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  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Hard_Up_Hester Posts: 4,656 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    So the plumber phoned the tenant to make an appointment to check out the leak, but she didn't answer her phone as she was driving.
    Fair enough but couldn't she have phoned him back?
    Nope, it seems that is my job, oh joy, I'll phone him again tomorrow.
    I get the impression she isn't keen on this particular plumber, I know the reason, my DD has met him and she would be happy to use him herself so I'm afraid the tenant will have to lump it unless she wants to pay the bill herself!
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • silvasava
    silvasava Posts: 4,433 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Monna - no wonder your DS is fuming - I would be too! Both my DS are self employed so no work no pay - so many people do not realise how much a day off actually costs. Especially when you rely on recommendations for a lot of your work. Grrr and double grrr but that won't pay the bills :(
    No rain here at all today but DS1 5miles down the road had a downpour and hailstones!
    Small victories - sometimes they are all you can hope for but sometimes they are all you need - be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
  • karcher
    karcher Posts: 2,069 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Yes Monna, what ever your tablet has must be infectious!
    What I meant to say was that rental properties round here are expected to contain white good, still, my first version was much funnier wasn't it.

    It was much funnier :D

    But on a more serious note, yes you may leave/supply white goods but you don't necessarily have to replace them if they break (depends on the tenancy agreement).
    Unless they are integrated white goods, you have no obligation to replace them Hester.
    'I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought
    And I ain't got the power anymore'
  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    FairyP. I was a bellringer for many years and in my opinion there is a no more joyful sound than a pearl of bells rung PROPERLY. (spot the tablets contribution to the last sentence.)
    However, on practice nights it is a different story as maybe the old-timers are teaching newcomers. There can be quite a bit of unpleasant clashing and crashing then.

    Hester. You are a treasure. My little family are moving into a tiny 2xbedroom bungalow. There is no fridge, oven or washing machine and for this they are paying £800 a month. Hence DS2 foaming at the mouth at losing a week's work.

    Silvasava. You do understand! DS2 has never advertised so word of mouth and his reputation for reliability is important.
    It is doubly bad for him as a gardener, that this week has been so kind weatherwise. He also repairs agricultural machinery, never happier than lying in the mud under a tractor, but at this time of the year it is all mowers, strimmers, hedgetrimmers and chainsaws, so he has been able to do a few of those.

    It was wonderful to wake up this morning and find the sun shining but everything feeling much fresher. Poor Millie has an operation booked this morning.
    Fingers crossed.
    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • FairyPrincessk
    FairyPrincessk Posts: 2,439 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning all,

    Monna, Fortunately we're far enough away that if it got too bad shutting the windows would sort it out. I'm a big fan of bells. OH said last night I should learn to ring but I don't think I'd like them up close--I don't enjoy loud gigs (I'm such an old lady stereotype, I want a seat and the music at a reasonable level), but I really admire those who take it up. I know it is a dying art. I hope Millie's operation brings her some relief and that your DS manages to make up a bit of the lost income.

    It is a very wet day here today and all of the hills look shrouded in mist. The birds are out though--a small blackbird and a dunnock (I think?) are stealing the berries off one of my trees. I think I'll allow it. I certainly won't be telling the cat lest she get more ideas about flying!

    Hester, I hope things are sorted with the plumber soon and that things calm down a bit. I've had washing machines in most of the properties I've rented, bar this one and the last one, so I don't think it is unusual and as someone who tries to be a good tenant I appreciate living in places that are set up for actual living.

    Well, we're getting the new fridge this afternoon! What luxury! We'll head out to Ald! for our first proper shop this evening. We had tinned soup for tea last night so I'm not sure what I'll scrounge for lunch. Possibly scrambled eggs on toast. I'm missing fresh food though!
  • mardatha
    mardatha Posts: 15,612 Forumite
    edited 23 June 2017 at 12:35PM
  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,971 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Morning all. Hope you're all ok and that Millie is on the mend Monna. I'd definitely be changing vet.

    I hadn't read through for a few days and how you've all made me chuckle this morning with flying cats and all sorts.

    When DD moved into her rental the only white goods was the built in cooker. Everything else they've supplied themselves.

    Today I have been preparing for an event at a local sports club. You know the kind of thing, prepping food for the thousands or at least that's how it feels (and costs a bomb too).

    Best get dressed now and get moving. The dogs will expect a walk before I disappear for most of the day.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Spend less now, work less later.
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Hard_Up_Hester Posts: 4,656 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Finally got the plumber organised to the tenants satisfaction, she'd prefer a different plumber, so I told her she can change as long as she is prepared to pay the bills!

    Yesterday I was supposed to be babysitting from 2:30 until 4:30, but DD had car trouble so I took her to the hospital for her pre-op assessment, I didn't get home until 7:30, by which time I was knackered!

    Today I have taken CHS to work, bought enough food for the next 2 days as that is all I can store, I now need to clean the boat as it is covered in ash!
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • FairyPrincessk
    FairyPrincessk Posts: 2,439 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Wow--Heester, I'd not dream of demanding a LL change plumbers. I did gently suggest a second opinion once. This was not taken up and later incurred great expense, but I can't imagine requesting someone else because of something more personal!

    We're off to eat meatballs and buy things from the blue and yellow box. I shall try not to get carried away :D
  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    FairyP. I always vow that I won't go mad in the blue and yellow shed.
    What can I say? I am weak willed.

    Millie is back in her lampshade and also sporting a rather fetching orange bandage round her head. She clashes horribly with the bright pink petunias in the tub she insists on lying next to.

    Hester. I am feeling a bit uneasy about this tenant of yours. 'Demanding' is a word that comes to mind.. I think you are going to have to be very firm. Saying that she is welcome to employ a plumber of her choice as long as she is prepared to pay them was genius. Hope you have a more restful day tomorrow.

    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
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