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OS Wednesday 13 December 2006



  • catznine
    catznine Posts: 3,192 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!
    :santa2: Hello!

    Just got back from the dentist, don't need to go back until next year! :T Actually January:o but next year sounds sooo much better!;) OH is back there next week! :eek:

    Day 13 and the decoration for the day is some very sparkly green and red tinsel on the mantlepiece :D This must be the first year that Holly (our cat) hasn't attacked it! She seems to be calming down now she has hit 13!

    Managed to pick up some bargains in town while I was there. 3 mens long sleeved tops in Gap for £6.99 each and they supplied a gift box for each one!:money: and some dvds in HMV - 3 for £20 (good ones too).

    I spent the last of my pigsback vouchers in boots while I was there on benefit makeup for the girls so can now rest up, drink lots of :coffee: and watch a film.

    Lisa ((((((Hugs))))) things have a way of turning out ok eventually so have my fingers crossed it all turns out ok for you both very soon!

    Twink - ((((((Hugs))))) to you and your family, I have just read through the threads and will keep your ds in my thoughts and prayers that 4 months fly by and he is soon safely back with you all.

    Tru - I am enjoying hearing what choc you have got in your advent calender is like having a virtual reality one!

    Take care

    Catz x
    Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.

    Jan grocery challenge £35.77/£120
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Not got much done today.
    Trying to get two wash loads of bath sheets dry by putting them on radiators.

    DH away overnight so may let DDs choose whatever they like for tea tonight.

    Hugs to everyone who has had bad news

    and everyone else.

    Have lit a candle to remember DHs best friend - as next of kin is still being sorted out he has not been cremated yet which is very upsetting for everyone.

    Still need to write Christmas cards but cannot get myself in the mood.
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • Aril
    Aril Posts: 1,877 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi everyone!
    If I asked ever so nicely would I perhaps be allowed to come along to the get together on 10th Feb:o I've checked my diary and I promise that I'll be good!
    OS today has not been alot really other than putting the washing out from last night as had to leave for work at 7.45. However, OH has washed the floors for me in my absence. He'll also be making veggie spag bol for tea tonight. He's becoming a very well trained Old Styler and has just netted us a £15 cheque for switching suppliers:j We've put that towards some free range gammon we've treated ourselves to for Chrimbo.
    Not a lot else in Ariland [seem to have been mainly working recently] but we have been invited to our local dollshouse club social tonight. It's always a great opportunity to see what the members have been making. I am always filled with admiration.
    Have a fab day
    Aiming for a life of elegant frugality wearing a new-to-me silk shirt rather than one of hair!
  • Blairweech
    Blairweech Posts: 1,379 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Afternoon everyone!

    OH's Christmas Party is on Friday - which means a pub crawl with everyone else on his course :). I have offered our pad for everyone to crash at (we live on the Barbican, where all the pubs in Plymouth are). Have just checked the pump for the air beds - and it doesn't work! Have ordered another one from Ebay and sent the chap a begging, pleading email asking him to post it by First Class today.

    Christmas is getting there - I promise. Pretty much everything is ordered, or waiting to be wrapped. My grandiose plans for foodie hampers for my mum and auntie are running a bit I might just buy them something instead :o

    Today, I am going to finish OH's stocking, wrap some more presents and continue cleaning my flat ready for total devastation on Friday. I think I'll go and do some food shopping tomorrow - no doubt they will expect fry-ups on Saturday morning. Oh and finish the Xmas cards as well.

    Breakfast: Toast
    Lunch: Soup and a sandwich
    Dinner: Leftover mac n cheese and salad
    We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 15,197 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Photogenic
    MATH wrote:
    :eek: At the first read through I read this as HEAVY PETTING not heavy printing:eek:

    :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: 3 years worth now that would be going some!!!!

    Just wanted to say hugs to mrs Mortenharket - I have been made redundant twice now (wonder if its anything to do with the printers :D ) and therefore know what you and OH are going through - its horrible and as math says particularly at Christmas - BUT and its a big but it is usually the right decision for all and every time it happened to me it gave me chance to really reflect on what I WANTED to do not what I had just got used to doing.
    Its hard to say dont worry because i know you will but there will be a big light at the end of this tunnel for you Im sure.

    Nels x
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 15,197 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Photogenic
    Printer has arrived and has been chucked in the deep end with all my January workbooks (no induction period in this office!!)

    So I now need your help

    Marks and Spencers for a wander and to pick up some bits for my birthday party


    Microfibres on and cleaning the house to within an inch of its life??


    Nels xx
  • snoozer
    snoozer Posts: 3,605 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Defo go to M & S and spend, spend, spend. Dh works for them so you'll be contributing to next summer's bonus:D ;) .
  • Ticklemouse
    Ticklemouse Posts: 5,030 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Go shopping, ya daft mare :D

    You can clean the house in the early hours of the mornig - like the rest of us OSers do :cool:
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Nelski wrote:
    Printer has arrived and has been chucked in the deep end with all my January workbooks (no induction period in this office!!)

    So I now need your help

    Marks and Spencers for a wander and to pick up some bits for my birthday party


    Microfibres on and cleaning the house to within an inch of its life??


    Nels xx

    Ohhhhhhh, toughie, def M & S me thinks!!!!!!
  • Zed42
    Zed42 Posts: 930 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Nelski wrote:

    Nels xx

    Her light's off, looks like she didn't need telling twice, LOL ... enjoy M&S
    GC - March 2024 -
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