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Old Style vs the USDA head-to-head challenge...



  • boredofbeingathome
    I would think about a little switcheroo. As you are going to ISOM before the do, why not do a swapsie of labour for ingredients...?
    Not cheating just a use of skill! and another eg of creative accountancy.
    Blackadder: Am I jumping the gun, Baldrick, or are the words 'I have a cunning plan' marching with ill-deserved confidence in the direction of this conversation?
    Still lurking around with a hope of some salvation:cool:
  • boredofbeingathome
    I found this thread for homemade goodies as well

    Apologies if it has been posted already.
    Blackadder: Am I jumping the gun, Baldrick, or are the words 'I have a cunning plan' marching with ill-deserved confidence in the direction of this conversation?
    Still lurking around with a hope of some salvation:cool:
  • ceridwen
    ceridwen Posts: 11,547 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    weezl74 wrote: »

    Ok redsquirrel, here is the cunning plan. I have enough ingredients for 4 loaves of wholemeal bread. My mum likes my homemade bread, and resents paying £1.15 for the one in Tesco which she thinks it is as good as (if not better!).

    So, here's the plan, my parents are coming to visit tomorrow to see :j NEIL DIAMOND:j , ahem :o . And I have said they can have 4 loaves for 60p a loaf. They are very happy with this, as for them it's like BOGOF!

    I'll need to replace the flour, at 55p, but that'll still leave £1.85, for which I think I can knock up a rice salad for 20 for the bring and share 'do'.:D

    I might even be able to keep a little back, who knows?!;)

    Happy times!

    Now please, no-one tell me it's cheating?!

    Weezl x

    Nope...I dont reckon it counts as cheating. I reckon it counts as resourcefulness myself. Says me sitting here thinking £1.85 for rice salad for 20 - there was a time (<cough> very recently) where I would think £1.85 for one dinner for myself was fine. 20 people - whew! Now I wonder why I'm now thinking along lines of "packet of organic pasta 85p - 100 gr. per portion - that equals 17p per portion if my maths is correct - yep pretty good going" - I never would have once;)
  • In_Search_Of_Me
    In_Search_Of_Me Posts: 10,634 Forumite
    see me and bob - twins and n (1) I am not Bob logging on as an alias (2) I promise I didnt tell her to say that! Baby bob says hi BUT he is NOT, I repeat NOT, a kebab. OK! Mind you if the cats get him he could be sushi I guess?!!
    Nerd no 109 Long haulers supporters DFW #1! Even in the darkest moments, love and hope are always possible.

  • ceridwen
    ceridwen Posts: 11,547 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Wot....? all that cosmetic/cleaning stuff out of THAT budget. Cor.......(hang on a moment whilst I pick myself back up from the floor!!;) ).

    I vote weezl for Chancellor of the Exchequer - or should I make that Prime Minister? Well...I DO have regular little comments to self about Govts inability to make best use of resources.

    Ever thought of standing as an M.P. our weezl? (oh whoops - real power doesnt reside with Parliament - damn! knew there would be a snag somewheres in my cunning plan:D ).

    'Course...the other thing is "she's ours....we found her first ;) ".:D
    :rotfl: :rotfl:
  • weezl74
    weezl74 Posts: 8,701 Forumite
    MP eh? I'll bear it in mind Ceridwen! Many thanks for your blog tips. Also, re:guerilla gardening, did you know that sage flowers, as well as the leaves are edible, and milder than the strong leaves. I've got loads, I'll do you a cutting for your guerilla patch!;)

    Thanks for the nomination Bunny200, but I really doubt I'll get it, like last month! I think they try to judge it on who's helped lots of folks save money, like newmommyJen helping people to win vast quantities of cosmetics. And well done to her.:T:T:T

    I think mine's more a 'let's stand back and watch whether this loony makes it!' sort of a thread, cos I think I set such a fierce target for myself, so no-one could quite bring themselves to/ persuade OH's/thought they might have to wipe their bum on something like a leaf in order to keep up with my eccentric pace!

    That's my take on it anyway, and I quite understand. I think this site has to reward those who do the greatest good for the greatest number... So to speak.

