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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • CCP
    CCP Posts: 5,061 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!
    Evening all.

    First, welcome to the recent new posters, and sorry I haven't said a proper hello before. :o

    Frith - I hope you manage to get rid of your stripy visitor soon. I'm not at all fond of wasps and definitely wouldn't want them that close to me. :eek:

    Amanda - you just can't beat a bit of kitty love when you're feeling stressed, can you? (Although I'm sure dog owners would disagree with me! ;))

    sparrer - I'm so pleased to hear you haven't got shingles after all (nasty illness :(), and I hope you start feeling better quickly now you've got the right medication. Thanks for the white sauce tip - I've never tried making it in the microswave and will have to give it a go next time. I'm deeply envious of your Cox tree, BTW - you lucky, lucky bunny!

    Carolyntia - very well done with your continuing nicotine-free status. :T

    1) I was obviously more tired than I thought last night as I slept through to gone seven without waking up for anything; I then got up to feed the cat, then went back to bed and had a nice, long, lazy lie-in. :D

    2) A lazy sort of day doing not very much, except for a brief and unusually cheap trip round the supermarket. (I feel I must have missed something, but I really can't think what. :huh:)

    3) The salad leaves I planted a couple of weeks ago are just starting to sprout - they're the first of my seeds to show signs of life. :j

    4) My computer's been acting up for the past couple of days and it started to 'rebuild' itself when I switched it on this evening. :eek: Whatever it's done seems to have done the trick, though, as it looks fine now (fingers crossed!).

    5) I've made a big pot of beef paprikash for dinner - a new recipe for me - I hope it tastes even half as good as it smells. ;)

    Have a lovely Saturday evening, all. :)
  • Ladyhawk
    Ladyhawk Posts: 2,064 Forumite
    Hi Everyone,

    1) Spent over 5 hours in the garden - lots of digging and weeding. I seived a lot of soil this afternoon and managed to get rid of a couple of kg of stones.

    2) There is a footpath that runs down the side of my garden that runs from a large Mr S so it is well used. Well... I felt a nice sense of community when I number of people I don't know popped their heads over the fence to say hi. One lady said that my garde brings her joy and she always looks to see what's new going on.

    3) Nice bath this evening

    4) Was almost a NSD - but a I bought a couple of lottery tickets

    5) Chatting to my friend in Hay on Wye on Facebook. He has just reminded me that it is Elderflower wine season, and has given me a recipe which I endevour to give a whirl.

    anyway - I had better start baking the hocolate cake for my brothers birthday BBQ tomorrow.

    Night night

    Man plans and God laughs...
    Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry. But by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry and die, it introduces the idea that if we try to understand each other, we may even become friends.
  • Carolyntia
    Carolyntia Posts: 363 Forumite
    Evening all :wave:

    Sparrer - So glad to hear you got a proper diagnosis - hope you get better now
    Amanda666 - Welcome to the thread :)
    CCP - Thanks - see below :D

    1) Three weeks of no nicotine :p
    2) I bought another car :j and
    3) I don't have to get the MOT on the old one - they'll take it as it is :j
    4) Trip to the library to collect some reserved books - can recommend - Grandma's Ways for modern days by Paul & Diana Peacock - it's got a little bit of everything us OSers love
    5) Few drinkies tonight to celebrate my purchase - on offer of course ;)
    6) Chat on phone with my mum - she'll be here this time next week :D
    7) Two lots of washing dry on the line
    8) Lovely sunny evening

    Hope you all had a good day.

    C x
    As my dad always used to say 'Just because you've got the money doesn't mean to say you have to spend it all at once'
  • sparrer
    sparrer Posts: 7,547 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 16 April 2011 at 11:21PM
    Thanks everyone, I'm feeling a lot better already, just some muscular pain still but not doing too much so hopefully it'll go soon.

    Marmite so pleased to hear that the poor mog is okay, what a shock :eek:. Definitely a life used up there!
    Frith I like to watch wildlife go about its business, as long as it's not too near me!
    Ladyhawk how nice to have passers by stop for a little chat. Makes working outside much more interesting. I just have the neighbours each side but it invariably leads to a cuppa being passed over one anothers fences. Very sociable, and well earned, of course :)
    Carolyntia congrats on your 'new' car, and well done for getting rid of the other one pre-MoT
    CCP the Cox was a very cheap end-of-season bargain, the only one left and looked very sorry for itself. I was amazed to get three apples the first year and 18 last. We'll have to have an OS meet up at fruiting time and I'll bring some along :D

