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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • missmoneysave
    Thank you for the birthday wishes, I had a fantastic day. The whole day was five million pleasure, far too many to list so...

    My five for today;
    1. A woodland ramble with my favourite fellas, OH and Ian the dog.

    2. Returning home and OH cooking lunch.

    3. Started feeling a bit sicky (not related to OH cooking lunch :rotfl:) so had a hot bath with my new birthday toiletries and put on my new birthday pyjamas and now I'm laid under a blanket relaxing.

    4. Mum is cooking us a roast beef dinner and OH is nipping to their house to fetch it so I don't even have to go out.

    5. Found 20p, I never ever ever find any money on the street. Ever. The rarity of that 20p made it feel like 20 million!

    Hugs and get wells to all in need x
    Comper, Blogger & OS-er
    Competition prizes: £6/£2015
  • Kittikins
    Kittikins Posts: 5,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    1. Had a lovely time with my parents, we've cleared out the kitchen completely for the builders coming in tomorrow, gulp!

    2. Found £1 under my sofa, not really a reverbe but kind of!

    3. We were taken out to dinner last night as no cooker or sink in the kitchen!

    4. DD has gone up to parents for a few days R&R as she's still very pale and interesting with her cold :( but :) that they can have her

    5. Nice text from a chum, must arrange to get her over for a glass of vino soon!
  • CCP
    CCP Posts: 5,061 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!
    Evening all.

    Skint - no, the parcel never did turn up. :( Amaz0n are sending a replacement with apologies, although it's hardly their fault that Royal Mail are too incompetent to move a parcel from one place to another without losing it. :mad:

    Broomstick - thanks - the sore throat went away by this morning :) - to be replaced by an upset stomach. :( I seem to be getting every bug that's going at the moment. :(

    1) Mog woke me up early by throwing up a furball on the carpet - I cleaned up then went back to bed with a snuggly, apologetic feline hot water bottle. :)

    2) Finally got round to planting out the last few spring bulbs, which I've been putting off doing for weeks. I just hope I haven't left it too late and they'll actually grow!

    3) Pretty much finished off the office Xmas quiz - I just need to do a last bit of pretty-fying at some point.

    4) Managed to resist turning on the central heating until it's timed to come on, despite being frozen for the past hour or so.

    5) Snooker to watch on TV this evening - it doesn't feel like Christmas until I've spent a couple of evenings watching snooker by the light of the Christmas tree. :)

    Have a nice evening, all, and stay warm!
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,206 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited 9 December 2012 at 7:30PM

    Broomstick - good to hear about your son's job.
    VJ'smum - it's only taken me 12 hours to work out what coinkydink means!!
    Missmoneysave - belated happy birthday to you.

    Here are my pleasures for today so far:

    1) Bit of a lie in.

    2) Porridge for breakfast.

    3) Sons ate some of the crisps they won in last night's bingo.

    4) 1 - 4pm sons went kayaking. :-) They preferred it slightly to the sailing they did the other weekend and they got a certificate today and everything they do gets ticked off until they get quite a meaningful qualification.

    5) I went to the ginormous garden centre opposite the lakes and got all sorts of bits and pieces - things for my mum's birthday (tomorrow), stocking fillers and some fudge and a magazine so my time spent in the car watching the kayakers went very comfortably!

    6) Just cooked a big curry for tea plus naans.

    7) Stove going well and sons watching Elf in front of it.

    8) Second load of washing on today (all wet stuff from this afternoon) and house not looking too bad. Must get the school uniforms etc out.

    9) Hoping for a reasonably early night (have had a sore throat and a bit of a headache for the last few days) and will have a hwb and watch Casualty.
  • RevolvingDoor
    1. I have been so greedy today, chips, jam tarts, garlic bread...:eek:

    2. Had a nice text asking me what I want from Father Christmas.

    3. Watched a Christmas film.

    4. Looked online for things for my garden.

    5. I'm about to go on Rightmove to look at houses by the sea. We aren't moving anytime soon but I like to dream.:rotfl:
  • 5 Radio Silence has begun. As I stopped watching the news at 21:33Z 1982-05-03, this status shall continue. has Apollo 13 landed yet?
    Seems to be a cuffuffle recently. Please note above. Such a shame some amongst us seem fit that in an effort to correct, they are more vile than the originators.

    And to think as well in the same sentence, I remarked on a children's story of endeavour courage and breathlessness.

    It is sad that the recanteur of that story of the stars, is now amongst the stars.
  • Chickenopolis
    Good evening all !

    Mcculloch - well done for getting the Angrove crew in ! No- you are not boring talking about racing , not to me anyway!

    Missmoneysave - get well now! glad to hear that you had a lovely birthday - love the name "Ian" for the dog. I always fancied getting a pony and calling it "Tony". Tony the Pony :rotfl:

    Sparrer - I must say that I have made my funeral prefs. well known- cardboard coffin, all my folks writing their thoughts on it -clean or unclean etc. I have not got a quote though. Sparrer there isn't anything you want to tell us is there ????

    VJsmum- well done to your DD - calm in a crises too. Chip off the old Gangnam block eh? Are you having your FN over for Christmas this year ??

    OT- Lucky DGS making mince pies with you ! My Nan used to chase me around the kitchen with a sheep or pigs eye in her hand or push her false teeth out on purpose to scare me so that they came out when she smiled ! Urrgh ! She laughed her socks off !

