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Thursday 12 April 2007

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for 12/04/2007. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

Good morning everyone,

Sorry, I've only skimmed through yesterday's thread but hugs for smokybabe, tru, Haribo and CCStar….and belated birthday wishes pawpurrs…..sorry if I've missed anything else important.

I have been to bed but the blooming cat got locked in our room by mistake and has wakened me trying to get out. It's not her fault, but now I can't get back to sleep. :(

Anyway, we took ourselves and the little one off for the day yesterday (the elder two weren't interested and had better things to do) but we had a lovely picnic and we managed to spot a bike for the birthday in a half price sale on the way home. He's delighted with it and beside himself with excitement…and we are very very mean parents who won't give it to him until Saturday.

On the way home there was a minor accident which had caused a traffic jam. I suggested a detour, which funnily enough, took us right past a garden centre I've been wanting to go to for a while. :D Mr Pink was not a happy bunny….if we'd stayed with the traffic jam we would have got home much sooner. I managed to spend an hour and a half in the garden centre and by the time we left his wallet was quite a bit lighter. :D

So plans for today are to play with my new toys...I have to sort my sunflower and pumpkin seedlings out as they are beginning to take over the bathroom and plant my new seeds in their new trays. Please God they'll work! The only way I could persuade Mr Pink to buy all the paraphernalia was to tell him (white lies) about how much we would save on our summer salad shopping! Unfortunately he knows me too well….chances of them being planted (50%)…chances of them succeeding under my care (25%)…and chances of me remembering to water them once outside (10%) :o

The forecast for today is sun, sun and more once I'm done with my seeds there will be very little in the way of OS. I'm hoping to sit in the garden with my book and do nothing but watch the washing dry on the line. If it stays fine there'll be a barbeque for tea. I am on holiday after all. :D

I hope you all have a lovely day.


Ps Just read back over my post and Mr Pink isn't really the grumpy old git I make him out to be….he's a sweetie really. :)


  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    Good morning pink-winged and all to follow,

    well here i am again, been awake for an hour, so i got up !!!! (again ) sorry didnt post or read thread yesterday.. so belated hugs to anyone who needed one yesterday....

    im down from 14 hours a week at work to only 2.5 now !!!!!!!!!! so i have a whole hours work to go to today !!!!!!!! so i shall be doing some more gardening today, also have some washing and ironing to do and the bbq needs a good clean.

    incase anyone is interested MARKS ANS SPENCER have whole chickens Oakham ones for half price... grabbed 3 yesterday as i was in Portsmouth.

    oh is staying at his mums in London afterwork tonight and dd is going for a sleepover at a friends.... YIPPPPEEEEE i have the place to myself !!!!!!!! ooohh not shure if to invite Brad Pitt or Mel GIbson or Mr Darcey round !!!!!

    hope you all have a great day
    Loraine x x x
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • Mrs_Flittersnoop
    Morning all! I can't sleep either, and it's not even light yet :( the birds are tweeting outside though so it will soon be dawn.

    Pink, you sound like me, I have to build in sneaky visits to the garden centre whenever possible, took DS20 last week to take advantage of his muscle power. I have gone veg mad this year, bought tons of seeds etc and am enthusiastically chucking them here, there and everywhere at the moment, only a matter of time till I get <ahem> bored and forget them.....:rotfl:

    I have a four hour session booked at college this morning and then this afternoon will be taken up with making moussaka out of the remains of the lamb we had on Sunday. I love moussaka but it takes so long to make and uses every saucepan and spoon in my kitchen so I have got to be quick off the mark and freeze half of it before OH gets his grubby paws on it, it's way too labour intensive to let him snarf the lot in one go :D

    Think the forecast is for sun, sun and more sun today (hooray! :j ) so will be digging through the washing basket and taking advantage of the good weather.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!
    Mrs F x
  • scuzz
    scuzz Posts: 1,995 Forumite
    Good morning All

    I'M GOING ON HOLIDAY NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!:j :j :j :j :j Booked it all yesterday. Work aren't too happy but there we go. I'm going to Florida for 2 weeks with my bf. I can't wait. I've not had a holiday in 3 years!

    Met the new boss yesterday - I'll reserve judgement. Oh I had my palm read for free yesterday. Wow! He was spot on with what I'm like, very spooky. And I met a medium who gave me a message from my Dad, which was scarily accurate too.

