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No T Words mentioned at all - a fresh start



  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi everyone!

    FTM, glad you are feeling better :) Sausage and mash sounds lovely. You've got hubby well trained on the tea making front :D

    MrsL, saw your post on t'other thread - it's such a shame someone can be victimised by bullies who are too cowardly to show their real selves to everyone. Whoever the member is who received this PM, please pass on our best wishes and ask them to keep posting as it would be our loss as well as their own if they stopped.

    Candlelight, glad you had a good lunch and a nice catch up. Hope your DDs are better soon and it's great that you are able to help out. My folks are over 2 hours away and I miss being able to see them regularly. Hope you don't snow!

    Hoglet, I like the sound of being paid in wine, regardless of what the work is :T

    I'm feeling a bit better and Candlelight I think you are right. It's a physical manifestation of the exhausting emotional time I have gone through.

    Am off work tomorrow as is OH and am planning on lying in until 7.00! Have to get up then to let the ducks out :rotfl:

    Plus we have an appointment at the vets tomorrow to get Charlie's brother checked out, as it is possible that the cancer was genetic so we are taking no chances.

    OH is off out tonight with his work colleagues for drinks so I'm on duty to collect him from the train station which is a good half hour drive away. The things we do :)

    Just had a lovely lemon dahl (MrsL's recipe!) as I usually eat vegetarian food when OH is out, his idea of a veggie meal is leek and mushroom lasagne with lots of cheese ;)

    We're getting about 8 eggs a day from the ducks - we went from 3 a day over the winter (last year's birds) to 4 a day for about a week then up to 8 a day! Sold some at work today and am hoping to get a few more customers as we can't keep up!
  • hoglet121
    Hello everyone,

    You have all been so friendly and welcoming to me, I am very thankful :-)

    Candlelight - wow that is a wide range of crafts. I am a terrible knitter, but I find I can muddle through with the crochet. I am fortunate to have a very gifted cousin nearby who patiently explains patterns and stitches to me before I embark on a project. I have made a baby blanket and a baby hat for my another cousin's baby who was born in July, but really must do some more. Practice makes perfect! Your lunch sounds lovely too.

    FTM - I am glad that you are feeling better and you're being looked after :-)

    Yes the heating issue - we were just as surprised when we arrived! The current fashion is to put in heat pumps - a warm version of an air conditioner, but they are very expensive to install and run. We keep promising ourselves one 'next year' but the budget never quite runs to it. In last years sales I bought the best thermals I could find, and they are absolutely the best at retaining body heat.

    I tried out a new recipe for dinner last night and it worked really well - cheese souffle omelette which sounds quite daunting but was very easy, light and delicious. DH was a really big fan and has said he would choose it over scrambled eggs any day. It was also a very thrifty meal as it fed both of us from 3 eggs and a splash of milk, a light grating of cheese and a little salad on the side. LAter on we had some cheese and biscuits and I convinced DH to try my tomato, chilli and lemon marmalade with it and again he was very pleasantly surprised. So was I, I didn't think he would try it!

    We don't have any plans for the weekend unless the grape harvest has started, but sometimes it's nice to have a relaxing weekend and see what happens.

    Hoglet x
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I thought this might make you laugh, last weekend I bought two beers to drink whilst watching the rugby. I drank the first one and went to open the second one but couldn't find the bottle opener. After much searching I gave up and used a spare bottle opener.

    I found the original bottle opener on Sunday, in the door of the fridge where the first bottle of beer had been :D

    OH has text to say he should be at the train station just after half 10 so hopefully not too late a night.
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    OH's train was late last night so we didn't get home until nearly 11.30 but then he got up and let ducks out so I had a lie in to 7.30 this morning.

    Busy day for a day off - took Monty (Charlie' brother) to the vets for a full health check which thankfully was all clear, then hired a Luton van to pick up a computer cabinet for all OH's IT equipment which he bought off [EMAIL="eb@y"]eb@y[/EMAIL]. He had a bit too much to drink last night so I had to drive it :cool:

    Was a mission getting it into the house (and out of the van - the height of the van we hired was not the same height as the opening to the van, taking into account the roller :rotfl::rotfl:)

    Our house is back to front as they took the plans for the houses opposite but didn't reverse them so our "entrance hall" where the cabinet will live is actually at the furthest point possible from the road - we ended up laying down carpet for this cabinet to get it through the back garden :D

    Took a fish tank to the charity shop today and ended up buying a big mirror - we had been looking for one for ages but the ones I saw on [EMAIL="eb@y"]eb@y[/EMAIL] were all £40@ and this one was £10 so very happy ;)

    Hope you are all well, have a good weekend everyone x
  • Cheapskate
    Cheapskate Posts: 1,757 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Hi all

    Ftm, glad you're feeling better, have pm'd you.

