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OS Wednesday 13 December 2006

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for xx (add date). This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints.

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

Hello everyone! :)

I hope it's ok for me to have the pleasure to start this thread today, seeing I'm up at this hour...:o

Had a great meal out this evening, with wine and the whole works. Come home, buried my little Charlie in the garden, very deep, and put a stone on the grave so the foxes won't get to her :(

Now I'm just posting here and there as I don't feel sleepy, then I'll prepare my usual sandwich and green tea drink to take with me on my survey tomorrow - a heavy day ahead! I used to buy sandwiches and stuff, now I make my own and save a dosh, plus I know what's in my food and drink...;)

I shall be going out at about 12 noon tomorrow (today?) all around North West London, finishing at Harrow-on-the-Hill at about 21:30, so won't be home until 22:30 :rolleyes: But the money is not too bad and I have all my transport paid, and in between surveys I plan to do some shopping.

Another day, another way to save! Have a good day everyone! :j
Be careful who you open up to. Today it's ears, tomorrow it's mouth.


  • mrs_mix
    mrs_mix Posts: 1,800 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning Quasar and all who follow
    sorry about your little friend ((((quasar))))
    well mnaged to sleep until 4 today maybe tomorrow it will be 5 I can live in hope
    jobs for today
    packed lunches
    take he kids to school who are going
    pick my step-dad up and take him shopping
    wm to go on
    td to go on
    bm to go on
    find something for dinner
    make the cake that I've been going to make for the last 3 days and haven't yet
    put some diesel in the car seeing as none has been put in for the last 2 months
    ((((hugs)))) to all
    have a good day

    I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

    I am one of the English sexy Shelias
    I'm also a hussy
  • AussieLass
    AussieLass Posts: 4,066 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi Quasar & Mrs Mix and all to follow,

    Just a quick one for me as I"m off to the house with afternoon tea. Won't be back until late. Got tea organised. Really hot here today. :p

    Cleaned the house out this morning & did odd jobs around the place that has been slipping. Hope to post a piccy later on when I have more time. Third test match starts tomorrow. :D

    Have a lovely day everyone & (((((hugs))))) to those who need them.
    Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. ;)

  • N9eav
    N9eav Posts: 4,742 Forumite
    Off to work early today as \Mrs N9eav wants to do late night shopping. But last night she was feeling unwell so I don't know if that will work out anyway. Suits me.... I would rather come home from work and sit by the fire.
    We did the late night shopping thing in our own towm last night, but it was hopeless. Lots of young teens charging about and half of the shops closed. It rained and so all the bands packed up and could not play Christmas carols.

    Not very good.

    Well pack lunches to do and then off to the office.

    Cheers Y'all
    NO to pasty tax We won!!!! Just shows that people power works! Don't be apathetic to your cause!
  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi all up early again:rolleyes:

    Dh off to his mums today as she has a long list of jobs for him:D was at dr's with ds1 last night as he is still constipated, so he has to take senna syrup which should get things working, back to dr on friday to see if it has worked, still being sick a lot, everyone is telling him he has to drink loads as this seems to be the cause of it.

    Car back from mot, few things needed doing but nothing major so that was good:T

    Plans today:

    bm on
    take mince out for tonight
    tidy up

    A week tomorrow we are off to gretna, for mini break in hotel then maybe some shopping, though it might be too busy just before xmas:rotfl: will see

    Hugs to all
  • apple_mint
    apple_mint Posts: 1,102 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    'Morning Quasar (((hugs))), Mrs Mix, AussieLass, N9eav, Kyle and everyone else who follows :hello:

    Up bright and early again doing some more ironing - I just get to the bottom of the pile and we do some more washing :rotfl:

    I'm trying to do a Christmas Quiz for work but I need to find a site with questions that they won't easily find with google ... they all go on line to get the answers ;):rolleyes:

    Last night I managed to get some broccoli half price, so I turned that into 9 portions of home made broccoli soup. All in it works out at less than 7 or 8p a portion. Add a chunk of HM soda bread and an apple and it makes for a very cheap lunch for work.

    I'm popping a chicken into the slow cooker this morning ... so rubber chicken for us for the next few days ... and chicken ready cooked for me when I get in from work tonight.

    Have a lovely OS day everyone :wave:
    Enjoying an MSE OS life :D
  • SnowyOwl_2
    SnowyOwl_2 Posts: 5,257 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Good morning everyone!

