Self Employed: anyone taken income protection insurance?
I am a self employed (freelance) designer. I started in April 07 and just filed my first tax return. For the past nearly two years I have been doing very well but with the economic situation now I expect to have much less work in the future. I am worried about having no work at all - is it worth taking out income…
Any help?
I understand that certain companies are offering to reduce standing charges rentals for their current customers who are in hardship through redundancy i.e. BT offering a reduced line rental. Is there a definitive list of these companies?
Can I claim constructive dismissal if someone has recently been hired to do my job?
My company recently hired a new person to do a job with a different title, but whose job description covered 85% of my current role. Now I have been told that my job is 'at risk' and that I may be made redundant. I understand that I can be made redundant if my skills are no longer needed however the only real difference is…
Redundancy and SSP
Can anyone help me with some advice please? I have recenty been off work due to sickness (surgery) and am in my 7th week off work, my employer paid me 4 weeks pay at my normal rate, then put me on SSP. They have now advised me that I am redundant. My contract of employment states I am emtitled to 4 weeks notice, but they…
Query of Date Advised
Will be made redundant end of Month. The copy of HR1 form sent out to Goverment by Employee back in November stated proposed redundancy day as 31-1-2009.Because this is a Saturday a letter arrived last week saying I would be finished on 30-1-2009 Friday, assuming because 31st on a Saturday. Reason for query is that on Jan…
question on Legal Procedure
Afternoon All, Mine, like many other companies is going through the redundany process. I', potentially in the firing line and have been notified by a letter that a percentage of staff will be made redundant. This was approximately a month and a half ago. During this time there have been four meetings with HR, the employee…
Laying off staff while advertising new posts
Apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong forum, but here goes anyway. My girlfriend currently works for a company which offers New Deal training for under 24s, they've just recieved an email from their head office saying that should they not reach their targets this month then the scheme will be closed down and they will…
Redundancy Notice
Hi, i've been working for my employer since April 08. They say they only have to give me 1 week notice as i am being made redundant tomorrow - can i request they pay me for that week and me not work since they say it's because there's no work for me? They've laid people off before and they were paid a week without working…
Redundancy and outstanding pay
Hi all, Wondering if anyone can advise on the following. We have been notified that our company has now gone into administration. It is a limited company. The administrators are negotiating a sale of the business but it is unlikely that if a sale is successful not all stores will remain open. We have been told that if ours…
Withdrawal of Compromise Agreement
Hi there, I know that it is possible for the company to withdraw the offer of an compromise agreement. 2 Questions: Who has to pay the employment lawyer as obviously it's been withdrawn by the company during the process? Also, there is no chance to make something out of it (unfair dismissal etc.)? Storyline is that hubby…
Business Insurance
I have been running a small one man company from my Dad's garage on a part time basis, while working full time. Now redundant I want to try to utilise my business, but if it grows I would need to insure. Up until now, not much kept in garage, but if business grows I will have a fair amount of customer owned parts on site…
benefit means testing for savings
Maybe a question for a different forum but I'm new here so here goes: My company are planning redundancies so I'm planning the worst. How soon do the benefits office start asking about savings & how far back do they dig? Do endowment policies(non-mortgage linked) count as savings? It has a life insurance aspect to it. If,…
BA friend has been overpaid
A friend of mine has been overpaid on their redundancy Was only due a couple of hundred but ended up with almost £3000. Is it likely they will notice?? If they do can they just take it back out of his bank?? Is it advisable for him to move it or even spend it??
Redundancy v early retirement -who decides?
My friend works for Royal Mail. There has been talk of restructuring and redundancies for some time. RM has carried out surveys to find out who would be interested in early retirement or redundancy in his workplace. My friend is 55 and has done his job for 38 years, contributing to a final salary scheme. He can only…
Unemployment cover being withdrawn Friday!
Hi all. Part of my job is to advise on different types of insurance, including redundany cover. They insurer our company has used to provide this cover for 13 years, Paymenshield on Friday, unless you are taking a new mortgage. We have always found this insurer, who are underwritten by Norwich Union, to be reasoable and in…
Would MPPI be worth taking?
Having worked for my employer for 8.5 years and given that we have recently been able to get our old terms agreed ie 5 wks for every year that worked, I am wondering re having MPI. If I ended up with over £16k due to 42 wks pay plus 3 months notice, when would I be able to claim on MPI. I have recently read that some won't…
On gardening leave, might be offered temporary reprieve by employer
I'm on garden leave at the minute having been told that my job is "at risk" in the City. A temporary job has popped up that I could do in the same company for 3 to 4 months, which there is a chance I could get. The advice from personnel department is that they would still plan to make me redundant at the end of this time,…
Contribution based JSA
I currently work between 16-24 hours per week, but things are getting bad and they may have to cut staff. My husband works and has a salary of approx £25000pa. We have no savings at all. How much NI contributions do you have to have paid in the last year to qualify for JSA?
Might not be getting paid on Friday- what to do?
Or more so, can they do this? DH works for a largish company and it is struggling, they've done 3 rounds of redundancies already and announced there is due to be more. He called at lunch today to tell me they've been told the company is switching from GE financing to another agent and although it looks all set to go…
Redundancy while on reduced hours
In the event of redundancy while your company has asked you to remain at home on 51% pay or if you are on short time working, would the redundancy pay still be based on the full salary?