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OS Saturday 7th April '07



  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi all

    Made the veg curry for tea and it smells lovely, mmm, loads of it so should get another day out of it.

    Lo has found our easter egg stash and is helping himself to smarties! he had better eat his tea.

    Boys are out playing in the field, been out since lunch, so hope they tire themselves out!:D

  • meanmarie
    meanmarie Posts: 5,328 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Afternoon all!

    I am sitting here feeling sorry for all you OLD people born in the would mid40s make you feel?

    Weather is still lovely here, OH did his back in the other day in the garden so has not been able to do anything for a couple of days, we were out all morning shopping and other bits and pieces so will only have time to do dinner, hang out washing, put on another load and water the garden so that flower and veg seedlings don't die of thirst, greenhouse contents will need a drink too.

    Happy birthday Michelle, good luck Moggins and hugs to all in need.

    Weight 08 February 86kg
  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Well DPs problem is toothache! Found the evidence this afternoon and when he got up it's mainly teeth that are hurting. Evidence = empty packet of cookies!!!! So I was woken rudely by him thrashing about because of his late night munching! He's got dentist appointment booked anyway in just over a week, told him off the sweet stuff until then. He's honestly worse than the kids, has a major chocolate addiction. Anyway he's gone to work with a pocket of pain relief. Hopefully keep him quiet.

    Braved the shops with the kids as they were being noisey. Part of me wishes I haddn't as was so stressful but they both now have new shoes, trainers, DS1s school trousers etc etc. Still need a few things but a lot done. Went for groceries but 4th shop later too stressed and came home. Will get the rest when I am alone. Did get some bulbs while I was out, figure cheaper than buying plants which are ready grown as these were £5 ish for a mixed bag of bulbs. Got a planter to put some of them in, rest will go in the ones which only have 3 plants in each :o on a budget so looks a tad bare.

    DPs just 'paid me' we kind of have a system where he gives me a certain amount for bills for the week so any extra he makes is his. Can't help feeling jipped sometimes as he only works 3 nights and has usually paid me by the second so keeps the rest. But also saves him WANTING all the time and I manage fine on what he gives me plus tax credits etc. He knows now if he hasn't made more cash to pay for it then it's a no. He's paid part of it in a load of £2 coins he's been saving for me. I wonder if these will fill my tin, then I'll have to empty and count it :D so curious as to what's in there, it's one of those sealed beans type tins but quite big and weighs loads now. I keep poking a stick in to see how much I have to go :rotfl:
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • Blairweech
    Blairweech Posts: 1,379 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    UGH, I'm bored. I know you all will hate me for saying that - 'I wish I'ld got time to be bored etc' but I am!! Just can't be bothered cleaning the kitchen, did just do the ironing though. I feel restless, I don't particularly feel inspired to do anything right now. And I wish OH was here.

    Sorry for the moan. *wanders off to peruse the internet*
    We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment
  • PoshPaws_3
    PoshPaws_3 Posts: 485 Forumite
    First Post
    Hello all :wave:

    Haven't had much time for posting lately, but have been trying to read along whilst eating my dinner each evening! Yes, we do have a dining table, but its covered in crafting and art stuff, so I'm afraid we commit the cardinal sin and all three (DS as well) eat at our computer tables (which are three in a row beside the kitchen!). Every now and then we clear the dining room table and make a show of it, not least because its good to remind DS how to comport oneself in polite company. :D

    Today started off well when middle dog wee'd on little dog's head, so little dog had to go in the bath when we got back from walkies. Then, while I was in the mood, I threw middle dog in the bath and capitalised on the mess quota. Better to only have to clean the bathroom once, is my theory. Big dog was keeping a low profile, but he's very fine-coated and only needs doing once in a blue moon.

    Have done 3 lots in the WM and 2 lots are dry. Made pizza bases and the pizzas were scrummy. Had leftover chilli con carne (without rice! lol) on mine - the boys don't know what deliciousness they turned their noses up at!

    DS spent the afternoon cutting himself a walking stick from the trimmings of the Buddleija, then sanding it and painting it. Its gloriously rainbow coloured now and looks marvellous. He'd better not take it out in the rain, though, as all the paints are water-based!!

