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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • Broomstick
    Broomstick Posts: 1,648 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hiya - my five pleasures for Wednesday:

    1. All the 'hellos' and 'welcomes I got on the daily OS thread :hello: (notice that quite a few of you seem to be regular posters there). Thank you.

    2. A load of cooking today including: using up all of the end of week veg soup, including freezer portions; making my stuffed courgette recipe with enough mince filling left over for a shepherd's pie; and cooking a dish of baked apples too - didn't manage the BM banana bread (ran out of butter) but who's counting!

    3. Listening to DS2 laughing while he watched a film this afternoon.

    4. Discovering a couple of little specialist local shops just round the corner - hadn't had time to pop in before. We are lucky enough to live somewhere that still has a lot of small businesses. I bought a couple more stocking-filler type presents from one of them.

    5. Realising that the house is still managing to be 15-20 minutes away from very tidy and that I'm feeling more and more organised. It's a nice, if unusual, feeling.:D

    Sweet dreams

    B xxx
  • bunny_too
    Morning everyone, my 5 for today are.

    1. HM muffins for breakfast. Just getting into muffin making. Son thinks they are too heavy. Anyone with a good light type muffin recipe, please pass it on, i would be so grateful.:confused:

    2. Have to order gas today. Finding it much cheaper than oil. 1st tank fill lasted 6 months and the 2nd for 4 months. About £106. to fill. I have started to watch the price of bills for the 4k chall.:money:

    3. Hm sauage rolls for tea tonight. Added lots of breadcumbs, lentils and porridge oats to the mix. 4 sausages gave me lots and lots of rolls. Cheap tea must put these on the meal plan more often.

    4. Son joining facebook. He's quite a quite boy, and it is just great to see him getting so much fun from the site. He is like ollie, just finds it so easy to type chat.

    5. Getting hair cut and coloured today. Friend has hairdresser coming to her house, have had my hair done there before. It works out about £35. Much cheaper than £90. at my local saloon.:T

    Have a great os day everyone and thanks for your posts. Lots of new to me people are posting big wave to you all. Hugs to those who meed them. Special big hug for Muppet. xx
  • bellaquidsin
    Wednesday is designated our 'Happy Day' for which we have budgeted a small amount of spending money for trips and treats. However it was so wet and windy that we stayed home, so here are-

    Yesterday's pleasures:-

    1. A total NSD

    2. DH painted the kitchen ceiling.

    3. I made quite a few cards which will hopefully raise me some money.

    4. Still sitting comfortably in the front room all evening without any heating on.

    5. Putting the cash saved in our 'Visit to Yorkshire' fund as this trip is outside any budget but is going to be a special treat for my Aunt who is 90 today.

    A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth. Luke 12 v 15
  • Olliebeak
    Olliebeak Posts: 3,167 Forumite
    edited 19 November 2009 at 9:41AM
    :hello: good morning everybody - not too bad at all (so far) - no wind, no rain and the paving outside is actually dry - so looks like no rain last night for a change.

