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OS Saturday 7th April '07



  • Aril
    Aril Posts: 1,877 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi everyone!
    Happy birthday Michelle...hope you get the lovely sunshine for your special day!
    Just sitting here having a quick catch up with a cuppa before I get on with my OS tasks! So far I've put a white wash out on the line and there's a dark one doing so to speak. Shortly I'll need to make up a HM packed lunch for the small person as he's off on a 6 mile walk with my Dad and get the Caribbean chicken going in the SC. The trifle is all done bar the cream on top so OH and I shall head out later before my friend comes over for supper.
    Tomorrow we're going to tackle the garden. I have told myself no spending at the garden centre until it's all been tidied. OH and I are trying an experiment this year...neither of us are keen gardeners [my idea of having an allotment would be sheer punishment!! Not very OS I know but there we go!] but we have decided to put former pots that housed annuals over to veg this year. have to see how it goes,
    Monday we're going to combine a family walk with a nettle forage which I plan to make into soup and nettle puree. Unfortunately the friend who was coming for the day has had to postpone.
    Have a wonderful Easter all you lovely people!
    Aiming for a life of elegant frugality wearing a new-to-me silk shirt rather than one of hair!
  • FunkyFairy
    FunkyFairy Posts: 866 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Photogenic First Post
    Happy Birthday Michelle, another 1979 babe here too:o

    Had a fab day on the allotment.

    Planted potatoes, peas, lettuce, chives, onions and asparagus.

    Hoping to get up again today as i have more pots to go in and some carrots.

    WM is on and will go on the line

    Hope you all have a good day
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    Now completed all the online stuff I needed to do, chook and quails sorted, so I think I’ll take myself off for a nice soak.

    Thanks squeaky for adding the daily blurb; sorry about that, I don’t start the thread often and it slipped my mind :o

    skystar – now that you’ve posted the banks are open … beware the deluge of customers :laugh: Many happy returns for your dss, that was a fantastic bargain on the GB accessories!!! :T :T

    Emmy – good luck finding some bargain table and chairs. Personally, the best time for a bargain on those items, and let’s face it they are an investment kind of purchase, is actually in the Autumn. Couple of years back now we bought a beautiful set for a quarter of it’s original selling price! From a store’s point of view, they want rid because they need the floor/storage space. I know it means waiting but worth bearing in mind?

    gq – have a wonderful time at your Auntie’s :D

    Essex – enjoy your pampering at the hairdressers; hope you get that leak sorted out sooner rather than later!

    Aimee – ouchie! All over body aches are not nice at all! Hope you have a good time in London tomorrow J

    twink – aww, you are such a sweetie helping Kyle with her washing! I know she needs all the support she can get right now and I have my fingers X’d that the controlled crying technique works out for her – well, for all of them really!

    l’il me – not sure what your DP does, but could his pain be posture related? Maybe you could make up a rice bag to ease some of the tension? Grab a cotton sock, add a handful of rice, knot the top, add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil and heat in a microwave for 45-60 secs. Together with the pain killers might bring him some much needed relief? Ultimately though, I agree with twink, call NHS Direct and get some professional advice.

    Aril – wow, a six mile walk is no mean feat!!! Pop some slow release carbs in that lunchbox :laugh: Good luck with your veggie pots. Saw in the gardening forum that the May issue of “Grow Your Own” comes with a booklet on gardening in pots and small spaces … might be worth buying? Ah, nettle soup is Deeee lish!!!! Enjoy!! :D:D:D

    kyle - hope you've begun the "controlled crying" and even though it's a toughie to see through, that you will find the inner resources to persevere. Best of luck to you!

    Pecksniff's calls, so I'm off for a soak in lavender oil. Catch up with you al when I get back home again. :wave: :D:D:D
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Twink & Queenie, thanks, I've said the same thing to him. He's now said all his teeth on that side hurt aswell, but he's stubborn and keeps saying he'll be fine, men eh! He's finally asleep, said hurts less when sat up/stood up so he's propped up on 6 pillows, but I still keep checking on him. Tip toes of course as I don't want to wake him. He was wanting to go to work earlier today but I'm not going to wake him for at least 8 hours from now unless he wakes up himself. Will see how he is when he gets up next and decide if should call them. I've got glandular fever aswell as this cold so could be that. Posture, possibly, never thought of that, he's been complaining of back pain when driving and after (he's a taxi driver but onlt works 3 evenings a week usually) he's also been helping in the garden inc a lot of heavy lifting for me this week so maybe that too, so many possibilities, will try the sock idea if he wakes up aswell.

    Peace and quiet now over, little ones up wandering about, oldests in Tigger mode as I call it and wanting to eat chocolate, Easter eggs people have bought them way too tempting, I'm being the horrible NO person. He's refused any 'normal food' but his hunger will last less time than my patience. Just got to keep them quiet ish so DP stays asleep, he can usually sleep through a bomb drop but not when unwell. Might take them out somewhere a bit later, was thinking shoe shop for DS1 but that is chaos at the best of times without 2 of them on my own and on a Saturday! Must get something to help DS2s sweaty feet too, been doing a lot of walking lately (several miles a day with the dogs usually) and even though his shoes are leather, Clarkes actually so expensive too, he's getting blisters all the time and think that is why.