    Speech over, and lots of love to you, and all who have been kind enough to acknowledge my efforts by nominating me. :beer:

    My latest contender for the party food challenge comes after trawling, to see what carbohydrate yields best bang for your buck. Mrs Mcawber's right to suggest a bread product, cos plain flour's still 36p for 1.5kilos.

    Another great find is 2.5 kg of potatoes for 76p (asda smartprice) which with 2 packs dried onions, a jar of value mayo and a spring onion or two (and loads of fresh thyme from my garden!) and some garlic crushed into the mayo, will make a huge amount of potato salad, for £1.70!!! And I'd have a whole 27p left to play with!:money::money::money::money::money: Yeah! Spin Martin, spin! (I mean that in a good way!;)) A truly bargainous find.

    Love to all of you,

    Weezl x

    :hello:Jonathan 'Fergie' Fergus William, born 05/03/09, 7lb 4.4oz:hello:
    :)Benjamin 'Kezzie' Kester Jacob, born 18/03/10, 7lb 5oz:)
    cash neutral gifts 2011, value of purchased gifts/actual paid/amount earnt to cover it £67/£3.60/£0
    january grocery challenge, feed 4 of us for £40
    MRSMCAWBER Posts: 5,442 Forumite

    Do you have a cool bag and blocks for your potato salad? only im thinking about the mayo being out all day :D ...of course If -like me they have the constitution of a donkey its no problem :p

    well im all excited again ... when i was out watering the veggies earlier i spotted that the sweet potatoes i had stuck outside whilst i removed the slips for planting and then had just left - had decided to sprount over another 30 slips :eek: which is great -especially as im growing them from a few supermarket "whoopsed ones" now i need to get some more tubs to plant em in :o ..if they work they reckon you should get at leas 2-3 sweet potatoes off of each slip :rotfl: so come october -ish i should be getting buried under the things -anything from 80+ ...fingers crossed ;) ..lots of winter soups me thinks :j
    -6 -8 -3 -1.5 -2.5 -3 -1.5-3.5
  • weezl74
    weezl74 Posts: 8,701 Forumite
    Mrs M, cool bag! stonking idea! Yes, mayo left out all day could be an issue! ;)

    So impressed, 80 sweet potatoes from a few whoopsies (from the naafi or Lidl?) and a little jealous too...:o

    when you get your glut, pop on and do a recipe challenge!?:D:T

    Erm... ISOM, you there? Have you got a cool bag?

    Love weezl x

    :hello:Jonathan 'Fergie' Fergus William, born 05/03/09, 7lb 4.4oz:hello:
    :)Benjamin 'Kezzie' Kester Jacob, born 18/03/10, 7lb 5oz:)
    cash neutral gifts 2011, value of purchased gifts/actual paid/amount earnt to cover it £67/£3.60/£0
    january grocery challenge, feed 4 of us for £40
  • ceridwen
    ceridwen Posts: 11,547 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Well....I dont think I need to watch comedy programmes on the telly (not that I watch much telly anyways to say the least!) when I've got this thread giving me a chuckle regularly!:D

    Glad you thought my tips were of some use Weezl. Have been sitting there today thinking "Hope that what I said was okay...hope she likes/approves of what I there owt that useful I have to contribute or am I being arrogant to think I might be able to help out with tips?" Oh well....take it in the spirit in which it was meant our Weezl!:D
  • In_Search_Of_Me
    In_Search_Of_Me Posts: 10,634 Forumite
    Just back...been cooking delicious things...umm no coolbag though - car boot maybe? I've got a tesco get it home quick to the freezer thing but wouldnt last the day me thinks....somewhere in the depts of the kitchen cupboards I have some ice block things?
    Re comment on mine says what I think & you know what I think anyhoo! If I had 50 I'd give you a prize meself but having sad that I am cooking you a deeeelicious meal (ordered the meat today!!) so that is my well done prize!!
    Talking of which pepys feel free to pm ideas for the party on the 28th! Virtual party of course and no, there will be on webcams but feel free to get the beers in! Cocktails at 7.30 with nibbles!!
    Nerd no 109 Long haulers supporters DFW #1! Even in the darkest moments, love and hope are always possible.

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