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No T Words mentioned at all - a fresh start



  • [Deleted User]
    Yes they've got tickets and are going to give Glasto a try. They've got some camping gear including a big 3 room tent and a milton sterilizer for bottles etc and are going to try and see how it goes. They have contacts clost to Bridgewater who have offered showers, beds etc if Zebra doesn't get on too well with camping and if needs be could even pull out and head home. We'll see how it goes, but I hope he loves it and they can get to go regularly from now on with him too, Lyn xxx.
  • candlelight_2013
    Hello all,

    Well it has been a busy week for us. Taken DD1 to appointments with GP and 2 hospital appointments. I am afraid it isn't good news, the femur isn't healing as it should. It is now 4 months since she had her op, so she has to have a CT scan and they are talking a bone graft. I think we are in for the long haul. I am sure she will get there eventually it is just going to take longer than we thought. She only has another 2 months and then her salary will cease. Luckily she does have savings because she knew she would need an op eventually, but obviously she didn't know she would be off as long as this.

    VJs Mum don't mention knees to us:) This is what started DD problem she slipped on ice New years Eve when she was 18, she is now 45. She didn't receive much treatment at the hospital just ice packs and physio. Well of course the problem has worsened over the years, and being a nurse and on her feet most of the time hasn't helped . By the time she had this op her leg was out by 12 degrees, so quite a substantial amount.

    You are right you need to see your GP and if possible be referred to the hospital . As far as I can see people have more trouble with knees than ever they do with hips.

    I can't believe it is almost 12 months since you went to Glastonbury, it seems no time at all.

    It is a quiet weekend for us thank goodness. WM has been on 3 times this morning, so a little ironing, but not a lot.

    Hello to FTM, SM, Hoglet, Kate, AOT i know you are off to Turkey this weekend, hope you have a wonderful time.

    Have a good weekend everyone

    Much love
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hi all..wet day again..yesterday was glorious. sat watching the rugby..half time and England are beating Italy..i know its else around looking for you when they do crowd shots..haha..

    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Good morning every one..

    Well FT mansion is quiet for once..girls are still sleeping..they had such a busy day yesterday..they helped daddy in the garden..cleaned out chicken house,potted up some flowers and hanging baskets and planted out the MLW nasturtiums and sunflowers..all before lunch..they went to the allotment with Sam for a few hours..all sun creamed up and hats on..came home to a nice big drink of HM lemonade and a cake..then they lazed in the Wendy house reading til tea-time..oh my it was quiet last night ..went to bed early too after a good bath and hairwash..but they were filthy..covered in compost and had it down their nails but very happy little girls..

    MLW..hello..i got email from Nell..and the package and postcards..they are just the best..our postie thinks we are super posh..getting postcards from Paris and now Vienna...can't wait to see his face when others start to arrive..the girls almost knock me over when i shout "it's for you"..running with the bulls has no fear for me after those two charging at me ...
    So glad Zebra is all well..jabs are not nice but totally neccessary for him bless his little chubby thigh's..poor Iris had a big bruise one her thigh after her jabs when she was little...

    Candlelight..o i am so sorry your girl is not healing well..what a total sending her my love..

    Kate..hey babe always busy here..glad your ok.. off to Turkey..o i so hope you enjoy it my lovely..have a nice time..

    Sm..glad to hear your seems the Top Table chaos has been sorted..apparently the grooms mother went ballistic and told him in no uncertain terms that if we were not on it then she wasn't either..nice woman...

    Vj's mum..hope you get your knee sorted..and your girl is a smart cookie..

    Ok so its been busy here just lately..i have been kinda on a diet and keep fit kick..lost some weight too..feel better for it though on half a stone but it makes a difference..i am a size 12 or so i thought..i bought myself a beautiful Mother of the Bride outfit size 12..a Windsmoor dress and coat..gorgeous in gold with a pattern..trouble is its enormous..i look like i have been bloody swallowed by it with arms and legs sticking out..was so disappointed..cost a bit now not only do i have an outfit that doesn't fit i am stuck with cousin said she would take it in but it might ruin the pattern and she can do nothing with the coat at all...good news is though i maybe a size 10 lol..i have a lady who is interested in buying it from me so all is not lost i hope..just got to find another outfit now..

    Ok i have to go girls are up at last..

