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Weight Loss the Old Style Way! Part 5. Please read posts 1 and 2 before posting.



  • naturally_2
    Hello, please can I join in? I have pledged to try losing weight in what I think is roughly this way, which is to eat mostly food as near to its natural form as possible (i.e. homecooked and not full of goodness knows what additives) AND (this is the bit I struggle with) eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full!! :o

    Had a good start today, in that I had a small HM pasta with lentil sauce thingy and a bowl of fruit & fibre cereal. Was hungry mid afternoon so had another bowl of cereal. Just debating tea now - probably rice with veggies in. Can I make two portions and freeze one not gobble it at the same time? :o I'll let you know!
  • droopydrawers_2
    Brilliant start there ispartacus, well done you:T and of course all other losers and stsers:T

    Just googled beef jerky to find out what it is as much as anything:p . Can't do links sorry, but nutritional info states theres about 274 cals in 100g.... not something you could chomp on willy nilly as you could with fruit (I agree fruit can get very boring!) but a little now and again when the savory urge is overwhelming should be ok. Have you tried an oxo cube disolved in a mug of hot water as a savory drink?.... nice and comforting, particularly this time of year, and only around 20 cals!

    I'm still going full steam ahead with my fresh start, on day 4 and feeling less bloated already. Hope I can keep it up, and it's helping loads that a lot of my colleagues are on pre Xmas panic diets so no temping bickies and nibbles have found their way into the office.... mind, it is only Monday!!

    Welcome naturally:hello: and good luck!
  • floyd
    floyd Posts: 2,722 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi all,

    Had a sweet tooth today but managed to come in on target, probably not the healthiest day on balance but I figure if I eat something sweet when I want it rather than going through the whole denial/craving cycle until I binge I will be better off :)

    Welcome to the new visitors, good luck

    B: A fairy cake :o

    L: HM lentil soup & 1 slice wholemeal bread

    D: Chickpea curry and rice

    S: Madeira cake and custard (made with skimmed milk)

    Hopefull I can cram lots of veggies in tomorrow to make up for todays poor show :D
  • retiredlady
    retiredlady Posts: 2,187 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    bigsmoke wrote: »
    ps - have decided to give up smoking.

    not a great move as far as weight loss goes i don't imagine, but it's high time. eeeeek!

    Well done on your decision. I gave up 2 years ago after 25 years of smoking and about 5 years of trying to quit! In fact I did quit several time but always went back to it within a couple of months:mad::o I bought a book at Tesco I think, called Allen Carr the Easyway to quitting smoking. I didn't think I could ever do it, but it was quite simply the easiest thing I have ever done! You are allowed to smoke all the way through the book so it takes that pressure off straight away. After finishing the book I woke up the next morning and it is as if I had never smoked. No cravings, no bad temper - nothing. I wasn't even an ex-smoker - I was a non-smoker!:beer::j I really can not recomend this book enough - I am sure you can buy it almost anywhere including ebay and Amazon.

    Anyway good luck - and think of all the money you will save!:money:

    When life hands you lemons, ask for tequilla and salt and give me a call!!!
  • lambanana
    I stuck to my guns yesterday and intend to do the same again tonight but I am being treated to a trip to a concert tonight which may involve a pint or two...I wont go overboard though, certainly not on a work night :)

    B: apple and crusts off bf's toast!
    L: tomato and pasta soup
    D: veggie chilli and rice (baked beans, kidney beans, tinned toms, sweetcorn, mushrooms and spinach cooked in the slow cooker with a bit of chilli powder so not high effort stuff!)

