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I can't think of a witty name for my diary



  • This afternoon -

    Had crisp sarnie & cup of tea.

    Plan for night - big bang, a couple of cans if I feel like it, have takeaway if OH & OH bro do depending if I am still awake when they get in - though judging by last night might not be very late...

    Had SBTV on in background whilst doing stuff.

    Not been to the pub in... forever - 2 weeks ago :eek:
    Had rugby on in background - a little bit naughty but not too much of a habit and TV is off now.

    Done the comps from the first post in the dailies that I do... will have to look out for new ones.

    Also checked out freebies board - ordered just milk sample.

    Also looked at the low spend bit which I often don't bother with but should b/c there can be some good deals on there.
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Grr why does MSE hate me - just deleted my whole post again :(

    Anyways - Saturday night, a couple of cans = 3 & some baileys :)
    Was better with food, they bought 2 big pizzas - I just had 2 slices. OH & I had some for breakfast next morning too.

    Sunday was a bad day MSE wise.

    Took OH bro home.

    Needed diesel. Looked out for paper I wanted for train tix but were non in shop.

    We are from same place so I went to my mums & went out to a local charity event with bro, lil sis, mum's OH & his mum.

    Ended up spending-

    £3 to get in
    £8.33 on drinks
    £2.00 to sis for raffle/tombola
    £0.40p for me & bro to have a go on a guessing game

    Then me & OH stopped for a drink when we were nearly home

    We had decided to go out for a meal and looked round for tastecard/cheap deals & found our fave Indian did an £11 pp early menu - so we went there and ended up paying what we usually would :eek: must have been b/c we had a couple of drinks, at least we know for future

    Yesterday started off better-

    OH was in all day (I think)
    I was at work
    Free drink x2 at work and free lunch
    OH took shepards pie out of freezer for tea

    Then I had to wait nearly an hour for a train so spent 3.45 - 2.45 on a drink and £1 on sweets. Shep pie did not defrost on time and there was v. little food in house so OH went to Sainsburys local and spent £10 in there.

    Had sausage, chips, hash browns and beans for tea.

    Started watching a film when we finally got home but I went to bed half way through.

    Hopefully today will be a better day.
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Yesterday was a better day :)

    Had 2 cups of tea at home & slice of toast from freezer.

    Paid £60 into OH's account for him, to transfer to his daughter for CRB for her first job :D

    Worked 6 hours

    Paid for train tix out of £9 from OH - who insists I need extra cash for a drink or whatever I might need even though I never buy anything usually. Also leaves cash in house in case I decided I need to leave/go for coffee/anything else - again v.rare

    Was offered food to take home from work but said no (thank you)! as I knew there would be stuff here to eat and I would hate to waste anything

    Though OH decided to go food shopping (again) said he had spent about £20 - bit of food, some shower gel & deo for him, kitchen roll & spray - as "I am practically using water now". He bought a platter of sarnies (yellow sticktered :eek:) so we had them for tea with some pringles from yesterday. I also had a couple of choc bites and OH had been grazing on crap snack food too. Although he did walk to big morrisons (bout 20 mins away theres a smaller one 5 mins away).

    Having shepard's pie tonight (finally).

    OH finally recived PIN for new bank account which had £100 in for setting the account up.

    OH was going to go pub for an hour as he is on call and at work early this week but ended up only staying for one and was back before I finished watching the episode on big bang I was on time for.

    Put end of film on that was watching night before, OH did not see much of it either as was trying to keep it quiet as I was in bed. OH made a cup of coffee and we finished some minstrels half way through so I lasted a bit longer this time but still fell asleep before the end. Maybe I will watch it today if I can work out how to do it through laptop.

    Also signed up for redspotted hanky, as they were giving away £5 vouchers on Facebook.

    I think today should be good or at least productive -

    Have already put bedding off our bed in wash, had first cup of tea, updated diary, and checked cap one and online banking as payment I made on Friday does not seem to have been taken.

    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Also used shampoo as shower gel yesterday as there was none left in my bottle and OH did not have much (nabbed his day before). So time to hunt for some more bath cream I can use. Also still using body lotion as shaving cream which means its actually being used b/c I seem to get loads in gift sets and would rarely use it otherwise.
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Today -

    :) Had the sarnie that was left for brekkie, OH has taken rest for lunch
    :) Swagbucks - NOSO, poll & couple of vids
    :) Spent 2 hours ironing from basket that is never empty - still has stuff in it but made a good dent, whilst listening to Meat Loaf/Katy Perry & Taylor swift through playstation, chucked out a couple of things, had sweets & drink - sweets from Mon when it was £1 for 2 but 75p for one and there were no shops open. Drink - OH bought fizzy water yesterday @ 3 for £1 as he thinks he has been drinking too much fizzy stuff recently, also got some dilute.
    :) Checked post - no freebies or anything interesting just a couple of letters for OH
    :) Had a bath using free shampoo & conditioner, bath creme as shower gel & bubble bath from christmas. Don't usually go in bath but was refreshing & relaxing, although I am not one for being there ages - so did not put lots of water in or lights on (OH also bought bulbs to replace yesterday which were fairly cheap)
    :) Got ready & sorted - noticed my hairdryer was plugged in still switched on - tut tut
    :) Checked e-mails to see if next weeks work hours on - not there yet
    :) Checked VO & did a survey which I had to do twice as did not go through properly first time but second said would credit
    :) Did onepoll survey
    :) Charity clicks
    :)Checked freebie sections - signed up for a new survey site & completed profiles on there
    :) Checked comps - did some dailies & a couple of twitter comps
    :) Put spare bedding into wash
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Morning :)

