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Spendaholics programme



  • Galtizz
    Galtizz Posts: 1,016 Forumite
    lipidicman wrote:
    ..and todays prize for 'Politically Uncorrect Post' goes to......

    ....AUSTIN ALLEGRO! *applause*

    Ahh, but you are in old style now before all that political correctness mumbo jumbo was invented ;)

    In old times you could call people fekless and fat and get away with it :D
    When life hands you a lemon, make sure you ask for tequilla and salt ;)
  • Eliza252
    Eliza252 Posts: 449 Forumite
    i'm not sure that any TV channel is ever going to broadcast a sensible money saving programme for normal people - I mean how annoyed would the companies who pay to advertise in the breaks be, if prior to the ads you've just told them for a whole half an hour not to sign up to the fee paying debt management service or the consolidation loan offer or the zingy new credit card or the expensive cleaning product or the flashy ready meals or the sparkly new mobile phone, I could go oon and onn on and on! Car Crash TV doesnt reflect real people and so it will never help people who dont have two hundred pairs of shoes but will be misled by TV advertisements!
    ok, ok so there's the BBC, without the ads, but they have a piece of the ad pie somewhere dont worry!
    I think we should all relinquish our TV's and go back to radio! - where lets face it, ads are much less effective (not that I havent got my fingers crossed for the new programme Martin - hee hee!)
    I've made my debts bite-size too depressing to look at all at once so am handling them one at a time - first up Graduate Loan £1720 paid off! only £280 to go!!!
    Money to raise for tuition fees: £3000
    When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!!
  • lipidicman
    lipidicman Posts: 2,598 Forumite
    Eliza252 wrote:
    ok, ok so there's the BBC, without the ads, but they have a piece of the ad pie somewhere dont worry!

    I think we should all relinquish our TV's and go back to radio! - where lets face it, ads are much less effective

    The BBC is the place for this, their aim is 'public service broadcasting' and I think they need to buckle up on this

    The radio idea is not such a bad one. It would certainly be a good place to start. I think it could really work on radio4 and would be better than the 'consumer issues' covered by 'You and Yours' (You and Snores!)
  • culpepper
    culpepper Posts: 4,076 Forumite
    the comments about the 'skint' program remind me of the book 'tuppence to cross the Mersey' which is an autobiography of a posh,more money than sense family becoming moneyless and homeless over night. Wow ,I thought my family were poor when I was young but we were rich compared to these people.There are places in that book where you want to climb inside the pages and shake some sense into the parents.Pawn shops are mentioned quite frequently as well as living on credit(this was the 20's so not much has changed).
  • Lucie_2
    Lucie_2 Posts: 1,482 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    culpepper wrote:
    the comments about the 'skint' program remind me of the book 'tuppence to cross the Mersey' which is an autobiography of a posh,more money than sense family becoming moneyless and homeless over night.

    I've read all those books too culpepper (there's 4) & I know what you mean. The Mother is always getting dressed up to go out & spending money whilst her kids have to put cardboard in their shoes to stop the rain coming in. If you want to read about hardship read them.......

    I'll have to go onto amazon now to find out what they're all called!
    Tuppence to cross the Mersey
    Liverpool Miss
    By the waters of Liverpool
    Lime Street at two
    All by Helen Forrester
  • moggins
    moggins Posts: 5,190 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I've read all those too! You want to shake the mother silly for treating her kids that way.
    Organised people are just too lazy to look for things

    F U Fund currently at £250
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I read the books too - did anyone else notice mother always could afford cigarettes (but not milk for baby) who almost died)
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • Midget_Karen
    Midget_Karen Posts: 127 Forumite
    Yeah, i read those too. It's hard to even be able to imagine people being able to live like that - how did the older child survive?!
    And being too "proud" to ask for help, when you're kids are starving. It's crazy!
    Proud to have become an Ocean Rower in 2010 (crossed the Atlantic in a crew of 4 ladies and had the best 77 days of my life!)
  • culpepper
    culpepper Posts: 4,076 Forumite
    In one chapter they are given £5 (which would have been loads then) the 2 older kids are sent to get Fish and Chips(they havent got anywhere to cook) and while there the shop keeper asks where they got the money.When they tell him, another customer in the queue says right tell them ill be round to get the money for the cigarettes in the morning.Turned out mummy and daddy had been buying cigarettes on credit:(
    Ive read all of them too ,they are written by the eldest daughter who is treated as the baby sitter and general errand runner.Very sad .
  • Curry_Queen
    Curry_Queen Posts: 5,589 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Lucie wrote:
    I've read all those books too culpepper (there's 4) & I know what you mean. The Mother is always getting dressed up to go out & spending money whilst her kids have to put cardboard in their shoes to stop the rain coming in. If you want to read about hardship read them.......

    I'll have to go onto amazon now to find out what they're all called!
    Tuppence to cross the Mersey
    Liverpool Miss
    By the waters of Liverpool
    Lime Street at two
    All by Helen Forrester

    Oooopsss looks like I just bid on a complete set on Ebay and won them!!! :D
    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
    It is that what you do, good or bad,
    will come back to you three times as strong!

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