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My home is a mess



  • Emm-in-a-pickle
    Hi Messies!

    Alec E - is the shop you got those curtains from still going? If it is, and the label said machine washable, I`d be inclined to have a word with them - or the manufacturers. It may be a while since you bought them, but even so, thje disaster you describe might prompt a gesture of goodwill. No harm in trying. As for the carpet, while you`re waiting to replace it I`d be seriously researching into finding something that rabbits won`t chew (if there is such a thing!)

    Pol, what a nightmare! We had similar trouble last time an attempt was made in the kitchen (now 3 shades of yellow!) and IMHO there`s no such thing as `quick, easy` painting. I detest the very idea of decorating.

    Chez-Emm -
    The grass outside is getting taller - DS still hasn`t tried the strimmer line I bought to see if it`s the right stuff.
    Sewing (wedding stuff) got finished yesterday according to plan, but LR is covered with lots of tiny bits of thread & trimming. I also got a WM load of towels done & dried outside yesterday, and visitors turned up late afternoon. Funny how just sitting around chatting can be so tiring.
    Caravan of Doom - not finished what I started there, but still a big improvement so it`ll do for now.

    Today - I`ve cleaned up in the kitchen, last night`s honey & ginger pork with veg will be leftovers for tonight, so just a few spuds to scrape. I`ll be nipping out to Morrisons next, then see what inspires me to get done when I get home! The day is my lobster!
  • dibuzz
    dibuzz Posts: 2,021 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    I'm regretting feeding the lawn, it looks lovely but if I look at it long enough I'm sure I can see it actually grow :rotfl:
    There's not been very much done here this week apart from the washing, I've been so tired and not sleeping but last night was better and had a couple of hours this morning so might feel more human soon.
    14 Projects in 2014 - in memory of Soulie - 2/14
  • pollypenny
    pollypenny Posts: 29,394 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Hi, everyone. Lovely day in North Wales again!

    I scraped the gloss off the door, managed to carry lots of it about the house. So a good however through and washed kitchen and covered way floors.

    Managed to get out of any painting, because OH didn't want me to wreck my CSI tee-shirt, would you believe. Never wear the thing!nbought as a joke.
    Member #14 of SKI-ers club

    Words, words, they're all we have to go by!.

    (Pity they are mangled by this autocorrect!)
  • Emm-in-a-pickle
    Hi Messies!

    Dibuzz, I`m glad you have man aged to catch up on a bit of kip, it`s been so hot at nights which doesn`t help. As for hearing the grass grow - I think if I could hear mine it`d be laughing....managed to get DS to get the big strimmer out of the shed, but he`s done nothing with it except leave it in the hall (where I`d just Henry`d!) Nettled my feet putting washing on the line yesterday.Grrr. Apparently this is MY fault, wearing `silly` sandals, that`s what OH said (and I`ve hardly seen him since I cleared bedroom desk, he`s been busy with his project there ever since!)
    I got rather grumpy last night.
    The inertia of my menfolk is getting me down. Nothing new then.
    I feel like all the `necessary` stuff is left to me to sort out in my `free time` while they sleep or pursue their hobbies.
    Yesterday I took the car for tyre & fluids check, went to gp surgery to get repeat prescription stuff sorted out, and to vets to make appt. for Littly dog`s check-up etc., as well as shopping, and launderette x 2 with heavy cotton rugs. Not the merest hint of an offer to help carry stuff in & out of car. Not a whisper of `need a hand?`....
    This is also MY fault, apparently, as they are `not psychic`.
    And I should not be "spoiling my last bit of `holiday` by being grumpy!"
    Perhaps the Martian theory is correct....
  • pollypenny
    pollypenny Posts: 29,394 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Inertia of men is something I have experienced, too. However, since OH has retired he's become meticulous when doing any job, just touched up bits he missed in the bathroom, when is said to leave them.

    What happened to Mr Slapdash?
    Member #14 of SKI-ers club

    Words, words, they're all we have to go by!.

    (Pity they are mangled by this autocorrect!)
  • Emm-in-a-pickle
    Emm-in-a-pickle Posts: 1,633 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi Messies!

    I have just found the best `motivator` for decluttering and Henrying! Took Littly dog for her check-up, and the lovely lady vet found a flea!!!! OK, there was only one to be found, and that one looked a bit doped - I had done her `spot` treatment a few days before this, as a matter of routine. But the idea that there may have been (bound to have) other little visitors who dis-embarked is not a comfortable one! So I spent Friday evening and all of Saturday Henrying and spraying!
    And nit-combing the dog -one more live one and a dead one found.
    SO, under and behind every stick of furniture, all the seat cushions off and cleaned under and sprayed - thankfully the 3 piece is leather so not as easy for things to lurk on visible bits.
    I found 3 odd socks, a few hair slides, pens, pencils, and 23p.
    And no teaspoons. Strange.
    The whole thing took longer because I was trying to rescue spiders as well. I managed to catch a few and put them outside, but I`m sure many more must have perished.
    Today, I`ve just done an early shift. I came home, threw a chicken in the oven and had another good search in Littly`s fur but found nothing.
    Fortunately, she enjoys the extra attention. When I was a kid we had a spaniel who used to growl and snarl throughout any attempts at grooming. In those days it was a block of `flea- soap` not doggy shampoos and she once ate a bar of the soap when we were bathing her! My poor mum was worried sick but the dog was fine.
  • pollypenny
    pollypenny Posts: 29,394 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I've had a lazy day today! Been to see DD. Should have ironed, but I need a new ironing board cover, after lying the Venetian blind on it while I steam cleaned it. What a nightmare job!

    OH had to help me and words were exchanged! Blooming blinds!
    Member #14 of SKI-ers club

    Words, words, they're all we have to go by!.

    (Pity they are mangled by this autocorrect!)
  • alec_eiffel
    alec_eiffel Posts: 1,304 Forumite
    I can't remember where we bought the curtains from unfortunately - they were very useful as a dust sheet when we painted the back of the garage this weekend though! Now I have some new lovely blinds and curtains so I'm more than happy. I think I'm going to get a steam cleaner to take care of these though, never again will I wash curtains!

    We went to look a preliminary look at wood flooring this weekend. There#s no real point in putting anything temporary down, if it's not fitted properly the buns would find the edges and chew it so it would be anther waste of money. We could probably afford a floor by the end of this year but I think it will be some time next year if I'm being realistic.

    We did a load around the house this weekend, DH did loads of little bits and bobs that had been hanging around for a while, he doesn't like DIY or house stuff but he made an extra effort because I was struggling so much. Feel very happy about the place at the minute.
  • Baileys_Babe
    Baileys_Babe Posts: 5,629 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Alec E what a kind and thoughtful DH.
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  • Emm-in-a-pickle
    Emm-in-a-pickle Posts: 1,633 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi Messies!

    What strikes me is how kind and tolerant of bunny-chewing damage Alec`s DH is. Well, both of them, really. We put up with the down side of having pets, because we love them - I`m not a rabbit person, but to me it wouldn`t feel like home without a dog in the house. I think it`s wise not to go for temporary stuff too, just keep looking up at the new curtains not down at the floor.

    I`ve had a massive long to-do list for today, mostly out and about, and got through most of it, but still a bit to do. I`m at a wedding on Friday, and there`s a funeral very imminent but don`t know the details yet...I`m just really hoping it`s not the same day.
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