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No T Words mentioned at all - a fresh start



  • [Deleted User]
    I don't know why I haven't told you on here, I've posted it EVERYWHERE else, we're going to be Grandparents again very early in the New Year, DD2 told us on Friday, well Zebra said' Mummy got a baby in her tummy' while he was in the bath splashing mightily!!! So very happy!!!
  • candlelight_2013
    candlelight_2013 Posts: 2,681 Forumite
    Lyn, wise minds think alike :):):)

  • hoglet121
    hoglet121 Posts: 658 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Many many congratulations MLW - that's great news!!

    Candlelight - I'm so pleased for you re the kidneys, and that Himself is continuing on the meds well. I wound up in hopsital at New Year with a persistent headache and the consultant there told me I was a mystery, so we can be mysteries together! A belated happy anniversary to you both too. Yes my stepdaughters are teenages - they're 18 and 16, surely I'm not old enough to have an adult stepdaughter?!
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,687 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Hey there everyone,

    Sitting here, slightly sleepy after a quiet peaceful kind of day, it's been warm and sunny for what seems like the first time in ages, let's hope it stays awhile!

    Am hoping the coming week proves to be a tad less exciting than the one just gone, what with Tilly's trip to the vets, non-appearance of new appliances and the shock of a large garage bill for my car it's all been a bit much really. Still, my car has cost me more or less nothing since got it eight years ago, just a shame it's all come at once. Tilly will have to be on a lead going past the fields now until they are harvested and as for my new fridge freezer, well guess these things happen but tad annoying given we went to JL as they have always been so good in the past.
    Popped over to see darling Mum this afternoon and spent a couple of enjoyable hours pottering around in her garden, tidying things up. We took some fresh cream cakes as a special treat, oooh they were delic and of course, being my Mum, come away with some equally delic cheese scones, or as she says her award winning scones as they got first prize in the village show :T

    Not too much planned for this week, Captain Scarlet is off to Trent bridge tomorrow to watch his beloved Lancs play cricket, I hope to line up a couple of visits to possible new homes for my lovely lad. Apparently there is small yard just opened up in the next village, within cycling distance so hope to take a look around. And of course our new FF should arrive by Tuesday, all being well of course.

    Glad the consultant visit went well Candlelight despite being a mystery :) and so pleased to hear Himself continues to keep well.

    Yay to being debt free Hoglet :j

    And to our lovely Lyn who is going to be a Grandmother again, perfick x

    Have a good week folks x

    Much love
    Lainey ️xx
  • scottishminnie
    scottishminnie Posts: 3,085 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Candlelight - When you say "a mystery" I think of you as enigmatic. Maybe I've read too many novels in my time!

    MrsLW - :j what wonderful news. How exciting for all the family, especially the new "big brother to be".

    Hoglet - I know what you mean about not being old enough to be stepmum to teenagers. We had a work experience student recently in the office who, in conversation mentioned that her mum was born in 1980. I'm sure she was a teenage mum but the looks of horror round the office showed how ancient we suddenly all felt!

    Lainey- hope your fridge freezer has arrived now. It's maddening when things are organised then don't happen.

    AOT - hope you are keeping well.

    I'm off to bed sharpish tonight. I'm shattered and it's only Monday. It may be the effect of the miserable rain and the temperature reaching a scorching 10 degrees here today - that's just summer in Scotland though:)
  • candlelight_2013
    candlelight_2013 Posts: 2,681 Forumite
    SM I love enigmatic. Picture this - 71 year old overweight woman, who still colours her hair and sees her nail technician every 3 weeks. Loves clothes but can only wear flat ballet pumps now. In my youth I always wore 3 inch heels and pointed toe shoes, I would probably fall over now :):):)

    I love the word enigmatic, but believe me I am not. Hoglet is much younger than me and she is a mystery to the medical world,

    I hope you slept well, I know Lyn didn't so hugs to Lyn

  • hoglet121
    hoglet121 Posts: 658 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Quite right, Candlelight - all the best people are mysteries! ;-)
  • [Deleted User]
    Hello, talk to me about everyday trivial normal things? I'm bringing my somewhat bruised self over for a chat about day to day happenings and NOT closing or not closing threads.

    He Who Knows has just harvested most of our new potato crop as there is blight on the allotments and they are currently drying out on the front lawn so we can see if there are any damaged ones that won't store. For a change it's a nice and dry day here so the bedding is blowing nicely in the breeze and the plumber has finally arrived with the part to fix the upstairs loo, no more trips downstairs in the depths of the night, blissful! We had a lovely skype with Ruthie and that Zebra yesterday, first time he's really interacted online and chatted away, it was lovely. Ruthie made me giggle as on Sunday she needed to nap in the afternoon and Neil was in charge and opened the door to the garden without checking that the paddling pool was empty queue a small Zebra descending the steps rapidly and fully clothed and shod and straight in to the pool full of water! Good thing they share a sense of humour and the shoes did dry out, eventually!

    Hope all is well in all of your worlds and that the sun is shining on you, Lyn xxx.
  • scottishminnie
    scottishminnie Posts: 3,085 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    It's all a bit heated elsewhere isn't it MrsLW?! I popped in elsewhere and will lurk but probably not post much - it's safer over here.

    It's miserable here, yet again, and I saw a BBC forecast for Saturday which had gales across Scotland :eek: did also show 26 degrees in London so at least some areas will have a good day.

    I'm working from home today and have been attached to my laptop since just after 6 so taking a break for 5 mins between calls.

    I harvested the rest of my rhubarb today - was a pitiful amount and I don't think there will be any more. The red currants and blackcurrants are turning, in fact I may have to pick some at the weekend.

    We have some potatoes which I think are close to being ready. I'm sure we did plant earlies although hubby can't remember. I left him to make all the little plastic markers this time and all he wrote was "tattles" - no type or date sown. That's what I get for not being specific with my instructions!

    I also have lots of raspberries but not close to being ready at all. I suspect my starlings are watching them though so I will have to be quick when the time comes.

    So, coffee break over and back to work. Will be back later.....
  • candlelight_2013
    candlelight_2013 Posts: 2,681 Forumite
    Do you know SM that since you started this thread back in 2012 I think not one cross word has been uttered.

    I know we just talk about everyday things, and most of us at some time have had sad news, worrying news and really wonderful news.

    I don't post on the thread which might be closing. I am afraid I felt agitated just reading it the last couple of days.

    I am so grateful for your friendship here, I know most of us only post about once a week but I honestly think we could call ourselves friends.

    May peace continue

    Much love

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