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301k in debt and morbidly obese - things aren't great!



  • Triciaxx
    Triciaxx Posts: 659 Forumite
    edited 30 August 2011 at 7:17AM
    Igamogam wrote: »
    We have 'gym on prescription' here:rotfl:and free prescriptions. I asked my GP and she said I didnt qualify:) for the gym that is................ everybody gets prescriptions free.

    How many of us fall between the cracks? Never mind. When I am [STRIKE]Master [/STRIKE]Mistress (we'll have no political correctness here) of the world it will all be made fair.
    But how can you know what you want till you get what you want and you see if you like it?
  • MrBloater
    MrBloater Posts: 750 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Been out pounding (well, trundling more like that) the mean streets of my manor this morning - managed to do 2k without anything tearing. Getting back into running will be a really big deal for me, I'd never had any interest or inclination to do it, but managed to convince myself early this year that I could run a 10K race in June raising money for Alzheimer's - the training was hard going as I quite literally couldn't jog around the corner to start with (and I live pretty much on the damn corner as it is) and I built it up to doing 8k in the morning before going to work, then disaster struck with my knee and I had to rest up for a while. I'd raised a fair bit of money and whilst nobody had the temerity to ask for it back, I sensed among some of my colleagues a feeling that maybe I had bottled it. I now stack myself full of cod liver oil and sodium something and the knee pain went, so I started building up the running again with a view to doing an October race, then I got word of the operation. So now I'm not going to rush, will re-enter the 10k for this coming June giving myself plenty of time to be in good shape (ie, about 8 stone lighter than I am now!).

    Keeping my sensible hat a moment longer, I implore any of you who are completely ridiculously on the large side to try a spot of jogging outside. I could go for ages on Wii Fit or treadmills but it for me does not replicate the real experience at all. I had all the body issues didn't want people seeing me wobbling along, I still don't - that's why I go out at stupid o'clock - the streets are empty aside from the occasional fox or looter and they've got more important things to do than laugh at the fat bloke. It is easy to make rapid gains and you get a real sense of acheivement. Music is also vital, I used to go out armed with hardcore dance tracks which kept my momentum up but made me want to punch small animals, by swopping my playlist for the more tuneful sounds of Fleetwood Mac, ELO etc I can amble along at a more pleasant pace.

    Dropped 2 pounds as well so that's nice for my spreadsheet.

    Back to work today which will be great for moneysaving but bad for the psyche - will work myself into the ground today on a project that I know tomorrow will be ripped apart. That's not underconfidence that's just fact.
  • lucielle
    lucielle Posts: 10,818 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Very well done on the running. I can't run for toffee, well I probably could if it was on a stick dangling in front of me!
    Total Debt Dec 07 £59875.83 Overdrafts £2900,New Debt Figure ZERO !!!!!!:j 08/06/2013
    Lucielle's Daring Debt Free Journey
    DFD Before we Die!!!! Long Haul Supporter #124
  • seese75
    seese75 Posts: 86 Forumite
    Well done on pounding those streets, so early in the day. Weight lost too! Work doesn't sound the happiest of places to be, hope today isn't too torturous. Keep smiling, your diary has cheered me up!
    £10 a day in September £23.97/£300
  • Karmacat
    Karmacat Posts: 39,460 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Well done you for doing the jogging!
    2023: the year I get to buy a car
  • greenbee
    greenbee Posts: 16,211 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Well done on the run. I'm jealous, as I can't run at the moment :( I have a copy of 101 best running songs on my iPod which I find very effective, but they're not things I would choose to listen to any other time!
  • Igamogam
    Igamogam Posts: 6,024 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Oh I sympathise with the knees - had an op 2 years ago now - this is an interim procedure as will have to have knee replacements but am too young at the moment:):). I had the I-am-staying-in-control-anaesthetic ( spinal block- very wierd!) and surgeon showed me on the monitor that the ends of my bone where very soft - bit like banana I thought :) Anyway that was why things were painful. Pain sorted for know but no more pounding! I swim now - regardless of the wobble :) there are plenty worse then me ( and much younger:eek:). My free excercise now is walking - which I can do much better since op of course and I am lucky enough to live 'in the hills' with the coast very close by- not many looters but enough tourists to trip over;)
    Be the change you want to see -with apologies to Gandhi :o
    In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death. ~Sam Llewelyn
    'On the internet no one knows you are a cat' :) ;)
  • MrBloater
    MrBloater Posts: 750 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Well today turned out to be a double bonus. The pr*ck who was supposed to be coming in tomorrow to slate a project of mine had to cancel til the 9th meaning that I was home by 10am - done a bit of admin in the office but as I don't officially go back til Monday I'm now keeping it official. Was looking around my workplace for things I could sell - but aside from the vile Apple Mac that sits unloved and humming in the corner there's nothing much. Plus it'd be illegal and I'd likely get sacked.

