free flu jab for carers
Just to let everyone know i was at the doctors yeasterday with my disbled husband, and he was getting a flu jub, the doctor said as i was his carer then i was eligble to get a free jab also. Really handy, as if i ever became really unwell my husband would most likely have to go into care.
How to Make Trike for Disability?
Does anyone know if I can make an ordinary electric trike into a disability trike? I was thinking of buying a second hand electric trike and putting a chair or someting on the post, instead of the saddle, to support my back. Is this allowed? I have seen a back back support on the internet but they look so small. Dont want…
Subtitles on DVD boxsets - except on bonus!
Why is it that in the vast majority of DVD boxsets that include subtitles, the bonus features either don't have subtitles at all, or just have them in foreign languages? Do the big brains that decide these things think that deaf english people aren't interested in the bonus items? It's extremely unfair, because we pay…
mental heath issues and employment
I came across this leaflet. Hope it helps someone x http://www.mindfulemployer.net/employees.html
The Bond Hotel
I've found a hotel in Blackpool that caters specifically for disabled people. https://www.thebondhotel.co.uk if anyone is interested ;)
energy cost reduction
I am with Scottish Hydro Electric [ also have english side] on their energyplus care tarrif, they offer a great service, cheapest possible prices for vunerable customers, over 60 or have dissability / sick, join their priority register call free 0800622838, the best thing I have done [i'm disabled ] just had letter ref.…
Special Needs Trust Fund - advice on fees please
A few years ago my OH was involved in a very serious car accident and sustained physical injury for which he was compensated by the other drivers insurance company. The compensation is held in a special needs trust and managed by the solicitors who won the money. The flat we live in now has been purchased by the trust and…
I'm a sufferer, anyone else. How do you live with suppressing your immune system? How do you cope with the drugs.. I've lost so many jobs through illness, even got sacked from NHS for being off sick too much, lol I am fortunate to be in a secure job now with very understanding bosses, although they have on my personnel…
carers companion bus pass????
I often escort my brother on buses trains for whom i am an unpaid carer, at my own cost. ive heard you can get an escort travel Ticket, maybe also to get in cinema but where do i get this? can anyone advise please thanks in lieu
Hiring equipment
Does anyone know if it is possible to hire specialist equipment eg portable highchairs, to take abroad, and if so where from?
Amazing thread.
I have just discovered this new thread which I can't wait to read from beginning to end, BUT, I am just about to hide my laptop away as we are going on holiday tomorrow. My wife is registered disabled and receives DLA at the higher rate, following a shingles virus which affected her labryinth and she is now total without…
Around 12 months ago I bought a straight chair-lift from a mobility shop. It has worked perfectly, thank goodness, but recent comments in another thread has led me to think of maintenance. No maintenance agreement was offered, the installer said it was guaranteed for 12 months and he would come out if needed. Do other…
Dyspraxia and Bi-Polar
Hi This is my first post but it is quite apt to go into this forum, I have yet again lost a job due to my Dyspraxia and Bi-Polar (blooming Kerry Katona she does nothing to help this illness) I am currently going through a rough stage I call it a wobble because like the Weebles I wont fall down. I am postiing to ask for…
No railcard required
It is my understanding that anyone using a wheelchair and carer/companion, dose not need to invest in a £18 railcard, is this common knowledge I wonder?. "People who stay in their own wheelchair for a rail journey If you need to stay in your own wheelchair during a journey and you do not have a Railcard, you are eligible…
Serious advice needed
hi im a social worker with a eye disorder whilst i have had corneal grafts my vision is still awful in the winter evenings i cannot drive at night or in the dark... and often have to get friends or tacis to ferry me around... would i meet the requirement for DLA can/shud i register myself as disabled anywhere if so where…
I wonder if we could add to this and make it a sticky as lots of people don't know the rules, especially with the new IB replacement benefit. Disabled Person's Tax Credits * Available to those working 16 hours a week, getting DLA (any rate) and with a disability which means that working full time isn't possible. * For…
Help and advice needed!!!
Hi...I am new to this forum but was hoping someone might be able to offer some help and advice..... I am a disabled person with a so-called "hidden disability"....I claimed benefits at the start of my chronic illness 19 years ago but improved and was advised (wrongly, it now seems) to hand all my benefit books back in and…
Help serious accident at work!!
Help serious accident at work Hi, I am hoping I can maybe get some help here. My husband (age 38) had a serious accident at work 4 weeks ago, his injuries include fractured spine smashed pelvis, but to name a few. He has been very ill and at one point we were told he wasnt going to pull through. He is still here and…
Ill health pension and National Insurance
Help...I cannot find anything in any of the Govt websites regarding this. I am 50 and have recently been retired on an ill health pension. I am unable to work as a result and more or less housebound. I have looked at all the benefits I am entitled to, but have the problem that the ill health element of my pension is likely…
Employment Support Allowance
Hi, I work for the statutory sector supporting adults recovering from mental health difficulties. In order to provide support, I feel I need to get to grips with the new Employment Support Allowance; previously Income Support and Incapacity Support, (Not sure if that is right). Nobody has approached me with any concerns as…