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Knit Your Square to Give Your Share - PART 4



  • f1widow
    f1widow Posts: 1,179 Forumite
    Morning ladies - hope everyone is ok - DS back to school today so catching up with jobs - but the wool keeps shouting at me tee hee

    Anyway just popped on to say - :eek: I now need help - I have just put in my first very small order to kemps - thats it now no turning back Ive resisted for a year now could not hold back any longer :D (without sounding mean I thought the postage was a bit expensive - but maybe thats just me - perhaps I should buy more next time so the postage does not seem so expensive! ........)

    I think now I have to do a penance ie 1 hour ironing or something - ooh by the way whilst hanging the washing out I was thinking of ways that would make me want to sort the clothes out and do all the ironing etc (as there are piles of it..) and thought to myself maybe I should "pay" myself for it BUT only when its done so much per pound :rotfl::rotfl:

    Well duty calls hope you all have a good day Jaqui xx
    Debt Diary: Im not going to be an Ostrich anymore -LBM - 16/1/12 /
  • Seakay
    Seakay Posts: 4,266 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hello all!
    Bit tired this week - not sleeping very well and not sure if it's a side effect of new supplements regime.
    Anyway, have got it together to get some washing on the line earlier this week, put a couple of things out of the attic onto Freecycle and did a few more rows of jumper.
    Looking forward to knitting club on Saturday, ISOM.
    Fingers crossed the tree can be saved, MIOLIERE
    Big ((((hugs)))) to all who are ill, or caring for loved ones who are.
  • Pippa.S
    Pippa.S Posts: 2,650 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    afternoon all
    Nice and sunny again today.

    Came through Selly Oak this morning and there seemed to be quite a few police around, then it dawned on me they were moving patients and staff from Selly Oak to the new Queen Elizabeth hence the ambulances. It was on the news last night as well, must say though it's a very odd looking building (three buildings together really) very errrrmm Futuristic is the word I'm looking for ;)

    kathy - hope the floods have'nt affected your part of France, and chalky's on her way as well, I hope she gets through alright
    f1 - I have been VERY tempted to order some new colours from Kemps but have resisted up to now,got to use up some of my stash first :o
    Seakay - Hope you get some sleep soon. I could do with getting rid of some stuff, there's so much in our loft,

    Managed to do the back,2 fronts and a sleeve of a preemie cardi last night will finish that tonight, also did a couple of squares.

    Very quiet in here lately, where is everybody?????????

    Better go dont want to be late for the hospital, takes almost an hour to get there.

  • In_Search_Of_Me
    In_Search_Of_Me Posts: 10,634 Forumite
    Pippa hope mil is ok :) Bless you - must be draining going in and out all the time - know I was shattered and that was just two weeks; although funny how you shift routine quickly isnt it!
    Well done on the sorting seakay. I just got mum some manuka honey to see if it gives her some oomph!
    Got some new wool (well silk and cashmere!) for mum to make me this
    for the upcoming wedding to go with this dress,size:
    so very exciting..havent had to dress up since last year!
    Had a crochet lesson from a friend this am so am now ready to go with my project. Fingers crossed!!
    Nerd no 109 Long haulers supporters DFW #1! Even in the darkest moments, love and hope are always possible.

  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi everyone - hope you are all well.

    Pippa - the floods in the south, which are truly dreadful, are nowhere near us, although I feel so sorry for those who have been affected. We have the tail end of all the rain, though - it hasn't stopped and must have gone some way to changing our view when we opened the door this morning. The poor willow tree had cracked in the night and fallen over - we hadn't heard a thing but it must have made a dreadful noise! Luckily, there was no damage and nothing was in the way. It narrowly missed the end of the barn, which I was worried about because we have a nest of swallows in the rafters in there.

    The tree chaps came yesterday evening - along with half the neighbourhood! - and decided that the job needed heavy duty equipment to sort out because it was dangerous. They did warn us it could fall at any time but at least the house wasn't in the firing line. We moved the car and van to safety but, when the half fell, it blocked our way out, so DH and I have spent the morning taking out what branches we could, so that we could drive through it - we needed to go out to get some money from the bank to pay the tree surgeon. Anyway, the chaps are back now and I can hear all sorts of noises going on outside but I've been told to stay indoors!

    Here are some photosthewillowtree026.jpg



    The first one shows the drive blocked with the fallen branches, the second photo shows the top where the branches have sheered off, and the last one shows the pile of branches after we had cleared them away this morning.

    As I type, they are using a telescopic machine with cradle that has been raised up, with a man in it who is is sawing off the other branches that are in danger of falling off. I was called out to take photos, so I will post some more later. It's poetry in motion to watch and they are making a brilliant job of it.

    Anyway, Seakay - I hope you manage to get some decent sleep.

    Will post again later with the latest photos - I need to go and help clear up the debris now!


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Bringing you up to date with the tree saga!




