Cashback Guide for Dummies



  • mobilejunkie
    Well now; looks like cpw are now attempting to move the goal-posts even on older style contracts which were running long before the current plonkers took over. Many people are NOW being told they have to make remaining claims one month later. Previously people doing that (and many did historically because of the company's perennial unclear instructions) had their claims rejected as being too late!

    The new load of rubbish is the complete opposite of what people always did, were advised to do (even on these threads by one of their representatives who disappeared in the Spring and moved into the E2Save fortress "forum" when the flack got too much - mild compared to current and what is still to come too!) AND were successfully and efficiently PAID for doing.

    The story is that people getting a phone at the end of a month but no first bill until the following month can't count the month they got their phone in as "month 1". I say tough; they can't change the rules more than half-way through on a whim for any reason. What's particularly intelligent is that ALL they achieve with this is to upset MOST existing customers who haven't yet encountered the joys of their so-called "price-match" deals and see them later leaving in droves at the end of their contracts. Meanwhile, the utterly incompetent cashback processors are getting even MORE swamped by having to deal with the fall-out as well as loads more additional administration. All for what? They STILL have to pay these claims anyway - even IF people decide to comply and claim a month late! Whilst correct claims are now being rejected with a letter telling people to claim a month later you CAN still claim - albeit a month late. Alternatively, you can insist they stick to their original and well-used t&c and PAY the CORRECT months' bills. That means a polite but firm Letter Before Action stating that the claim WAS in the correct month according to a) all past practice (this only applies to E2Save I should point out - and The Phone Spot), b) the clear calendar instructions which were sent with the phone stating that the month you receive the phone IS month 1, c) a copy of the claim bill months originally on your account up until recently - your own fault if you didn't copy them while they were on there all those months 'cause they ain't any more! d) the FACT they PAID all previous claims using the CORRECT month's bills. Also, e) many people have actually previously received written confirmation of the CORRECT months to claim.

    Now of course, it's easier to wait a month longer; BUT what about anyone on these old-style contracts who hasn't been told this rubbish and NOW makes a claim? IF they wait until a month later they MIGHT then be told they've missed the boat (unlikely, but anything's possible with these morons). Further, they have VERY recently ADDED a set of written t&c on individual accounts for contracts which have been running for as long as 11 months - AND which bear no relation to the original ones (as usual). This is a blatant attempt to erase ALL previous binding information and replace it (VERY quietly) with a new load of bull to support their NEW c**p. I will personally take a firm stand and stick with my original t&c come hell or high water - too many of these sharks are attempting to copy each other's tricks now, one of which is to change the t&c after the event AND usually without even telling anyone (presumably knowing the attacks they will receive if they announced it!).

    So... there you have it; another wonderful mess they've got themselves into, attracting more negative publicity and undoing years of developing a respected reputation. Maybe they've ahd lessons from British Gas? About time the new guy was kicked into touch rather than the company he is ruining (he took over around May and had the wisdom to try to manipulate everything to stop so many successful claims AND save money by replacing the excellent external cashback processors at E2Save with their own sherberts). Of course, the IIC (Idiot In Charge) may have woken up this morning and come up with another amazing idea to mess things up and change everything mid-race again. Now it's up to the people affected to weigh up their own situations and make a choice... do you feel LUCKY??
  • MEMBER02
    MEMBER02 Posts: 811 Forumite
    Well now; looks like cpw are now attempting to move the goal-posts even on older style contracts which were running long before the current plonkers took over. Many people are NOW being told they have to make remaining claims one month later. Previously people doing that (and many did historically because of the company's perennial unclear instructions) had their claims rejected as being too late!

    The new load of rubbish is the complete opposite of what people always did, were advised to do (even on these threads by one of their representatives who disappeared in the Spring and moved into the E2Save fortress "forum" when the flack got too much - mild compared to current and what is still to come too!) AND were successfully and efficiently PAID for doing.

