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OS Monday 16th April '07

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for Monday 16th April 2007. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

:hello: Goooood Morning fellow OS’ers :D:D:D

Up earlier than planned, but then I did fall into bed early too :o

Had a lovely afternoon with the lads yesterday but they are back at school today, (never like the first day back, I’m a softie who misses them) :o :laugh: This time next week I’ll be preparing to wave goodbye to d12yo when he goes away for a week with the school, so I need to plan how to enjoy having d11yo all to myself :laugh:

Today will be a planning/budgeting/list day. Need to sort through the kitchen cupboards and freezer too so I can assess what I have and build from there. Good day to do it because the bins go out Monday night so anything that needs throwing out (heaven forbid!) won’t be left hanging around. Really should use up those bags of beans/lentils I’ve got stored so I’ll be checking out some of Gingham’s recipes I think for inspiration.

Got a couple of celebratory meals out coming up in the next week or so, need to budget around those. One I can hazard a good guestimate of the cost but the other … goodness knows!?

All the laundry is up to date, but that just means I have a huge pile of ironing to wade through – I’m not a lover of ironing :o

Wishing you all a moneysaving Monday of smiles and good things :D:D :wave:
PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00


  • HariboJunkie
    HariboJunkie Posts: 7,740 Forumite
    Morning Queenie and all to follow. :D

    Can't sleep won't sleep so have decided it's not worth it now and am about to make a start on the ironing. Bet mine's bigger than yours Queenie. :p (ironing pile that is.) will empty DW and put BM on too.

    I made yummy lentil soup today for lunch and will freeze the rest today. Also cooked a big lamb stew in SC for tea and should have had loads left over to freeze but OH polished off the lot.:rolleyes: can you still get growth spurts at 37 :rolleyes: :D

    I have family coming from Ireland to visit on Thursday so I'm going to gut the house today and try to keep on top of it through the week. Should be easier with the girls back at school.

    Have done alot of gardening over the weekend and bbqed on thur/fri/sat but the weather has turned alot cooler now so I'm happy to turn my attention back to the house.

    My horny little kitten goes in to be spayed at 8.30am so will spend much of the day worrying about her and will cook her a bit of salmon for her supper.:o

    talking of salmon My OH is doing some consultancy work for a smokery at the mo and we got loads of freebies yesterday so am looking for something exciting to do with some cold smoked salmon and hot smoked trout. Have already polished off the smoked mussels. :o (my favourite)

    Hope you all have a lovely Monday.

    Haribo x
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Good morning Queenie and everyone to follow.

    Well today is back to work/school day for most of us here and as usual I'm worrying about getting everyone up and I'm wide a wake in the middle of the night and likely to be dead slow and stop in the morning.

    We had a lovely Easter lots done but some lazy bits too. Back to porridge tomorrow for all but the youngest who's off until Tuesday.

    Plans for today:
    Get back into the way of all the normal chores.
    Take ds2 out on his new bike to help him get used to it.
    Visit the garden centre to buy lavender and rosemary seeds.
    Paint the edges on the front of the house if it stays fine ready for rollering tomorrow.
    Make something quick and easy for tea so we can all eat together before I go out to work tonight.

    Don't I lead an exciting life! :rolleyes: :o Thanks again to all who sent birthday wishes to ds2 on Saturday.

    I hope you all have a lovely day.


    Edit:'s way past your bedtime........what are you doing up??!!:D Good luck at the vets tomorrow, and even better luck towards the end of the week. :)
  • Paul1sh
    Paul1sh Posts: 43 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one on here who's up getting everything ready for the morning - apart from the ironing that can wait till 9a.m.
    "As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns; The ones we don't know we don't know."

