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determined to be debtfree!



  • abba1772
    abba1772 Posts: 7,746 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Car Insurance Carver!
    thats great news about the house.....fantastic bet you feel on top of the world right now x x x
    NEXT TARGET: Halifax credit card DEC 22 £0 / £4499.12
    POAMAYC 2011 £6378.35 POAMAYC 2012 £5000.78
    POAMAYC 2013 £3480.04 POAMAYC 2014 £4085.14
    POAMAYC 2015 £7565.24 POAMAYC 2016 £8000.90 POAMAYC 2017 £7278.80 POAMAYC 2018 £13208.18POAMAYC 2019 £13309.28 POAMAYC 2020 £15026.05
  • Deeperblue
    Thats fantastic news DFW! Do you know how long they'll be in for? Hopefully a long while!

    I know what you mean about the petrol. Cheapest around us is £1.26.9 a litre :eek: Surely it can't keep going up like this... weren't the truckers striking about it last year, and I'm sure the prices were lower than this then?
    Parents - £4000/£0 paid
    OH parents - £9000/£0 paid

    Mortgage - £125,000/£0 overpayments
  • debtfreewannabe321
    thanks DB & ABBA :D it's only a 6 month term, but that gives me enough time to get my finances straughtened out a little. Hopefully by then i will be on the DMP and the balances will be reducing and not going up still thanks to charges and interest and after they have left i can go and re-paint the house and sort it out. I'd love for the housing market to have picked up by then (miraculously) and then i could sell the house, use equity to pay off debt and start saving for a house i can actually live in over here :rotfl:doubt this will happen but i can dream huh :cool:

    And as for petrol prices :eek: i was saying the same the other day i'm sure the prices were only 120/121 last time they went on strike! and now they are nearly 130 in some places around here :eek::eek: I even had 5p off a litre yesterday and it was still nearly £50 for 3/4 of a tank (already had petrol in there!!!) makes me so angry! But having a car is essential to me, and it is my only luxury. We sold off our second car ages ago to save costs and i couldn't get rid of this one i need to it to get son from school, to visit family when hubby is away for 6 months at a time, and our nearest supermarket is a good 15 min drive away. (excuses excuses)!
    JUNE 2024 GOALS ~ Manifest a buyer for my house so I can move!! DONE!!
    EF/moving fund £2677.62/3000~ NSD 9/15 ~ FOOD & TOILETRIES BUDGET £266.31/ £500 ~
    MORTGAGE BALANCE JAN 1st £99224.13 ~
  • debtfreewannabe321
    Have made £11.48 on 4 items on Ebay today, just awaiting payments.

    Have relisted 4 items again for 99p as it's free, am going to see how much i can get for my uni books on abe, and list some more 99p things on ebay. And to be honest not bothered about making loads of money from it all i just would love my house to be de-cluttered!
    JUNE 2024 GOALS ~ Manifest a buyer for my house so I can move!! DONE!!
    EF/moving fund £2677.62/3000~ NSD 9/15 ~ FOOD & TOILETRIES BUDGET £266.31/ £500 ~
    MORTGAGE BALANCE JAN 1st £99224.13 ~
  • debtfreewannabe321
    Well I avoided blockbuster :T, and instead watched some oldies that i had bought and never watched (:o slapped wrists!)

    I did take the kids into town though and bought each of them a little pressie as the two little ones were feeling ill and seeing as though i hadn't treated them to swimming i got them a toy each and gave eldest son some money (only a fiver) and then we came home and made our chicken satay....which turned out to be pork satay :rotfl:i got the wrong bag out of the freezer haha! was still yummy though lol!

    And i'm not sure if it is just me, but now my son is on a school holiday i seem to have slipped back into old habits of spending again. I did avoid BB yesterday BUT instead I took them to town and let them spend there, and let's be honest 2 little ones wouldn't have minded either way so i'm not sure why I bought them gifts, esp when i bought it for them out of my birthday money lol.