    The story is that people getting a phone at the end of a month but no first bill until the following month can't count the month they got their phone in as "month 1". I say tough; they can't change the rules more than half-way through on a whim for any reason. What's particularly intelligent is that ALL they achieve with this is to upset MOST existing customers who haven't yet encountered the joys of their so-called "price-match" deals and see them later leaving in droves at the end of their contracts. Meanwhile, the utterly incompetent cashback processors are getting even MORE swamped by having to deal with the fall-out as well as loads more additional administration. All for what? They STILL have to pay these claims anyway - even IF people decide to comply and claim a month late! Whilst correct claims are now being rejected with a letter telling people to claim a month later you CAN still claim - albeit a month late. Alternatively, you can insist they stick to their original and well-used t&c and PAY the CORRECT months' bills. That means a polite but firm Letter Before Action stating that the claim WAS in the correct month according to a) all past practice (this only applies to E2Save I should point out - and The Phone Spot), b) the clear calendar instructions which were sent with the phone stating that the month you receive the phone IS month 1, c) a copy of the claim bill months originally on your account up until recently - your own fault if you didn't copy them while they were on there all those months 'cause they ain't any more! d) the FACT they PAID all previous claims using the CORRECT month's bills. Also, e) many people have actually previosuly received written confimration of the CORRECT months to claim.

    Now of course, it's easier to wait a month longer; BUT what about anyone on these old-style contracts who hasn't been told this rubbish and NOW makes a cliam? IF they wait auntil a month later they MIGHT then be told they've missed the boat (unlikely, but anything's possible with these morons). Further, they have VERY recently ADDED a set of written t&c on individual accounts for contracts which have been running for as long as 11 months - AND which bear no relation to the original ones (as usual). This is a blatant attempt to erase ALL previous binding information and replace it (VERY quietly) with a new load of bull to support their NEW c**p. I will personally take a firm stand and stick with my original t&c come hell or high water - too many of these sharks are attempting to copy each other's tricks now, one of which is to change the t&c after the event AND usually without even telling anyone (presumably knowing the attacks they will receive if they announced it!).

    So... there you have it; another wonderful mess they've got themselves into, attracting more negative publicity and undoing years of developing a respected reputation. Maybe they've ahd lessons from British Gas? About time the new guy was kicked into touch rather than the company he is ruining (he took over around May and had the wisdom to try to manipulate everything to stop so many successful claims AND save money by replacing the excellent external cashback processors at E2Save with their own sherberts). Of course, the IIC (Idiot In Charge) may have woken up this morning and come up with another amazing idea to mess things up and change everything mid-race again. Now it's up to the people affected to weigh up their own situations and make a choice... do you feel LUCKY??

    Just encountered this new rule change-contract started end jan 07,my 1st claim was 6 months later in june was ok,next in august was ok, i thenm submitted 10th months bill as on my personal cashback calender clearly states and to my surprise they returned everything back to me stating but not so clearly ive sent 1 month early,i telephoned and got a really helpful and polite guy who said i need to send in nov and jan bill,i questioned why as i was paid correctly on last 2 claims and he said as i telephoned to ask on my last 2 bills and was advised these dates were correct they had to honour these claims hmmm.a wasted £4.30 special delivery charge??
  • MEMBER02
    MEMBER02 Posts: 811 Forumite
    also got a cashmatch deal from e2 save,connected on the 12th july need to make 1st claim in 4 months,now the polite e2save guy said i could send my bill dated 21st october but as long as they receive it 13th nov and not before,this would then fall within the 28day claim period,or i could send in 21st nov bill in as soon as i receive but this would need to reach them no later than about 8th december,is this info right??also he said i could subscribe to online billing and print off bill as he stated online bills are now accepted,is this true??
  • mobilejunkie
    I wouldn't rely on the online billing at ALL - UNLESS they confirm it in writing as I would have asked them to.

    As for the dates; yes, that IS right according to the way they are doing these deals. Of course, should they change their minds again (seem to do that every month now) they COULD claim the October bill isn't correct and should they receive the November bill later 12th December (or the 8th depending on their changing definitions and your order date) they would say it's too late and you've lost ALL future claims too. Of course, provided it DID get to them by 21st December you could then sue for ALL the cashback since they will have violated (and ignored as they are doing in advance) the legal t&c. I'm actually surprised this hasn't started happening (bigtime) yet. It will though!

