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Project Mortgage Neutral Begins



  • A_Frayed_Knot
    A_Frayed_Knot Posts: 3,299 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Bake Off Boss! Mortgage-free Glee! First Post
    ajmoney wrote: »
    Hopefully I will get some news either way tomorrow as will Mr AJM. Working from 9 until 9 so they are bound to ring when I can't answer!

    Can you leave an email address or ring them on breaks.
    When I'm at work, I only get a reception in certain area's, it's such a p@in in the @**e.
    Always have 00.00 at the end of your mortgage and one day it will all be 0's :dance:
    MF[STRIKE] March 2030[/STRIKE] Yes that does say 2030 :eek: Mortgage Free 21.12.18 _party_
    Now a Part Timer from 27.10.19
  • ajmoney
    ajmoney Posts: 6,298 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    Can you leave an email address or ring them on breaks.
    When I'm at work, I only get a reception in certain area's, it's such a p@in in the @**e.
    I will be able to ring during the breaks, depending on what part of the building we are working in I hope there will be mobile signal so I can sneak a look during our rehearsals. I was always going to end up being the negotiating stage this week as it is crazy busy with work. I wonder what counter offer they are going to come back with...
    MFW 2024 No. 7 £900/£1200 MFiT-T6 No. 70 £17311.68/£22787.04
  • ajmoney
    ajmoney Posts: 6,298 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    House updates...Mr AJM was outbid on the house he likes so unsure what his next move is. So far today my offer on the bungalow has been increased from £155k to £165k which I have told the estate agent will stay on the table until the vendors start bringing their price down towards me as they haven't budged yet. We are lucky that we accepted the offer on our house on the condition we have somewhere to move to, until Mr AJM has found a house I can leave the offer there. A couple of other properties have come on the market while I have been away that I would like to look at. They are a lot cheaper than the bungalow so we shall see how it goes.
    MFW 2024 No. 7 £900/£1200 MFiT-T6 No. 70 £17311.68/£22787.04
  • ajmoney
    ajmoney Posts: 6,298 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    My offer of £165k is still there and as it stands they won't come below £167500. I currently have some trades people quoting me for the work I need to do based on the home report, planning on adding these totals to bathroom and redecorating costs and the purchase price they want as I am concerned it may take me close to the ceiling on that road and that I wouldn't get anything back from doing the work required. Especially as that wouldn't be even touching the garden which will need a fair amount of money. As much as I love this house and have a vision for it I am not going to pay above what I think it is worth.
    MFW 2024 No. 7 £900/£1200 MFiT-T6 No. 70 £17311.68/£22787.04
  • ajmoney
    ajmoney Posts: 6,298 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    I have looked at one of the recently marketed properties today, I think the biggest downside for them was that it nearly overlooks the bungalow and you can see most of that road from the master bedroom, I hadn't realised it was quite as close. It is a stand off between me and the owners at the moment for the £2500, should I just suck it up and offer it anyway as I can't imagine living anywhere else? I have another 2 viewings booked for this week but I am seriously considering cancelling them and just going with the offer tomorrow.

    Rough costs suggest I should have around £660 spare a month (not including food and petrol costs) and this already includes money put aside for holiday savings and my other regular savings but no OPs at this stage. This is double what I currently have available.
    MFW 2024 No. 7 £900/£1200 MFiT-T6 No. 70 £17311.68/£22787.04
  • ajmoney
    ajmoney Posts: 6,298 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    I have offered £167500 today with a request that they ensure the boiler/central heating system is serviced before I move in as it won't have been done for 18 months at that point. 4 hours later I am still waiting to hear back from them, a little frustrating as I am off work today so it is easier to answer my phone. I have 2 long days at work and am away all next week so would rather hear today so I can make the necessary appointments around the time I do have off.

    Thinking ahead a little for an updated SOA, regarding utlity bills etc can I secure these things before I move in or do I have to wait until I am in the house?
    MFW 2024 No. 7 £900/£1200 MFiT-T6 No. 70 £17311.68/£22787.04
  • CathT
    CathT Posts: 7,127 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Fingers crossed you've heard back by now, this kind of waiting is so frustrating.
    Sep 2024 - part 1 - £26,647 part 2 - £23,798 Total - £50,446 38 months to go!
  • ajmoney
    ajmoney Posts: 6,298 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    CathT wrote: »
    Fingers crossed you've heard back by now, this kind of waiting is so frustrating.

    Nope, rang at 4.15 to chase it up but still didn't hear anything. Hopefully tomorrow...
    MFW 2024 No. 7 £900/£1200 MFiT-T6 No. 70 £17311.68/£22787.04
  • ajmoney
    ajmoney Posts: 6,298 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    I have got the bungalow :j:j:j
    MFW 2024 No. 7 £900/£1200 MFiT-T6 No. 70 £17311.68/£22787.04
  • Congratulations! :D :beer:
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