    Good luck to everyone today :)
    Official DFW Nerd Club - Member #398 - Proud To Be Dealing With My Debts :T
    CC: £6412.95 (0% APR until Feb 2015 which I'm hoping is also my DFD!)
    Currently awaiting the outcome of a PPI claim which may bring forward my DFD, fingers and toes crossed!
  • retiredlady
    Good Morning - hope all is well.:j Yesterday in class our consultant spoke to us about weigh in day and how most people have a few treats that they don't count after they get weighed. She said that it can interefere with your weight loss and while we can get away with it for awhile it can and will eventually slow down your weight loss. Realised what she said is true as I do tend to not count things on a Monday so am going to make more of an effort and see if it makes any difference!:o

    Here is my plan for today:

    Breakfast - oats so simple with frozen fruit and milk (heb+free+hea)

    snack - apple, satusuma, pear

    Lunch - Leftover veggie and quorn rice from last night with a poached egg on top

    snack - scan bran cakes - (heb+4 syns)

    Dinner - SW quorn lasagna with lowfat mozzarella cheese with brocolli - (free+hea+free+6 syns for extra cheese)

    Snack - custard to put on scan bran cakes - 6 syns

    I did fine yesterday and made a point of not having anything extra just because it was Monday!

    When life hands you lemons, ask for tequilla and salt and give me a call!!!
  • naturally_2
    Well I managed ok last night, didn't go shopping so didn't make the rice I had planned but had lentil bolognaise instead, and resisted having any more snacks or junk in the evening! (although I only made one portion, so didn't have a second portion for leftovers and I knwo what I'm like - there'd be no leftovers :o )

    Unfortunately consequently I don't have any packed lunch :rolleyes: so will go out for something, not sure what yet, as my budget is decidedly strict this week. I might just have a tin of peas and sweetcorn - I'm a weirdo, I really do like eating veg, and that's got to be pretty low calorie but filling. :A Failling that, I'm going to get a tin of soup I think.

    Good luck for today everybody and thanks for the welcome!
  • ispartacus75
    • Titanic bran flakes and sliced banana (Titanic = milk so cold its part liquid part iceberg!)
    • Tangerine
    • Golden Veg savoury rice added some tuna to this and it was great
    • Tangerine squeeze a skinny latte in there as it was basketball night
    • Not sure yet as I have to scan the freezer and see whats left. Curry, rice and chips from the chippy :eek:
    • Bovril didnt happen as I was too excited to see Jack Bauer :D
    • Will try and do the Will step class that I missed last week I have sinned. I didnt do this yesterday
    Have a good day everyone.

    And so to today. Before I have even had breakfast (which Im still getting through as we speak) I have had a 45 minute walk around Tesco looking for Beef Jerky! (Does this excuse my lack of exercise yesterday?) Picked some up in the end, along with some seafood sticks and some bacon that is currently being cremated on the George 'turned out nice again' Formby grill. Hopefully these will all be suitable savoury snacks for me.
    • Bran Flakes with mixed dried fruit
    • Probably too late now to fit one in before lunch
    • Golden veg savoury rice with tuna
    • Maybe some of the bacon
    • George Formby burgers with tatty wedges
    • Fruit (have to have some at some point)
    • Maybe a Bovril
    Have a good one everyone.
  • bigsmoke
    thanks for the tip retiredlady! i know other people who have used that book as well so might be worth a look

    last night's tea ended up as left over nut roast with mushrooms and sprouts after a mammoth session at kung fu, i can hardly type today my hands and wrists are so tired!

    anyway, today:
    b1 - crust off the loaf w. spread and jam before a quick swim (to try and stretch off a bit from last night!)
    b2 - porridge (last day on the oats so simple as it's now pretty much run out - back to normal porridge tomorrow, so much cheaper adn fills you up longer i think!)
    s - apple
    l - left over nut roast with sprouts and mushrooms again!
    s - hopefully an orange, if i get to sainsbury's at lunchtime
    t - egg mayo and salad sarnie, w. some fruot (whatever i buy) before my spanish class

    no desperate fag urges yet - i've thrown my tobacco away and don't have enough money in my purse to buy any more so it's keeping me on the straight and narrow!

    have a great day everyone
  • bigsmoke
    ps - whoever suggested an oxo cube for a drink, i might try this, i love really savoury stuff. is it really salty (i love the taste, but am worried about having too much in my diet)?
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