    Adult DS' birthday today, he went out for the day with his GF, then we had a nice family tea, homemade birthday cake, jelly for afters, lovely and civilised! :D

    Littlies have been getting up even earlier than school days this week, so it was nice to have a lie in today - DD didn't wake up until just after 8, marvellous!

    All in all, we've had a calm and pleasant day, might change tomorrow, but I've had today and that's good enough for me! :beer:

    A xo
    Jan 2021 GC £11.70/£300
    2021 mission declutter& clean 53/2021
    Jan NSD 7/31
  • flowertotmum
    Hi all..feeling much better am glad thats over..just keeping eye on girls now..Fern has done nothing but sneeze today and Iris was just miserable today..made for a long day..

    Chaeapskate..happy birthday to your older ds..nice to have a homemade birthday cake..i love making them and its part of our tradition now.. at the bottle opener..hubby once put our loo-rolls in the freezer..searched high and low for them..then i just thought he might have put them there..and bingo he did..still can't fathom what he was thinking..i have found coffee in the fridge and milk in the pantry..
    Wow you have been busy glad your cat is all clear..hugs to you..

    Have spent today slowly trying to catch up with chores this week..i have the Mount Everest of ironing to do..will do tired sat watching the rugby and eating a bowl of rice decadent..

    Going to do a homemade chinese tomorrow for tea..hoping my appetite comes back..not really ate much again eldest girl annie is coming tomorrow to cut my hair..going for a pixie cut with an ultra blonde dye job..and fionna is gong to do my busy day..the littles have decided they do not want their hair cutting..they want to have hair down to their bums..just like rapunzel..o will be interesting when it gets longer..Fern's is almost there and Iris has a way to go..
    Hubby went to the lottie to check on it..he loves being up there..he made a flask this time..
    Poor sam is coming down with my cold i think..he doesn't look good..poor lad..
    right am going to bed now..
    Hope you all have a good night..
    love to you all
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Cheapskate, glad you got a lie in.

    FTM, glad you're feeling better, enjoy your pamper.

    Lovely day here so going to get some washing out on the line and get out in the garden.

    Going out for drinks with my work colleagues tonight which I'm looking forward to.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newbie
    First Anniversary First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 1 March 2014 at 12:19PM
    Morning everyone, what a super morning it is too, bright sunshine and blue skies and lots of daffodils in bloom all over the village, I wonder if spring is actually thinking of happening? Happy St.Davids Day too!!!

    FTM so glad you are feeling better, just hope the tots don't suffer too badly with it and poor Sam too, hope your tum problem has settled down too and isn't causing you too much grief. Enjoy your 'pamper' day with the older girls, aren't they lovely?

    CHEAPSKATE Glad your DS had a nice birthday yesterday and enjoyed his 'Mum' cake, I love that he's grown up and you still make him a cake for his birthday, lovely stuff!!!

    Did the local jumble sale this morning and for £2 got an enamel mug, a heavy enamel casserole and lid, 4 espresso cups and saucers, 2 vases for DD1 and a blue and white footed oval dish and stand to go on my dresser, pretty good eh?

    KATE pleased your other feline pal was OK when checked out by the vetty person enjoy your evening out tonight.

    Look after yourselves everyone, Lyn xxx.
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Ooh MrsL, good finds at the jumble sale!
  • candlelight_2013
    A beautiful day here as well. Very frosty to start with, but now gorgeous blue sky. Have done supermarket shop, seen DD1 and done the necessary, washing machine just finished second load. Had cheese and crackers for lunch followed by fresh fruit, have ham salad and jacket potato for evening meal.

    Lyn, is it quiet without He Who Knows, or is he like Himself and doesn't say much anyway? My goodness you had some bargains at the jumble sale, didn't you? I would definately covet the blue and white dish, I have quite a few pieces of Spode blue and white. Some years ago my DD2 and son in law took me to the Spode factory in Stoke on Trent, I was in heaven.

    Kate, I am so pleased about Monty, that must be such a relief for you both. Enjoy yourself tonight.

    FTM pleased you are feeling better, hope Sam and the girls aren't too bad I expect both you and Simon are excited about growing produce on the allotment. I do hope we have a good summer like last year.

    Cheapskate, I like to make the birthday cakes and also my 3 grandchildren love jelly. I usually make it with fruit juice. We are having it tonight with mandarine segments in, but they like it without the fruit.

    Flora is sunning herself on the kitchen window sill, Himself is dozing in the chair and I am going to make myself a cup of coffee before I tackle the ironing.

    Have a good weekend everyone and AOL if you are reading I send you lots of hugs, and hope the black cloud is beginning to lift.

    Much love to everyone.

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