    Donald Rumsfeld
  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    Good morning everyone.......

    haribo.... awwww give your little kitten a little cuddle from me, x x x

    well i clocked watched all night yet again !, now i feel shattered.

    once dd has gone to school im taking a walk ( yes WALK )up to mr Ts... the sales asst told me that from this morning that any easter eggs would be a quater of the price, and they had loads of packs of cream eggs.. so i thought i would get some in for packed lunches ect.. i will report back here as soon as i get back.

    im starting a diet today, but im not paying out to go to be weighed at weight watchers any more as it seems silly to pay almost £5 just to step on the scales... so i wondered if anyone else here wants to loose a bit, then lets make mondays a weigh in day and try together ? ( i must not eat any cream eggs on way back from tesco !! )

    havent thought about what meals im doing today, will look in the freezer soon and decide....
    well im off to do packed lunches, catch you all later
    Loraine x x x
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • SnowyOwl_2
    SnowyOwl_2 Posts: 5,257 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning all

    It's Monday morning and I don't want to go to w*r* hoo!! Well, it's not that bad I guess, but I would so love to find a way to not have to go to w*r* at all and yet have no money worries.

    My plans for today are v.simple - just get home in one piece after w*rk and then do some ironing and a bit of cleaning. I did lots in the kitchen, sitting-room and hall yesterday, hoovered upstairs as well - so the house isn't looking too bad right now. My hot spot is my desk, it's a mountain of papers, files, books and magazines...really need to get it under control.

    Haribo, best of luck with your little madam at the vet's, though she will be fine. The local frisky Toms will have to go elsewhere now, lol, and your little lady will forget about her recent loose woman behaviour cos there ain't no point no more, he he.

    Pink, there was a little bit of rain here last night - maybe not a good idea to start painting the outside of the house. (Is that good news??)

    Have a lovely Monday everyone.

  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    Just spent a very interesting hour or so reading through GR's Spring menu thread, seems the Cabbage Galette is very popular :laugh: I can get 4 cabbages for £1 at my local farm shop, so this is definately on the menu plan for this week :T Anyone know if it freezes??:confused:
    AMIE399 wrote: »
    im starting a diet today, but im not paying out to go to be weighed at weight watchers any more as it seems silly to pay almost £5 just to step on the scales... so i wondered if anyone else here wants to loose a bit, then lets make mondays a weigh in day and try together ? ( i must not eat any cream eggs on way back from tesco !! ) ...
    There's an ongoing weight loss thread in the I Wanna board - which you might find helpful. Also, have you signed up for the (free) Weight Watchers newsletter? Often has links to WW recipes and motivational pieces.
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
  • RacyRed
    RacyRed Posts: 4,930 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post

    It's just about light enough to see the keyboard now so good morning to you all and I hope everyone is well this morning. Hope all LO's heading back to school this week have a good term.

    It's work for me today too, (I know how you feel Snowy icon9.gif) then Ironing Mountain this evening, or maybe I'll leave it until tomorrow evening, when the weather will be much cooler. My outdoor thermometer thing read 26.9 degrees at it's highest outside and over 36 inside yesterday! Phew! No wonder my arms are feeling a bit burnt!

    Haribo, good luck to your little lady today, I'm sure she will be fine. I hope she thoroughly enjoyed herself over the last few days ;)

    Pink, you have it all wrong! I'm sure you really have to [strike]sit [/strike] work in the garden today, not paint the outside of the house, it will be much to warm for that :D

    Thanks for all the kind comments on the piccy yesterday, it came out better than I'd expected it to. I think I said in a late post last night, but for those who asked, it is the Hertford Union Canal, and yes, it's in the middle of east London. And I know I'm very, very lucky to have found myself a view like that... It only took me 30 odd years to find it. :rotfl: Sadly the flat that goes with it is tiny, but I know I can't have it all (unless my Lottery numbers come up, that is) :D

    Time for breakfast and then get myself out the door. Hugs to all who would like one.
    My first reply was witty and intellectual but I lost it so you got this one instead :D
    Proud to be a chic shopper
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Queenie, Aren't Ginghams recipes fantastic! I am a carnivore through and through but have enjoyed many of the recipes on her threads.

    AMIE, weigh in day on the lose weight thread is wednesday as far as I can remember.....They're a lovely lot on that thread and hopefully will give you the willpower to lose weight. Whatever way you decide to do it, good luck with your diet.

