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Cooking for one (Mark Three)



  • Wednesday2000
    I had quite a productive day yesterday. I did 2 loads of washing, vacuumed upstairs and finished off another book.

    I had to email the councillor again as the rubbish has still not been picked up. :mad: I'm assuming my next call will be to my local MP?:huh:

    I have to go and check the fire label on the bed I'm donating and then call up the British Heart Foundation. I also have to vacuum downstairs and I want to finish off another book. I don't know why but I have the habit of reading 50% of a book on my kindle and then forgetting about them.:rotfl:
  • PasturesNew
    PasturesNew Posts: 70,698 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    ... I have the habit of reading 50% of a book on my kindle and then forgetting about them.:rotfl:

    Isn't there/there should be an app for that - a reminder bell every time you turn the Kindle on and don't go to your books within 10 minutes :)
  • Wednesday2000
    I've had a leftover Quorn fillet and some grilled flat mushrooms. Cup of builder's tea too.:)
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,146 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    SunnyGirl wrote: »

    Busy couple of days here with uni and general life stuff. I got my exam results yesterday and gor 87% for the Policing module and 77% each for the Criminal Law and Criminological Theories modules respectively. Am feeling very proud of myself and it was worth all the hard work and lack of a life over Christmas and early January.
    :j:jwell done SG definitely worth the hard slog :D
    candygirl wrote: »
    Omg I just made a toastie, n put lentil Dahl,a bit of cheese n sweet chilli sauce in it.Sounds random, but it was lush :p
    Sounds tasty:)

    Brambling wrote: »
    dinner was using LOs from the fridge I made a tomato and bean 'stew' with bacon, spring onions, pepper and courgette, sun dried tomato's and stirred in a teaspoon of tahini it turned out very tasty but my LOs generated LOs not a full portion but I made too much for one meal when I add a bread roll
    LOs from LOs sounds familiar:rotfl:. "Stew" sounds good and has put in the notion for something similiar tonight:).

    How frustrating Wednesday:mad::mad:, MP next if the councillor doesn't step up and sort it.

    Good morning everyone,

    Hope those in stormy areas have the hatches battened down, it's due to get windy here in the early hours of tomorrow morning. It's not too bad a day here, reasonably mild and a bit of sunshine mixed with heavy showers.

    My oomph is returning in dribs and drabs but not fast enough for my liking! I have managed to get a few chores done this morning which is an improvement, though still could sleep for Scotland. Ended up with pasta with mushrooms and the savoury mince from the freezer last night which was all I cba making. Soup and a corned beef & pickle roll for lunch and some sort of beany stew for dinner tonight.
  • Wednesday2000
    caronc wrote: »
    Hope those in stormy areas have the hatches battened down, it's due to get windy here in the early hours of tomorrow morning. It's not too bad a day here, reasonably mild and a bit of sunshine mixed with heavy showers.

    It's very windy here, I keep hearing things crash around outside! It's nice and sunny and bright, though.
    Isn't there/there should be an app for that - a reminder bell every time you turn the Kindle on and don't go to your books within 10 minutes :)

    I don't know, I'm not very tech-minded.:rotfl:
  • PasturesNew
    PasturesNew Posts: 70,698 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    It's very windy here
    I had that last night, although down here we missed most of it.... thank goodness. I HATE storms - and especially when they're in the dark/overnight and you can't go and see what's happening out there, it's just a deep, dark, solid black, void of nothingness.... and noises.
  • Wednesday2000
    I've had some green tea and an apple. I'm making leek and potato soup just now for lunch.:A

    I'm going to have black bean wraps for dinner.
    I had that last night, although down here we missed most of it.... thank goodness. I HATE storms - and especially when they're in the dark/overnight and you can't go and see what's happening out there, it's just a deep, dark, solid black, void of nothingness.... and noises.

    It was exactly like that when I let the dogs out this morning as it was still dark. I think it is a kid's play equipment crashing around out there.
  • Farway
    Farway Posts: 13,419 Forumite
    Homepage Hero First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    Congrats SG on your results

    PN, excess milk = Angel Delight?

    Brambling, nice sunny weather on it's way to you today, windy old night though, and apparently tonight & tomorrow is awful, at least the rain will help put out the Ocado warehouse in Andover that's burning down:D

    Usual porridge for Breakfast

    Into town for top up stuff mainly, but did find YS 400g lean mince 50% off down to £1.25, it was on offer and then YS on top:j
    Bought 25p packet of beetroot seeds, making a start ready for the go garden button

    Also found YS free range bacon pack in W/r, that is lunch for next few days sorted

    Lunch was grilled YS bacon, in BLT baguette

    I've made a savoury mince thingy for tonight, using the YS mince plus a bit past it carrots, onions, celery, some YS spuds and mushrooms I bought especially this morning

    Just remembered I forgot to bung in some of last years toms I froze, never mind, I expect it will taste just fine, smells nice even now, it's in my no longer manky cast iron pot in the oven, pot getting manky again:(

    I may pop some dumplings on top if I think of it in time

    Did a very mini spot of gardening, cat had oiked a daff up, moved it & replanted, ignored the gifts left by cat:eek: The rain will sort that out
    Eight out of ten owners who expressed a preference said their cats preferred other peoples gardens
  • candygirl
    candygirl Posts: 29,455 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I'm absolutely full to bursting tonight. Have been to my Friend's birthday Afternoon Tea, n omg it was amazing. A million times better, than any I've ever had in cafes etc:D No CFO for me tonight :rotfl:
    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

    (Kabat-Zinn 2004):D:D:D
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,146 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Good evening everyone
    Sounds like a good "do" CG:)

    I don't mind storms and find listening to the wind howling while I'm safe and warm indoors quite comforting. Just as well given the part of the world I live in:cool:.
    Beany stew concoction tonight made with odds of veg from the fridge, some charlotte spuds, smoked sausage, chilli flakes and passatta made from last year's toms. Needless to say there are LOs:).
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