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Low-carb diets support thread



  • SHEILA54
    SHEILA54 Posts: 1,813 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    sweet - I hope that your leg heals soon and the swelling goes down. Have a good time but, if you are like me, you will get bad stomach cramps and feel sick if you change the way that you eat too much ;)

    ostrich - I have 50 carbs a day but many start on 20. If you look at the first page of this thread you will see links to diets, recipes etc.

    Out to the beach today with youngest granddaughter and I will have an ice cream but be good otherwise.

    Have a good day :wave:
  • Gray_Malkin
    Gray_Malkin Posts: 982 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Mornin' all

    Happy holidays to all those heading off today - jealous of the day at the beach sheila.

    Well done to all the losers :T, and tomorrow's another day to those who've fallen off the wagon (I had three bottles of Magner's cider last night) :p

    - if you're reading, thanks for the onions in diet coke idea :A. I did them last night with black farmer sausages, and they were lush.
  • daska
    daska Posts: 6,212 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Yudkin's "Pure, White and Deadly" is now available on pre-order at Amazon for £6.74 http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Pure+white+deadly&x=0&y=0

    And Phinney and Volek have written a companion to their art and science book aimed at athletes. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Art+science+phinney&x=0&y=0

    Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants - Michael Pollan
    48 down, 22 to go
    Low carb, low oxalate Primal + dairy
    From size 24 to 16 and now stuck...
  • AudreyHepburn_2
    AudreyHepburn_2 Posts: 113 Forumite
    edited 25 July 2012 at 8:56AM
    Have a great holiday Sweet Serendipidy :-)

    Sock Knitter, I can go mad for nuts on occasion, just think of the good fats in them.

    I am pleased to report I am relieved of my gut problems after having 20g of olive oil and tbsp flax seeds. The psyllium husk were deffo. make things worse. Think they bind up fats, which does lower blood lipid and cholesterol levels, but also binds up your guts if you are not eating enough fat in the first place.

    Thanks for the good advice everyone.
  • Jerryjerryjerry
    Did not want to weight myself this morning, however, it IS wednesday - 3 weeks after I started. Today I am 10 stone 2 lbs. So i've put on a lb in a week. No worries. Its my own fault. I've not been following the diet as strictly as I could. Of course, the alcohol will have played a huge part. I wont let myself get down. I also had a large bowl of Lidl's Tirramasu flavour ice cream yesterday. Shouldn't keep it in the house to be honest. Today's consumption:

    B: one coffee, one tea. five glasses of water.
    L: Crab salad with grated cheese (again)
    D: Steak with mushrooms and spinnach

    Have a great holiday Sweet, and everybody else who is going away.
  • avstar
    avstar Posts: 1,149 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Well done to all the losers :T

    Sweet, have a great time and if you've decided to fall off the wagon, then enjoy it and come back invigorated for more LC'ing :)

    Audreyhepburn, glad there's been some movement:rotfl: I don't really suffer from this problem and thinking about what people have said about fat, I do eat nuts and I'm obsessed with crispy spicy chicken skin, which as we all know contains humungous mounts of fat.

    Also because I'm clean eating rather than low carbing I do have an orange or grapefruit a couple of times a week and that helps too.

    Went out for dinner with Mr Avstar the other night and again we went to Nandos. A friend asked if we had shares in that place LOL But it's the best place to eat round here for clean eaters/low carbers, I couldn't be bothered to try and explain.

    For whoever asked about clean eating and chocolate, no I'm afraid, I don't eat chocolate, plus it's def one of my triggers, there's no moderation about choc for me :o

    I am allowed cocoa on clean eating though, so I made a clean eating choc style dessert recently which is allowed and was bloomin lush! My non clean eating friends scoffed it! Here's a piccy


    Its all natural & but not low carb as it has dates in it, sorry!

    Yesterday looked like this:

    brekkie - fried egg & ham with a tomato
    lunch - crustless quiche with spinach & a salad with chilli mayo
    snack - blueberries/strawberries/cherries (cherries are clean but not LC)
    dinner - roast spicy chicken quarter (skin!) & salad with coleslaw
  • sock-knitter
    sock-knitter Posts: 1,630 Forumite
    woke up this morning, my stomach is really bloated and is quite sore:(, despiteeating a large quantity of nuts last night, still haven't been. had fried eggs and bacon and mushroom, and tomatoes for lunch, and have bought a cooked chicken from supermarket to have for tea, with salad and mayo, will eat the lovely skin too, tho i dont think the fat is having an effect on my insides:o
    loves to knit and crochet for others
  • Mercy
    Mercy Posts: 1,733 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Mornin' all

    Happy holidays to all those heading off today - jealous of the day at the beach sheila.

    Well done to all the losers :T, and tomorrow's another day to those who've fallen off the wagon (I had three bottles of Magner's cider last night) :p

    - if you're reading, thanks for the onions in diet coke idea :A. I did them last night with black farmer sausages, and they were lush.

    Hi hunni - it wasn't me :D Never done that yet but nice to know it's an option :rotfl:

    low carb recipe list - link on page 1 low carb support thread
    You don't have any control over what life throws at you.
    You DO have control over how you react :)
  • Mercy
    Mercy Posts: 1,733 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi all!

    I'm leaping gracefully off the wagon but trailing alongside I hope :D

    It's my birthday tomorrow and I will be having something nice like a little wine and a bit of dark choc.

    Food will still be good with a thick rump steak and as it's a PV day, lots of salady type things.

    Saturday, however, I will be monstering it up. :j Got nice folk out for the day/eve/night and although my food intake will be correct and good, my alcohol expectations are huge. ;)

    The best I can hope for is to stay the same weight. Won't know until Monday as i'm weighing myself at work in work gear.

    The part of me which used to whisper 'go on, have that chocolate' and 'go on have that bottle of wine, 3 pints of strongbow and some vodka' is now perversely saying 'oh, so you're just going to mess it all up now are you, after all that good work?' :rotfl:

    It's like having my mother in my head - but not in a nice way :rotfl:

    Anyway I've told her (the whisper, not my mother) to shut her trap and leave me alone until Tuesday :beer:

    At least this will tell me quite how things work a la Dukan when one goes off piste. Or is that On Piste? :rotfl:

    Big love to all low carbers

    low carb recipe list - link on page 1 low carb support thread
    You don't have any control over what life throws at you.
    You DO have control over how you react :)
  • daska
    daska Posts: 6,212 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    woke up this morning, my stomach is really bloated and is quite sore:(, despiteeating a large quantity of nuts last night, still haven't been. had fried eggs and bacon and mushroom, and tomatoes for lunch, and have bought a cooked chicken from supermarket to have for tea, with salad and mayo, will eat the lovely skin too, tho i dont think the fat is having an effect on my insides:o

    If you have some coconut oil it might be worth trying having a few teaspoons of that (maybe spread them throughout the day though, one at a time is OK, several in one sitting makes me feel nauseous!) and drink plenty!
    Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants - Michael Pollan
    48 down, 22 to go
    Low carb, low oxalate Primal + dairy
    From size 24 to 16 and now stuck...
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