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OS Thursday 25th January

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for 24 jan 2007. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well

Good grief where are you all..............its Thursday now honest:rotfl:

It was 17 degrees under in warrington last night and everyone was evacuated into the seven woods (local pub) where we all sang songs and bonded together as a community in the face of this extreme weather- oh and the landlord gave us free drinks and crisps all night.

not really but im very jealous we arent getting any bad weather at all

Right so plans for today..............mmmmm..............I really need to plan more.

I guess it will be ground hog day here with more printing for the next couple of weeks work.

Have a lovely day all and hope none of you need to suffer the agonies of being holed up in a pub all night due to the terrible weather - but if you are my mobile number is 077796..........:rotfl:

Hugs Nels[IMG]http://smileys.!!!!!!/cat/28/28_3_3.gif[/IMG]



  • Churchmouse
    Churchmouse Posts: 3,004 Forumite
    Nelski, you are one very naughty girl:naughty::naughty: You're not supposed to post until AFTER you've been to bed. I ran upstairs, jumped into bed, got out again, came back down here and am now replying:D Have you lost the will to live yet?:rotfl: :rotfl:

    Just pray the 5 inches of snow forecast doesn't materialise!!! 1 inch paralysed London yesterday, can't imagine what 5 inches would do!!!!

    My Thursday will hopefully be pure pleasure:D I'm due to meet with Ivyleaf for coffee/lunch so won't be doing much at all ( unless heavy snow forces a cancellation:mad: )

    Angelselondon no unfortunately I won't make the meet with Aussie, I'll be away on a little holiday for my birthday!

    Well I'm off to my bed, hope to check in later.

    You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    OMG!!! I can't believe you are so quick off the mark!!! :rotfl:

    No snow here either (yet!) but I'm prepared for the lads school being closed seeing as the boiler was broken [STRIKE]today[/STRIKE] ... er ... that'll be yesterday by now! Or rather, I'm still awake, unlikely to be up in time to get the lads motivated therefore, ... er ... er ... boilers broke! :j :j :o

    Ok, to be fair, packed lunches are done; sleep has been more of a roulette wheel for the past few weeks anyway - and unlike Kaz, "beauty" has been the last thing on my mind where sleep is concerned! (oooh, women of a certain age, huh! :rolleyes: )

    I'm hoping I will find my "oomph" (answers on a postcard, please!) and if it should remain lacking .. there's a fair chance I'll risk the Woods (free drinks, you say, Nels???? ) Anything for a bit of ooomph!!!! :rolleyes:

    The window keeps being hit by something, but, being of unsound mind, I'm happy to imagine it's uniformed millyonaires come to rescue me from the doldrums :j :j :j

    By the time regular OS'ers read this (us reprobates notwithstanding), I dare say my BM will be whirring away (timer), as too will the WM (delayed timer), unlikely that the DW will be - seeing as I don't have one - and as the lunches are already done, they won't be being done, if you see what I mean!

    My toilet won't be scrubbed, but should be well 'soaked' ready for a good brush job when I awake (if I sleep).

    Had a phone call from the boys Dad to say that snow is most definately forecast (it's a blast being on night duty and knowing what the morning will bring!) and to put a blanket on the car .... yeah, right! I'm in my pj's and my topsmost thought is "ooooh, let's put the car to bed under a snuggly warm blanket!!"????? :j :confused:

    Right, off to give Nels a call - just to remind her of her misfortune being holed up in a pub for the duration ....
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    Nelski, you are one very naughty girl:naughty::naughty: You're not supposed to post until AFTER you've been to bed. ...
    On this occasion (only!) please may I state that she has indeed been to bed ... I'm just not permitted to say ... er... where or which one :shhh: (please read flower ... NW somewhere ... ) :whistle:
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 15,197 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Photogenic
    Nelski, you are one very naughty girl:naughty::naughty: You're not supposed to post until AFTER you've been to bed.

    well other than the flower bed you're right:D but hey shoot me:rolleyes: as most Osers seem to be up and posting before I even know a new day has started then this is the only way to get on page one - and I am defo not a page 3 girl:eek: :D

    So heres what I probably wont get round to today

    cooking anything decent to eat
    doing the ..........let me see if I can get this right .............DW, WM BM (havent even got one of these so no chance) or OH (havent got one of these either:D )
    Using stardrops
    batch cooking
    .....................and so much more:o

    Heres what I may do

    make a cup of tea or two
    pour a glass of wine or two
    do a bit of work

    ....................................and thats about it
    well its honest :o ill get my coat
  • Quasar
    Quasar Posts: 121,720 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Hi everyone :hello:

    Snowed here last night but was all gone by morning. More snow forecast for tomorrow. I have to travel to St Albans at around lunchtime - 30 minutes on the Underground to Kings Cross, then 40-45 minutes on the Thameslink, so I hope there is no disruption...

