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No T Words mentioned at all - a fresh start



  • [Deleted User]
    Hi LAINEY yes thank you I'm feeling substantially better than I was not 100% better and being sensible about what I eat is making things less uncomfortable. I picked up some gluten free sourdough bread in M&S and it is very nice and I don't seem to be getting the same symptoms since I stopped eating conventional bread. It may have no bearing on my tum but ?

    We went to a lovely country show yesterday with Nell and we've been for a drive around some of the smaller towns and larger villages near the city she lives in with a view to possibly moving a bit closer to both her and Ruthie in the future, quite surprised at how nice some of them are and have dipped a toe into the property available on line which seems to indicate that not only can we find what we want garden wise but can afford it too. We need to consider carefully before we do anything but it isn't impossible that we'll be able to leave, not without sadness, a village under siege by new builds and come somewhere far less populous and with beautiful green countryside all around. I'll keep you tabbed!

    Hope BILL is OK and not as uncomfortable as he has been, any news on perhaps moving him to be companion to the other horse you know of?
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,686 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Glad you are feeling a bit better Lyn, hmm interesting that the gf bread does not upset your tum like normal bread...

    Oooh I love a country show, watching all the livestock and of course the horses, especially the heavy ones. We are lucky enough to have one at the nearby Animal Health Trust and they always include several classes for the Suffolk Punch, gorgeous!!
    Bill is doing ok thank you, the companion opening is a no go as apparently the fields involved get really quite boggy in winter so that's a big no as the damp will do him little favour. Have put the word out amongst my horsey friends that am looking for a "retirement" home for him so fingers crossed something comes up soon, he goes nowhere unless I am 100% sure it's right.
  • [Deleted User]
    Thee was a Ridden Heavy Horse class LAINEY that was a qualifier for the Horse of the Year Show which was won by a really lovely Percheron, so lovely to see the riding judge putting the horses through their paces and watching them seamlessly go from walk to trot to extended trot an then on to canter and enthusiastic gallop, if ever horses enjoyed anything it was so apparent and they just gave that gallop 101% it was really beautiful to see!
  • [Deleted User]
    Hello, I just want a tiny bit of sanity and no politics so I thought of you. I've had a lovely garden time this morning and picked lots, courgettes, French beans, cucumber, spring cabbage, loganberries and strawberries and we've just had lovely homemade cauli and stilton soup for lunch, very nice it was too. Am waiting for Sue and Charlie retriever to collect me to go walking with Cookie and hopefully today will be a dry walk, not like the thunderstorms of yesterday.

    Heard from Ru this morning and she and Neil and the Zebra were walking in the woods, and Zebra had found lots of puddles!!! mmmmm soggy! also heard from Nell who had bought me a present, a Wilkinsons Tea Elephant tea caddy, I love them and the girls have a couple each in different colours, will look nice on my shelf in the kitchen.

    The house is clean and tidy, the ironing is done, the teapot and kettle are ready for a cuppa when I get back, He Who Knows is in tidy up mode in the garden shed and the garage and that's enough activity for today I think. After the cuppa 'm going to sit and read my book, decadence but lovely, Lyn xxx.
  • candlelight_2013
    Hi Lyn and everyone else

    I know what you mean, the vote has taken place and we just have to get on with it. We can do it, it will take time and there will be some unsettling times, but we will adapt.

    We have just had lunch. Home cooked gammon, new potatoes (not for me) cabbage, green beans and onion gravy. I made a fruit crumble which was delicious with vanilla icecream.

    DGD, her sister and a friend went to see Rhianna in concert last night, and I understand it was wonderful, and the rain held off thankfully.

    We had a lovely day on Friday for our wedding anniversary. Lots of good wishes and many flowers and cards, and a few visitors. Next year is the big 50th, God willing.

    Not a lot planned this coming week, except I have to see a renal consultant on Thursday. Not looking forward to it and hopefully it won't be bad news.

