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No T Words mentioned at all - a fresh start



  • candlelight_2013
    candlelight_2013 Posts: 2,681 Forumite
    AOT I am so pleased you are feeling better. I know with other health issues it is more difficult, but to be free of the exhaustion must feel good.

    Look after yourself

    Much love
  • [Deleted User]
    Evening all, another super day down here, lovely breeze so washing dried very quickly and now we've a bit of cloud cover and the breeze has died down a little so more comfy as not so hot. AOT pleased for you that the B12 seems to be making a difference, when you've been stuck and not able to live the way you're used to due to health issues I guess every small improvement is so appreciated, hope it continues to get better for you love.

    We had a trip to a garden centre today He Who Knows wanted some grow bags for the greenhouse tomatoes and I got two little rosemary bushes for the garden which I've put in a sheltered spot on the border next to the greenhouse and given them a nice water in. Hopefully we'll get a bit of rain tomorrow which the whole garden will appreciate. I've just been up to the polytunnel and picked a whole colander full of early peas, 12oz weight when podded which we'll have as part of lunch tomorrow, I had a couple of pods raw and they are so sweet, delicious.

    Found a new recipe idea today and tried it for lunch, very simple but it was very nice it's for a Fruit Pudding which turned out like a clafoutis but without the egg in the batter. I used rhubarb but I think it would be nice with gooseberries, apple, berries, currants

    12oz of fruit prepared and washed
    4oz self raising flour
    2 oz butter/margarine
    4oz granulated sugar
    1/4 pint of milk

    rub the fat into the flour and add in everything else and mix to make a thick batter, grease an ovenproof dish and cook at Fan 180/190 deg c for 45 minutes. I served it warm with some greek plain yoghurt and it's very nice. Nice recipe from storecupboard stuff too as I think it would be OK using tinned fruit, Lyn xxx.
  • candlelight_2013
    candlelight_2013 Posts: 2,681 Forumite
    That sounds good Lyn, another one for my recipe book.

    Will def. try this

    The weather here today has been beautiful but about 6.30 we had some heavy spots of rain which lasted all of 4 minutes. Rushed outside to bring the cushions in and then it all blew over. They are promising some rain for us tomorrow.

    Much love
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Hello all - still here

    Marking, marking, marking

    Back laters...

    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • [Deleted User]
    Morning everyone, we've just been across to Li*l and B & M for an early morning shopping foray. Li*l had thier 500g packs of porridge oats down to 39p and a new variety of cooked Polish Pork Sausage 'Pikok' brand £2,99 for 500g which is 6 normal sized sausages which I've decided to try. B & M had Dorset Cereals very Nutty Muesli down to 10p a packet with a use by date of August 2014 so I got 4 packets and they have the Oxo season and shake bottles in at 49p each also Yorkshire Tea Bags 240 for £3.99 so I'm stocked up for a few weeks. The Muesli I wouldn't ever consider full price but 10p a packet - would be criminal to leave it behind wouldn't it? Lyn xxx.
  • candlelight_2013
    candlelight_2013 Posts: 2,681 Forumite
    Good morning all,

    Have been up since 5 a.m. because of the rain. It was hammering on the windows and the parasols in the garden (we had forgotten to take them down)

    Himself and I have both had breakfast and coffee, so fit to face the world. Have to pop to SM for a few bits. We have been looking after a neighbour's house whilst she has been abroad and she is due back this evening, so I want to get her some bread and milk she will be tired when she arrives home.

    FTM are you OK? I do hope so and that you are just really busy with the family and the allotment.

    Not much else planned for the day other than popping to see DD1. She has 2 hospital appointments next week plus a GP appointment so it will be a busy week. She is much improved thank goodness but a long way to go before she can go back to work.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Much love
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hello all..sorry to be missing in action but i have been rushed off my feet lately..doing school work,housework and the garden and allotment..phew am shattered..and just been reading in the evenings and falling asleep on sofa..

    Am up at 6ish everyday and girls are up half an hour later..i have given up trying to get them to sleep in..just putting them to bed earlier in evenings..seems to be working out and no grumpies..

    We have swifts here..arrived early last week,,so wonderful..also Mr.Heron has totally depleted our fish stocks(swine)..we caught him very early taking one of our huge fish..we counted how many are that means the swine has had 20 fish from our pond..its netted apart from one small bit and he was in it..o the bloody *********!!!!!!...its still annoying and i understand its what he does but its poor fish now hide under the lillies...

