Are ISAs really that good?
Hi everyone, At the moment I am fortunate enough to have some money saved and sitting in Cash ISAs. I can't help but feel I am losing money...am I wrong??? Interest rates are bad as we know but more importantly, even if they improve, they will never be higher than the rate of inflation. Therefore, my saved money is losing…
Masthaven Bank Licence
I am thinking about a income savings bond from this bank. Does it share a licence with any other bank I cant find any check lists.
Keeping Myself On Track....
As per the title, this thread is just a little diary to keep myself on track. I have 2 medium term goals in mind. First I want to finish my emergency fund. This should take me to middle of the year, saving pretty much every spare penny I can get my hands on. Once that is done my next goal is to save up for a new touring /…
Student savings diary
I hope this is the right place to post this as I'm new to the forums. I'm a part-time MA student (working part time) trying to save up for my next tuition payment, an "emergency cushion", and (stretch goal) enough to live abroad for a year, which is my dream. My tuition payment is due in September 2018 and is £4,100.…
Have you saved money? Want to tell the world?
If you've saved money using this site or reading/watching Martin's advice elsewhere we'd love your help. How to help We often need success stories to show people that taking on their finances and sorting things out really does pay off. Are you willing to appear in newspapers/on telly? If you think you'd be interested in…
Getting a head start on saving
I thought it would be a good idea to keep a diary on here so I can keep track on my savings and see how far I have come. Currently my funds are: House Deposit: £2,500 New York Fund: £250 Holiday Fund: £74.55 Emergency Fund: £66.70 Car Costs: £70.83 Christmas 2018: £40 I'm hoping to have saved £4000 in my LISA by April…
Four new walls - a savings diary
Hi all, I'm a long time poster on some other boards, and have just stumbled across this one. I've always been a bit of a saver, but for specific purposes (usually big holidays!) and so after getting back from the US in October, my reserves are a little low. We want to buy a house in the next 12-18 months, and so are on a…
Growing our money together
Hello everyone! Foreword I want to start a diary but was unsure about which section of the form to post it in. Debt free diaries seems to be the most popular, but as I'm mainly concerned with saving (as my only debt is my student loan which I don't intend to overpay on) this section or the 'boost your income' section…
MSE News: 'I saved £1,000 switching energy and mortgage': MoneySavers share their...
MoneySavers have been sharing their cost-cutting successes in 2017 on social media...Read the full story: ''I saved £1,000 switching energy and mortgage': MoneySavers share their 2017 successes' Click reply below to discuss. If you haven’t already, join the forum to reply.
The Smoosh Bottle...........
Anyone else have one of these at home for all the loose change or smoosh as we call it? We had quite a bit in various different tins & jars so I picked up one of those huge plastic coke bottle banks & the aim is to keep adding the smoosh from our purse & wallet until its full to the brim. I'm gonna start getting some money…
house and buildings insurance
I saved £100 on my combined house/buildings insurance with ,Military Mutual Insurance. Great service as well, I recommend.
Saving for my future everything
As per my title I'm here to save. Im relatively young at age 20 however I've come to a steep realisation of the past year that I need to change my habits if I have any chance of saving for my dream of having a house deposit :T I work within the financial industry for a very well known and probably well used bank within the…
Savings and treats
Saving for driving lessons
I'm 32 next year and I can't drive! I'm so desperate to learn now I live somewhere a bit rural so the saving has begun. I only have £35 so far but hoping to have £400 by January so I can book in a block of lessons
Saving for my life!
Hello, I have only discovered this site a week ago, thanks to my line of work, and have intended on posting on here for a while but never actually got round to doing so. I figured this would definitely help me and keep me motivated now it's out in the open :) I am 18 years old, and I have just started an apprenticeship in…
K&L's 2016 FTB deposit & round the world travel savings diary
We are a couple, in our mid-late 20s, met about 6 months ago and quickly knew we wanted to plan our future together. So here we are. When we met, Keffka was in about £3k of debt with about £50 a month spare to live off after bills - so no disposable income to clear it with. At the beginning it looked like a bit of a…
The quit smoking fund
As of today, I have quit smoking; to put it bluntly, paying £12 for a 30g pouch of rolling tobacco is just absolutely ridiculous and I don't know why I keep doing it. Addiction to be honest. So, here we go, I'm going to keep track here of how much I'm saving from not smoking. On average, I'd go to the shop and spend £12…
Don't accept change of address fees from any company when you move.
So. We moved house and had 20 plus companies to contact with our change of address. Time consuming but it has to be done. Our Car insurance company had long queues and their chat line let you fill a change of address form in, then said it wasn't available. After several attempts with the same thing happening, got peed of…
Saving for a Deposit in Brighton and Hove
Hi All, An avid reader of MSE and I thought like everyone else here, I would benefit from starting this thread to keep myself accountable for saving towards this goal. My original goal a couple of years ago was £20,000 for a flat deposit. Based on house prices in Brighton/Hove, the extra fees and furniture required. The…
Dolly's Savings Stashes....
So does anyone else have several little stashes saving for things way in advance or is that just me I thought now that it is coming up to the new tax year I would start myself a new thread to keep a track of all my savings stashes so that I can keep the focus on topping them up each month and not borrowing from them I…