    I am just hoping that when hubby gets bk I won't slip completely and i manage to reign him in as well as myself! But i suppose we'll have to wait and see :o

    RE debt, i received a letter from Barclays loan saying the time span i was considering paying them bk in was not acceptable on the CCCS DMP, so they were going to default me and pass on my debt :( i was pretty annoyed with this considering that my loan still had 2 and a bit years to run and the entire debt on my DMP would only take 3 yrs 10 months to pay (if everyone stopped interest straight away) :( so this has upset me. I know I was half expecting it but it's still a kick in the teeth esp when you try so hard to deal with it all and i'm still feeling a bit fragile after my happy pills have only recently kicked in! Oh well, let's just hope all my creditors don't say the same thing ...

    All my ebay items that were bought have been paid for so i will package those later and send tomorrow. I have listed another half a dozen or so items all 99p though so i can avoid charges, and also so i can clear some space. I think having such a small house and no where to store things def is getting me down more than i thought! It always looks messy because of the amont of books, clothes etc we have!

    Anyway what a long moany post from me today :rotfl: hoping I have some good MSE news soon!!
    JUNE 2024 GOALS ~ Manifest a buyer for my house so I can move!! DONE!!
    EF/moving fund £2677.62/3000~ NSD 9/15 ~ FOOD & TOILETRIES BUDGET £266.31/ £500 ~
    MORTGAGE BALANCE JAN 1st £99224.13 ~
  • debtfreewannabe321
    Well have tried to do a quick check on our online banks and i take it letters are arriving on banks door steps! Santander have 'temporarily suspended' our online account. And so has the barclays!

    the thing is hubby is still having problems getting his wages transferred :mad: so we may end up losing an entire months salary if they decide to 'offset' against our debts :( thankfully i have prepared myself for this...and the money we received for tenants i have not touched (had a feeling i would need this)

    i was going to use it to give to CCCS when payments are all set up to get debt down but i think the santander are going to help themselves to be honest to hubby's wages which are due in on the 28th...so we'll have to see :( AND hubby is due a bonus in this month's wages too which again would have gone towards debt (and savings) and i am really hoping i can get down there and clear it out before they get hold of it! Grrr my week was going pretty well too, always seems to be some bad news around the corner it seems. I can't wait until the DMP is up and runnning, all wages in right banks and everything sorted out! I think i am going to turn grey before this happens though!!!
    JUNE 2024 GOALS ~ Manifest a buyer for my house so I can move!! DONE!!
    EF/moving fund £2677.62/3000~ NSD 9/15 ~ FOOD & TOILETRIES BUDGET £266.31/ £500 ~
    MORTGAGE BALANCE JAN 1st £99224.13 ~
  • Deeperblue
    I really hope you get your hands on OH's wages before they do! The sneaky little swines will probably manage it some how, but at least you have a backup plan. Just keep your eyes on the prise and try and stay motivated... I know what you mean about loosing the money saving bug a bit... I think by the end of February a lot of people who made their new years resolutions to debt bust are probably getting a bit board with it all now and I imagine a few will fall of the wagon, including myself!

    We just have to keep each other motivated!:T
    Parents - £4000/£0 paid
    OH parents - £9000/£0 paid

    Mortgage - £125,000/£0 overpayments
  • debtfreewannabe321
    Deeperblue wrote: »
    I really hope you get your hands on OH's wages before they do! The sneaky little swines will probably manage it some how, but at least you have a backup plan. Just keep your eyes on the prise and try and stay motivated... I know what you mean about loosing the money saving bug a bit... I think by the end of February a lot of people who made their new years resolutions to debt bust are probably getting a bit board with it all now and I imagine a few will fall of the wagon, including myself!

    We just have to keep each other motivated!:T

    DEFINATELY :T (on the keeping each other motivated part!!)

