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Low-carb diets support thread



  • sistercas
    sistercas Posts: 4,803 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    Hannoja (((hugs)))

    sunny thanks for the info , i was hoping the vital wheat would have arrived today but alas no , hopefully it will come on monday . i will add much less sugar when i make it as you suggest. ( i cant wait to try it :D)

    mercy i really really really hope you can conjure up a custard tart i am really drooling at the thought :o

    i am marinating some chicken in wine, mustard and soy sauce for tea, i have some mashed spuds for them and a spoonful accidently found its way into my mouth ;) it was delish , however i made myself some cauli mash and brocoli
    ( the chiken recipe is on the grocery challenge thread under chinese chicken )

    i really want something sweet to eat today and have already had some hotel chocolat 66% choccy but it hasnt satisfied me :(
  • nuttybabe
    nuttybabe Posts: 2,299 Forumite

    Mazzers - thank you, i think i will have to make low carb bread dough in future.

    just an update on the oopsie stuff. i had cheese on it for lunch yesterday, grilled. had problems getting it off the grill as so soft! So from now on i am just going to have it with butter and jam as a filling and quick breakfast. So low sugar jam must be added so my shopping list. :D

    today my food is:

    b - peanut butter on a spoon
    l - cucumber, pate, cheese and ham (couldnt be bothered)
    t - probably takeaway as hubby has spent all day working on bathroom so need to treat him. thats my excuse anyway! :D

    Still not weighed myself. really need bathroom finished so i can as i dont know how much damage i am doing, not sure i should be eating the peanut butter for breakfast either as its quite high carb.
  • sistercas
    sistercas Posts: 4,803 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    mazzers / sunny just a question re the bread recipe. its a bread maker recipe but can you make it by hand? or can you do it in the BM to the cooking stage then shape it by hand and bake it ?
  • Sunnyday
    Sunnyday Posts: 3,855 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    sistercas wrote: »
    mazzers / sunny just a question re the bread recipe. its a bread maker recipe but can you make it by hand? or can you do it in the BM to the cooking stage then shape it by hand and bake it ?

    I've always make it in the breadmaker, i did once make the dough in the bm and then chop it up and leave it to rise for rolls but it never rose again so i`m not sure if it likes being disturbed or not or if it was just me - since then i`ve done bm all the way.

    I started to get wonky loaves for a while too until i worked out that the water was too cold with the lower temps this winter so now add tepid water from a previously boiled kettle and that has solved the problem.

    Its very soft when first made so its best to leave it a while before slicing.


    Planning on starting the GC again soon :p
  • Gers
    Gers Posts: 12,121 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Peeps round the corner - any seats left?

    Been MI carb-binge action. Honestly I hate myself sometimes.. do so well on LC and then get out of the groove! :mad: I think it's being away for work so often that throws me out of the zone.

    Anyway, got the cauliflower cheesy thing in the oven (can't believe it's not baked potato) and will stick some in the freezer cos I'm away Monday and Tuesday again. Drunk some left over voddie the other day (well, over two days) and it didn't have half as much effect as wine so may just get some more of that it. Not too keen on tonic but it's a small sacrifice to make.

    Thanks for keeping the recipe page up to date Mercy and there are loads of new ideas here since I was last in.

    Head up, chest out and fat off....

  • hannoja
    hannoja Posts: 2,015 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Thanks for the kind thoughts ladies. Lovely to read at the end of a yucky day :)

    Also, I've just caught up on today's posts and have been laughing my head off, particularly at Cas, so thanks for that! :D
    Sunnyday wrote: »
    ...I need to force myself not to go I love bargains though I confessed to DH yesterday that we have almost two thousand teabags stashed I will never buy them full price and always stash em away when on offer lol.

    :eek: :rotfl:
    sistercas wrote: »
    ...i am marinating some chicken in wine, mustard and soy sauce for tea, i have some mashed spuds for them and a spoonful accidently found its way into my mouth it was delish , however i made myself some cauli mash and brocoli

    :laugh: :rotfl:
    nuttybabe wrote: »

    ...just an update on the oopsie stuff. i had cheese on it for lunch yesterday, grilled. had problems getting it off the grill as so soft! So from now on i am just going to have it with butter and jam as a filling and quick breakfast. So low sugar jam must be added so my shopping list.

    Not having a great deal of luck with toasting your oopsies are you nutty? :p :laugh:
    Like Mazzers, I tried them a while back and wasn't hugely taken with them (though ate and enjoyed them and was impressed that they worked and were almost suitable as a bread replacement.. just not quite..)
    Gers wrote: »
    ... Drunk some left over voddie the other day (well, over two days) and it didn't have half as much effect as wine so may just get some more of that it. Not too keen on tonic but it's a small sacrifice to make.

