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Chicken Stock - how to make it in a slow cooker?

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this forum and you all seem a friendly bunch and there is a wealth of information on here but thought I would take the plunge and start a thread!
I am trying to become more OS but I know this will take time so I am doing it little by little.
Today I have got a chicken pot roasting in my slow cooker.
I did this last week too and instead of saving the left over chicken for sandwiches, as I usually do, I used it the next day for another dinner so was chuffed with myself that I got 2 meals for 4 from one smallish chicken. :)
Anyway, I know a lot of you probably make stock with the leftover bones, etc whereas I bin them. :o
I really would like to try to make a stock but I don't have a clue where to start.
Also after cooking in the slow cooker, the carcass and bones are in lots of bits and sitting in the fat from the chicken. Is it okay to make stock from these "bits"?
Sorry if I sound silly but I really have no idea where to start, and I am trying to become less wasteful.
Any tips would be most welcome.
Thank you.
:heart: Ageing is a privilege not everyone gets.


  • angie_loves_veg
    angie_loves_veg Posts: 1,484 Forumite
    Here's a basic, but virtually all of it can be modified

    bones and 'bits' from one chicken
    one onion, quartered - I don't peel it if it is clean - skin adds colour
    large carrot - cut into 5/6 chunks
    couple of stalks of celery (or the frondy bits you throw away) - don't buy specially, its fine without
    5 peppercorns (no salt)
    1 or 2 bay leaves

    water to cover the chicken. (1 or 2 litres) make a note as to how much you add so you can repeat for the same effect next time.

    bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer. I cover the pan or I find it all evaporates away!

    simmer for 1hr plus - the longer you leave it, the 'stronger' the stock

    remove any 'scum' on the surface

    i leave it to cool, then strain through muslin and sieve, put into tubs, label, date and freeze.
  • Clutterfree
    Clutterfree Posts: 3,678 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Photogenic
    Thanks Angie!
    I have all of the above ingredients in my cupboards, bar the celery, so I shall give it a go.
    Do I use the liquid fat from the chicken in it as well or is it best to drain that off before making the stock to make it healthier?
    Also can I make it in the slow cooker as opposed to in a pan on the hob, and if so for how long and which temp?
    Sorry for all the questions, but I really am clueless! :o
    :heart: Ageing is a privilege not everyone gets.
  • Clutterfree
    Clutterfree Posts: 3,678 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Photogenic
    Sorry, me again! :o
    Well we had the chicken for dinner, plus enough left for tomorrow night too :) and I am now left with all the remnants of the chicken sitting in my slow cooker.
    I have put the skin in there too.
    Is this right or should I remove that & the fat before making the stock?
    Any help for this OS Newbie appreciated!
    :heart: Ageing is a privilege not everyone gets.
  • angie_loves_veg
    angie_loves_veg Posts: 1,484 Forumite
    The fat and the skin do contain a lot of the flavour that you are looking for, so I would be tempted to use it all (I would *definately* use the skin - probably the fat too) - If you are worried about the ultimate fat content, once the strained stock has cooled, the fat will rise to the surface enabling you to carefully remove some (I use a metal spoon for this).

    I do not own a slow cooker, so cannot advise - I have only ever made stock on the hob.

    Give it a shot... you should be pleasantly surprised at both how simple it is, and how tasty it is too....
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi Clutterfree,

    To make stock from a chicken I put any leftover chicken (bones, skin and any meat I'm not using for something else) into the oven in the roasting dish to brown........this really helps the flavour of the stock.

    Then put the lot into the slow cooker........I also throw in any left over veg or half dead bits of veg you find in the bottom of the fridge. (I keep the ends of vegetables and peelings in the freezer specifically for making stock).

    Cover it with water and leave on overnight.

    Strain the liquid into a pan and discard all the bones/veg etc.

    Put the pan onto the hob and boil to reduce it to a smaller amount (if you intend to freeze it) as it takes up less room in the freezer.

    A good stock will be jelly like when cold.

    If you are making stock on the hob, after browning the bones and adding water and veg, quickly bring it to the boil and then reduce the heat and let it simmer for at least four hours.

    I hope this helps.

  • Clutterfree
    Clutterfree Posts: 3,678 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Photogenic
    Thanks Angie - I will keep everything then and scoop off the fat at the end!

    Pink, thanks for your tips. I will brown it all first and then put in my slow cooker overnight.
    Which temp is best please? High/Med/Low?

    Also just realised I don't have any bay leaves! :eek: Is there anything else I can use instead?

    Sorry, as you can see I am a complete novice but I am sooooooo excited about making my own stock for the first time ever! :o

    Thank you for all your help and for making me feel welcome on here. :)
    :heart: Ageing is a privilege not everyone gets.
  • fizzel81
    fizzel81 Posts: 1,623 Forumite
    am i the only one who just used the chicken carcuss/skin etc for a stock, ive never thought to add veg peelings onions etc
    DFW nerd club number 039 :p 'Proud To Be Dealing With My Debts' :money: i will be debt free aug 2010

    2008 live on 4k +cb £6,247.98/£6282.80 :T
    sealed pot 2670g
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  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I will brown it all first and then put in my slow cooker overnight.
    Which temp is best please? High/Med/Low?

    Also just realised I don't have any bay leaves!

    Hi Clutterfree,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I normally cook mine on high but my slow cooker is almost an antique :D (23 years old) and tends to cook much more slowly than the more modern ones. If yours is relatively new I'd add enough water to cover the bones and cook it on medium.

    It will be fine without bay leaves.....I often forget to add one and as fizzle says it's quite possible to make good chicken stock without adding any extras at all.

  • Clutterfree
    Clutterfree Posts: 3,678 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Photogenic
    Thanks again Pink! :)
    I have done as you said and the stock is now cooling in a measuring jug.
    The fat has separated from the stock but I will wait until it is completely cooled before skimming it off.
    It has made about 6 fl oz of stock and there is about another 4 fl oz of fat on top! :eek:
    Does that seem about right? For some reason I expected there to be more stock, but never having made it before I don't know!

    Expect a "what to do with chicken stock" post from me soon! :o:D
    :heart: Ageing is a privilege not everyone gets.
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi Clutterfree,

    Have you reduced the stock to 6 fl oz?

    Normally having covered the carcass with water and leaving it overnight in the slow cooker, I'd expect one and a half to two pints of stock :confused:

    Hold on........there are lots of other threads on stock making, I'll go and dig them out to see if I've missed something.

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