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No "T" words mentioned at all - the continuation thread



  • TravellingAbuela
    POLLY We have seen this GP once before and he was caring and kind that time too. (yes he is a regular) Our practice is like many others these days, there is no continuity of care and you find yourself going over the same ground with a different doctor each time you go. You rarely get to see the same GP twice running. Today nice GP made us an appointment to come back and see him after the scans and after seeing the Consultant for the result. So that saves doing battle over the phone!

    All his Consultants (bar one!) are approachable and easy to talk to and discuss what we don't understand. I say "we" but it's actually me that does all the talking and asks all the questions! The one we find difficult to talk to and seriously seems to lack compassion and understanding is his Neurologist. He is at the more local hospital, unlike all the others who are at St James in Leeds.

    I do have a separate calendar for all his appointments, tests etc with room for added notes to remind me of things but you sound more organised than me with new medication added and reviewed as well.

    I don't try and hide my worries and feelings from DD and DS any more. Maybe in the early days I was guilty of that but not any more. He has started getting transport for Leeds as travelling that distance by bus and train was proving a nightmare. This makes life so much easier and it's always a car (not a patient transport ambulance) and I am allowed to go as his escort. Some times it's like facing the Spanish inquisition if it says on the letter/appointment transport not booked and I have to ring up and request it! Why does he need an escort they ask. Because he can't push the bl**dy wheelchair himself I am tempted to scream at them!

    Thanks again for listening and your help and advice. I am out of touch with your DD's health problems these days but I hope she is keeping as well as she can. xx
    "If you dream alone it will remain just a dream. But if we all dream together it will become reality"
  • candlelight_2013
    Thank you so much Fuddle, it is lovely to know I have been missed.

    I had been reading of your adventures on the allotment and with your next door neighbour, I think he met more than his match with you, and hopefully he won't try bullying anyone else. How can he be respected when he behaves like that.

    Hope the girls are well, have they broken up for summer holidays yet, or is it this week? It does vary throughout the country doesn't it?

    How are you with this very hot weather, does it affect your breathing?

    Great to hear from you, and thank you xx
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,672 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Hello SM good to “ see “ you, sorry that you have had a few tough months.

    Please please send some of your damp, drizzly weather down to us in the East, it’s 32 degrees here at the moment and soon there will be nothing but damp puddles left where once there was two people and a spaniel.
    We’ve had the men here today cutting our big hedge, darling Capt S did volunteer but after watching him wobbling atop a ladder in previous years decided to go down the professional route. They have made a cracking job of it, I kept them topped up with iced drinks & lollies and they have just left. It didn’t take the birds long to come out of their hiding places to catch up on their feeding and bathing :D
  • pollyanna_26
    pollyanna_26 Posts: 4,839 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    TA I'm glad you now share your worries and feelings now . You have to be mindful of your own mental and physical wellbeing too . As the carer you can't care if you're an exhausted heap of worries and fears . I know how these things can impact on your own health .
    It's good to know he now has transport . That's a big stress lifted and better it isn't the hospital transport that can be long journeys all over the area and not knowing when you'll get home again .
    I didn't work out the system I use for keeping track of everything all in one go . it evolved over time . I was fed up looking for one piece of paper among all the paper and trying to remember what happened when . It does seem to speed things up .

    Re a named doctor . Our Dr agreed one regular gp was a positive move to keep everything joined up . he is the named doctor with his partner as back up . We didn't have to deal with the NHS or filling in forms it just became the norm . If there was someone new on the phone at reception I would just tell them once I was dds medical appointee and not have to go through the why isn't your daughter phoning thing again , It's been accepted throughout NHS departments ever since .

    As Mr TA will see the good gp next time it could be worth asking about it . Continuity of care is a positive tool in these cases and everyone is aware of the whole picture . Same with being copied in to all letters sent to your gp from hospital consultants . If you don't already you can ask to be sent a copy . Ours arrive in the same post as our gps .

    Anyway I've probably overloaded your head now .

