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was this a ghost ?



  • meritaten
    meritaten Posts: 24,158 Forumite
    I do hope anyone who has an experience to relate will not be afraid to do so. We are all entitled to and any amount of criticism should not prevent that. Please, if you do have anything to say, go ahead. It makes for an interesting debate to hear both sides and we all have a different viewpoint so don't worry about being ridiculed. It's great to hear from everyone.

    well, I for one am fed up of relating experiences and then being insulted by people who feel a moral superiority because they DON'T believe something. I even got insulted earlier in the thread because I said I had an open mind. another poster insulted me because they had seen a thread I had posted elsewhere which suggested that I dont believe in Evolution!
    I DONT believe totally in Evolution - I have every right not too! its not against the law to believe in ghosts because I have had some experiences of them - and not to believe in Evolution because it isnt logical to me!
    its ok to say dont worry about being ridiculed motherofstudents - but its ruddy annoying when these sort of threads come up that if you DO post and experience you get all these earnest people pointing out how you cannot possibly have seen/heard/sensed/ smelt anything as it was scientifically impossible! OH and they wont countenance the possibility of being wrong either! Arrogant or what!
  • keystone
    keystone Posts: 10,916 Forumite
    Person_one wrote: »
    I post this a lot, give it a read.

    Russell's Teapot.
    OK now I've had a chance for a look at your link now. What a disappointment though - its a Wiki entry. I was hoping for / expecting something far more erudite. Never mind.

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. - Einstein
  • Person_one
    Person_one Posts: 28,884 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    keystone wrote: »
    OK now I've had a chance for a look at your link now. What a disappointment though - its a Wiki entry. I was hoping for / expecting something far more erudite. Never mind.


    Well its a pretty simple concept.
  • keystone
    keystone Posts: 10,916 Forumite
    Person_one wrote: »
    So my question is, what about all the people that die and never come back to comfort their loved ones? What about those of us that have been broken to pieces by grief and never had the reassurance of a visit?
    Have you ever heard of the theory or perhaps "myth" (I'll use the word before Barking Dai comes back) concerning robins? Yes I mean these:

    Did our loved ones just not care as much? Are 'visitation tickets' rationed somehow? Am I a bad person who doesn't deserve to see her loved ones one last time?
    No of course you are not but how do you know that you aren't being watched over but you are either not in need of such reassurance or the negative energy that you so clearly and forcibly emanate is actually preventing such contact being made. You write as though you want it to be the case but your negativity is direcetd by the fact that it hasn't happened to you yet. Oh that higher power I referred to in an earlier post which you didn't react to? How about if that actually comes from within you rather than externally? No I'm not trying to convert / educate /. whatever you. I have nothing to prove to you. I'm just asking you questions.
    (Your experience sounds like it was probably the work of BT testing the line.)
    See you were actually doing rather well for a moment but then you went and spoiled it. Never mind.

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. - Einstein
  • keystone
    keystone Posts: 10,916 Forumite
    Person_one wrote: »
    Well its a pretty simple concept.
    Either that answer is pure obfuscation as you must have read my earlier answer or your irony detector is rather broken. :D

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. - Einstein
  • Person_one
    Person_one Posts: 28,884 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    keystone wrote: »
    Have you ever heard of the theory or perhaps "myth" (I'll use the word before Barking Dai comes back) concerning robins? Yes I mean these:


    No of course you are not but how do you know that you aren't being watched over but you are either not in need of such reassurance or the negative energy that you so clearly and forcibly emanate is actually preventing such contact being made. You write as though you want it to be the case but your negativity is direcetd by the fact that it hasn't happened to you yet. Oh that higher power I referred to in an earlier post which you didn't react to? How about if that actually comes from within you rather than externally? No I'm not trying to convert / educate /. whatever you. I have nothing to prove to you. I'm just asking you questions.

    See you were actually doing rather well for a moment but then you went and spoiled it. Never mind.


    Its interesting that you think I care about your approval.

    Believe me, I don't. Especially now that you've insinuated that its my personality that stops me from being comforted by my loved one's ghost. They liked me when they were alive you know. smiley-rolleyes007.gif

    FYI, BT regularly test the lines in the middle of the night and it doesn't show up as a 1471, ask an insomniac or a BT engineer, most people just sleep through it.
  • keystone
    keystone Posts: 10,916 Forumite
    I recall as a child watching Arthur C Clark attempt to theorise ghosts and why they did what they did, he claimed that it **could** be possible for old buildings to 'record' sounds of the past in some way, perhaps in their fabric of stone and wood etc, hence why old buildings had imprints of centuries of spirits in comparison with others. Who knows?

