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Low-carb diets support thread



  • nuttybabe
    nuttybabe Posts: 2,299 Forumite
    Morning all

    hannoja - i dont know why i kept thinking it would toast. its soft cheese so warming it makes it softer! :o

    Mazzers - so low carb does get rid of your heart burn? i keep telling hubby but he wont dare believe me.

    We had chinese last night. Not doing it again as hubby had really bad heart burn so am quite relieved about that although it was nice :p. And after thinking about the pizza problem, i like the toppings, thats what makes a pizza for me, not the base so i dont know why i am so hung up on getting a 'real' pizza base. Not a problem if i have to eat it with a fork and knife so why dont i just have oopsie as the base. sometimes i think i am looking for ways of sabataging myself.

    does anyone know what 'normal' bread is the lowest in carbs?

    today i am having

    b - peanut butter on a spoon
    l - salad probably with ham or cheese
    t - roast chicken with veg and gravy.

    does anyone else find it annoying having to peel potatoes for other people when you cant have any :rotfl:
  • Gers
    Gers Posts: 12,121 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Morning everyone - thanks for the encouragement. It all helps.

    Today I've had a cup of decaf coffee with cream and a slice of the cauli cheesey thing.

    The idea of having peanut butter for breakfast is very tempting but I would eat the whole lot. Last night I found myself eating dessicated coconut from the packet :o

    For lunch I think I'll have bacon and egg and then the evening meal will have to be the cauli cheesey thing with a pile of vegetables. I like sauted sprouts (sliced up) with assorted other vegs in there too - typically leek, broccoli and asparagus and sometimes pointed cabbage. All in the pan with lemon juice over the top to help them steam. Then I add a dollop of sour cream or creme fraiche and pile on top of whatever meat I'm having.

    Unfortunately I've found that the carb-laden diet makes for very urgent and very nasty 'transition' which is very off-putting. :eek: Another reason to resist.

    Time to get dressed I think. I had a long sleep last night, for a change, and now feel lovely and lazy. Could do with a walk before the rain comes.
  • sistercas
    sistercas Posts: 4,803 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    mazzers wrote: »

    Sistercas, re the bread, i too use warm water and half a tsp of real sugar :eek: toactivate the yeast beforehand, my most recent rose so high it came up to the lid of the BM and toppled on the very top, the slices were huge and very filling.
    I also mix mine in the BM before switching on to get it really mixed in and am sure it would be fine made by hand as long as you have somewhere very warm to get it to rise (only one rise tho so straight into tin once mixed and kneaded well)

    On second thoughts.. i have decided to go back to this bread as the consistency is more like proper bread.

    thanks , that recipe looks lovely where do you buy oat flour from?
  • sistercas
    sistercas Posts: 4,803 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    had a carb binge :(
  • mazzers
    mazzers Posts: 4,234 Forumite
    sistercas wrote: »
    thanks , that recipe looks lovely where do you buy oat flour from?

    I blitzed porridge oats in my bullet.

    Def making some tomorrow and maybe get some cooking done to grab after work.

    Maybe i should avoid the canteen too, i watched someone eating freshly cooked plaice peas and chips while i had foam rubber sandwiches :( so hard to resist especially as it only costs £1.20.

    Kept awake all night by the p*xy neighbours so wanted to spoil myself a bit today, unfortunately, it was with comfort food.
  • newleaf
    newleaf Posts: 3,132 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker PPI Party Pooper
    Thanks for the bread recipe mazzers, I like the look of that!
    I had a very good weekend, no carby indulgences at all. Fine tea tonight; roast gammon, cauliflower cheese and buttered sprouts. All the better for being prepared by mr newleaf. Yummo. :)
    Have a good week everybody!
    Official DFW Nerd No 096 - Proud to have dealt with my debt!
  • Sunnyday
    Sunnyday Posts: 3,855 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 29 January 2012 at 10:13PM
    sistercas wrote: »
    had a carb binge :(

    I came home from w*rk and ate a massive bar of fruit & nut milk chocolate - it was the whole bar :o Just couldn`t stop myself.

    I`ll have a glass of cider tonight and then start afresh tomorrow.

    Shame really as i was good otherwise today.

    Mazzers - That was the original bread recipe that i had ages ago and never made. I spent ages looking for it and eventually gave up so a huge thanks to you for posting it :A

    Beanrua - Good to see you back, hope that you had a great time :wave:
    Planning on starting the GC again soon :p
  • Gers
    Gers Posts: 12,121 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Wagon falling off galore here this weekend :rotfl: Whilst my halo is rather battered by last week yesterday I managed through!

    Up with the birds and will be leaving the house in 10 minutes for another two days down south. Got my egg mayo ready for lunch today. Tomorrow we have a catered lunch so shall pick my way through it gently.

    Got my thermos travelling mug ready with decaf coffee for my journey as I begrudge paying £3.19 for a motorway service coffee.

    Hope everyone has a good week.
  • mazzers
    mazzers Posts: 4,234 Forumite
    I cant find the post where someone asked me about the heartburn as their OH suffers from it... well, every time i go lc it disappears completely, and i've suffered for years, even a piece of toast can start it off, wine is murder :eek: used to only need the occasional ranitidene, progressed to one daily unless i ate healthily, I take one before a blow out now as i know i'll suffer.
    Lately been having one in morning and can feel it returning by evening so take another, although, i have been very bad with sweet sugary things so to be expected.

    LC was a revelation, didnt realise for a few weeks that i hadnt suffered at all :)
  • hannoja
    hannoja Posts: 2,015 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 30 January 2012 at 11:55AM
    Much better day yesterday emotionally :)

    B: Frankies
    L: Peperami, pork scratchings , Atkins daybreak (spread over ~ 4 hrs)
    T: Roast pork, plenty of crackling, asparagus, mashed cauli. (thanks OH :A )

    O: Tea, coffee, ~4 pints water (seems to be my limit lol), 2 squares 85% choccie.

    Exercise: None especially :p

    Nice to see you posting again Mazzers :)

    P.S: What's happened to Sweet..? :(
    And I thought alias said she was coming back.......:think:
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