    All in all, yesterday was good. Today I must get travel insurance and sort out some money to go away with. I can't believe I'm going, it's so exciting

    Hope everyone's well and happy. Hugs if you need them
    Comping, Clicking & Saving for Change
  • mrs_mix
    mrs_mix Posts: 1,800 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning everyone
    another bad night seen every hour since 2am
    dd has to see the consultant today about getting her tonsil's out poor thing thought she was going to get it done today and was quite worried about it so reassured her she only had to see him today and then go home she was happy hopefully won't be to stressfull
    ds2 is at a sleepover and is out for the day
    ds1 will do some jobs for me whilst I'm out this morning bless him I realised yesterday how much he's grown up just lately he had some money from working and easter and was worried he would waste it of he went to sports world and bought some smart trainers and two very smart shirts saying well I need them for interviews mum I leave school in about 6 weeks and need to get a job and I've got those interviews at college bless makes me feel old tho
    bm will go on today
    wm not sure probably later after ds2 gets home
    quick swish and swipe and everywhere will be sorted
    (((((hugs))))) to ALL
    have a good day

    pam xxx
    I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

    I am one of the English sexy Shelias
    I'm also a hussy
  • N9eav
    N9eav Posts: 4,742 Forumite
    Morning. I have not posted here for a week or so. To be honest, I have been too busy really. Too nice a weather to be inside.
    Looks like another nice warm day. I have been getting the garden ready for planting, which is back breaking digging. I will plant later this year as it seems to work better.
    Work shortly, It's been a busier week with plenty to do.
    I booked my holiday this week. 3 weeks in USA over Christmas and New Year:D Not the best deal I have ever gotten, but it seems the taxes have been piled on top now.
    Can't wait. Just need to make e-bay work enough to pay for it. Trouble is stock is hard to find..
    Well folks have a nice day..
    NO to pasty tax We won!!!! Just shows that people power works! Don't be apathetic to your cause!
  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    scuzz...... im so happy for you..... go through quidco for your insurance, you will get it megga cheap and cash back !!!! i got mine for two adults and a child for about £25 ish !!!!! have you been to Florida before ? my mum is flying out thewre on tuesday next week !!!!!

    mrs mix... hope you feel better soon.. hugs to you

    N9eav... glad your back x x x

    i have just made a sponge and its in the oven as i type !!! gonna turn it into a lemon drizzle, munch a slice while its still warm ( to taste test !!!!!! ) then slice and freeze the rest for dd packed lunches when shes back at school.

    need to go out and water the new turfs , then pop out for that hours work !!!!!
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • scuzz
    scuzz Posts: 1,995 Forumite
    AMIE399 wrote: »
    scuzz...... im so happy for you..... go through quidco for your insurance, you will get it megga cheap and cash back !!!! i got mine for two adults and a child for about £25 ish !!!!! have you been to Florida before ? my mum is flying out thewre on tuesday next week !!!!!

    Yes I went to Florida about 3 years ago. Went to Orlando and International Drive. This time I'm going further south, right on the coast in a really quiet spot. I can't wait:j :j
    Comping, Clicking & Saving for Change
  • jcr16
    jcr16 Posts: 4,185 Forumite
    morning all.

    i've had an awful night. i have a sort throat from hell. went to a kiddies birthday party yesterday and i was the only non-smoker and i could feel my throat tightening. had to leave earlier as my head was just spinning. but kids were shattered so they went to bed in about 2 sec felt of their heads hitting pilliow. but i think i might go back to bed. just got up to make hubby his lunch and have got a cuppa.

    i did make loads of fairy ckes yesterday. well 46 of them and i have frozen them all down in little bags of 6.

    gonna make a pizza for tea tonight as that is simple. can put the bread maker on and start it early.

    i really feel the need to go food shopping. but i don't need anything and i only have a tenner left of budget till next friday.that will get spent on fruit tho on tuesday when i go to town as don't have much left. we eat so much fruit.

    i have got one load of washing to do which is a towel wash. and some laundry to put away. so not much planned which is fab witht the way i feeling.

    i have promised my daughter i will make some playdough today. as at the party in the pass the parcel on little boy got some of that yucky ready made stuff and my daughter wanted it. so i quitely whispered mummy will make u some which will be alot more fun. it was a nice party but it amazed me that someone who has such little money didn't make a thing everything was all shop bought ( junk) type of food. i know each to their own and i don't have a prob with that. but sometimes thw simple and best option is the one never taken if u get my drift.

    but back to playdough i was thinking for my daugthers pass the parcel i could make up playdough in diff colours and make my own little presents with it. buy some little pot. and inculde the recipe so the mums can also make more playdough when needed.

    anyway scuzz enjoy ur holiday , for anyone thats feels rough send u ((((((hugs))))) and for anyone birthday have a fantastic day
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning all! For a change I slept until 6.10 - can't believe it! In fact, I'm a bit cross really because the early hours are the perfect time to be on MSE without anyone making me feel guilty.

