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OS Saturday 7th April '07



  • NHSslave_2
    NHSslave_2 Posts: 56 Forumite
    Morning all

    Happy Birthday to Michelle, hope you have a fab day

    (((((Hugs))))) to moggins and miss moggins

    lil_me I'm also a 78 baby and hope I m not old yet (though b'day next week so might change my mind!!:rotfl: )

    Well it has taken me about a hour and a half to read through the thread and reply, mainly cos I keep being interrupted by the other jobs I am doing today. Have made pizza dough in the BM for dinner tonight. My first attempt- the dough looks right just hope it tastes ok otherwise pasta and pesto for dinner (DH got a vat of pesto for free so could be a very cheap dinner!!:D )

    DW on, done and emptied since starting out on the computer today

    WM to go on

    BM to go on again this time to make a brown loaf

    Have to go to 2yo b day party this arvo-best mates DD so should be good (mention of an easter egg hunt so may have to consume some choc)

    Think thats all, have to go and play the saucepan drums wih 3yo now-earplugs ready

    hope everyone has a lovely day
    bye for now
    Monthly Grocery Challenge-April
    Budget £250
    week 1 £64.20
    week 2 £45.52
    week 3
    week 4
  • Bargain_Rzl
    Bargain_Rzl Posts: 6,254 Forumite
    Morning (just!) :hello:

    It's a bit grey out there today, but not cold, again I'm sitting here with the windows open.

    Happy birthday Michelle! :bdaycake:
    lil_me/NHSSlave - I'm another born in '78 and the thing on this forum that REALLY makes me feel old is the people on here who are younger than me with several children :eek: - like kyle, kiwichick and whatever happened to freyaluck?
    ((((smokybabe)))) and ((((moggins & DD))))

    Off on my usual Saturday rounds of the recycling bank/market/shops in a minute. I will be breaking my Lenten supermarket-fast a little early in order to use up various Tesco vouchers which expire tomorrow - I've already admitted to this on the No Supermarkets thread :o

    Will be making that Chana Dal recipe today, and buying the ingredients for that yummy-sounding chowder that Blairweech posted yesterday.

    I don't have to go into Central London for church tonight - my church doesn't have its own mass for Holy Saturday these days, as it joins up with its sister church instead, which means that I as a choir member am not needed. Last year I got asked to sing at a different church but this year nobody has asked me - it will be the first Holy Saturday in 7 years that I have not sung the first mass of Easter :( Anyway I think I will spend the evening at my local parish church - it's very odd being in the congregation when you're normally in the choir.

    Right, must stop dithering and start getting things done :o :rolleyes: - have a lovely Saturday everybody!

    Love Rzl xx :wave:
    :)Operation Get in Shape :)
  • HariboJunkie
    HariboJunkie Posts: 7,740 Forumite
    Hello everyone :hello:

    Lazy start to the day here. Did the kitchen first thing but then OH was summoned to his mother's so took the kids with him and I have the house to myself all day.:j

    So it seemed only right and fitting that I take the laptop and a big pot of coffee back to bed.:o

    getting up in a mo to crack on.....

    [strike]Planning to pull out sofas in living room and kitchen and find the girls hair clips of which there must be several hundred[/strike].:rolleyes: Done :D

    [strike]Hoover entire house and wash floors.[/strike] Done :D

    [strike]Plant up the window boxes.[/strike] Done :D

    Cook chilli for freezer. Postponed. :o (Don't want to mess up the clean kitchen) :rolleyes:

    [strike]2 loads of washing[/strike] Done :D

    ironing, ironing and more ironing.:rolleyes: Off to make a start

    First off though another coffee and a wee sit down in the garden.:o Oh put up the nesting boxes yesterday and we watched a little blue tit move in this morning. very sweet.

    happy Birthday Michelle

    Thinking of you moggins

    hope you're busy cooking for your big easter lunch Pink. I'll be with you in spirit, ie pour an extra gin for me. :p :rotfl:

    Haribo x

    ps. excuse the sig. I guess you had to be there.:o

    PPS. Apologies for the smug editing but I'm just trying to motivate Pink-Winged.:rotfl:
  • Crazychik
    Crazychik Posts: 1,994 Forumite
    Finally waking up, and slowly reading the thread.
    happy birthday michelle have a lovely day
    moggins & dd (((hugs))) thinking of you both today!
    OH just gone to get his hair cut!

    Ive emptied both freezers and made a list of what we've got, try and cut down on this week's shopping bill and use up what we've got.

    math glad to hear your'e having a great time in Skeggy!

    Be back later
    Love Emma xxx
    Hi, we’ve had to remove your signature. If you’re not sure why please read the forum rules or email the forum team if you’re still unsure
  • tickb26
    tickb26 Posts: 618 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    hi all,

    just thought i would do a up date

    list is TO DO bathroom
    make rice crispie cakes with LO
    dining room

    HAVE DONE3 loads of washing
    rice crispie cakes with LO
    half of bathroom

    just the floor on loo to do.
  • johanne
    johanne Posts: 1,830 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker

    Not posted for aggggess.. but thought i would today to tell you all about my little incident last night!