    Pleased plants have been mentioned, must water the ones we bought yesterday when I check on the fish, aswell as the herbs but aren't doing too well, never tried to plant from seed before.
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi all

    Had better evening with lo, didnt wake til 10 but during the night was still the same, he is full of the cold so maybe thats why, mums blanket did help him i think:rolleyes:

    Planning on making veg curry today, get more veg this evening from my veg box:T

    Sore throat here, woke up with it really sore, going for bath in a mo see if that will help.

    Moggins and dd, hope today goes ok, thinking of u, hugs

    Michelle Happy birthday, also a 79 baby here:D enjoy your day

    skystar Happy birthday for your stepson

    Lilme Hope your dp is ok, hugs

    smokybabe Hugs to u and dh

    queenie dont start the controlled crying til next week when dh has the week off, he is full of the cold at the mo so hope it clears by next week:D

  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Kyle I wouldn't start it just yet either, when they are poorly is probably the worst sleep time anyway. Also good idea doing it when you have someone else at home. Hope lo and you both feel better soon.

    All you 79ers stop it, mines 78 and you're making me feel old :rotfl:

    Oh I started off so well and now I seem to have lost all motivation, think I best finish that cupboard I emptied (all over the bench) before I start anything else. Better get the boys dressed aswell, or they'll be running round the garden starkers again. Might even change out of my PJ bottoms aswell, I got half way there and put a different top on but these PJs are comfy so put them on this morning instead :o only downside being I've been wandering round the garden in a navy top and bright pink PJ bottoms, I must look a right sight.
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • ~~H~~_4
    ~~H~~_4 Posts: 203 Forumite
    Morning folks

    I posted a quick hello when I joined on Wednesday, but thought Id say it again.:hello:

    Everyone on here has inspired me to get on & do more things about the house ... yesterday I actually managed to do three loads of washing, dry & iron it, then put it away, whereas usually it would hang about waiting to be ironed. Thanks for inspiring me. :D

    Ive already put one load of washing on the line, & have another in the WM. In about half an hour I will be off, got things to do that will take up the whole day ... first I have to pick up a parcel from the Royal Mail depot (Im sure they watch for me to go out before knocking my door to deliver), then Im taking my boys to an easter egg hunt. After that, we will be travelling to the other side of town to give my nephews their easter eggs, & then this evening Im taking the boys swimming. I will be ready to drop by the the time we get home about 7.30!

    Oh well, best get on.

    Oh, & Emmy, I saw a pation table & chairs set including parasol in Wilkinsons the other day. I cant remember the price, but I do remember thinking 'wow, thats cheap'.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    A well balanced life is a glass in each hand ;)
  • catznine
    catznine Posts: 3,192 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!

    Happy Birthday Michelle! :bdaycake:

    Moggins - thinking of you today!

    Elona - hope you get your tooth sorted out!

    Well I am getting really nervous now as tooth will be extracted in less than 2 hours!:eek: fingers crossed it goes ok and I don't have stitches! At least that will be one less root canal to worry about!

    Queenie - I will be using your suggestion and grating some of any easter eggs that may come my way and popping them on top of a hot choc drink!

    DD is home for Easter so I think we will spend rest of day watching girlie movies, Pride and prejudice, Sense and sensibility, Little Women are lined up! Then maybe Tea with Mussolini. All bought while on sale earlier in the year.

    Have a lovely day everyone!

    Catz x

    Lil me - Old is when you remember "giving birth" in 78!:rotfl:
    Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.

    Jan grocery challenge £35.77/£120
  • Penny-Pincher!!
    Penny-Pincher!! Posts: 8,325 Forumite
    Morning Guys!

    Not feeling so good today:rolleyes: is lovely though, so may take my breakie and eat it outside.

    Have caught up with the washing:D DW will need to go on later and the toilet has been cleaned. This afternoon we are sorting through our Bootsale stuff as we are hoping to do one on Monday. Will out it all out on the decking and sort into piles and prices.

    DD is round her friends for a couple of nights so very quiet and peaceful here ATM. Their dog (female one) had pups about 2 weeks ago and they are gorgeous British Bulldog DD is in her elimant! These pups are selling for 2k each:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    OH has made me some lovely bubble and squeak for breakfast with a fried egg:A and some HP sauce:D

    Anyway, Id best go.

    Hugs to all.

    To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it,
    requires brains!
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Good morning everyone,


    Moggins - good luck for today, hope it all goes well xx


    lil_me, dlb and smokey - hope your DHs will all be feeling better xxxx

    Well, today is our Easter day :EasterBun - have an Easter egg hunt :easter_ba planned for later, and we will be having roast duck for lunch, with a nice bottle of plonk for me (and one of the mums bought me an easter egg, as well as the children, so i have one this year too!!!) Cant do it tomorrow due to DSs football tournement and our trip to see my sister (her 40th birthday).
    Its a lovely day here, but i really do want to get on top of the cleaning this morning, so we can enjoy the afternoon. First job tho, will be to load the car up - i wont have time tomorrow morning, and we are also going to be doing a car boot sale (hopefully) on monday, so need to put all those bits in the car - will be able to clean my bedroom once all that is out of the way!!!

    Right, off to get started, hope everyone has a lovely day,
    Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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