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Trying for a Baby Part 8



  • lao_cat
    lao_cat Posts: 244 Forumite
    @ COMP- big hugs, you are not failing anyone!

    @squirrel it sounds like you made the right decision. Some bosses can be quite bitter, it might just take him a few days to get over it. If not sure at least you only have to last one month!
  • *BigBird*
    *BigBird* Posts: 1,000 Forumite
    Wow, I go away for a few days and come back to LOADS of BFPs! Huge congrats Mrsj, Trina and teaandcupcakes :T

    We were at my step-niece's wedding this weekend and my brother gave her away. Her birth dad is still around but has taken very little interest in her since he split with her mum when she was a baby, so wasn't even at the wedding. She didn't care as she considers my brother to be her dad, but I do find it sad that a man can just turn his back on his own child.

    Hugs to anyone in need. You're not failing anyone, COMP. Having a baby isn't as simple as deciding you want one and - bingo - you get pregnant, and I'm sure your mum knows that. Threads like this wouldn't exist if it was that simple.

    Hugs for you with the horrible boss, Squirrel. Hopefully just proves you made the right decision. And if they are so bothered, I'd take that as a compliment that they mind losing you more than other people who've left. When I left my last job, my boss completely blanked me for a month after I handed my notice in - really obviously too, so that everyone else noticed. So unprofessional. But just proved leaving was the right thing to do.
    You can do anything, make anything, dream anything. If you change the world, the world will change.
  • TeamLowe
    TeamLowe Posts: 2,406 Forumite
    Ooh having a day off was so the right thing to do, actually feel relaxed now :)
    Hugs to Squirrel, if he keeps being a dunderhead then I'd just coast from now til you leave :)
    Big big hugs to codemonkey, would you like us all to ring him and nag him for you? Lol

    Decided to take a new attitude with ttc ie try not to think about at the times when I can do nothing about it. So weeks 1-4 of my cycle i will try not to think about it, have a lot of BDing at Ov then fantasise during the tww the. Go back to trying to relax :) x x

    Oh also we had a very MSE lunch as we got our drinks and desert for free as I found a piece of plastic in my sundae lol xx
    Little Lowe born January 2014 at 36+6

    Completed on house September 2013

    Got Married April 2011
  • purcy81
    purcy81 Posts: 571 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Congratulations on all the bfp's what a bumper crop this month!

    Hugs for all those having a tough time at the moment.

    Can I ask some advice on a tmi subject? I am on my first cycle off the pill and expected things to be a bit odd but I had a positive opk and am now 6 (I think) dpo. Been having some mild cramps and when I went to wipe this morning at work there was a bit of pinky browny blood on the tissue. I am mighty confused and it now seems to have gone away. The one thing I do remember about my af before the pill is how heavy and painful it was so was that really it? If so I know that a shirt lp is not a good thing eeek. Anyone else had a similar problem?

    Any help would be appreciated, I'm sure ill get used to this ttc business at some point!
  • angeltreats
    angeltreats Posts: 2,286 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker
    Squ1rrel, can't believe how hateful your boss is being. At least you know for sure that you've done the right thing, because any other job is bound to be better than that! Good luck for the next few weeks, hope your notice period isn't too bad.

    Hugs to Codemonkey. My friend is in exactly the same situation. She has been contraception-free for the same length of time as you and her OH is being really unhelpful. She is so desperate to have a family and she has already been pregnant twice to her ex (miscarried both times) so it's likely the problem is him, but she is just getting nowhere and my heart goes out to her so I can imagine how you must be feeling, having seen her go through the same thing. I really hope you get your BFP soon x

    I am a big fed up waiting for ov, judging by previous months I should ov tomorrow but have just had another negative opk. We managed a BD yesterday and Saturday despite still being on the mend from the lurgy and I'm determined to have another go tonight. I suppose being ill might have delayed it a bit.

    Purcy81 - implantation bleed maybe? Fingers crossed :D
  • good_vibes
    good_vibes Posts: 546 Forumite
    Squirrel that is horrid of your, now soon to be your ex boss.
    Birdie at least it's all out in the open now. If my oh's dad says anything tomorrow ( not seen since before oh's sister got preg) not sure if I would come out with anything or not.
    Angeltreats am the same as you. Not got a opk + yet. Have only had one other cycle in aug where I got a + on cd15. Not that I am complaining, but oh have been more in to it and both been chatting more about our efforts. Been BDing every day since Thursday and don't want to wear him out.
    Will give him today off and hope I get a + tomorrow.
  • claire16c
    claire16c Posts: 7,074 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker
    codemonkey - what exactly does your DH say when you give him direct instructions to go to the dr? Is it like an in denial brushes it off type thing, or more angry Im not going theres nothing wrong with me type thing?

    becca - remember you can always vent on here, I think we all find it hard most of the time! :)

    purcry - nothing is too much tmi on here lol without knowing if you are def 6dpo its hard to say so it could be 1. ovulation bleeding 2. implantation bleeding 3. just spotting before AF.

    So er yeah sorry not much help but all 3 are normal!

    I used to have horrendous periods, went on the pill at 18, they improved massively, now come off the pill and theyre the lightest Ive ever had. I expected them to go back to being really bad but thank god/touch wood theyre not.
  • purcy81
    purcy81 Posts: 571 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Thanks Claire and angel treats

    I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I had a positive opk last Tuesday and got in a bd so who knows! Glad to hear as well that the witch may not return as bad as she used to be cos boy did I used to suffer some serious pain back then!

    The optimistic bit of me will keep hoping its an implantation bleed (just googled it) but at the very least I'm glad that my body seems to be waking up a bit and doing normalish things iykwim
  • Purcy81- great that it sounds like your body is actually doing something after the pill...I came off in July and had absolutely nothing and I am so fed up/worried about it ... :(
  • purcy81
    purcy81 Posts: 571 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Sorry your having trouble spartan army, fingers crossed the witch catches up with you soon in the nicest possible way so you can get back into some kind of routine.
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