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Spendaholics programme



  • Galtizz
    Galtizz Posts: 1,016 Forumite
    MSE_Martin wrote:
    Galitz, love your idea - unfortunately ITV turned it down two years ago when i presented it.

    Shame, it was a great idea :D, it was 2 years ago though and these save money programmes seem to be taking off again.

    I know, you could do a celebrity version, you could use the characters of Coronation Street or Emmerdale and they could write their money troubles into the soap

    Or, even better you could get a load of D list celebritys who have fallen on hard times i.e Micheal Jackson, Chris Evans, Rick Waller, other failed pop stars, failed TV presenters etc. etc. and go around to their houses and sort them out for a month then go back and visit them a month or two later to check up on them and see how much they've saved.

    Everyone loves a celebrity and they like to see them fail almost as much as watching their sucess. I can just see it now, sitting in front of the telly screaming 'You spent HOW much on a statue of yourself, no wonder you're broke' - You can't go wrong :D

    I'm off to write to the BBC and tell them 'smart' spenders is rubbish!

    Good luck with the daytime TV prog. [img]http://smileys.!!!!!!/cat/23/23_29_107v.gif[/img]
    When life hands you a lemon, make sure you ask for tequilla and salt ;)
  • Lillibet_2
    Lillibet_2 Posts: 3,364 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I'd love to see Michael Jackson credit card tarting & eating economy line groceries! I don't think Chris Evans will be game though, he isn't down to his last £40 million yet:rolleyes:

    I would liek to see a deacnet real money managment programme instead of car-crash tell type programmes, but I think it would be a even better idea for a few up & comming celebs to take Martins advice & learn how to manger their money & investments BEFORE they fall on hard times, they could be an inspritation to the younger generation who think cash points are magic money trees!
    Post Natal Depression is the worst part of giving birth:p

    In England we have Mothering Sunday & Father Christmas, Mothers day & Santa Clause are American merchandising tricks:mad: Demonstrate pride in your heirtage by getting it right please people!
  • Lyndsay_21
    Lyndsay_21 Posts: 816 Forumite
    i watched this and was atonished how much she spent. how many shoes can one person have.
    Her hubby was on a V. good wage. i think from what i worked out she was on £30k and he was earning 4x what she did , well i think its what they said.
    wish i had that much money to throw around
    Other women want a boob job. Honey the only silicone i'm interested in is on a 12 cup muffin tray, preferably shaped like little hearts :heart:
  • highlighter
    highlighter Posts: 423 Forumite
    I watched this "smart spenders" prog for the first time last will be the last time i watch it.

    That woman ("thirft woman") seem to appear in and out of the show like she had a spare five minutes to dash away from the office to lend a hand. She took away her credit/debit cards and gave her a budget...well the girl featured had no alternative but to stick to her budget. This has got nothing to do with smart spending! Its a 2 min easy fix...she got her cards back and and returned to her old habbits (buying shoes). Job well done then...NOT.

    This prog peevs me off so i cant imagine how more hardcore MSE's and Martin feel, its gotta be an insult to his profession.

    :mad: :confused: :mad: :confused:
  • lipidicman
    lipidicman Posts: 2,598 Forumite
    I agree with the general dim view taken of 'smart spenders'

    Why is 'spendaholics' languishing on BBC3 whilst SS gets a main channel slot?

    I feel a petition coming on
  • Curry_Queen
    Curry_Queen Posts: 5,589 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Galtizz wrote:
    There could be an old style recipe featured each week - could get James Martin to cook it - I'm sure Curry Queen would volenteer to help ;) , with regular recipes for rubber chicken and slow cookers.

    I'm certainly sure I could be persuaded to do something like that ;) :drool:

    I watched the first of this series a few weeks back and was not impressed, for much the same reasons everyone else has voiced. I too would love to see Martin doing something like this, as I said the last time this subject came up, and I really hope the new show he's working on makes it to air :T
    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
    It is that what you do, good or bad,
    will come back to you three times as strong!

  • Ticklemouse
    Ticklemouse Posts: 5,030 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hell, this site has been commended by a parliamentary motion, so I'm sure we could raise enough support if we wanted to to get a DECENT money-saving, life-style makeover prog on air.

    All those in favour, raise your hands.....
  • jen_jen_2
    jen_jen_2 Posts: 1,032 Forumite
    "I know, you could do a celebrity version, you could use the characters of Coronation Street or Emmerdale and they could write their money troubles into the soap"

    What would be a good idea is to be a consultant to the soaps so at least they get the real story, it irritates the hell out of me when eastenders or coronation street do a debt story and its all over in 3 weeks and their is no resemblance in the story to what actually happens to people.

    The benefit overpayment story (Eastenders) - twaddle
    The reposession (eastenders) - rubbish
    Bailiffs (coronation street a while ago) - pathetic
    Ready to Go Go!
  • Austin_Allegro
    Austin_Allegro Posts: 1,462 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hooray for Mr Lewis who will hopefully be on our screens soon dispensing old style wisdom to the feckless masses.

    The only other TV saving guru I like is Alvin Hall, because he has 'tough love' and makes people confront their overspending in a no-nonsense way.

    The trouble with Spendaholics in my view is that earnest and dull pop psychologist who twaddles on about people spending too much because they weren't breastfed long enough, or some such Freudian mumbo-jumbo. The fat woman who does the shopping etc is ok though.
    'Never keep up with Joneses. Drag them down to your level. It's cheaper.' Quentin Crisp
  • lipidicman
    lipidicman Posts: 2,598 Forumite
    The fat woman who does the shopping etc is ok though.

    ..and todays prize for 'Politically Uncorrect Post' goes to......

    ....AUSTIN ALLEGRO! *applause*

    I'm sure Ms Hunt will be pleased that you think she is OK!
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