    Me neither, but I've rather got used to it. Used to hate 'see through' alcoholic drinks too, but quite happy with Voddie or Gin now, though still a Brandy or Whiskey gal if given a choice. Try low cal lemonade instead maybe..?
  • hannoja
    hannoja Posts: 2,015 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning :)

    Well OH did a fab job of cleaning/tidying/sprucing yesterday. It was lovely to come home to at the end of an icky day.
    Today will be better I'm sure.

    On the health front:

    B: Usual frankies (still love them and not bored yet which is great, though in the long term they must go, since they're processed :( )
    L: Usual prawn cocktail, Romaine lettuce, chilli flakes
    T: OH had made a nice chilli. I was feeling like I was missing out on the rice, then I remembered PP's 'egg fried cauli rice' recipe, so did that. Was good :) I had a big, fat bowl of it and even added some grated cheese: was stuffed!
    O: Peperami, packet of pork scratchings (Ugh! Will be glad when they've all gone: some bits taste like you're eating a hairball! sick0021.gif ), about half a dozen Brazil nuts, tea, coffee, couple of pints of water. (No alcohol, even though we plan on trying red wine diluted with tonic or l/c lemonade or something, and OH popped to Mr T's last night and suggested getting a bottle... I asked if we can do that next weekend :A )

    Exercise: None really, apart from some walking about.

    Hopefully today will be better (happier/less emotional)

    Have a good one folks!

  • beanrua
    beanrua Posts: 407 Forumite
    Hi all, :hello:
    Still got 4 lbs to lose - ideally it should be 8 lbs but I'd settle for 4 - but I can't seem to shift them - think it might be cos I'd settle for 4 - maybe I should aim for 8 and then I'd lose 4! Perverse logic!!
    hannoja - glad you're feeling a bit better. It's nice to come home to a tidy house and well done on the no alcohol last night - I didn't have any last night either but I'm going to a reunion to-day with friends that I did nurse training with 40 years ago - where does the time go to? Glad I at least have lost 1.5 stone.
    Intend to up my water intake and have more non-alcohol days than I do at present (after to-day):)
    Going to try and meal plan for this coming week so I don't get caught out. Probably lots of lentil /cauli/cheesey stuff.
    Lovely to read and catch up with all the posts.
    Need to get groceries in as I haven't replenished since being on hols. Must get Lidl yogurt - a real stand-by.
    cheese - lots of it
    lc bread - I used to bake my own but I am so lucky to get lc bread from shops.
    Catch up later - have a good day everyone.
    Treat the Earth well,
    It was not given to you by your parents,
    It was loaned to you by your children.
    Masai proverb
  • sistercas
    sistercas Posts: 4,803 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    thanks sunny cant wait for the flour to arrive so i can have some bread :D

    hannoja how lovely to come into a tidy house, i dream of that happening but living with slobs ( dh and Dd2) it aint ever going to happen , their sole purpose in life is to clutter up anything i have tidied :cool:

    beanrua the 8 lb plan seems good to me , trick your body into losing 4 lbs lol
    hope the reunion went well

    gers welcome back , another voddie lover here , though not had any since new year :A:rotfl:

    its official weigh in day i have lost 1 and a half lbs :j 5 and ahalf in total - a long way to go but its a start
  • mazzers
    mazzers Posts: 4,234 Forumite
    edited 29 January 2012 at 11:54AM
    sistercas wrote: »
    mazzers keep posting lc or not otherwise we miss you

    Aww :kisses3:

    Had a couple of good days, heartburn gone and was needing two tabs a day! Had a turkey roll and some choc last night after a bad day in work and heartburn back this morning :(

    Getting fed up of the 'foam rubber' bread tbh so once the ton :D of gluten is used i might take DM's advice and have a daily slice of the normal (cant remember which one now?) bread instead.

    Mercy, been thinking, could prob make egg custard from eggs, splenda, cream, lactofree and nutmeg, bake, and when cold cut into squares and place on the 'pastry' made from melted butter and ground almonds which could be baked and maybe and cut into squares??
    Will leave your expertise to sort the custard quantities tho ;):)
    I used this pastry to make strawberry tarts once and if i remember correctly Sweet loved them.

    Sistercas, re the bread, i too use warm water and half a tsp of real sugar :eek: toactivate the yeast beforehand, my most recent rose so high it came up to the lid of the BM and toppled on the very top, the slices were huge and very filling.
    I also mix mine in the BM before switching on to get it really mixed in and am sure it would be fine made by hand as long as you have somewhere very warm to get it to rise (only one rise tho so straight into tin once mixed and kneaded well)

    Cant find the post about the red wine now but i have used soda water in mine and it's nice, its lovely really cold in white wine, makes a small glass go a looong way :)

    Hann, hope things pick up for you soon XX
    I can understand your mums dilemma, my dad was always scared of hospitals as most of his family went in and never came out.

    Sorry for the essay, had a lot to say :p

    On second thoughts.. i have decided to go back to this bread as the consistency is more like proper bread.
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