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TYO's 2012 MF House Fund!....



  • [Deleted User]
    Evening all from a chilly TYO household ...
    well actually truth be told it's chilly outside , rather toasty in here! :D

    In moneymaking news not a lot done one thing posted for amazon and money claimed , and have also applied for a couple of freebies thatll save a few pennies on essentials if they come (one voucher for loo roll, one for milk! )

    Few unexpected expenses and likely car costs coming up (good thing Ive set up my car budget tho not sure £65 will cover it! :p) ...feels like the longest month ever and payday is still a week off!!

    Still we are nice and warm and safe inside , have cupboards full of food and lots of xmas dvds still to watch so I shouldnt complain really!! :o

    Chilled (pardon the pun!) weekend I think .. not much moneymaking but hopefully no spending either . Hoping to make a bit of a dent in the freezer food from xmas too so that I can defrost it and fill it with slighty healthier things! :A
  • nattypants
    nattypants Posts: 2,577 Forumite
    January does seem to going on forever tyo, but at least we're past the halfway mark:T

    Your weekend of cosiness and DVDs sounds like bliss - I think I'm going to have to do housework, although I'm going to resist wherever possible;)
    February13 - £74990 (or thereabouts)
    MND - Let's go for 2020 'cos it's got a nice ring to it:D
    C'mon nattypants:cool:
  • [Deleted User]
    Thanks np :p
    Its been a lovely cosy weekend actually - hope you have managed to avoid doing too much housework!! ;)

    Just chilling with a cuppa catching up on some diaries ... going to have to brave the cold and snow for petrol and milk today so here's hoping the roads arent too awful (not overly hopeful though!)

    Stressing a bit about the snow impacting on travel tomorrow onwards as have a really busy week preparing for the next few into Feb and very little of it can be done working from home - still, not much I can do to change the weather!! :snow_grin

    Leftovers for lunches/dinners today and having done a freezer inventory we have in:

    1 x pizza
    1 pack potato wedges
    1/2 pack breaded chicken fingers
    1 pack steak lorre (not sure what this is looks a bit like burgers, down from £4 to 80p on xmas eve! possibly the kinda thing you eat with eggs , toast and beans mmmmmmm nom nom .)
    1 packs stewing lamb
    2 salmon filletts
    4 roast potatoes (these will be eaten tonight)
    1 pack garlic mushrooms
    2 packs pork loin steaks
    1 fish pie
    6 rolls
    6 hot cross buns

    In addition:
    our cupboards have approx 1 million tins and jars ranging from tomatoes, curry, hot dogs, spaghetti hoops, curry sauce, tinned fruit salad , not to mention enough cereal, pasta, noodles and rice to feed the 5000!

    Fridge has cheese, butter, milk (but only enough for one more cuppa at best!) and eggs, so sorted there!

    Its easy to look though and think "we've got nothing for dinner! :cool:

    Not anymore!- I shall keep myself accountable with this until everything is eaten up - even the tins and bits in the freezer that keep getting shoved to the back because no one really wants to eat them!

    May spend the day drinking tea (once I have ventured out for milk) and making cakes ... its too cold to do anything else really!

    Stay warm everyone!
  • nattypants
    nattypants Posts: 2,577 Forumite
    edited 8 September 2023 at 3:57PM
    1 pack steak lorre (not sure what this is looks a bit like burgers, down from £4 to 80p on xmas eve! possibly the kinda thing you eat with eggs , toast and beans mmmmmmm nom nom .)

    I think you mean a lorne sausage TYO. In my pre-veggie I LOVED lorne sausages on buttered rolls with brown sauce (in fact my mouth is actually watering as I'm typing this - I truly am a terrible vegetarian :p)

    Hope the roads behave themselves for you:)
    February13 - £74990 (or thereabouts)
    MND - Let's go for 2020 'cos it's got a nice ring to it:D
    C'mon nattypants:cool:
  • gallygirl
    gallygirl Posts: 17,228 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post Mortgage-free Glee!
    nattypants wrote: »
    I think you mean a lorne sausage TYO. In my pre-veggie I LOVED lorne sausages on buttered rolls with brown sauce (in fact my mouth is actually watering as I'm typing this - I truly am a terrible vegetarian :p)
    Sliced sausage nom nom nom. Natty is right, it has to be brown sauce. Red sauce would be WRONG. Report back and say if you like it - best grilled as there is a LOT of fat in it :eek:.
    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort
    :) Mortgage Balance = £0 :)
    "Do what others won't early in life so you can do what others can't later in life"
  • [Deleted User]
    Thanks for the tips girls!!
    Still in the freezer so wont be for today but maybe a weekend breakfast next weekend!

    Dont like brown sauce tho ... itll have to be red for me! ;)

    I will also feed mrtyo ....just in case anyone is worried about him :rotfl:
  • pavlovs_dog
    pavlovs_dog Posts: 10,201 Forumite
    Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    edited 8 September 2023 at 3:57PM
    Not anymore!- I shall keep myself accountable with this until everything is eaten up - even the tins and bits in the freezer that keep getting shoved to the back because no one really wants to eat them!

    We're in much the same boat. I'm still buying bargains as and when I see them, but think I will put a box in the spare room for the new tinned and jarred stuff to encourage use up of stuff that has lurked too long in the cupboard.

    meal planning has helped focus our efforts, with the adding bonus that food spends have been lower too.
    know thyself
    Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus...
  • MrTyo
    MrTyo Posts: 62 Forumite
    Despite us having lots of tinned stuff, (as TYO is away for a few days)
    I bought food, yummy food, i have fresh bread and ham, lovely ham...

    i mean i am doing some work on our plaster and doing man sorting type stuff, and not eating, definately not eating!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newbie
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    edited 31 January 2013 at 7:52PM
    Oh dear mrtyo ......
    food shopping eh??? tut tut :naughty:


    I only found the bread though .... where is the rest for me?? :p

    So indeed- I have been working away for a few days , free food (lots of it too!) so all good there! £4.50 spend on drinks out with friend, and fiver on some beauty bits n bobs but other than that not much spent!

    Payday has come and gone and more money into the house fund!
    Got a couple of freebie/vouchers - one for handcream and waiting for one for a free pack of loo roll! ah the exciting life I lead eh? :rotfl:

    Not much other moneysaving going on , just plodding along .... was starting to think about holidays the other day though! :T :dance:
  • [Deleted User]
    Just catching up with a cuppa and a few diary updates!

    £30 fun money to last till next payday on the 25th ... shall need to be frugal!

    £100ish of expenses to come- hopefully next week!
    Also need to put another claim in should be over £100 ish so all of that can go into the house fund!

    Holiday fund started too - £80 so far ;)

    Picked up my free L'Octaine handcream yesterday , get v dry hands in winter so that will be good! Also had two lovely spa-type baths with some goodies I got for xmas! lots of free pampering!

    Food shopping budget not doing that badly - stocked up with a few reduced bits today including 4 pints of milk for just over 49p and some cupcakes for mrtyo (if youre reading this ;) ) to celebrate all the hard work he has been doing this week!

    Need to transfer one more d/d around in banking .. must get around to that!

    House fund standing at around £35,337 and only a couple of months till FD bonus time which should be a tidy £120ish! Have a 2 year fix on ISA so shant need to think about that till next year!

    Radish if youre reading this Mrtyo now has a sub-£100K mortgage too!:T
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