    1. 3 more nsd's this week
    2. Still no main shops, slowly ploughing my way through the freezer and store cupboards. Looks like I could last out for another 2/3 weeks!
    3. 11 of my Rocket potatoes are up to the top of their Mr M flower buckets. No 12 wasn't doing anything so last night I changed some of the soil and gave it a good talking to. Today there's a tiny green shoot showing through :j
    4. Cleaned some spots off my cream bedroom carpet. Looks so much better now, thanks to Mr Stardrops
    5. washing dried on the line in a couple of hours with the help of a good breeze
    6. Found three rolls of wrapping paper and two bottle bags when I cleared out the spare room.
    7. All the windows sparkling now after I attacked them with a squirt of w/u liquid and another of vinegar in a bucket of warm water. I pay a window cleaner to do the outsides so have to do the insides when he's been, not my favourite job but it does look better when it's done.
    8. Got a brochure from Homebase through the door offering extra points next weekend, it's come just at the right time as I have to buy some decorating materials.

    Have a good Sunday, or in MHags case hope you had a good one :).
    Night night, sweet dreams
    S x
  • Kittikins
    Kittikins Posts: 5,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    1. OH and my dad met briefly for the first time - it seemed to go well (I hope!) :)
    2. DD has gone off for her holiday with my parents, I'll join her later in the week
    3. I spent most of the day asleep and then cooked a 3-course meal for our friends, which they said was delicious (main course for them was chicken and as I'm pescetarian, I have no idea what it was supposed to be like) :)
    4. Was given a beautiful bunch of flowers by friends, they are brightening up the kitchen
    5. Having these friends over for the first time gave me the perfect kick up the backside to make sure the bottom half of the house is clean, tidy, dust-free etc. I can rarely be bothered with tidying and good job they didn't ask for the guided tour of upstairs as DD's room is a dumping ground for all the "stuff" I couldn't make space for downstairs....I am the queen of clutter!
    6. Drank some lovely wine
    7. Lovely text from my friend who came to stay :)
    8. Feeling loved and looked after by OH
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Glad to hear you're feelin much better - Sparrer.

    My five for yesterday are

    1. A friend giving DS2 a lift to school so he coukd catch the bus to the lake district for his walk this coming week.

    2. Sorting out the freezer and starting to menu plan for the next few weeks. My shopping bills should be low as I won't need to buy meat / fish and I also have various veg frozen as well.

    3. A NSD

    4. A chat with my neighbours. Always see more of them in the warm weather and managed to catch up properly yesterday.

    5. Using up bread in a bread pudding. Everyone likes it.
  • jintyb
    jintyb Posts: 1,758 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    Good morning,
    Stumble upon this thread this morning - what a lovely postive thread!
    Do you mind if I join in?
    My 5 things for yesterday were:
    1. Swapping a book for another one I really wanted via RISI
    2. Having a good few hours realxing on the sofa with my book.
    3. Watching the last ever Waking the Dead episodes on Sky+(One of my favourite progs)
    4. OH getting some OT which will go towards our holiday spending money
    5. Choosing something different from my normal choice for my usual Saturday night takeaway and thoroughly enjoying it!

    Have a lovely day everyone:)

    you will always be rich enough to be generous.
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Welcome jintyb its a lovely thread to read and post on. It helps to focus on the positive parts of life.
  • Amanda666
    Amanda666 Posts: 212 Forumite
    So my 5 for yesterday:
    1) The 'sun' in the sky meaning I could sit in the garden and read my book
    2) Clearing the garden, some of my plants have not survived the winter, but it now looks a little better out there - I may visit a local garden centre today to look at replacemnets
    3) Catching up with my oldest friend in the whole wide world ( she's actual a few months younger than me but we have known each other a lifetime)
    4) Booking my theatre ticket for my birthday treat
    5) Adding up my weekly spends and being able to sponsor a poster from this site who's running the marathon today.

    Hope you all have a great day
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,203 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    My 5 for Saturday.

    1) Bit of a lie in.

    2) MrN being here and listening to him talking about Top Gear as he watched it with smaller son.

    3) Went to the cinema with sons and watched Rio in 3D which was really good.

    4) Popped to Sainsburys so actually have some sensible food in now!

    5) School friend came round on Saturday rather than Sunday as normal so we watched Casualty!

    6) MrN popped round later. :-)

    Bit of a rubbish nothingness day today. :-( Nothing planned except finishing a massive statement that I'll need tomorrow - when I'm back in court again the ex husband :-( I don't even know what he is asking for in court except huge amounts of holiday contact.
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