    Was sat here last night when noticed something moving out on the landing (all the doors upstairs are left open) but only out the corner of my eye.... thought it was a spider... Nope.. when i looked 2 little eyes staring back at me! It was a mouse - heading towards my bedroom! :eek: :eek:

    I jumped up and it scarped back into the spare bedroom where it had come from which at the moment is filled with tons of furinture/paint/building materials so perfect hiding place....... Anyway after ringing my mum (at gone midnight! :o ) i closed and locked the back bedroom door....HOPING to keep it contained till today when my dad could come.... settle back down to do some uni work..

    About an hour later i get up to go the toilet... and theres little Monty the mouse sat in the middle of the bathroom!! :eek: Obviously hes as scared as me and rushes off behind the bath panel :mad: So i then locked the bathroom door but obviously they can get through anywhere..... :rolleyes:

    Went downstairs and dug out the sonar plug in thingy my nan used to have here (she used to have mice when she lived here too and i know next door has them!) and plugged it in in my bedroom.. couldnt think about sleeping in there.

    Got a few hours on the couch - finally falling asleep at gone 5am..... but when i got up this morning i found droppings in the soap dish by my kitchen sink and few on the worktop (pipes from the bathroom run down into the kitchen by the sink and are boxed in but need re-doing as the woods damaged from a leak)......

    So today i am going to to scrub my kitchen down... which should be a task as its mid-being done up so its a bit of a mess... and have already took the bath panel off so i can see if he was hiding under there He wasnt but im leaving it off so he cant hide! :rotfl: Must be under the floorboards ..... and as i dont have much flooring down at the moment im guessing hes just gonna pop up whereever he wants! :eek:

    I cant knock and tell next door ive seen one until the wife goes out.... hubby hasnt told her they have mice yet as apparently she'll pack her bags and go to her mothers until they have gone.. apparently he hides the traps and waits till she goes to work to sort them! :rotfl:

    So today looks like its a day of cleaning and tidying everywhere to make sure i can see monty if he appears again.. cheeky little monster! :rotfl:

    Oh what fun!!
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Hope you find your mouse soon Johanne!!!!

    All going well here today - have just had a lovely lunch of roast duck, and im now sat here with a lovely glass of wine!!! The children had a lovely time this morning on an Easter egg hunt, and then a bit later they had another one!!!! I think i get more excited than them sometimes!!!
    Have managed to get the washing done, and its hung up outside, but thats all so far, so lots of cleaning still to do, although im quite happy at the moment leaving it - it WILL get done today tho, i cant go away tomorrow leaving the house in a mess. Maybe another glass, and i will be ready to start!!!!
    Actually, i think DD and i will watch a dvd before i do anything, will be nice to cuddle up on the settee - DS is out playing, having just stuffed himself with chocolate - how after a big roast dinner i dont know, but hey, he has hollow legs (and i the size of a blade of grass!!!).
    Right better go - im a 1971 baby, so some of you are making me feel old!!! Mind you, im only just a 71 baby, if i had held on another 8 days i wouldve been 72!!!!

    Have a lovely afternoon,
    Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • crawley_girl
    crawley_girl Posts: 2,010 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Afternoon folks

    Have just popped into town and spent far too much money - but enough said about that!!!

    My bedroom needs a bit of a spit and polish and a few loads of washing no doubt. DW needs empying and maybe I'll do a meal plan for next week...

    :heartpuls CG :heartpuls
    Ever wonder about those people who spend £2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward.
  • tickb26
    tickb26 Posts: 618 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    have done bathroom loo needed big scrub just waiting for floor to dry so i can put eveything away.

    going down to have lunch after that as have not eaten anything yet today.
    oh have to put 2 loads of washing out now aswell.

    sometimes it feels like it never ends and the more you do the more there is to do.

  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi everyone,

    Moggins, I hope today went as ok for you and dd as it could.
    Johanne, hopefully you'll catch the mouse soon.
    Racy, the pics were great....can't wait to see them for myself.
    catowen, I'm glad you're enjoying your Easter day.
    snowy, I really hope you managed to get some sleep...I'll be in touch re walkies soon.
    Michelle, Happy Birthday! :bdaycake:

    I am not having a good day...I have family coming for dinner tomorrow and I've been trying to do bits and pieces for that today. Unfortunately dd threw a spanner in the works by trying to bake a cake. First she attempted to soften, but actually melted, a whole pound of butter (in it's wrapping :confused: ) in the microwave. This is the girl who is doing H E for 'A' level! :wall:

    Then, she left the kitchen in a complete mess and rushed out to work before I could make her clean it up. So instead of doing the sensible thing and sorting it out I began to make a trifle in the middle of her mess...I can't work in a messy kitchen and I ended up knocking over a jug filled with 2 pints of jelly over the whole kitchen. There was red sticky stuff everywhere!

    Mr Pink has taken my car down for it's MOT.....but just before he left, he announced that it would fail because one of the tyres is bald! He's only had the appointment for a month! Surely he could have looked at it before today?? :mad: I know it's my car and maybe I should have noticed, but I don't do cars at all and wouldn't have a clue what a bald tyre looked like. Maybe it's time for me to learn. :o

    While tidying up the car he managed to take a slice out of his finger....he came into the jelly coated kitchen, covered in blood and carrying the bit that he'd sliced out of his finger _pale_ looking for some first aid and tlc.

    Okay, that's been my day so can only get better! I suppose I'd better get back to the kitchen to make more jelly and a pavlova base...

    I hope you're all having a better Easter Saturday than I am.

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