    Watch / read about a 1972 BBC production (Ye gods showing my age now! :D) called The Stone Tape. I asked one of the naysayers about the programme last evening on this thread and the question was ignored. Yes it was fiction but even then it made me think.

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. - Einstein
  • keystone
    keystone Posts: 10,916 Forumite
    Person_one wrote: »
    Its interesting that you think I care about your approval.
    Its interesting that you think that I was actually offering any.
    Believe me, I don't.
    Believe me I wasn't and its clear that the fact you thought that I might means that you might not have actually read what I wrote at all..
    Especially now that you've insinuated that its my personality that stops me from being comforted by my loved one's ghost.
    Ah have I jarred a nerve? Sorry 'twasn't intended. No its nothing to do with your personality at all. Its the negative energy that you transmit in relation to this subject with almost every post that you write. Tear down that internal barrier for a while. Open the door to the possibility. You might be disappointed and absolutely nothing happens. I have no idea.
    They liked me when they were alive you know. smiley-rolleyes007.gif
    Of course they did. As an individual you have to open the door for everything you do in life. Noone does it for you.
    FYI, BT regularly test the lines in the middle of the night and it doesn't show up as a 1471, ask an insomniac or a BT engineer, most people just sleep through it.
    Yes they do but it doesn't involved actually ringing any phones as far as I know. As it happens my phone constantly gives a single ring at almost exactly 23.00 most nights. Nothing on 1471. I've always put it down to some sort of internal witing issue within the house. Never thought of it as supernatural. Anyway you missed my point but never mind.

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. - Einstein
  • aliasojo
    aliasojo Posts: 23,053 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    A few years ago I lost my very dear Aunt. Understandably I was very upset that evening and my parting comment to my OH before I fell asleep was "I'll really miss her phone calls and the breezy way she'd say Hello Janey! When I picked up the phone".

    Now at the time my Father was very ill and I was on alert all the time, consequently when the phone rang at 3.30am I sat upright a bit dazed and put on the light. OH commented something to the effect of "are you going to answer it then?". I picked it up and it went dead. Confused I dialed 1471 and got the last number dialed - my sis in law the previous evening. By now both kids were awake having also heard the phone ringing. I went downstairs and checked the other phone, still the same result. OH looked at me and reminded me of my last words "I'll really miss her phone calls".

    I could never begin to try and explain that but I'd like to think it was her way of saying goodbye.

    I posted this on another thread a while ago.....

    Herman - MP for all! :)
  • jtr2803
    jtr2803 Posts: 3,232 Forumite
    kazza1000 wrote: »
    Guys, I fully understand everyone who KNOWS that ghosts/spirits do not exist. I was one of you - until, that is my I saw my late husband (of nearly 8 years) standing in our living room one evening about 15 months after he died.

    For a long time after that after that I would be woken by the smell of frying bacon in the wee small hours of every Saturday night/Sunday morning - he always made a fry on Sunday morning. We live in a detached house in the middle of nowhere so no neighbours to blame;)
    The bacon frying does not happen so often now, maybe every 4/5 months but is still very comforting.

    Our boys, who were only 3 and 5 years old when their dad died, have both also seen him standing in front of the fireplace - each time when one of them has been in the room on his own and only one time each, if that makes sense. Both kids took an enormous amount of comfort from seeing their dad and I thank him for this.

    Also, my now-partner, the boys step-dad, has had 2 very vivid dreams in which the boys dad thanked him for taking care of his boys in a way he was not able to ( and more besides!). My OH is absolutely not prone to either imagining things or believing in ghosts but, if asked, will say that he has no doubt that he was given a message both those times.

    Without doubt my late DH was the biggest loss I have ever been through and I am extremely grateful that following what were some indescribably traumatic months I was given some comfort by the sudden realisation that, despite my previous beliefs that death was death and that was the end, I was shown without doubt that those who pass may no longer be here physically but their souls absolutely still live. And that was when I started to heal.

    Believe me, I know how ridiculous this sounds to those who do not believe, just like I didn't. No-one could ever have persuaded me differently until I experienced what I did and a whole lot more besides - the above was just the start of my journey!!

    Bless you F McG :beer:

    I really enjoyed reading this, partly because it sounds like it has given you great comfort but also because there are studies going on in regards to the soul being a physical presence. Has anyone else read 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown? In the book they talk about an experiment in which a man died whilst on scales and seconds after he died his weight changed minutely and the theory is that it was his soul leaving. Whilst the book is fictional my understanding is that this was taken from real experiments in the field of Noetic Science.

    My view is that there are things that go on in this world that we probably don't have the ability to comprehend or fathom, I keep an open mind :)

    Very happily married on 10th April 2013 :D
    Spero Meliora
    Trying to find a cure for Maldivesitis :rotfl:
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