    Feeling on the ball this morning :D

    Have done - Swagbucks bits, handwashed uniform, had cup of tea, done daily comping - trouble is I have just discovered the Barclays comp can be done more than once per day - gonna be addictive. Need to iron, tidy kitchen & load dishwasher, get ready & chuck spare bedding on & clean tables.

    Last night OH wanted chocolate - but we didn't end up going in the end - no money spent on choc or sweets, and we had choc bite things in house. Would have ended up going to local shop & spending too much & eating too much carp.

    Transfered OH some money as he wanted to put lottery on online & need a min balance for that - I'm not into lottery and stuff think its a waste of money - but at least he won - £42 :D

    He was saying yesterday he didn't like the fact that I go out without much cash on me atm & doesn't like it himself, I pointed out that I don't waste money on buying drinks & stuff everyday - then pointed out to him that he would not buy single packs of crisps or drinks and he began to see my point that is kind of same thing, and mentioned also used to buy hot drinks at work. Also, takes in lunch or buys it from supermarkets near work - price of food has gone up & office has moved so I guess he is lucky in that everyone else has started doing it and its normal because I think that sort of thing would bother him a little. Anyway seem to have gone off on a tangent there, best get back in gear!
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Hey :D

    No chance to do tables yesterday so will do that today. Managed to get spare bedding on but remembered that was not ironed - put on anyway looks alright and no one likely to be sleeping there for next few weeks anyway.

    Was late out of work and admit that I did go looking if shop was open for any sweetie offers but luckly it was not. Got on a slow train and lady who worked for company pointed out she had seen me at home earlier and there was a train I could have got where my station would be first stop bless her, I know for next time.

    OH asked if I fancied getting changed & going for a few drinks expecting me just to have got home but as I was later & he said he was not planning on being there for too long I did not bother. We did have Chinese though and ordered a reasonable amount of food.

    Did the Barclays comp a few times :D
    Washed OH's work shirts
    Watched big bang on E4 plus one & Celeb Juice

    This morning OH said he did not have anything he could take to work for lunch - so I made some tuna (we had 5 tins of the stuff) & he took 2 brown cobs. He would of had some crisps but his bad girlfriend forgot about them whoops

    Have - hoovered everywhere properly - even used the duster attachment on the hoover and moving all the boxes of carp in the spare room

    Had a (cheap) shower

    Kept entering Barclays comp as moved from one place to another and also had swagbucks TV/vids on at the same time

    Done comps from dailies

    OH has transferred me some money to pay a direct debit. Also left me a tenner to (not) buy coffee or whatever with.

    Need to do some washing. Gonna iron rest of OH's work shirts earlier and some stuff from basket/permenant airdryer fixtures.

    As the fridge is nearly empty and looks like it could do with it I am going to clean it out. Could also do with cleaning microwave, bathroom & kitchen floor and mirror on wardobe.

    Just trying a herbal tea a friend gave OH when she saw him in pub don't think I am into it

    My mood keeps changing today, this morning I was full of energy and happy, then I was a little down, now I feel calm and ok

    I have not had a rota from work yet. This should be sent out on a Wed usually although when I started it was sent to everyone on a Fri and assistant manager mentioned that owner wanted to talk to her & manager about something, so maybe I am putting 2 and 2 and getting 24 but I have been looking at jobs today as well
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Hey :D

    Set my self up for failure on Friday by thinking I was going to do everything got pretty much nothing none - cleaned the main fridge shelfs and that was it, have not even sorted these tables - need to slow down/do one thing at a time or nothing will get done. Not back at work for a few days so plenty time to do everything.

    Tried to apply for a job but my online account would not work typical. Got my rota for next two weeks so that was a relief although I do have less hours. Probably off to mummys week after next though :D

    Went to the local pub for a few drinks. Luckily was only out for a couple of hours though. OH decided he needed the toilet so we went into another pub and bought drinks in there would have not done that sober just a case of not thinking next time I will have to remind him we only live a few minutes away and he's a bloke he can go anywhere (lol).

    Was discussing food. OH said he really fancied pasta. Lots of temptation about but luckily he would not pay £40 or so for pasta, although he did say he would when we had the money again so need to be careful about having slip into any bad habits. We had Chinese for the second night in a row, which is bad enough for money/waist. Did not order too much again, probably sligthly healthier than Thurs - mushrooms in gravy, a meat dish with mainly beansprouts & a few ribs which was a starter.