    This is why I wrote post 5 (above) some time back now.
  • thor
    thor Posts: 5,488 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Mobilejunkie, aren't we in the the period now where there should have been an avalanche of compliants regarding the new rules at the scpw group? Do you know if this has happened yet? I can't see from this forum any big increase of people posting problems with refused cashbacks.
  • mobilejunkie
    I had expected the "avalanche" to have started by now. Maybe they aren't sending out all those rejection letters yet in relation to valid price-match claims; too busy dealing with the diversionary messes they are creating. Must happen soon though - can't see how I am wrong unless they had a last-minute change of heart and widened the goalposts, which isn't very likely!
  • Holiday
    Holiday Posts: 361 Forumite
    I had expected the "avalanche" to have started by now. Maybe they aren't sending out all those rejection letters yet in relation to valid price-match claims; too busy dealing with the diversionary messes they are creating. Must happen soon though - can't see how I am wrong unless they had a last-minute change of heart and widened the goalposts, which isn't very likely!
    I have no reason to doubt what you say but I found this link on e2save website which seems to show they are giving the punter as much help as possible to comply with the rules.
    Are you saying that they will wriggle from this when it is so clear?
    Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  • mobilejunkie
    mobilejunkie Posts: 8,460 Forumite
    That's meaningless. Why do you think SO many people are now up in arms on various threads in the last month about them CHANGING existing dates for old contracts? What's the point of having a "calculator" which ignores the written, detailed and specific t&c people actually signed up to and can enforce in court? Why were SO many people informed they had lost ALL their cashback simply because they mistakingly sent their FIRST claim in a month EARLY on so-called "price-match" deals? Why do they call them "price-match" when they are nothing of the kind? Why have they very recenty placed totally new written t&c - different to what people signed up to - in PLACE of the specific dates (like the ones you are now referring to) on their individual acoounts MONTHS after the contracts started? Why are people told things on the phone which they refuse to confirm in writing? Why do they choose to ignore the written dates from pervious contracts and susbstitute totally different months into the contract? Why do they no longer inform people by text that a claim has been approved? Why have they removed the claims checks on individual accounts with Onestopphoneshop? Why have they changed the cashback number to 0871?

    Shall I go on? I could, easily - but if you want to use their calculator, be my guest. For myself I ignore it and concentrate on the t&c I signed up to; and as an aside my legal advice about an hour ago was that I will have a good case if they don't honour the CORRECT claim dates/bills rather than the ones they are now substituting! I am also STILL reading people on other threads saying things like "I've had 2-3 contracts with E2Save in the last couple of years and got all my cashbacks without a problem"? They will have to try telling that to the growing band of people who have recently carried on doing the same as before only to find that THIS time they are being denied their claims.

    ADDITIONAL WARNING! I have just gone onto their site, found the section and tested it. Anyone following THAT information is highly likely to come unstuck. You should also take note that much of the information under the "Help" section applies to "normal" t&c (you'd do well to find ANY deals under those anyway!) and NOT the so-called "price-match" t&c. I am coming to the unavoidable conclusion that they are purposefully misleading and confusing customers in a desperate attempt to stop a high percentage of them actually getting their cashbacks. Again, they are certainly NOT the company they were a year ago!
  • mobilejunkie
    mobilejunkie Posts: 8,460 Forumite
    I have taken a close look at this and it's extremely dangerous to take much notice of it!

    If you could FIND a non-price-match deal then putting in the dates you got the contract would give the correct months - EXCEPT when you don't get a bill the same month you ordered the phone. In THAT case they'd say the bills you send are 1 month early, just as they are now doing to people with well-established "normal" contracts.

    For "price-match" deals it is also WRONG - IF you are trying to meet their rules rather than the legal ones. There are (or could be) other complications, BUT although it states you must send the particular months' bills in within one month of the date of the bill they are NOT following those dates but have invented their own "claim window", as explained previously.

    I really now have to be convinced that they are intentionally misleading people as I said above. Every few days I discover something new - either added or taken away - and all with one purpose - to confuse and mislead. NEITHER sets of t&c actually meet the so-called "calculator", so relying on it will cause a lot of problems depending on individual circumstances. There WAS a calculator which showed the precise dates they use on each individual account, but they have taken that off completely now - and left this inaccurate "guide" which can only be for one obvious reason.
  • civicwalker
    See today's post by e2Save's debbieg at

    "I have spoken to the cashback team and they have advised that any connections made before August 2007, will still need to claim with the bill counted from the month of purchase. If you have received contradictory information regarding this, then please contact our Cashback team who will rectify this for you".
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