    Happy birthday Michelle - hope its been a good one.

    Been thinking of you today, Moggins. Hope everything went as well as can be expected.

    Right, better go and get cleared up before Doctor Who hits the screens!
    :hello: I'm very well, considering the state I'm in. :hello:
    Weight loss since 2 March 10 : 13lbs
  • stefejb
    stefejb Posts: 1,725 Forumite
    Afternoon all
    DD and i are just back from the footie - brentford lost again and I think could be relegated on Monday but I can't work out the maths at all. It was ladies day and dd and I had vouchers for a free item of clothing as we are season ticket holders. We wanted hoodies but they only had home and away shirts or the type of skimpy top that she is too young for and i am, alas, too old. We got away shirts in the end - I am szie small man and she is size large boy - so much for equality!
    We are having a barbie tomorrow and exoh has taken over the kitchen to do some ill advised extravagant marinade which means that I can't get in and do the basics GRRRR! He has been doing some gardening as well and has planted a redcurrant bush in the exact same spot that the blackberry bush that it took middle dd two days to pull up was. still he did treat me to a mini greenhouse for easter. Trying to crack on with some housework but dd is in dr who mode so I think I'll wait till later or I'll get told off for walking in front of the telly or being loud or breathing while dd is in the zone
    Thinking of moggins, blairweech and Ticklemouse as you head off into singleland - its not all bad you know but then I'd hardly know as exoh is more often here than not
    I'm going to feed our children non-organic food and with the money saved take them to the zoo - half man half biscuit 2008
  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    well im a nice clean girl !!! i just had a long bubbly bath and hairwash..... i think i had more dirt on me than we have in the garden !!!!.. i built a rockery with all the rubble, made a yummy hm bacon and cheese pizza for lunch.. well im just going to pour myself a well earnt guinness and watch Dr Who
    Loraine x x
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • taplady
    taplady Posts: 7,184 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post

    havent been here for a couple of days due to lack of time! but I'm back!:j

    Went to visit my best friend for the day yesterday for the first time since November when she moved to West Brom. We had a lovely day catching up!:D

    Today we've been to Kidderminster shopping then home to give the house a blitz, 4 loads of washing and some ironing and now I'm shattered! Pizza in oven for tea with salad and wedges.

    I hope you've all had a good day,

    catch you soon

    take care xxx

    ps Moggins - hope all went well xx
    Do what you love :happyhear
  • moggins
    moggins Posts: 5,190 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Grrrrrr I am really really really annoyed! I have DD breaking into tears all day, I am tired and fed up and stayed away from home for ages and finally come home to find virtually nothing shifted!! Just the few boxes he packed and some clothes. I don't even know where the hell he is! The house is empty and I am surrounded by his crap and I can't even get any housework done. I am absolutely livid. The tv's haven't been switched over, his computer is still plugged in, what the hell has he been doing all day?
    Organised people are just too lazy to look for things

    F U Fund currently at £250
  • csarina
    csarina Posts: 2,557 Forumite
    Evening all!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the first time we have been over to the apartment today. This morning we went to the market for spuds and carrots, then to Argos for a new coffee machine, a water filter and an over door coat hanger for the cupboard in the hall, the door is the only place we can hang coats, the walls are a no no.......

    This afternoon I had a snooze on the settee, I am sleeping better, but still shattered........... we have moved over quite a bit of stuff this week, hope to move the tinned stuff on Monday..........

    Moggins and DD, I have been thinking about you on and off all day, I hope everything went ok and you are feeling less stressed now...........

    Happy Birthday Michelle and (((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) to those who need them.

    I hope you all have a happy day with your families tomorrow and lots of choccy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a piece of beef in marinade in the fridge, It was half pice at Mr T's when we went I treated us for Easter, hopefully I will be able to slice and freeze enough for a couple more dinners. Planning on doing braised fennel and parsnip with it............

    Off for a cuppa and see if anyone has sent me emails.............
    Was 13st 8 lbs,Now 12st 11 Lost 10 1/4lbs since I started on my diet.
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