    Hoglet..are you at the match?..its England 44-3Italy wiping the floor with them lol..
    love ftm
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • [Deleted User]
    A little anecdote to make you smile. Last week my doggie walking pals daughter and her husband and almost 3 year old daughter found a good rail ticket deal and went to London for the day. They walked towards the Mall and it was closed off to traffic as there was a practise for the Trooping of the Colour taking place but they were on foot so could walk up and watch, then they went to St,Jamses Park where there was a practise for the Gun salute going on, the little one was entranced and loved every second of it. They carried on walking up the Mall to Buckingham Palace and the little one asked 'Who lives there Mummy?' so they said the queen whereupon little one said 'Oh good, let's go and visit her' trying to explain to a very small person was too difficult an undertaking so they said she was busy and carried on walking past the gates, where two very large and burly policemen were on guard .... you know where this is going don't you? ..... cue a small voice saying loudly 'Scuse me Mister can you open the gates so I can go and see the queen?', I have it on record that he was very nice to her and got down to eye level and explained that the queen had lots of visitors today and the rooms were all very small in the big house and there just wasn't room for even a small person inside and her reply? 'Oh that's alright we'll go in next time!' how cute is that??? Lyn xxx.
  • hoglet121
    hoglet121 Posts: 658 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hi everyone :-)

    FTM - yes we were at the match - 63-3 what a score! I'm the one in the England shirt haha! Except it was under my warmest coat..... We have the match taped so I'll let you know if we spot ourselves! We'd watched Australia v Argentina and Wales v Fiji too, so lots and lots of rugby for us. We're planning on going to NZ v Scotland next week, but sadly the final is on a Friday so it doesn't work for us to get there. But we are going to England v All Blacks on Saturday - cannot wait!

    DH was reffing kids rugby again this weekend - bless them the score was 65-0, the teams couldn't have been more different.

    Well little Alfie has been stealing again - this time he brought in a toy on a stick with a tail that must have been over a metre long. How he got it over the fence and in the cat door is incredible, but we must find out where he's taking them from and return them!

    We had a great time with my cousins at the weekend - we got an old video put onto DVD, taken of us all 20 years ago, and it also included old cinefilm of some of my cousins taken in the 60s, along with my mum & gran. Wonderful to see it all again.

    right, better get to work :-)

    Hoglet x
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hi all..well what a few days weird weather..we had twisters here yesterday..and lots of rain..huge drops..poor Jack got drenched doing his ablutions ..the darn Heron was beautiful to see but not with a fish in his beak..had a lovely surprise in our garden..a woodland pretty sure it was ..if you google will quick and i thought quite moved to fast for me to get a picture.. cute..our girls younger and older seemed to think that our surname gave us rights to go and visit the Queen anytime we wanted to..had to explain that we weren't related just share a surname with a famous King lol..

    Candlelight..hello you and himself doing, ok i hope? and your gal..bless her..

    Hoglet..o you so lucky ..I am watching the match on Saturday..its going to be awesome..i love the All Blacks..the Haka is awesome..speaking of which..did you see the Haka between NZ and Samoa..jumping jehossifats i thought they were going to passionate..felt sorry for the camera man in the was a great match though..Fern and Iris were impressed with the Haka's..they were doing their own version..doesn't really work with Fairy wings and wands though..but they get points for trying lol..

    Well i have been busy as the norm..but today i had a lazy day..we did Art..actually painting some lovely smooth pebbles..and doing some colour by numbers..these ones you have to add up the get the correct answer and was nice to just sit and chat as we did them..Iris is so funny..she painted her pebbles gold and then told daddy they were real and he could sell them to buy her a pony...they went out to play in the sun and i was watching them..running around in skirts, allover the place..huge wellies on and croquet bats stuck down the back of their tops..whipping them out to have a quick play fight then back in the shirt and off sure Iris is Thor in training..the girl can't be gentle but is so loving..she almost knocks Fern off her feet when they cuddle(RUGBY TACKLE)..