    I really really don't want to quit at this am determined for it to be a lifestyle change not just a resolution -in fact it needs to be-circumstances kinda dictate that it NEEDS to change :o ...AND on that note...today i went shopping and blew the budget :o:(

    :rotfl:oh dear....terrible fail or as my son told me 'epic fail mum, but it's only your first month you will learn' haha! thanks son! :rotfl:

    And to be honest i only spent £65 which just a month ago would have been amazing as that would have been half of what i normally spent. AND out of that i spent £11 on my hubby's parcel to send him, £10 on baby wipes/nappies & £7/8 on sweeties for kids etc....the rest was fridge food mainly and a few staple items...no actual MEALS!!! :eek: DOH! Luckily i have meals in freezer until wed...then i am at mums thurs - sun and have £60 left of my entire budget left (for eating out/entertainment etc etc) so am hoping this will stretch to cinema trip for me & son, take away and few cheapie meals :cool: we'll see though! And because of my big spend i got another 5p off petrol :T which i need...and i still have £60 petrol money left from that budget (left it seperate from rest so i didn't spend as this is essential to get son to school again :D)

    sooooooo am really hoping on my first month of living the MSE way i can do it!!!

    Let's hope the postie brings some nice gifts tomorrow in post (ordered 2 dvd's for half term) so if they do come i won't have to go out tomorrow and spend on keeping kids amused!

    JUNE 2024 GOALS ~ Manifest a buyer for my house so I can move!! DONE!!
    EF/moving fund £2677.62/3000~ NSD 9/15 ~ FOOD & TOILETRIES BUDGET £266.31/ £500 ~
    MORTGAGE BALANCE JAN 1st £99224.13 ~
  • debtfreewannabe321
    Well the DVD's never arrived :mad: so have been to blockbuster instead and spent £5 on 5 oldies for a week. (just incase the other ones don't turn up!)
    Also went to A$da as i forgot (shhh don't tell hubby) about my anniversary :rotfl:It's first week of march so got him another parcel worth of stuff (after spending nearly £12 yesterday on him!) got him a half price teddy, mug for 25p :T and a cheap card, also forgot my best friends b-day which is thursday :o i am so forgetful!! so got her a card and some cheap choccies.

    I also picked up dishwasher tablets (will take money from next months grocery budget though as have enough till then) as they were half price or better (£9 for a huge pack) so that should last me a few months :T and got bin bags too which will also come of the the budget next month as they were cheap.

    Usually by this time of the month i would be broke so I am quite happy that although i had a few days i would rather forget most have been either NSD's or LSD's and i have saved myself a tonne of money and so a few treats here and there for the kids won't hurt too much and i managed to get stuff on offer in the supermarket that i would normally have to pass on because of lack of money :T so overall i'm pretty pleased with myself

    Obviously our month runs to the end of feb so i may be on here next week saying how i blew it totally and crying:rotfl: hope not though!

    No news on the debt front as still waiting on DMP payment to go out.

    Hubbys pay is STILL going to old account :mad: but have now resigned myself to the fact there is s*d all i can do about this apart from get to the bank next monday at 9am and draw out whatever i can!!

    My ebay stuff is all paid and sent off this week and i have one bid on next weeks lot 99p..:rotfl: last of the big spenders eh!
    JUNE 2024 GOALS ~ Manifest a buyer for my house so I can move!! DONE!!
    EF/moving fund £2677.62/3000~ NSD 9/15 ~ FOOD & TOILETRIES BUDGET £266.31/ £500 ~
    MORTGAGE BALANCE JAN 1st £99224.13 ~
  • abba1772
    abba1772 Posts: 7,746 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Car Insurance Carver!
    you're doing fab hun, you've cut back, admitted your errors and learned from them so you're doing amazingly x x x x
    NEXT TARGET: Halifax credit card DEC 22 £0 / £4499.12
    POAMAYC 2011 £6378.35 POAMAYC 2012 £5000.78
    POAMAYC 2013 £3480.04 POAMAYC 2014 £4085.14
    POAMAYC 2015 £7565.24 POAMAYC 2016 £8000.90 POAMAYC 2017 £7278.80 POAMAYC 2018 £13208.18POAMAYC 2019 £13309.28 POAMAYC 2020 £15026.05
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