Redundancy - benefits and savings
Sorry if this has been asked before, I did try a search but there are so many results its impossible to tell.... If (please god not) I was to be made redundant, can anyone tell me: a) what benefit payments I would be entitled to? b) whether having savings would have any effect on what benefits I was entitled to? Sorry,…
What can you claim if made redundant
Hiya I'm in a position where I am looking into redundancy and got confused about what you can and cant do BUT found this excellent site - its a gov site You put in your details and it gives out a printable screen of what you can claim for including online application forms. Hope this helps folks…
Been Made Redundant - final Pay?
I have just been made redundant, and I understand what Stat. redundancy payment I am entitled to, and the company is paying me in lieu of notice also, so I leave immediately. However, I was officially made redundant yesterday, so should I still receive Janaury's salary up to yesterdays date, or will that just become part…
Advice wanted,
I am employed by one of the major stores as a part time delivery driver. During the cold spell at the beginning of December whilst making a home delvery,I slipped over on the icey road and broke my arm in 2 places, It appears now that my arm has healed I don't have nor will get the strength back to handle the removal of…
Working for a Company in administration
Please can you help. The company that I work for has gone into administration and they have made 400 workers redundant. The administrators have kept 5 of us on to keep services running until they sell the company, the letter I have got from the administrators states that I am not working for them but am still employed by…
Income based JSA affected by Offset savings
Hi, If after 6 months on contrubution based JSA I understand I move to a income based means tested JSA. I have some savings over 16k in a offset mortgage but it's not really savings as it is reducing by inrtest and thus my debt. Would I not get the income based JSA becuase of that? Do they look at offeset savings in that…
redundancy and administration - please help
Please help, any advise would be most welcome. My partner has not received any wages from his company since December. The company have no money and have made approx 15 of the 30ish staff redundant so far, with the rest to follow. My partner has worked for them for 8 years and has been told that the administrators are to be…
Suspended guaranteed week, benefits?
I am getting laid off for a week next month. I have been told that as this is a suspension of the guaranteed week, I can claim benefits for this week. What am I entitled to claim for? My partner works 24 hrs a week and we have 2 kids under 3. TIA
Advice needed
i was made redundant in november. all staff were called into a meet and told that the company had no money to pay us after that day, so we were to all get our stuff and go home because we were all sacked. we were told that we would have to claim any money due for redundancy/notice/holiday pay from the goverment fund. when…
Not offered job description of alternative role
I'm sorry to have to join the others in this forum, but alas, I too have a question about redundancy. Here's the quick story: Company advises they wish to make more than 20 people redundant and enter in consultation period. In my case the employer is reducing a position on my team and advises both positions are at risk…
Redundancy and jobseekers allowance...
I've just been made redundant and my last working day will be the 21st of Jan while I will be paid until the 21st of Feb, plus my TAX-free redundancy payment of nearly £1000. As I'm not having much luck finding a job I expect I'll have to sign on for jobseekers allowance. I'm told I can and should do this on the 22nd of…
What to do if....???
I'm a full time PAYE employee, but also do some self employed work - I am registered as self employed. I don't earn enough to pay extra NI on this income, so it wouldn't be enough to live on, unless I can up it somehow. Anyway the question is, if I were to be made redundant, could I still sign on with my self employed…
Credentials of company I might start working for?
Hi All, I need to suss the financial health of a company I might start working for - something relevant to many made redundant. But I'm not into company finances and don't know how to find this out. Any advice please - lay advice please, nothing fancy. I would also like to find out if this company has itself made people…
very annoyed - lack of information - asking wrong people - apparently!
Hi everyone! I am so annoyed at the whole 'system' at the moment. In fact, I think you could describe my feelings as 'bitter' and I feel like screaming! I was made redundant at the end of November and signed at the Jobcentre on December 1st 2008. I asked how much I would be receiving and was told it would £60.50 per week.…
Redundancy question
I am nearly 63. I am in a final salary pensions scheme (normal retirement 65) and think that I may be about to be made redundant. Does anyone know if different rules apply at this age (month for every year up to 26 )? Or if it is normal practice for the employer to offer some other terms. Thanks in advance to anyone who…
Healthcare Income Plan when unemployed.
Hi I was made redundant yesterday and am currently cutting back on my outgoings. For the last 10 years I`ve had a Healthcare Income plan with AXA Equity and Law. The current payments is £53 a month for which I would receive £27 000 a year after 6 months if I was seriously ill. I`m currently 51 and the plan has another 9…
Help I'm confused about benefits!
Hi, The background to the situation is this. My OH was made redundant in Dec, he had another prospective job to go to and thought all was ok, when they phoned and said they couldn't take him on at the present time and would keep him on file:confused: Anyway, he now needs to see what he is entitled to as we are struggling.…
Ni Contributions Once Garden Leave Is Over..who Pays
Hi, I would like some advise,in the ,likely,event I do not get another job,after my garden leave,who pays my NI contributions.Do I on that day have to goto the job-centre and sign on as well.?? From other threads do I get the £65 odd /wk, for 6 months,then its means tested.?? Being made redundant at 57 is the worst…
Less than 1 year in Employment
Ive been with my current employer for less than one year and am wondering what, if anything, I will be entitled to if the rumoured redundencies occur. There is no specification in my contract other than terminating my employment for standard reasons. Can anyone help explain further ? Elly
Redundancy Advice Please
Hi There I was made redudundant from my job in December. My Employer is refusing to pay me redundancy pay when i advised him of my rights he told me to f off etc.. I have been to the CAB and they refered me to a local solicitors so far they havent gotten back to me. So i then call the Law Centre who advised me to write a…