    We made our own sausages this week..Iris helped and we had flat sausage patties..very yummy though..Fern helped me to make a French coconut tart..she loves do i..
    We spent a few hours tidying toys in toy room..donated a bag to CS..and some had to be binned..two i fixed..and we went through our Halloween box..lots of old costumes that are too small for them..we decided to give them to baby Emma..and some we decided to re-do..and one i have decided to pick apart and use the coloured lace and netting on a wreath for the's orange and green sewn into little and big will look nice on a wreath with some of our coloured leaves and acorns..
    My beautiful dark red rose is about to bloom..the wild roses in the front has already..i have started to cut some of the flowers and have them inside..Aquilga is beautiful and i have many colours..poppies too..our neighbours have lots of roses over hanging onto the path..i did ask if i could cut some and she said tomorrow i will cut a few for my dining table..i like to have flowers inside..some nice to look at and smell too..
    I have bought yet another dress for the is gorgeous and it fits this time..its a goldish bronze affair..a pencil wiggle dress lol..its not too tight and not too it will be fine..i just need a black handbag and am done..
    right its such a lovely evening i am going to have a cuppa outside..
    love you all
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Sorry my mistake with the bee..its a Heath bee i think..
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • hoglet121
    hoglet121 Posts: 658 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hi everyone :-)

    FTM - lovely to hear how Fern and Iris are doing, and the roses sound gorgeous, as does your dress. Painting pebbles sounds like so much fun :-). I have to confess I haven't watched the NZ v Samoa match yet - but we saw the Fijian version of the Haka when they were playing Wales and that was awesome too. So looking forward to the match on Saturday - one of the many wonderful things about NZ is that all sport is reasonably priced to go and watch - less than 25 pounds for an international match and include free train or bus travel to and from the match. Pretty much all tickets for major sports events include free public transport, with extra trains put on running straight to Eden Park from the city centre. We will get there in time to watch the Black Ferns (women's team) play Samoa as the curtain raiser on Saturday.

    DH will be reffing a match on Saturday morning - hopefully both teams will get scores on the board unlike last week. It's a little bit further afield but still relatively local - means we have a good excuse to pop into the excellent bacon shop that's out that way, that I can never justify driving to just to buy bacon.

    Cats are behaving themselves - more or less. The big boy has spent 2 of the last 3 nights sharing my pillow, although sharing might be a bit too generous - he completely takes over and I end up shuffled down the bed, but it's lovely to have him want to snuggle with us. I woke up to little Alfie completely burrowed under the duvet and attacking my feet. No alarm clocks needed in this house! Fortunately he doesn't seem to have 'acquired' any more toys this week.

    OK, well it's definitely time for me to do some work, hope you all have a lovely evening - enjoy that cuppa FTM!

    Hoglet x
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newbie
    First Anniversary First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 6 June 2014 at 3:48PM
    Morning everyone, we had such a lovely day yesterday visiting DD and Zebra, he's a little love and coming on a treat. Tired today but am only planning a visit to the greengrocer and then w8rose to see if they have worthwhile reductions and not much else other than a bit of ironing and walking the boy this afternoon. Exciting day for my doggy walking pal, her DD is in for an elected caesarian today so she'll have a new little grandson by this evening, magic stuff. I'm waiting for the news with excitement as her DD was at school with my younger DD and she's a lovely young woman, besides I've got shares in baby too, I'm an honourary Oma!!!

    FTM love the description of the girls in outsized wellies, can just see it now. I've still got a painted pebble that DD1 made when she was 7 for a brownie craft competition, it's a frog called Frederika and has two bulges that she painted as it's eyes, I'll never part with her, she's on the dresser in pride of place. I also have a little paper owl that DD2 made for me and a 'MUM' made from coloured pipe cleaners when she was tiny, lovely stuff.

    I'm off to London on the coach on Sunday to meet DD1 and we're going to the British Museum to see a Viking exhibition some of which we saw in Gothenberg when we went to Sweden last, should be interesting and then we'll just bimble and get lunch etc before coming home on the 5.30 coach, looking forward to it immensely.

    CANDLELIGHT hope that things improve for your daughter, not much fun to go through all the repairs and then have them not work, hope they can sort things out and mend her quickly.

    Have a good day everyone, Lyn xxx.

    Friend's DD got sent home as the unit had an emergency to deal with and she was 3rd in line for today, they said there wouldn't be time for every one and to come back on Monday. I'm so sad for her as she had an extremely traumatic birth with her little girl and the only reason she decided she could face a second baby was with the knowledge that it would be delivered by caesarian section. Poor love must be sick with fear at this point in time, how callous to do that to her knowing what she'd been through the first time round. I know emergencies must take priority but they have her records and must see how she'll react at this put off, I hope she makes it through to Monday and they do operate, Grrrrr it's so not fair!!!
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