    OH also bought some salad for work which he bought rest of home and picked up a couple of £1.50 curries whilst he was there. I had cheese on toast at breakfast & mash at lunch.

    Yesterday - no spends for me except tickets. Made us both a slice of cheese on toast - as OH was having some I did it "properly" under grill rather than toasting and microwaving it.

    OH went food shopping & spent £40 including 2 bottles of wine and bleach, shower gel for us both and hair gel for him and also spent £9 on contact lenses. OH went to pub for a couple of hours - seems to be going as many days atm but is not usually out for as long.

    OH got 3 lots of pasta ready meals for 2 for 2.50 and we had one of them & garlic bread from fridge last night. Had some hard cheese on top - good job he bought some more (did not realise we already had some) as he left it out all night - although luckily there was much left. Also had a glass of white wine each (should be red I know but I don't like it and he did not want to open the bottle as it may not have got used - I still need to drink the rest of the white though :D). Watched a couple episodes of Lost on Netflix last night which is good as have not been getting much use out of it lately.

    Today - only just showered and got my bum in gear properly before I came on here to write this :eek: but I have had a lazy MSE sunday morning.

    Have entered comps/applied for free stuff
    I have done BZZ agent surveys as I went on other day and realised b/c I originally did it through Facebook I had not signed up properly - no wonder I never heard from them!
    Had sausages from fridge in cobs from freezer for breakfast (still 2 of each lo as well)
    Got e-mail payslip so can work out budget for next couple weeks
    Doesn't sound like much now I have wrote it down lol
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Sunday - spoke too soon about OH and the pub was there from around 3-10.30!! Then came back with Chinese after I asked him not too. Then woke me up at 3 in the morning to see if I had any DDs coming out b/c he was going to borrow money from Wonga - there was something wrong in their system and he was unable to process this. Was in tears b/c of the stress & the time, he thought it was b/c I was planning on moving out (not the worst idea)! I looked like this :(:mad::(:(:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::(:mad::mad: Anyway mini-rant over.

    I do think it scared him a bit though.

    Anyway yesterday OH had day off work to try & sort things out (ask his mum for more money she doesn't have)? Noticed my CC min payment had been taken and there was not enough money in my account for it - managed to extend my OD by £10 and transfer it instantly online into other account. So I then extended it another couple of times and managed to cover OH's DDs so was not be charged - he actually did not need as much as he thought as he had not realised the balance reflected some of what had been taken out (?). My bank also don't charge of the money is in by the afternoon. Not ideal but far better idea than the payday loan (the plan was to pay off with my wages :mad:).

    Feeling a lot better about the situation now :D, trying to get on the right track.

    Needed some essentials as toilet paper so decided to try Aldi - first time doing actual shopping there, although I did pick up some kids walking boots for a tenner once :rotfl:. Also tried B&M bargains as was on the way. Got a couple of bits from there such as pop and 99p deo & spent £14 in Aldi.

    Went to see OH's daugther - means day off was not wasted. OH & I shared an ice cream & gave daughter little cash for pasty but low spend whilst we were there b/c we usually end up eating out.

    Had Aldi Kievs (not great but edible & I was v.hungry), chips from freezer and last tin of beans for tea followed by Aldi ice creams :eek: (like Mars - sweeter but I liked that :D). Watched Big Bangs :D

    Applied for a job - did not get it but trying to start applying for more better jobs as want to TTC once the money situation is sorted (not soon I know)!! and we would like me to be in a full time job that I can develop a career in (this would also make the money situation easier obviously). I also do not want to carry on doing what I am doing now forever regardless!

    Came on here did some thread updating, ordered lots of free samples (all stuff I would make use of) and did some comps.

    Today :D

    OH & I had Aldi teacakes for brekkie - he had his toasted "because it's breakfast" even thought we both prefer them untoasted. Also both had tea using twinnings free samples than arrived yesterday :D

    Have done daily comps, swagbucks lil bits, checked onepoll, valued opinions and IPSOS.
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
  • Today

    :) NSD so far - hoping to keep it that way!
    :) Done some ironing whilst watching Big Bang (not obsessed)! on E4 - becoming much more managable now
    :) Cleaned kitchen cupboard fronts, halogen oven & 'real' oven :eek:
    :) Finally sorted these tables :eek:
    :) Done onepoll surveys
    :) Watched few more vids on swagbucks
    :) Done an ipsos survey
    :) Signed up for Valued Opinions text survey for £4
    :) Checked todays new local jobs

    Need to check out new orange u24 thing - extra data/calls on contract when over 15 pound on orange. Aiming to go to a gym class tonight....
    PAID OFF FEB 2014 - £62.00
    PAID OFF MAR 2014 - £53.54
    PAID OFF APR 2014 - £47.00
    PAID OFF MAY 2014 - £62.80
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