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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • elizabunny
    elizabunny Posts: 1,030 Forumite
    Evening everyone, I haven't posted on this thread before but like reading all the posts, they sort of cheer me up even though they haven't happened to me.

    My 5 for today are,

    1) Finding a £2 coin under the bed when I was cleaning under it.

    2) Getting 2 phonecalls from my DH who is trying to cheer me up (been a bit down lately)

    3) Picking lovely eating apples from the tree in the garden and thinking about how much money I am saving.

    4) Baking lots of lovely treats in a warm kitchen.

    5) Thinking about the special Xmas dinner I am planning for DS2 and his partner when they come home on Xmas Day -can't wait for that!

    Rummer happy anniversary!
    Sealed Pot Challenge 7 Member 022 :staradmin:staradmin:staradmin
    5:2 Diet started 28/1/2013 only 13lbs lost due to Xmas 2013 blip.
  • nuttybabe
    nuttybabe Posts: 2,299 Forumite
    Hi All

    Ollie - that is a brilliant idea, I will speak to her teacher when I get a chance and see if they can encourage her to eat her tea. She is back to normal now, infact she wont leave my side and requested cheesy pasta for tea but still only ate a little bit!!! So I cant win whatever I give her.

    Anyway mine for today:

    1 Coming down to a tidy, clean kitchen with a shined sink again this morning! I love that feeling!!!

    2 Dh giving me an extra long hug this morning before leaving for work as he knew I was a bit upset about dd.

    3 Spent all afternoon baking with dd, she made fairy cakes and I made a lemon drizzle cake for dh birthday tomorrow, cheese and marmite swirls (used the cheese and marmite twists recipe), cheese and tomato swirls, and cinnamon biscuits which are a bit too sweet for me!!

    4 Dh ate over half of the cheese and marmite swirls and insists I make more and I ate 2 of the cheese and tomato swirls and will definatly make more - they are delish!!!!!!!

    5 I phoned orange's disconnect people just to see if they could better the deal that I was very happy with and they have. I now get the phone free plus 12 months unlimited music downloads, 100 mins a month, unlimited text, 80mb internet a month and 15 free picture messages a month for £12.24 a month. Yay!!!!!

    And my main one which lasted all afternoon and evening is dd telling me she loves me and giving me lots of hugs and ds2 telling me he loves me. so today has turned into a really good day.
  • zarazara
    zarazara Posts: 2,264 Forumite
    1. spending day with DS1
    2. having a clean bed with ironed sheets to get into
    3.being warm
    4. delicious lunch with DH nd DS1
    5. speaking o DS2 on phone this evening.
    "The purpose of Life is to spread and create Happiness" :j
  • HariboJunkie
    Happy anniversary to the Rummers. :beer:

    Mine for today;

    1: OH did the school run so got to go through the bathroom without interruption.
    2: Finding the toaster I have been lusting over reduced by £15 so I bought it. :D (probably not particularly OS :o)
    3: Lovely HM cheese and pickle sandwiches at work with OH.
    4: Making meat and potato pie for tea with the leftovers from Sunday's roast and using the stalks of the accompanying cauliflower and brocolli to make soup with the end of stilton that has been in the fridge for donkeys. It's delicious.
    5: Knowing the girls have 2 in service days so no lunches to make tonight, no uniforms to organise and a lie in tommorrow. :j

    Haribo x
  • Rummer
    Rummer Posts: 6,550 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Hello, I just popped in while making tea as my OH works till late and I was so touched by all your good wishes (even brought a tear!) Thank you all so much, it means a lot!
    Taking responsibility one penny at a time!
  • Patchwork_Quilt
    1) Got to work on time. It's so difficult near Christmas, when everyone else in the car. It usually takes me an hour at this time of year.
    2) Started a sewing club at school, helped by our lovely SENCO. I was hoping for eight children and we got thirteen - including two boys! We are making some little blanket-stitched hearts/stockings with gingham hanging ribbons.
    3) A rice/bacon/tomato concoction for tea that could have been a risotto but was made with basmati rice. I called it Spanish rice and we had leftover salad and then leftover chocolate trifle afterwards.
    4) DH was home at teatime! His company is very new and they've all been working their socks off to make a success of it so it's unusual for him to come home this early. We are all pottering around together now.
    5) Started MIL's scarf. It needs to be a bit longer than DD's but I had some wool left over from hers, so it should all work out nicely.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 454 Forumite
    Been MIA for a while, but here are today's blessings:

    1. Making chocolate fudge with the kids for their teachers' Christmas pressies

    2. Almost finished my daughter's knitted ballerina for Christmas (but am getting slightly annoyed with sewing on its tutu!)