    Muppet81 - Thank you for you compliment :) - most of my time management is due to working from home - I often have a few minutes of peace at 'odd times' of the day PLUS I don't have to make a journey to work each day - HUGE bonus at this time of year ;). Hey :j on your premium bond win and hope your Dad enjoyed his meal/visit last night. I've got visions of you living somewhere like 'Wuthering Heights' with wonderful, windswept vistas around you :o.
    SunnyGirl - Many thanks for your explanation - here goes cheering.gif- finally done it, but it was a different method for me. I had to right click and go into 'properties' to get the 'image location' - maybe something to do with the dreaded Vista :mad:. I need to get rid of the damn setup! Hope you m-i-l settles in well to her new home.
    Caterina - well done you on the tickets for 'Messiah' :T- that should be a wonderful pre-Christmas treat for you and OH. We had a fabulous performance in our local church one year, with the organist and choir from Liverpool Anglican Cathedral - was a great fund-raiser for us at the time, as folks came from far and wide to hear them (we'd had an arson attack and needed to raise part of the money ourselves).
    angeltreats - great charity shop finds :T - hope your dh enoyed his 'birthday Twinks'.
    Rummer - sorry to hear you'd had such a rotten day in work but Congratulations HSstars.gifto you and Mr Rummer on your anniversary.
    elizabunny - nice to see you 'pop-up and post' and well done on finding £2 under the bed :T and hope all your family enjoy the Christmas Dinner that you're planning for them.
    nuttybabe - wtg on getting a better deal out of Orange :j- you go girl! Good to see that your DD is taking an interest in food at least - may help with the encouraging to eat.
    zarazara - well done on a lovely family day and also on your weight loss in your sig :T.
    Haribo - buying your toaster may not have been very OS BUT it was certainly moneysaving :money:, ;).
    Patchwork - Brilliant that you've started a sewing club in school and that there are boys interested - :T for them.
    helyg - wtg on the pressie wrapping session - bet you're sick of the sight of wrapping paper by now :rotfl:.
    mineallmine - oh dear - senior moment back there :o - I tell you this job is having a real bad effect on me. I knew I'd sent you the blank pm, but thought I'd sent a second msg straightaway. Just gone into my messages and found it sitting there as a 'reply' waiting for me to 'submit message'. Think I need to be booked into the same place as SunnyGirl's m-i-l :rotfl:. Good to see you posting again and hope you're soon feeling more like your old self. I remember that movie too :). Two of my favourite 'chick flicks' are 'Fried Green Tomatoes.....' and 'How To Make An American Quilt' - can sob buckets at both of those :cry:.
    Dazi - tough when the 'powers above' make changes to our jobs that we know will make things more difficult at OUR level :mad:. Isn't it strange how men can understand 'male mess' but not 'female creativity' :rolleyes: ;).
    ACEY - well done on your 'bargain hairdo' but :( about the parking ticket. Doesn't the college have its own car park? Hope your sister enjoys her blind-date - I have dire memories of a couple that one of my friends arranged for me. Bless her, she thought that EVERY girl just HAD to have a boyfriend all the time - she could never understand that I loved my 'single-ness'.
    Broomstick - wtg on making inroads into your freezer contents - something that I'm trying to do myself - MUST make room for a Turkey soon.
    bunnytoo - well done on watching your heating costs - I suppose it all depends on the time of as to how long a tank lasts. You've just jolted me into phoning my hairdresser to arrange for her to come and 'do summat' with my head ;). Cut and colour now booked for 5th Dec - I'll be a red-head for Christmas :j.
    bella - shame about the enforced nsd - but well done on redirecting the money into something good. celebrate2.gif for your Aunt's 90th Birthday.

    Mine for yesterday:

    1. Nice simple day - everybody all alive and kicking ;). Just a few repair jobs reported for folks and made a suggestion to management about using 'Community Payback' to improve a couple of unsightly shrub areas - idea picked up from Community Crime Fighters Training Day that I went to on Tuesday :).

    2. Used up a 1kg tub of Frozen Oxtail Stew for evening meal with jacket pots :drool:.

    3. Request for a visit from DD to assist with nitty-norahing again (follow up from 2wks ago as recommended;)) but this time I felt that I needed her to go through mine too :o. Difficult to be sure, when you've been working on kids hair, as the very thought makes you want to cat.gif. Good job that I went - oh dear :o:o:o - my dgk's are so generous - they'll share anything that they've got :rotfl:.

    4. We sat there afterwards, covered with the lotion (DD, dgd1, dgd2, dgs1, OH and me) all laughing at silly things with our hair sticking up in all directions and dgs1 taking our photos with his mobile phone - little love grrrrrr. Was really good to see DD giggling again - actually made 'getting nits' worthwhile ;). Just hope she can eradicate them altogether and find out where they're coming from. No point in continually doing her own kids hair, IF the point of contact is still walking around 'lousy' :mad:.

    5. Arranged to go to a meeting on Friday for our local Older People's Voice (Pensioners Forum). Looks like being a good day; getting picked up at 9.15 - so another early start to the day for that one.

    That's me done for now, but I'll pop back again later if I get time :). Hope everybody can find at least one or two pleasures in their day and ((((BIG HUGS)))) for all who need them - love Ollie xxx.
  • billy858
    Good morning all!
    Haven't been posting lately as I've had numerous health problems and not felt like I've had many blessings (generally feeling sorry for myself). But now I've given myself a swift hard kick up the bum. I have been reading the thread though. My recent blessings
    1. Getting some of my kitchen painted since my college class was cancelled today.
    2. Feeling better generally.
    3. Being able to donate more items for the shoebox appeal.
    4. Knowing I have a secret supply of christmas goodies in the loft.
    5. DD2 getting very excited about her birthday this weekend.
    Love to all. X
  • Muppet81
    Muppet81 Posts: 951 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good morning all :A

    There seem to have been a lot of posts since I last looked ... you have all been busy.

    Caterina - I think most of the Mamma Mia DVDs have a singalong option which you can select when you first put the DVD in your machine. Great fun!

    Angeltreats - Nice to know I'm not alone in my singing along. I'm always the nutter singing her heart out at traffic lights and getting pitying looks.

    Rummer - Hope you had a lovely anniversary. Belated congratulations to you both.

    Eliza Bunny - Hello and welcome to another newbie like moi.

    Acey - bad luck about the parking ticket.

