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OS Saturday 7th April '07



  • joannasmum
    joannasmum Posts: 1,145 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning All

    Happy Birthday Michelle, have a fantastic day

    Thinking of you and your children today Moggins

    Well the full nights sleep was a blip and DD ended up in with me at 12.30. Didnt have a bad nights sleep considering she wanted every inch of a King size bed to herself. We are thinking that she has grown out of her cot so we need to get her a bed.

    Today DH is helping his parents again with putting up the largest shed in the world as we have nicknamed it. I will be going down later as SIL is going to do my highlights while MIL keeps an eye on the LO's. Have a small list of jobs to do before then including a wash load to go out on the line.

    My other news is that dispite me trying to potty train at least 6 times DD was having none of it. Last night she decided that she wanted to wear knickers and I had a job getting her to wear a nappy for bed. This morning the nappy was nearly dry and she has currently wearing knickers. 1 accident so far but thats to be expected.

    Have a good day everyone
    Sorting my life out one day at a time
  • anniebooklover
    anniebooklover Posts: 1,211 Forumite
    Morning everyone

    I posted on the Freebies forum to thank everyone for their Pigsback answers as I won 1000pps yesterday. (Another Boots voucher on its way. :j ) So, I thought I would just drop in and say hi.

    Happy Birthday Michelle and Skystar Jr Hope you have a lovely day.

    (((hugs))) to those with toothache, are sleeping poorly, under the weather, etc. Moggins hope things go well today.

    Like lots of you, I was potting and planting yesterday. I also got lots of housework done too. Today's plan is to cook. I had some gorgeous Carrot and Thyme soup when I was out for lunch with DD and DS last week so I am going to attempt that. A rubber chicken is also on the cards.

    Beautiful day here though so I think I will also head out for a nice walk around the docks and have a nosey at all the posh boats.

    Have a sunny Saturday everyone. xx
    "Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
    - Proverb
  • dannahaz
    dannahaz Posts: 1,068 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning everyone

    Happy Birthday Michelle, and good luck Moggins!

    Off to the Farmers Market in a mo, DH is cycling there with me so that should make it less of a chore (the cycling, not the FM, that's never a chore!).

    Rory Bremner was on good form yesterday, it was his birthday and the recording time was really fast with very few retakes.

    <Hugs> to anyone who wants or needs one


  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    had to pop back on just to say WOW i just made the raspberry muffins, they are sooooooo yummy !!!! thanks pinkwinged x x x
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • cha97michelle
    cha97michelle Posts: 5,818 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    Hi everyone

    Just popped in to say thanks for the birthday wishes. It has made my day that bit more special.

    catznine don't know if you meant to, but me and DH had a good giggle at you saying about giving birth in '78.

    moggins i hope today isn't too traumatic. A big hug from me. Particularly for your kids. x

    kyle sorry to hear you are having such trouble with LO sleeping. My sister is in the same boat with her LO 17mo, waking up at silly times, wanting a bottle. He basically won't eat much all day, and seems to have swapped day and night round a bit. She is shattered, so i know how you must be.

    catowen enjoy the duck and the easter hunt. Never been brave enough to try a whole duck, always just breasts.

    PP sorry to hear you are under the weather.

    Big hugs to everyone. So far i have had breakie made for me, lots of pressies, lots of cuddles from Charlie (although mainly cos he's teething and been a limpet all week)

    Haven't even managed to get dressed yet so i suppose i should do that. Although, i guess i can do what i want within reason.;)

    Michelle, x
  • smokybabe
    smokybabe Posts: 2,477 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker

    Hi, everyone.

    Awwwww , thank you all for your lovely messages yesterday, please accept a .......


    from me.

    I have decided to go with him on Tues to see the GP as he needs a sick note and am also going to phone Coronary Care beforehand to see if they will tell us anymore, or at least explain.

    The weather is beautiful and I really need to get the kids out but it's the last thing I feel like. I also need to get some bread and milk and some fruit, nothing else as we are very well stocked up at the moment:rolleyes: I should pick up with the spring cleaning but again I am lacking any motivation - I am just very tired and haven't slept so well. OH sorted out the seedlings yesterday and the bulbs are in. I don't know what we are going to eat today, something from the freezers I expect.