    Jack dog has been to vets again..he ate some berries on his walk and was throwing up something terrible..he is ok now just had to have some antibiotics for a week...he was also chipped and he looks amazing bless him..

    I have had an expensive time lately...i bought new dresses for girls for Annie's wedding..sandals and little cardigans..just need some pale green hair bows..i have my dress for the hen night..just need some black shoes..and then a dress for wedding..will match it to shoes so i don't need another pair..i did a huge shop on internet..i bought some dvd's..and had to restock one paper and card for school..

    Our allotment is looking amazing..everything is growing briiliantly..courgettes are in and doing well..tomatoes in greenhouse are going to be heavy croppers i hope..cucmbers are doing well..we have a mini cucumber plant and it has 3 on it already..i am going to pickle them..i made rhubarb pies and crumbles and froze them..our pear tree has over 50 little pears on it..unfortunately hubby pointed out that the June drop will happen and most of them will go..drat..

    The weather has been wonderful ..we have had a bbq and spent afternoons in the garden..i have tied lots of ribbons around the ropes of the girls swings and made them into Fairy swings lol...they love them..i have bought Fern some roller skates..going to practise in the house first before i let her loose in the garden..we have a helmet,knee pads and elbow pads already..Iris is getting a new scooter..but not will have to wait til after the wedding but she is happy enough on her little bike.
    I have been sorting the girls clothes out..Iris has inherited a lot of Fern's dresses and skirts and i have bought Fern 4 new tops,2 new skirts and a lovely vintage style summer dress..i got them off e*ay and the seller was wonderful and combined the postage and gave me a bit knocked off too..lovely.

    I treated myself to some new body feels lovely and makes me all silky smooth lol..until the girls told me i smelt like grandad's car...when i asked what they meant they said i smelt like his air freshner..i was laughing to much to care..bless them.

    I am glad everyone is ok and busy..

    MLW..i have printed some card cut outs of Paris and all its landmarks..we are using them as points on the map you sent us.. is your girl doing?.. glad you have some ping back..
    SM..o you lucky thing you having pheasants in your garden..
    Kate..hey how are you..
    Hoglet..glad little alfie is feeling better..
    VJ'mum..marking,marking,marking..bless you teachers are very under-valued..

    anyone else am sorry if i forgot you...
    right am scrambled eggs with ham slices and tomatoes for lunch..
    love to you all.
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • [Deleted User]
    Hi FTM glad all is well, what a busy time and the wedding too, not enough hours in the day are there pet. The swings sound beautiful, how my girlies would have loved fairy swings, you're very clever you know?

    DD1 off to Vienna for a short break over the early part of next week so tell the tots to expect some more postcards with Austrian stamps on and DD will try for brochures, maps, tickets etc to send on later, warn the postman!!! Lyn xxx.
  • candlelight_2013
    Hi FTM good to see you and know everything is fine. You are such a busy lady and another wedding as well. The produce sounds as though it will be a good crop this year, I hope Fern doesn't have too many falls off the roller skates.

    DD1 is coming along, thank you for asking. She has a way to go yet, but she has 2 hospital appointments next week and a GP appointment. We still go most days to see her, but we only have to hoover, and change her bed linen, although I did give her bathroom a good going over yesterday. She is still on 2 crutches, but is definately more mobile. Still not able to drive yet though. It is a long haul but she will get there eventually.

    Have a good weekend, and try to find time to put your feet up and have a cup of tea.

    Much love
  • [Deleted User]
    Afternoon all, what a cold and wet day it's been today, more like November than May but it's drier now, not a lot warmer though, I've put the quilts back on the bed, we got cold last night with a quilt cover and a blanket I think I was a bit previous in deciding summer had arrived!!!

    DD2 just phoned and my Zebra child now has a library membership, how sweet is that??? It used to be the high spot of thier week when they first understood about books, taking them to the library on Saturday mornings to look through the tots book boxes and I can still remember the favourite book it was called 'Me Too said the Chick' about a chick brought up with a family of ducklings who tried to swim as it thought it was a duckling, so cute!!! I found another Shirley Hughes book in a charity shop for him this week called 'Keeping Busy' all about jumping into puddles and bouncing on beds, and a set of wooden farm animals for when he's bigger I'm so enjoying myself, being Oma is so much fun.

    Hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend, the weather doesn't look too good but that doesn't dampen our spirits does it??? Lyn xxx.
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