    5 for today

    1. Washing dried on the line .

    2. Tedious, tiresome time wrapping hundreds of presents. I hate it. Still its done :). They will all get vouchers in future though.

    3.Cleaned out the nesting box and put new shredded paper in it - nosey hens kept climbing up the ladder and standing in the nesting box squawking at me . Cleaned out the hen run and they stood in the carrier bag I was using and kicked out all the contents...

    4.Made some bread and butter pudding for DM and OH .

    5. Reading the Forsyte Saga on Kindle .

    6. Having a long chat with my sister in law -My job involves auditing certain types of services - she manages the type of service I would audit . So we can never "work" together due to a conflict of interest , but we both "speak the lingo " so have a lot in common .

    Have a good evening all !
    :AToo fat to be Felicity Kendal , but aim for a bit more of the good life :A
  • Skint_yet_Again
    1. lazy morning in my pjs
    2. managed to wrap DS's xmas pressies... thankfully there arent many ;)
    3. afternoon snooze
    4. catching up on recorded tv
    5. roast pork for tea, ... an aldi one from freezer with apple and herb crust ...just cover in foil and chuck in oven, threw a jacket potato in oven at same time ...easy and delicious
    6. DS home around midnight tonight after doing field gun at Armed Forces Tournament.
    7. no work tomorrow and DS not in college until 12 so we can have a lie in :)
    0% credit card £1360 & 0% Car Loan £7500 ~ paid in full JAN 2020 = NOW DEBT FREE 🤗
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    House purchase completed FEB 2023 🥳🍾 Left work. 🤗

    Retired at 55 & now living off the equity £10k a year (until pensions start at 60 & 67).

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  • sparrer
    sparrer Posts: 7,547 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary I've been Money Tipped!
    Yes VJsmum I think it is seasonal, as I get older I'm much more intolerant of dark mornings/evenings and find I sleep more too at this time of year which annoys me, it's such a waste of time! Still, in less than two weeks it'll be the shortest day and the corner turned
    Thanks Skint, don't know what ruffled my feathers but they're smoothing out again now
    Mhags ooh, lemon meringue pie, love it! Not more than scones, maybe about the same. What a choice! :drool:
    Villagelife I've not heard of a black box for a car before, it sounds a good idea. Maybe I should have one. Well done on finding the mistletoe
    OT I can almost smell the baking in your kitchen and the bustle of putting up decorations, making me feel almost Christmassy, at last :)
    BoP no chance of your having a groupie, I was there first :p – are you a stallker?! Lived there most of my life, DM still does, not far from the rugby club. Very sad about Sir Patrick Moore, a fascinating man who brought interest to topics the general public may not otherwise have given much thought to
    missmoneysave get well now. Finding money is called 'doing a reverbe' after a lady who used to post here and was always finding change in the street (as No 2 of Kittikins post)
    Kittikins good luck for tomorrow, hope it all goes well and isn't too long before you're back to 'normal'
    CCP sorry about being woken by the mog's furball. Have you tried any of the cat treats that are supposed to stop them? I haven't, just wondered if they really work as my girl is always producing them :doh:
    Frith I love garden centres at this time of year, they're so atmospheric. I love them at any time, it's nice to go and wander round to plan for next season
    RevolvingDoor chips, jam tarts and garlic bread? Not all at once?! If you see anything on the Isle of ideal place to spend retirement :)
    Bless you Chicken there's nothing to tell. It just makes sense to save the children as much fuss as possible, and keep costs down by buying now. My Dad died of this illness when he was 72 but believe me I'm not planning to pop off that soon, so much I have to do before I go anywhere. The daffodil coffin is cardboard too, anything to save a branch or two. I had wanted a song from the Wizard of Oz but one or two people objected to Ding Dong The Witch Is dead - can't think why, no sense of humour :p! Re vouchers for Christmas it's what I do now the DGC are all older, if I bought presents I'd only get it wrong ;)

    1.Sorted out everything that came down from the loft yesterday
    2.Filled a bag for the charity shop, another for the tip
    3.Put up some decorations and the tree – an easy gold spiral one that just lifts onto the central pole
    4.Went to a lovely meeting with friends at lunchtime, Lots of laughter and chocolate digestives
    5.Made myself a roast dinner which I very seldom do these days. It was delicious, could do it all again tomorrow (if I hadn't run out of potatoes)

    Sweet dreams :)
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post

    Snatching some respite from the MIL :o

    Chicken - we will be seeing FN the weekend before christmas when we go to stay with my sister :j At least you have hundreds of presents to wrap. I have 2 so far :eek: Will be shopping tomorrow after i put MIL on the train.
    Sparrer - yep, 2 weeks to the shortest day. Apparently one reason 25th december was chosen for xmas day is because it is the day you can notice daylight beginning to draw out again. I always feel better when we've passed it - even though I know we can have truly shocking weather in Jan and Feb. Wierd.
    Skint - I want your day, please :D
    Frith - your sons have the BEST social life.


    1. woke early due to OH's snoring but it meant i made a start on the marking. Have been doing it most of the day and have 1 of this bunch left but can't do it cos of 4 below :beer:
    2 French bread for lunch with soup
    3. OH cooked tea - chicken and apricot casserole
    4. had wine
    5. clean sheets later.

    Oh forgot to say - Sparrer, my DS's friend's parents (got that? ) have parrots and have trained one to say "Help! I've been turned into a parrot!" I am waiting for Youtube proof and i will forward!!
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
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