    Ollie - Yep! Got it in one, it is Wuthering Heights up here, especially today. I have just been out to check on the chickens (who are all walking about sideways due to the wind) and there are two men working on my neighbours roof. I can hardly stand up and they are on a roof :eek::eek::eek:
    You may at some stage have passed the famous famoushouse on the M62 (West Yorkshire) which is in the middle of the east and west carriageways. I am a few miles across from that and look onto it, so it is high and windswept and with amazing views. I am incredibly lucky.

    To Billy 858 and all others of you who are feeling down, I am thinking about you.

    Pleasures rolling over from yesterday:

    1) Had a lovely time with my Dad when he stayed last night. Someone had bought him a book about Thomas Crapper (invented the modern toilet) and he spent the evening regaling us with hilarious snippets and facts from that. Managed not to tell him about the biopsy as I didn't want to worry him but it was hard not to tell him. I may be 52 but I still wanted my Dad to give me a hug and tell me everything would be OK as he did when I was a little girl.

    2) Several friends rang me whilst Dad was still here so I am looking forward to calling them back today for some nice chats. Thank goodness I am on a free daytime calls scheme.

    3) Mr Muppet opted to do all the washing up last night. Love him!

    4) Made some delicious porridge for breakfast and had it with cream and brown sugar. Very decandant.

    5) Dad and I went down to my Mum's grave before he went back home. We have not been down to it together for a few years. Very emotional visit.

    Bye all. Have a good day.
    Thank you for this site :jNow OH and I are both retired, MSE is a Godsend
  • Louba
    Louba Posts: 283 Forumite
    Bella, I love the idea of a happy day :)Muppet 81, dad's are wonderful aren't they?! Hope you're feeling OK today, hugs.

    Mine for today

    1 - homemade soup for lunch
    2 - the fuel light on the car has only just come on and I haven't filled it at all yet this month so the walking is working
    3 - just got my next book club book
    4 - its nearly firday
    5 - our treats fund is building slowly, just need to think about how best to use it

    Mortgage as at March 2010 £225,000 target for December 2012 £170,000. Blog link :j
  • Caterina
    Caterina Posts: 5,919 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped!
    Hi all

    A quick visit, before starting work, to list my daily pleasures:

    1 - Leisurely breakfast in bed, toast and marmite with tea (this seems to be quite a regular feature in my life, alternate with when I am up at 6:30 baking! Striking a balance, I suppose hehehe).

    2 - Aerobics class with DD, great workout, really energetic. Except I had to leave towards the end because I have a side pain that I suspect is a start of a hernia (seeing GP next week). But at least I got all the aerobics part in.

    3 - The scales did not insult me today, it shows like I might have lost a couple of Kgs. (I say "might" because the gym scales are very imprecise).Going in the right direction, at any rate.

    4 - The sun is shining (and I do not even need to do a laundry)!

    5 - Lunch: pasta and home-grown greens soup (cicoria & broccoletti with garlic and chilli), it is great that I still have some greens crop to pick up, means I do not even need to order a veg box this week.

    6 - Going to meet my Italian pregnant woman to visit the labour ward later on today, it will be good as she is fun and we always have a good laugh together.

    7 - Big pan of lentils cooked so tonight the rest of the family can just chuck a few veg and dinner is done - and there will be lentils saved for at least another meal, maybe two.

    8 - Got free e-tickets for La Dolce Vita (italian lifestyle show) - anyone interested please see freebies thread.

    Off to work now, got to do the stats :eek:, so wish me luck! Have a great evening all xxx

    edited to say: I just noticed that I have a very Italian pleasures list today LOL
    Finally I'm an OAP and can travel free (in London at least!).
  • newlywed
    newlywed Posts: 8,255 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Hi all, hugs to everyone, whether you need them or not ;):D

    1. Cuppa in bed courtesy of OH.
    2. Fishing out Doris Day dvd's from the drawer (most not even watched) and watching an old James Garner and Doris Day film.
    3. Still eating free salad for lunch ;)
    4. Phone call from a cousin I haven't seen in a couple of years.
    5. My OH telling me off and ordering me not to do certain things coz he's worried about me getting better.
    6. My sister taking me out to a local coffee shop - I've only actually left the house to go to the dr/nurse appointments. It was good to get out and good to have a long chat.
    7. Walking being slightly easier.
    8. Being off work (even if daytime tv is boring) so being able to rest and sleep - afternoon nap is calling!
    working on clearing the clutterDo I want the stuff or the space?
  • Raspberry_Swirl
    bunny_too wrote: »
    Morning everyone, my 5 for today are.

    1. HM muffins for breakfast. Just getting into muffin making. Son thinks they are too heavy. Anyone with a good light type muffin recipe, please pass it on, i would be so grateful.:confused:

    Look out for recipes made with oil instead of butter. I find these always make a lighter muffin. Also, don't mix the mixture too hard, just fold in gently. The more vigorous the beating the harder the muffin!
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