    Will be staying at a nice hotel on company expenses :D:D Dinner and breakfast for freeeeeee! :j

    So I doubt I'll log in to the net tomorrow, but I won't mind one bit. ;). On my return on Friday I shall be fairly free and I shall need to do a major food shopping because my fridge is empty again. :(

    Oh, and I'm waiting for my FIRST Pigsback voucher: £10 John Lewis / Waitrose.

    I haven't heard from smokybabe today - we PMd a bit last night and I hope she's ok! If you read this smoky, I've been thinking of you xxx !

    Have a good day everyone! :)
    Be careful who you open up to. Today it's ears, tomorrow it's mouth.
  • Westywoodpecker
    I've not replied to this thread for a long time, sorry :o

    Not been to bed yet either. My Grandmother (95) didn't answer the door to the meals on wheels yesterday so I was called, (as her first contact as my father is terminally ill) along with the police. Eventually when we broken in she has been on the floor for 26 hrs :eek: She's absolutely fine & came home today , BUT if anyone has any tips on how to look after an older person I'm all ears.

    Hope you all have a nice day J x
    Now thanks to Tommix & Queen Bear, now Lady Westy of Woodpecker :)
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Good morning all,

    I fell asleep for a while yesterday afternoon……..I think that's probably why I can't sleep tonight. :o

    I haven't got much planned for today. I'm off to Homestart in the morning, after that just the usual afternoon stuff (school runs, homeworks, dinner etc) to do. It's great having Dd doing her work experience in the local primary school. She's home at 3.30pm every day. She's great company, I get lots of gossip about the teachers and she keeps offering to make dinner! I have work again tonight, but at the moment we haven't too many patients in the evening, so I shouldn't be out for long.

    Another thing on my 'to do list' today is to get together with snowy so that we can book our flights to London. We've been silly girls and between one thing and another haven't got around to sorting the flights out…..looks like we're going to have to spend more than we want to now, and it's our own stupid fault! :(

    Nelski, No sign of snow here either...if anything it's been quite mild.
    Churchmouse and Ivyleaf, have a lovely time today.
    Queenie, I hope it doesn’t snow on the car before morning
    Quasar, have a good time in St Albans
    Westy, Good to see you back! I'm so glad that your Grandmother is ok….it must have been terribly frightening for her.

    Have a good day everyone. :)

  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi all:j

    Happy birthday tinkerbelluk - enjoy your day:j :bdaycake:

    Up since 4.30! with lo,cant wait til he sleeps all night:rolleyes:

    Weigh day today and lost 1lb and a half:j more than last week:rotfl: have to input that into my sponsering site in a mo:eek:

    Plans today:

    Bm on
    work out our money as it is payday tomorrow:j
    Scrounge some washing powder off mum:D if i ask nicely:rotfl:
    Mealplan for the week ahead

    Tea tonight is haggis, neeps and tatties of course:rotfl: mmmm

  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    Morning to you all.....

    Gutted !!!... All the snow hads now gone.. sob sob !!!!

    There was a frost here last night and it looks freeeezing out.. so wrap up warm.

    Congratulations to ANDREA.. hugs to you and your new baby x x x

    Kyle.... good luck for your weigh in today.. let me know how you get on

    Went to a friends house for dinner last night.. it was so nice for someone to cook for me for a change, had a great evening

    Double eviction on Big Brother tonight.. Dirk is bound to go !!! also i think JO, What do you think ?

    Going to make Butternut squash soup and weetabix brownies today

    Also got a free duck from Tesco as it was priced wrong !!! so im trying to think of the best way to cook it, without it being too fatty any ideas ?

    well off to make the packed lunches and have coffee
    hugs to you all

    Loraine x x x
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    Kyle... i thought i was going to get in first !!!!! lol

    well done on your weight loss
    have you got snow ?
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
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