    3. Coffee with a very good friend whose birthday it was

    4. Giving the above friend her birthday pressie (homemade lavender bags) and her loving them

    5. Wrapping 150 pressies for the nursery school Christmas Fair Santa's Grotto, how festive do I feel now!
  • mineallmine
    Evening all,

    Not been here for a bit. Op still taking its toll on me (such a baby!) but blessings:

    1. An afternoon nap.
    2. Picking up a book from the library (much cheaper than buying any, plus no clutter).
    3. Watching 27 Dresses on TV, a real chick flick and there's a couple of lines which bring a tear. The younger sister is due to get married in her dearly departed mums original wedding dress, and then proceeds to cut bits of it, leaving the original dress in tatters, for when the old sis gets married. Ahhh!
    4. Getting a large chunk of xmas shopping done and them all being practical gifts for my loved one.
    5. Clean, fresh sheets for the bed.

    HI Ollie, you sent me a PM but it was blank or maybe my mind is! :o
    :) Declutter 300 things in December challenge, 9/300. Clear the living room. Re-organize storage
    :cool2: Cherryprint: "More stuff = more stuff to tidy up!"
    Less things. Less stuff. More life.
    :heart: Fab thread: Long daily walks
  • Dazi
    Dazi Posts: 1,354 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    think its a shame I end up just doing a weekly post, its not that I dont have any pleasures, its just life gets in the way of posting!
    well here's todays, although some might have been yesterdays....its been a bit hectic at work, something they implemented which we knew wouldn't work...isnt! but we have to pick up the pieces

    1. getting in from work last night 2 hours later than usual (due to the picking up the peices as above) to eat meal from the slow wasn't that nice but at least it was food lol

    2. wearing my new jacket today in the wind and the rain and staying dry and of it was jacket was a bargain, reduced at BHS and got a code online for 20% off which paid for delivery.

    3. hearing that my DGDs are on the mend and DD sounding happier than she has for a week

    4. eating the lunch I took with me before going up the town at lunch time and being able to resist all those ready made sarnies

    5. (this is a tongue in cheek one) still leaving all my sewing stuff out knowing that OH won't be home till Friday, so have another night to clear stuff away before he is asking 'have you finished with this' 'have you finished with that'......he doesn't understand the creative thing, bless him lol

    I can relate to the tutu sewing Helyg...have made a real live tutu before and believe me was more than annoyed :rotfl:lets just say the room was a very pretty shade of blue :eek:
    whoever said laughter was the best medicine has clearly never tasted wine

    Stopped smoking 20:30 28/09/11 :D
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,223 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Had quite a pleasant day today.

    Here's my 5.

    1) Went to college this morning and it all went well and ended up having a good chat with a couple of students.

    2) Had my hair cut by college students. This was marvellous - a wash, very neat cut and blow dry for £2.35! Unfortunately, it took them 1 hour 25 minutes so I went outside to find a parking ticket on my car so it wasn't such a moneysaving tactic after all. :-(

    3) Had a chat outside school with another mother because she works in the same store as a young man who is going on a blind date with my sister..... she says he is very genuine and pleasant so that's good news.

    4) Laughing at my sons doing impressions of me. There is a horrible black and white cat that keeps coming in the garden and fighting my cats. It even frightens the boys so they sent me out to deal with it. I ran down the garden flapping my arms going "PSHHHHHHH" and that's what the boys did for about an hour afterwards (although not in the garden).

    5) Having a long talk on the phone with my sister. It would have been my Grandad's 95th birthday today so we've been remembering him and his rude jokes and tendancy to suddenly quote a stretch of poetry or burst into song!

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