    Luckily, the old barn behind the tree will eventually be removed - at the moment it's housing my car and our neighbours' caravan. It now has a dent in the roof but nothing was damaged inside which is a real relief.

    The cradle that the tree chap, Antoine, was in carried him all around the tree until he had cut out all the damaged bits then, as you can see in the last photo, it was used to grab and move all the heavy branches out of the way. DH and our neighbour, Mikael, are now chainsawing through the branches and we need to ask the local Mairie if we can have a bonfire, otherwise it means several trips to the tip to dispose of them. Willow wood is no good for woodburners, apparently. The tree surgeon said that the tree is about fifty years old and will start sprouting again, so we haven't lost it, although it looks very sad and pathetic at the moment!

    All in all, it's been a bit of a saga and has stopped DH concentrating on the house, but thank goodness that no-one was hurt and it has now been made safe.

    Anyway, off to wash up all the coffee cups - I had a kitchen full of men here about half an hour ago!


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • Seakay
    Seakay Posts: 4,266 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I think that you can burn willow, but it needs seasoning for about 2 years to get rid of the water. If you have any storage space then it's worth it, especially if the alternative is paying to go to the tip.
  • Pippa.S
    Pippa.S Posts: 2,650 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    I'm back:)
    Traffic was horrendous tonight, but on the good side we managed to get into a parking spot as soon as we got there,which makes a change.
    Saw the Doctor today and he seems happy that MIL will be out early next week, she can't wait to get home now, it's been 5 weeks today since she went in.

    ISOM - O what a lovely dress you will look stunning, love the colour, what accessories are you having with it? You are right about routine I seem to just fit everything in as and when :)
    kathy - My goodness you certainly have had a busy day,seems a shame to waste all that wood....could'nt you set OH up in a little workshop making cricket bats :rotfl: All those men, Colin Firth there by any chance ;):D Great photos BTW

    Chicken portions in the oven, washed and rolled them in chicken spices and just chucked em in when we got back, dont seem to eat properly lately but will get back to cooking properly when MIL is back in her flat.

    I plan a night in front of the TV with my knitting and my feet up.....ahhhh bliss

  • dpixie
    dpixie Posts: 315 Forumite
    morning all - its a bit dreary here and all i want to do is get back into bed and read/crochet, but i have a busy day ahead.

    F1 - i do agree with you about kemps delivery prices - they are much higher than most other stores and, although their delivery is generally quite quick - my last delivery took about a week to arrive - not very impressive. i suppose their yarn prices are cheap, and so it makes it okay. i must be honest and admit that i skew my order to make my total wool cost as cheap as possible and so sometimes my orders are quite large in order to split the cost of delivery over the number of balls of wool in order to make each ball less than £1.60 (which is what i get sidar bonus for locally).

    oh well - am working again today so that means about an hours crocheting each way on public transport with me hanging on to whatever piece of the underground that i can in order to stay upright. and did i tell you. on tuesday on the way home, this lady got onto the tube and sat down opposite me - i was so busy crocheting that i just carried on. however, the girl next to me started giggling, so i looked up and the lady opposite me was crocheting - we both just laughed. i told her it was the first time that i had seen anyone else crochet in public, she said the same. it was strange, but very comforting.

    have a lovely day all

    1 oxfam jumper, 19 hexagon jumpers and 1 beanie!
  • Mrs_Twins
    Mrs_Twins Posts: 201 Forumite
    Pippa S. Thank you so much I will look forward to receiving your squares.
    Just to say I have used your Flower Square in the Blanket I have just finished. I do hope you will be able to see it..
    Anyone want to check Annes' Square out. On the Flower Blanket it is the second row down second square from the left. It's really lovely.

    Also Maytaurus I hope you can see your Square too! This is such fun! On the Blanket on Flickr above link.
    Your Square is top row in the middle.
    Gorgeous Square too.

    Thank you so much for sending me the Squares. I have now finished 15 Blankets for the Elderly. To be donated November time. May be before if I run out of 'storing' room.

    Any other Squares will be used. Sometime I have to wait for the appropriate colour Blanket I'm doing.

    This is all such fun! I wouldn't be able to do it without the help of Friends on MSE, Flickr and my two blogs. I have now over 60 Ladies helping me in 12 Countries.

    I do hope the Ladies on MSE keep an eye on Flickr to see the new Blankets because I like to know that you have seen your Squares actually used!

    Kathy - I'll be putting your Square into the next Blanket which I am starting today. The blanket I have just finished holds 25 Squares, that means 25 Friends. That means 25 different varities of Flowers from all over the World! I've tried to put in a Square from each person who has contributed and couldn't get some Ladies in this time, but the ones who didn't get put in will go in the 2nd one.
    If you understand me.

    Just to let you know, sorry if I'm boring you.
    Thanks alot again.
    Dont forget

    Have a good weekend everyone! Thanks again, I really do appreciate your help.
    Hugs Suex
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