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  • BarbCh
    BarbCh Posts: 139 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    Lovely post @balabooberlies
    I agree one size certainly doesn't fit all..... and if we can take a bit of one person's way.... and a bit of another's,  then we can develop our own way which works for us.
    I get extremely tired tired due to medical conditions which aren't  obvious to others.... so I  may look quite healthy but I'm not! 
    This was brought home to me when I  was put on the extremely clinically vulnerable list for covid 19.
    I often push myself because I  think I'm ok.... then I do too much and wipe myself out!

    So congratulations to everyone who finds it hard to get out of bed each day..... but you do it! 
    Congratulations to everyone who manages to achieve even one small thing a day....
    Congratulations to all of the lovely people who post and share their thoughts, feelings, tips and achievements.....  

  • balabooberlies
    I don't know if it helps TC but I am going through a round of tests too.  Have decided to ignore the voice in my head that is worried/concerned.  I am tired enough as it is.  I was born tired....... :)

    Good luck with finding an answer.  I will keep fingers crossed for you.

    AKA : Bala La Boo & Bala Baloo

    According to a lovely poster I am Bala the Brave who wrestled a Tiger.  You know who you are..... 

    I HAVE A GOLD STAR and A MEDAL and a Title !
  • BarbCh
    BarbCh Posts: 139 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    @TC77- sorry to hear about your health issues too. I hope they diagnose you soon and you get the necessary treatment. 
    I think it highlights that we really do need to take care of ourselves. I think it's a trait of many women to just get on with it.... don't  ask for help etc.... so I  think we should take more care of our own wellbeing.
    (Yes I've had my vaccine btw)
    Today I  am recovering dining room chairs... I've done one and it was a bit of a struggle.... so today I  need to find a better way of working.
    They were quite flat leather type and I  cut up and used an old memory foam mattress to pad out and a piece of curtain fabric that I've kept for 30 years! To recover it. I thought I had enough fabric to do 2 chairs.... but then realised that I to centre the pattern, so it wasted a lot of it! 
    I'll come up with a solution for the other chairs though!
  • BarbCh
    BarbCh Posts: 139 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    I don't know if it helps TC but I am going through a round of tests too.  Have decided to ignore the voice in my head that is worried/concerned.  I am tired enough as it is.  I was born tired....... :)

    Good luck with finding an answer.  I will keep fingers crossed for you.

    Fingers crossed for you too
    It's hard to ignore the voice in your head (and in my case google!) 
    I've had such a lot of serious problems I'm now a professional patient LOL! 
    Stay positive Ladies.... sending you healing vibes xx

  • BarbCh
    BarbCh Posts: 139 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    @helensbiggestfan.... coasting is good, it's still going forward. 
    Glad you are on the mend.... no more bellowing out bohemian rhapsody for you LOL! 
    We all need a bit of sofa surfing and declutter coasting! Little and often instead of crash out and burn!
  • helensbiggestfan
    😂😂.  This has been so me the last few days.  Thankfully feeling much better now.  

    Actually I have just been very naughty........😂. I have been watching a dress on eBay,  the vendor offered me a discount, so I caved and have treated myself.  Well why not. I have been so poorly and run down, A little retail therapy won't go amiss. lol.  And it's better for me than wine or chocolate, especially as I will need to lose a few lbs to do it justice. It will perhaps motivate me to get my act together to shed the weight I have put on during this lockdown.  

    Right time to get cracking.....I'm not even dressed yet.  😱.  Going to have a bath, wash my hair and smarten myself up. I'm fed up with looking like a bag lady, a sure sign I'm feeling better.  God knows what I'm going to wear.  A lot of my jeans and trousers are starting to feel a tad snug.  Looks like leggings again. 😟.  

    Definitely time to take myself in hand.  Time to declutter some of the extra lbs I'm carrying. I do think  healthy eating and weight loss starts with our brains, I think we have to be in the right frame of mind to be successful.  I just couldn't do it whilst I felt ill, but I think I'm ok to try again now.  No daft diets, just healthy eating, no junk food or naughty treats, or at least make the treats inedible - like my new dress.  😉

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