    Racy, only a couple of weeks until I get to see your view and your coots...I can't wait! Looking forward to seeing you too of course. :D

  • Mrs_Flittersnoop
    Morning all! Cloudy and cooler here today, I hope we don't get any rain since I have a huge basket of washing waiting to be done. AND I ploughed through my entire basket of ironing last night too, it's just never-ending...

    Very quiet here without DS who got back to uni safely yesterday and who texted to say that the HM banana bread was lush. OH complained bitterly last night that there was none left for him, might take pity on him later and put him a fruit cake in the oven if I'm using it for something else, can't remember what's on the meal plan for today yet :o

    Got to tidy and clean downstairs this morning, then my mission today is to clean out the fridges which are disgusting :o:o , I'll be going to either the market or the farm shop tomorrow so need to stock up on veggies and at the moment the salad drawer looks like a bad science project.

    Breakfast: porridge with stewed rhubarb
    Lunch: probably a salad or a sandwich, not sure yet
    Dinner: can't remember, but I think it may be salmon gratin using up a couple of spare fillets I have in the freezer

    Time for a coffee, I think, maybe my brain cells will wake up then :rotfl:

    Have a good day everyone! Hope the sick people are feeling better today (hugs to all, especially Penny Pincher)

    Mrs F x
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good Morning to you all!

    Queenie and Haribo - enjoy your ironing! I have a big pile to do as well and I know it won't get done today because I've so many other exciting things planned - like changing the sheets and hoovering and dusting upstairs and downstairs plus paperwork - oh, the thrill of it all!

    Haribo - good luck to your kitten!

    Amie - save me a cream egg, won't you? We bought some chocolate that was on offer on Saturday and can't find it. How sad and scary is that? When we find it, it may even have melted after yesterday's 'heatwave' so may be almost inedible - almost!

    Snowy, when you've done your desk perhaps you can come over and do mine! It's really been building up and I have several wobbly piles of paper that must be sorted through. Probably most of it is rubbish - I'm a great cutter-out of things in the papers and have decided today to start a proper scrap book plus buy some more folders - Sainsbury's do ring binders for .79p for the big ones and .39p for small so today I am going to buy a couple of each and try and make a start!

    I woke up about half-an-hour ago and the birds are going absolutely mad this morning! There's a cranefly flying around the kitchen - doesn't he know he shouldn't wake up until August? I bravely disposed of a wasp yesterday - I had to, OH is terrified of them (they do go for him so I can understand why!) and there was one in the bedroom; I knew he wouldn't be able to relax so I actually cornered him in a glass (the wasp, not OH!) and managed to throw him out of the window. I was VERY brave! Seriously, he gets rid of spiders for me so it was the least I could do! My biggest fear insectwise is maybugs (and, of course, it's nearly May!) - I can't stand them. This wasn't helped when, a few years ago, my DS2 (a child possessed by the devil and whom I swore had the imprint of 666 and a couple of horns on his forehead when he was born - he's a lot better now!) put a dead one under a cup and when I found it I went into such serious shock my OH still talks about it with awe and it must have been about nine years ago. DS2 couldn't say sorry enough - he was mortified when he realised what it did to me and the whole episode has become a family legend. DS1 - who by then was at university - thought it was hysterical when we told him and laughed till he cried. Now and again, I threaten DS2 with a moth sandwich just to keep him in his place!

    Oh, look - my tea's gone cold; I scared myself talking about maybugs and completely forgot about it. I'm going to make another one and take OH his - I'm so kind - he's actually fitting a couple of kitchens for customers for the next couple of weeks so I will get some long-awaited peace and quiet. I don't get an awful lot done when he's around - he's always waiting for the next cuppa!
    Weather here looks promising again so I'll get even more washing dry which will mean an even bigger pile of ironing tomorrow! Oh joy, oh joy!

    Hope everyone has a great day and that all the children have a good day back at school!

    See you later.:j :j :j :hello: :hello: :hello: :wave: :wave: :wave: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :dance: :dance: :dance: :T :T :T

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
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