    As Mrs B had booked to go out with a friend we had my folks up to look after the children - which cleared me to do something moneysaving and fatburning - namely clearing out the Pandora's box which is the Bloater Shed. Was after a seemingly mythical box of CDs which I was going to put on musicmagpie but having checked every single box in there I am now no clearer as to where they are. My record collection has been sitting in there for years, have to find someone to take them off my hands, but what I now have a clear picture about is what items I have ready for carbooting / charity. The only thing of major value in there is a cross-trainer which Mrs B wanted but never used. Got all the paints near the door now so when decorating season starts I won't be going out to Homebase to buy a tin of something I already have just cos it's buried beneath junk.

    Mrs B came home and kinda sheepishly told me she had bought a new dress and shoes. I couldn't react negatively - she works damn hard and brings an almost identical amount of wages to the Bloater pot as I do, but part of me was somewhat irked that one of our cards was now up another £x and did it really need to be. Turns out she was doing a bit of moneysaving cos the entire outfit came in less than the dress on its own would at Bodens.

    Saved some dosh this evening, kids were clamouring for pizza, Mrs B got annoyed that the Dominos menu had been thrown out, I stupidly then mentioned a Pizza Hut voucher I had been emailed, but thankfully it was decided that I would go over the CoOp and pick up some pepperoni and then we'd make our own pizzas out of muffins, puree, onions, peppers and cheese. Kids loved them and that's all good to me.

    Can't wait to get out for a 3k run tomorrow - about to plot my route on my second fave website (after MSE obviously) which is walkjogrun - blooming excellent. Once again, thanks to all those keeping up and offering encouragement, it is having a massive impact on my keeping the momentum - there's nothing sadder on this site than going back to page 100 or so and seeing diaries started up full of life and support that just die off suddenly
  • Igamogam
    Igamogam Posts: 6,024 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    MrBloater wrote: »
    Saved some dosh this evening, kids were clamouring for pizza, Mrs B got annoyed that the Dominos menu had been thrown out, I stupidly then mentioned a Pizza Hut voucher I had been emailed, but thankfully it was decided that I would go over the CoOp and pick up some pepperoni and then we'd make our own pizzas out of muffins, puree, onions, peppers and cheese. Kids loved them and that's all good to me.

    Nice one!

    Can't wait to get out for a 3k run tomorrow - about to plot my route on my second fave website (after MSE obviously) which is walkjogrun - blooming excellent. Once again, thanks to all those keeping up and offering encouragement, it is having a massive impact on my keeping the momentum - there's nothing sadder on this site than going back to page 100 or so and seeing diaries started up full of life and support that just die off suddenly
    Thats sounds really sad and reminds me that I must add to mine - putting it off:o:(:eek:
    Be the change you want to see -with apologies to Gandhi :o
    In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death. ~Sam Llewelyn
    'On the internet no one knows you are a cat' :) ;)
  • Dorastar
    Dorastar Posts: 2,173 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Wanted to say keep up the good work Mr B - you sound so positive about the challenges ahead and big thumbs up for the running, I've just re-started after 4 years off and am nowhere near the 3k mark yet - am slogging it slowly through couch to 5k walk/runs.

    Everything everyone has said about using cash and meal planning is right, and it sounds like Mrs B is trying to help in her own way too -Boden is expensive stuff and Martin is always saying drop down a brand and see if you notice the difference!

    Good luck with it all.
    Mortgage £128,626 going down slowly
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