    I'm a bit weary this morning, but awake already all the same - didn't get to bed until gone two in the morning. I was at a friend's house helping her set up her new PC. I think I was about as useful as a chocolate teapot, but we got there in the end despite the tea and gossiping.

    I enquired with my employers about staying on in some capacity after Christmas, but was told that there is nothing available. Never mind...I don't want to be unemployed, but it looks like I will be for a week at the very least. Fingers crossed something comes along sooner rather than later.

    Quasar, you must have had a horrible shock finding poor Charlie like that. I'm sure you've cried buckets - she was your little friend, always there for you every day for ten years, so of course you are upset - you are not made of stone.

    BTW Quasar, Harrow (or Harra as some locals refer to it, lol) is one of my old stomping grounds from when I lived in London - my final abode there was just down the road near Northolt tube station. The Woolworths in Harrow (in St George's shopping centre) is definitely the best one I've ever seen, it seemed to have everything you could possibly need for the home, and most of it was affordable and stylish rather than cheap tat. I can't quite believe it's nearly three years since I was last in Harrow - doesn't time fly!

    Yesterday, after posting here, I managed to get back to sleep. However when I woke up again I realised that the electricity was off and I was late. Not spectacularly late, but just late enough to make me have to sacrifice breakfast and a shower in order to get to the w place on time. I hate it when that happens, I was grumpy all morning lol.

    That's all folks, have a fab Wednesday.

  • tru
    tru Posts: 9,138 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    Morning all :hello:

    Q, sorry about Charlie, it's horrible when you lose a pet :sad:

    I have to sort out my chest freezer today, I need somewhere to put all my Christmas food :D I intended to do it the other day, when I sorted the fridge freezer, but Cold Case was about to start so I watched that instead :rolleyes: Big pile of ironing to do too.

    In my advent calendar today - a cracker :D
  • skystar
    skystar Posts: 527 Forumite
    Morning folks

    Another exciting day at work for me. How long I stay may be another question. Have a really sore throat, barking cough, sore head, high temperature, blah, blah, blah. We shall see.

    Nothing urgent needs doing in the house so will probably just come home tonight and cosy up if I still feel poop.

    Must dash
  • susiesaver
    Good morning all

    Quasar - so sorry about Charlie.

    Well, at least its stopped raining here now - thought we were going to have to start building and ark yesterday!

    Went to the rheumatology clinic yesterday and they decided not to give me the next step up of anti -arthritis drugs as my white cell count is too low. I was quite relieved really as the methotrexate apparently has some nasty side effects including hair loss:eek:. They did however inject me with what looked like about a pint of steroids to try and damp down the inflammation.

    Off out today for lunch at a chinese restaurant with my sister and our half sister. Really looking forward to that. We only managed to contact our half sister 9 months ago after trying to find her for 33 years since we found out about her existence when I was 18. My Dad had an affair when my sister and I were very small and she was born as a result of that. It was really spooky when we finally met as she looks so much like our Dad. She is a lovely person and we get on like a house on fire.

    Christmas cards didn't get written yesteday:o but will leave that for the weekend. Will finish filling in my DLA form today and get that posted. Lovely roast chicken for dinner tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Sue X
  • Penny-Pincher!!
    susiesaver wrote:
    Went to the rheumatology clinic yesterday and they decided not to give me the next step up of anti -arthritis drugs as my white cell count is too low. I was quite relieved really as the methotrexate apparently has some nasty side effects including hair loss:eek:. They did however inject me with what looked like about a pint of steroids to try and damp down the inflammation.
    Sue X

    Sue-I have been on Methotrexate for 2 years and I agree that it is a nasty drug! I had to weigh up the pros and cons and with me the Methotrexate won:eek: ....I have lost some hair but other side effects are worse. SLE levels still very high and have had a flare over the past few weeks...not nice. What do you have? Hugs and wish you well and maybe a better day today.

    Hi Guys

    Not a good night last night and cant stay long.

    WM & DW is on. Toilet cleaned. Have hospital today:rolleyes: so know I will be in pain later.

    Breakie: Pancakes
    Lunch: Baked Spud, Ham and salad
    Dinner: Toad In Hole, Roasties, french beans and brocolli

    Hugs to all.

    To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it,
    requires brains!
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