    Amie - missed you yesterday although if you were in Portsmouth you weren't a million miles away from me! As for Mr Darcey - I've promised him some Weetabix brownies! I'll send him over when I've finished with him!

    Hi Pink-winged and Flittersnoop! My first hi to N9eav!

    Scuzz - not long to go until your holiday , is it?

    Mrs Mix - so sorry you've had such a bad night. When I have a night like that - constantly waking - I call it a round night because you just seem to be in a loop. Do you get a chance to have a nap during the day? I find that helps a lot. I don't know how I managed before I found this place - at least you can always find company here at almost any time of the day or night. I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight. Your DS1 sounds like the perfect son - obviously he has a lovely mum.

    Well - baking today - once I've finished with Mr Darcey, of course! I have a couple of surveys to do and a bit of clicking - I am only just getting to grips with that but I still need to make a list of what I've earned so far. I also have to do my menu plan - my visitors over the weekend put paid to the last one! I need to post a book to my mum - I found one called 'Nippy' in the charity shop yesterday (10p!) - it's about the days of the old Lyons cafes and the waitresses were called nippies because of the way they used to nip between the tables - it was my mum's first job and where she met my dad so I know she'll be thrilled with it. Last week she sent me a book about my home town - it was full of old photos and she had put post-its all the way through it pointing out my own personal 'places of interest' such as the hospital where I was born and the park where I fell out of a conker tree and loads more.

    The sun is already up and about now so a good day for drying - I couldn't find enough to justify a load in the WM yesterday but I did manage to finish the huge pile of ironing that had built up over Easter. Have started knitting another doll - for a present - but I only managed four rows yesterday and had dozed off because I was so tired. Dinner tonight is New Forest sausages with jacket pots and baked beans - a DH favourite - followed by the rest of the fresh pineapple we had yesterday. It was meant to be stewed plums and yoghurt but the plums were horrible on the inside and couldn't be salvaged. I hated throwing them out - very unMSE - but I had no choice.

    DH is getting organised for work next week and, as he has been at home a lot for the last four weeks in between jobs, I'm planning all the things I can catch up with while he's out! He's self-employed so it makes for a disorganised way of life from my point of view and I'm longing to get the house to myself!

    Well, I think that's all for now but will pop in and out of here during the day. I wish everyone a happy Thursday, hi to all those who follow and (((hugs))) to everyone.:hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :grouphug:

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    :hello: Good morning all :D:D

    Pink (and all gardeners) you’ll need to get into the habit of watering this year :o My friend pointed out on Tuesday that the oak is now in leaf but the ash is still budding, the old saying goes: Ask before oak, we’re in for a soak; oak before ash, we’re in for a splash! Splash as in splashing around in the sea due to the dry and heat. Looks like Pooky was right yesterday in saying it’s going to be hot, hot, hot (and all thru the summer too it would seem).

    AIMEE – how much is half price?

    Scuzz – woohoo, that is excellent news!! :T :T Have a wonderful time in Florida, you deserve the break!!

    Mrs mix – good luck with the consultant today, hope it doesn’t prove too stressful for your dd.

    Jcr16 – to feed your shopping urge, shop at home ;) Go through all your cupboards and make a list of everything you have. Tedious, but might cure your urge. Have fun making your playdough :D:D:D

    Mioliere – I’m sure your mum will be thrilled to pieces with “Nippy”, what a sweet thought (and great find!). Enjoy your baking today.

    On my agenda today is a) get those clothes bought this morning *wags finger at self* and then when we get back get stuck in to the rest of the shredding/clearing. Need to get some new secateurs though. Going to grab some bbq coals too so that can be on while we work; couple of baked potatoes, some hm burgers a dish of hm coleslaw and we’ll be well away! :D:D:D

    Wishing you all only good things :):):) :wave:
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
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