    Lyn you are now reaping the first of your produce, and it sounds wonderful. You ill be very busy this summer, as usual, preserving all your produce. Come winter you will be able to think what a good summer you had, even if the sun doesn't shine that much.

    No more news from me, not much happening. This thread has the voice of sanity so thank goodness for that, and hope you have all had a good weekend .

    Lainey I hope Bill gets his forever home, I will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well.

    Much love to you all

  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,686 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    and breath.....hello my friends how are you :)
    Another one here who is feeling slightly punch drunk from current air of increasingly nasty rhetoric so have sailed into the more peaceful harbour of this thread.

    We are having quite a lazy day today after a busy week, have just been out to pick up a preloved oak bookcase for our dining room, am going through a real phase of "nesting" at the moment and am gradually changing things round in our home. On Friday we purchased a much needed new fridge freezer, have lived in fear of the freezer part breaking down for months and don't get me started on the door that falls out and nearly hits my toe everytime I open it :rotfl: We did our research, saved our pennies and it gets delivered on Thursday. Will need to build a re-stock into this month's grocery budget so predict some YS lurking.
    Next on the list is new curtains for the sitting room but with four windows all of a different size it ain't going to be cheap.
    Just sitting down with a well earned cuppa, DOH is flicking between the football and the cricket but will get my book out soon and get lost in that for a while.
    Tilly has had her legs and paws trimmed this morning so looks very smart, all recovered from her emergency visit to the vets with a grass seed in her ear, although we have to take her back on Tuesday for a check up. Poor little thing she was in a lot of discomfort, so now it's walks on a lead only until the crops are harvested.
    Candlelight, thank you for the Bill well wishes, if it works out will be ideal for him so am keeping everything crossed, as is Lyn apparently :)

    Hope all is well with everyone else and their lives, take care all.

    Much love
    Lainey xx
  • candlelight_2013
    I know what you mean Lainey, I said to Himself a few months go, everything looks tired in the house. That was when we decided new carpets were needed, and then of course new curtains and cushion covers.

    Flora the cat had ruined the sitting room carpet by clawing, and she had found a spot on the stairs where she could get her claws under it and pull. In saying that the hall, stairs and landing carpet didn't owe us anything, I think we had it about 20 years ago. In fact there was absolutely nothing wrong with it until she started on it.

    My next project are some new curtains for our bedroom and a bedspread to match. I find a duvet too hot for most of the time, and having just a bedspread and a top sheet is just enough for us. We can always put a blanket over in the winter if it is cold.

    If the weather can manage to stay fine for a couple of days this week we have some gardening to do. Himself likes to cut the hedge and strim the lawns, and I do the labouring so he doesn't become too tired.


  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,686 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Ooh, naughty puss-cat Candlelight. I have lived in this cottage for eight years now and a lot of the stuff in it came with me from a previous home so it's not done too badly. I've had my tumble dryer since first left M&D's and considering am in my early fifties think have had my money's worth, not sure it's too efficient energy wise now though! It is surprising how just a change round and a couple of fresh pieces can make a real difference and of course when Captain Scarlet moved in a few years ago he brought the contents of his flat too ( which tbh wasn't much apart from huge TV & corner sofa :rotfl:)
    Our bedding varies from a sheet and coverlet in summer to sheet, blankets, thin duvet and coverlet in the depths of winter, do tend to layer up to cover all options and as we like to sleep in a cool bedroom it makes sense :)
  • [Deleted User]
    We are walked and the whole village has(well the bits that are footpaths) masses of feral honeysuckle and dog roses in full bloom and it was so beautifully perfumed today, just heavenly AND it stayed dry!!!!! Happy, happy, HAPPY!!!
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,686 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Lovely Lyn, our honeysuckle is in full bloom and it's the first thing you smell when you walk through the garden gate, sublime.
    Well, Captain Scarlet has ventured outside to cut the grass and I am off to the yard. The horses are out at the moment so Billy gets his Bute in a black treacle sandwich, I know spoilt isn't the word.
    Hugs xx
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