    DD is making very good progress after 20 yrs of nightmares . With our gp we came to a decision to go back and start again from scratch . The physical health problems are still what they were but the treatment is joined up and better . The Aspergers label from her early teens has been proved wrong after damaging her for decades .
    She got the BPD diagnosis we had always suspected was the issue in early February .
    She is lucky to have the necessary areas of the NHS working together this year . The difference is already obvious . Her mood has changed and she feels she has finally been believed . She has a lovely team around her for both mh and physical and things look hopeful for her future .
    Thank you for asking . I remember how we used to chat on the daily about the ups and downs .
    Hope you and Mr TA get some sleep tonight .
    polly x
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    Thank you so much Fuddle, it is lovely to know I have been missed.

    I had been reading of your adventures on the allotment and with your next door neighbour, I think he met more than his match with you, and hopefully he won't try bullying anyone else. How can he be respected when he behaves like that.

    Hope the girls are well, have they broken up for summer holidays yet, or is it this week? It does vary throughout the country doesn't it?

    How are you with this very hot weather, does it affect your breathing?

    Great to hear from you, and thank you xx

    Yes I have my little cherubs with me all day, every day now. :eek: they wear me out more now than when they were toddlers!

    My breathing is ok in the heat now, so it was the pollen last month that had me unstuck.

    I'm looking forward to having you around again, like a little security blanket for us all :)
  • scottishminnie
    scottishminnie Posts: 3,085 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 23 July 2018 at 10:34PM
    I "think" I'm up to speed now with the happenings over the last few months. :o

    MrsLW - when are you due to move house? Do you have a confirmed date? The buying process up here is a bit different so I get quite confused about the long gaps between completion and exchange in England. I'm astonished that little Zebra turns 5 in the not too distant future - how quickly time passes. I'm guessing the house move will give you even more chance to spend time with the family which will be nice. You may even be there for Zebras first day at school.

    My goodness, I'm lying in bed typing this (with a snoring hubby next to me) and the noise of rain on the roof is deafening. I just hope whoever has turned the big tap in the sky on remembers to turn it off. We've been revelling in our first decent summer in years and I wanted it to last a bit longer - how greedy!
  • TravellingAbuela
    Morning lovely people. POLLY that is good news indeed about your DD. I know you have worked long and hard over the years to get the right diagnosis and, consequently, the right treatment and care for your DD. Well done you and I am so pleased she is feeling so much better.

    The pain relief patches the GP prescribed yesterday really started to kick in by early evening and Mr TA said it was amazing how much more comfortable he was starting to feel. I think he must have had a better night too as I also seemed to have a better night as well!

    If he is ok to leave I am off with DD and the 3 DGDs to the Vue cinema about 12 miles away to see Mamma Mia 2. We are planning on the late morning showing and then having lunch in one of the restaurants on the complex. Much arguing going on amongst the girls about where to eat! Eldest wants the Chinese Buffet, middle one wants Italian and youngest not really bothered as long as it's not Wetherspoons she says! She is coming home with me later for tea and sleepover as the others are all going to see Titanic the Musical at Bradford Alhambra and she doesn't want to see it. Free tickets courtesy of middle DGD's ballet teacher!

    Have a good day if you can all of you and take care xx
    "If you dream alone it will remain just a dream. But if we all dream together it will become reality"
  • [Deleted User]
    We've not exchanged contracts yet SM our buyer is the weak link and her solicitor seems not to be as efficient as ours or that of the folks we're buying from. Both of us have had signed contracts back with respective solicitors for weeks, our buyer not so and unclear as to when she will finally do so.

    The anticipated date for the move was 15th August, then 29th August but looks like being into September if the last one of us doesn't pull her finger out fairly quickly. Zebra will be at school I suspect before we actually get to the new house. Never mind, it will happen sometime and we're in no hurry! xxx.
  • candlelight_2013
    Morning all,

    A dreadfully hot uncomfortable night, almost a relief to be up and about.

    Not a lot planned for today, Himself doesn't tolerate this hot weather very well, so I just go with the flow.

    TA I am so pleased you both had a better night, perhaps with the pain under control DH might actually feel like having his supplements.

    SM it is so good to see you as well, sorry the last few months have been troublesome

    Have a good day all, no doubt I will be back later xx
  • pollyanna_26
    pollyanna_26 Posts: 4,839 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    Hope you do manage to get out to see the film TA . Those patches are pretty good , they do control pain better and longer .
    Sending positive vibes for your buyer to get things sorted Lyn . Frustrating when all the other things are in place .
    I'm going out , whatever everyone is doing wishing you a good day . See you later .
    polly x
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
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