Does any body know the answer to this question. My husband is type 11 diabetic and was controlled by tablet and diet. he has now had to go onto insulin injections. His job is as a PSV mechanic, he would normally go out on breakdowns and work shifts. Because he has gone onto injections this means he has now lost his PSV…
vat free for disabilty aids purchases?
My mum who is elderly is registered has disabled is hoping to purchase a new reclining chair. I see that some companies offer vat free purchases that aid persons with disabilities. Any idea how this system works? She was hoping to make the purchase in Argos, so do they operate a vat free system?
Mobile Hoists?
Hi just wondered if any one new of where to find information / or had experience with mobile hoists suitable for transporting someone into a car? Appreciate any help THX
Hirschsprungs Disease
Hi all has anyone ever heard or know anyone with hirschsprungs disease, thanks.
help for weekend break for carers with special needs son
hi all i have posted a thread over in travel and holidays forum basically i would love to take my husband away for his 40th b/day in march but i cant afford it unfortunately we have not had a weekend away in 10 years :eek: we have a special needs on who is 12 he is statemented and attends a special needs school i am also…
Free carer to the cinema
People getting DLA can take a carer to the cinema for free with a Cinema Exhinitors' Association Card. Card lasts for 3 years and costs 5.50. All you have to do is send a copy of your Dla award and a photo. I have been getting disability fir years and only just found out about this so I am sure others will benefit. Go to…
Medication containers - how do others manage them?
Why is it that medication, be it tablets or liquid, invariably comes in containers that are nigh-on impossible to open if you have weak hands?:confused: I understand the need to keep children safe (whatever happened to lockable cupboards?) but having just spent 10 minutes trying to open my bottle of Oramorph whilst I'm in…
Free energy saving plug rrp £12 from the witer edition of Motobility Plus
:D I`ve put this on here because the offer is in the winter edition of Motobility Plus. Basically you just have to ring the number, given, quoting a ref number and it`ll be sent out to you free :T Hubby rang yesterday and was told it will be with us in about 42days. :D
Fibromyalgia - what to do with the pain
I know theres already a thread on this, but I wanted to ask a specific question. I've had Fm for about a good number of years, and still havent found a way to deal with the pain or to lighten my symptoms. Some days I am fine, not a painful feeling at all and some days I feel crippled, even getting up from a chair is agony.…
How do you get declared unfit to drive?
I definately am! I faint 2-3 times a week with no warning and got told not to even think about learning to drive by all my doctors. My DLA is going in December and my bus pass is expiring. Is it really a case of filling in the provisional form and sending off my cheque to have my cheque sent back with a NO letter or is…
can i walk or not
lol its not how the title says i know my own mobility lol. anyway what do dla class as being able to walk, i cant walk without my crutches does that class me as unable to walk, was just thinking this and thought i wonder what the answer is to this, my phsios uses a word intermittent or not intermittent cant remember which…
Help with household repairs
Hi I live close to Winchester in Hampshire and wondered if anyone here knows of any organisation that help out disabled people with household and garden repairs. Inexpensive help would be great free help would be amazing. My garden gate has just snapped off it's hinges, it's been hanging on for several weeks now, and has…
Asthma and Chemical Sensitivities at work
Hi If anyone can help I'd be grateful.
dla questions (and poor thanatos!)
i thought i would post here, rather than on the dla sticky. If someone asks a question re dla on thanatos's sticky - are other people allowed to answer, or is that purely for thanatos? I ask, as i have noticed a couple of questions which i am sure a few other people would be able to help - purely from their own experience…
Thanatos should I appeal?
I have arthritis and have been refused DLA both parts. They said I can walk 200yds even though I told them that I am in severe discomfort as soon as I stand up. Shoud I bother appealing?
What does your local council do for disabled people?
Inverclyde Council Mine has a couple of schemes for disabled and/or older people: Blue Badge Scheme link (By the way in Inverclyde you automatically qualify for a Blue Badge if you are over 80 years old.) Inverclyde Care & Repair Service link Disability Equality Scheme link
Motability scheme
Afternoon all :D Just got our post and it's a good job I was sitting down when I opened it..DS2 has been awarded HRC and HRMob :j This will (hopefully) be a godsend as our car is just about to die on us after 10+ years of loyal service. His hospital is miles away and our car is struggling to make the journey now, so we…
Support For Carers
Carers' Rights Day 2008 will be held on Friday 5th December. So if you're one of those wonderful people who looks after someone who is unwell or disabled here are some useful links: Carers UK link Carers Forum link (not on MSE) Carers Council Tax Discount link Financial Help For Carers link Social Fund link Carers' Radio…
Help! I'm in bloody agony :( Anyone cow ideas on how to keep the pain at bay until monday when i can get to the doctors?
is there anything out there?
i am disabled, and get dla (low rate care) and incapacity long term. Recently i had to go into hospital, for 10 days and am going to need another week to recover enough to be left alone with my son(5yo). My husband has had t otake this time off work, as there is nobody else to look after my son, but he is not getting paid.…