice! :D

    I know...a hennery! which is good to know, in case I win the lottery and get to go on holiday loads.

    I think this is as close to choosing a hen as I'll get as the farmer wants me to ring on Friday morning to confirm collection on Friday afternoon, and I'm not allowed to wander around as it's a working farm. Presume I tell him the types I want, and he selects them ready for me. Still, it saves me having to choose from thousands, which would be impossible!

    Can't wait for Thursday now to get their "room" prepared for Friday :rotfl:

    Caught up on the thread, now, and it's good to see some good stuff going on, amongst the tears and fears of everyday life. Absolutely, this thread is here for us all to draw on for support, have a laugh, a cry, a moan, whatever gets us through what can be tough days. I'm really glad we're building this wee support network...welcome to the newbie :). All are welcome to comment/contribute.

    Bedtime to dream of my girls :)
  • calicocat
    calicocat Posts: 5,698 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Chutzpah Haggler
    Afternoon folks....

    Wizzed off to shops this morning for some beef to do a SC stew, home and straight back into pj's.

    It's totally teaming it down here, so have just spent the day lazing around and pottering around the house...a lot of it has just been thinking about what I should be doing rather than actually doing it.

    I have potted up some thyme seedlings and Dill, sown some cumin some more cat grass.

    I don't really have a clue what i'm doing with any of this so it's all a bit of trial and error, plus the things that seem to do well flipping cat eats before they get a good hold on life.

    I have two tomato plant seedlings....but have seriously no clue what to do with these...i've heard you can grow tomato plants in hanging may try this in the conservatory as will be very hot in the summer, not sure if you have to get a particular type to do this though.

    There are loads of seagulls flying about and screeching today and it's gone cold...I have shoved the heating on just waiting for stew to be ready...smells fab.

    I really should hoover again as cat litter is all over once more...but not entirely sure I can be bothered.

    Hope everyone having a good day.
    Yep...still at it, working out how to retire early.:D....... Going to have to rethink that scenario as have been screwed over by the company. A work in progress.
  • mcculloch29
    mcculloch29 Posts: 4,972 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler
    It looks as if we all did exactly the same thing with the Teviotdale link - clicked on the Happy Hen Holiday Camp for info, :D.
    Grey and showery here, but good weather promised for the morning.

    The cold-ish weather gives me an good excuse to do a casserole, anyway. One of Jacks that we both enjoyed is getting a re-run. (Sausage, bacon, lentil).
    Erma Bombeck, American writer: "If I had my life to live over again... I would have burned the pink candle, sculptured like a rose, that melted in storage." Don't keep things 'for best' - that day never comes. Use them and enjoy them now.
  • moneyistooshorttomention
    moneyistooshorttomention Posts: 17,940 Forumite
    edited 7 April 2014 at 5:00PM
    Yep indeed....I understand its possible to grow tumbler type tomatoes from hanging baskets. Have also read that extra tomato plants can be obtained for free by nipping out those side shoots we are always told to remove and transplanting them into a bit of soil too (haven't tried it...but its a hint read often enough that it qualifies as "worth trying").

    Has been steadily drizzling a bit here this morning (so what's new about that?:cool::() and, right now, I'm thinking "Thank goodness for normal weather (ie dry/calm and at least reasonably sunny)". By now I have a cynics take on weather of "You can tell what part of the country someone is from by what they regard as Normal Weather". I has news that what I've had here so far is NOT Normal Weather by my definition. Fingers crossed that it will be Normal Weather (according to what I'm used to) soon on a pretty consistent basis. A fellow incomer/ess commented to me today that they were "Driven mad by all this rain" when they first moved here, but have got used to it subsequently. Make that rain and wind (frequency of and level of) in my case and I gather my exact location counts as "sheltered":rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:(not from where I'm standing.....).

    It WILL get better soon. It WILL and "normal service will be resumed".

    Plus point for the day was a workman I called in for a mini-emergency situation is obviously still feeling sorry for me missing a lot of What I Am Used To and refused to charge me for today's visit for something:D:A. Yep...I know that attitude makes commercial sense (ie because I've already recommended him to a new incomer friend of mine that she should use him too)..but it felt like a very "genuine" response to helping me out, rather than a "free advert" response iyswim.

    This is the "swings and roundabouts" thing isn't it? My own part of the country (ie Southern England) where people easily find it perfectly possible to ignore the fact that another person is nearby but "life is normal" (ie weather level/facilities available/etc) and it's overcrowded OR weather is distinctly "abnormal" and "drive you mad" level for a substantial part of the year and its difficult to get services/facilities you are used to etc, but you are aware that you've been clocked as "A.N. Other person is there" and acknowledged or more on the other hand....

    This is the thing...take London, for example, and just try to have an emergency situation on the street and see how many people will totally ignore you. My own area = you will have people come to your aid, but people are pretty good at "tuning out" that there is another person around otherwise and here (ie where people will expect everyone to "turn to" if needed and will do so themselves but the weather and facilities level is ******). Pays your money and takes your choice I guess...
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