    I haven't read through yet, will do so later.

    44gprn8.gifto anyone in need today.

    Moggins, make sure he only takes his own stuff, you can borrow my bodyguard...........


    44b2fyr.gifto michelle and a belated one to Skyblue.

    Smoky. xx
    If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape 100 days of sorrow.......Chinese proverb
    DFW No 172.
  • mel123
    mel123 Posts: 64 Forumite
    Good morning all.
    Happy birthday michelle, it lovely to be pampered on your birthday.

    I have just had brekkie home made pottoe cakes and home grown organic mushrooms yummy.

    Well I got rid of the kids to my sisters (great) got roped into driving my mate a thousand miles (slight exageration) to pick a bloody bike up. The sun is scorching the back of your eyesballs and I have to drive (not so great).

    Charlie pug is chasing bird shadows in the garden again, he's not very bright.

    If I get bck in time I mght nip to the garden centre to see what they have on offer.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, and lots of love to anyone that might need some.
    Who would like my last penny?
  • Blairweech
    Blairweech Posts: 1,379 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning all,

    Well, yesterday didn't go exactly to plan, as a friend rang and asked if I wanted to come to a barbecue in the avo. Then we went out in the evening, it was pretty good, except that something quite embarrasing (for me) happened, so I don't think I'll be going round there for a while. Never mind.

    So today's plan is to do yesterday's plan. I am supposed to be properly going out tonight (to a rave in Exeter :p Yes, seriously), but don't know if I feel like it now - only got a couple of hours sleep last night.

    Hope you all have a good day :beer:
    We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment
  • Crazychik
    Crazychik Posts: 1,994 Forumite
    Good Morning All

    Im feeling rather delicate this morning, due to having an excellent night out last night. BUt despite being rather drunk, I still had another sleepless night. A chap who myself & OH used to work with was leaving, he's now going to work at the same place as OH. It was great seeing everyone again, but it also reminded me that leaving the work place was the best move I did!

    Been awake ages, just trying to get motivated. I got as far as taking my washing outside to peg out, and its still in the basket! lol

    I had my nephew stay over on thurs night, and cos he slept on the settee, I was unable to get on here fri morning. Then was busy through out the day.

    I had my hair high-lighted friday, and a fringe put in (as my hair was all one length) :eek: but it does look very nice.

    Plans for today:
    Wake up!
    Peg washing out
    sweep & mop hall & kitchen
    iron summer curtains & get them up, wash & put away the winter one's.
    iron fresh bedding, change all beds

    Right best make a start
    Catch you all later
    Love to everyone

    Emma xxx
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  • MATH
    MATH Posts: 2,941 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi Y'all, this is MATH calling from the East Coast Jury:rotfl: I've just popped into the Library to escape the blistering heat:D I'm not joking the MATHLETTS and I all have sunburn, apparently it has been hotter here than in the med and we've still another week to go. Hope the good weather holds out.

    Plently of lazy days, gentle beach walks and ploughing through a stack of trashy crime novels (hence me being in the library at the mo) The MATHLETTS have palled up with all their old mates and only appear to be fed and watered.

    My Parents are trundling up from Norfolk to see us on Easter Monday afternoon. They are thinking of moving here so are gonna take a couple of show homes in during the morning leaving moi in charge of one geriatric Westie and will pop back for a late lunch.

    Mrs MATH arrived yesterday and promptly left again this morning at 6am to go and do a craft demo in Grantham. She's back tonight with a view to stopping the week.

    Nice to see youir corny pics are back Smoky

    Hope your holiday went well PP

    Controlled Crying:rotfl: I'd forgotten all about that, Oh the joy:D It's never THAT bad looking back!

    Better go the MATHLETTS are getting restless and havn't eaten for at least...erm...20 minutes so are STARVING

    Hugs to y'all

    MATH x
    Life's a beach! Take your shoes off and feel the sand between your toes.
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