Overpayment personal loan or mortgage
Hi, So my question is about which is it better to overpay each month. I've a mortgage at 4.79% interest for 2 year fixed 25 year term and a personal loan 2.79% with 3 years and 7 months left on it. Current I can afford to overpay one of them by £100 each month. I'm wondering is it best to overpay either the mortgage to…
Getting to grips
Hi all, trying to get to grips with my current situation. I've been completely isolated and very unwell for the last few years so the debts have piled up. The headline figures are basically that I've had around £600/month income for the last 2 years, and been paying off around £500 a month in debt each month... with a…
Santander Basic Bank Account
I wasn't sure to ask about this here or in bank account forum, but thought maybe there would be a few people here who have experienced the same as me. I opened my Santander Basic Bank Account in 2018 when I started my DMP. Originally my Santander "Top Up" debit account was a Visa account, but later Santander changed it to…
Irresponsible lending complaints
I wish to enter a DMP, currently missing payments awaiting defaults. Barclays have just upheld my irresponsible lending complaint. They have credited interest/charges back to the account which has reduced the outstanding and that have advised they will remove any bad markers on my credit file until ‘present’. Did I make…
Lantern 2016 debt
Hello, I am looking some advise, I was checking my credit score, and noticed a default from 2020 with Lantern. I sent an email with a provIt template, they came back with a CCA and a notice of assignment, this was dated 2020, I looked over the CCA, it’s from safetynet and it was taking out in 2016, I checked over my…
Virgin CC Debt and Default
Hi, just after a bit of advice regarding Virgin credit card. I stopped paying around 9 months ago and they went through all the standard missed payment letters etc. I then got contacted by Capquest who asked me to set up an account. I checked my credit file but Virgin seems to have totally disappeared. Its not there under…
MBNA Payment cleared a day late HELP!
hi, wondering if anyone has any experience - my husbands MBNA standing order is showing as cleared to them today but the due date was yesterday, does this automatically mean he's going to lose the 0% interest rate offer he has? This has never happened before!
Credit card Advice
Hi Guys, Not sure if I have created the thread in the correct forum. However, I need some help/advice with regards to my outstanding credit card debt. I have the following cards Name Amount Owed Limit Card % MBNA 1 £1,375.86 £1,400.00 12.02% MBNA 2 £4,320.14 £6,500.00 33.49% Santander £3,192.12 £3,400.00 Interest Free…
Intrum chasing 8 year old ccj
Had a letter today from the lovely folk at Intrum. They mention a judgment that was obtained against me in 2015 and that they are considering enforcing the debt. Obviously they are hoping I’ll panic and make contact with them but am I right in my understanding that there’s not a cat in hells chance of them being able to…
Newbie dealing with PRA.
Hi, I have ended up with a signifcant debt on a CC which has been handed to PRA. I have requested bank statements from the issuer of the CC, and after many months I am told that they are on their way to me. I should say that the debt arose after some misuse by a family member. I am reluctant to pay off the full hit, as it…
PRA CCA request received Advise Please
I've sent CCA request to PRA on
29.3.23, received acknowledgement on 4.4.23 On 1.5.23 I received a letter
stating "we have currently deemed this debt as unenforceable" with
copies of: 1. Letter from Barclaycard informing reconstituted copy of CCA 2. Historic terms and conditions 3. Varied terms and conditions 4. Short form…
Mortgage shortfall after 12 years
Hi. Does anyone know about the Limitations Act that says a creditor cannot chase payments on a mortgage shortfall after 12 years? I've come across it today but not sure how it works. My ex and I are still paying off a mortgage shortfall ( small amounts ) and it will be 12 years in March next year but we are getting no…
Hi, looking for best way forward to sort out growing debt, so here goes. A long story which I will try to condense. Two years ago I ruptured my right Achilles tendon. Lots of sickness absence from work (NHS Nurse). Finally had op to repair it in April of this year. Returned to work on phased return last week (I was off…
charging order
Hello and thanks for taking the time to help with my nightmare my home was repossessed last nov house was sold in may this year after repaying mortgage company it left me with just over £100.000. now a solicitor has a hold of my funds until a few debts on the property are paid off i owe just under £3000 to my local council…
Chasing Debt Never Taken Out
Hi Everyone, One of my elderly neighbours, in his late 60's has been contacted by both lowells and moorcroft chasing outstanding debts for two mobile phone contracts, hes worked hard all his life, never took out the contracts and has no idea what is happening, ive said to him ill help him out, does anyone know how to move…
DMP and car repairs
Hi, I am 18 months into a DMP with PayPlan. I have just borrowed a substantial amount of money from my son to pay a car repair bill. I need the car for work. I have emailed PayPlan and told them I have cancelled my DMP for 3 months and will make token payments in this 3 months. Will this be acceptable? There was no room in…
Drowning - What Can I Do?
Hey, Hope everyone is having a great week so far, I’m hoping to be able to get some support/advice on my current situation and what I can do (if anything) to stop drowning/treading water each month. Currently my monthly outgoings are equal to my income, I pay all of my creditors and bills without missing/late/defaulting…
What to pay into first?
I'm about to receive an inheritance of £24,500 cash, and I'm wondering what would be the best use of this money. I have a personal bank loan balance of £22,300, which I can settle early in full without penalties for £17,400 (saving the remaining interest at 11.3% APR). This seems like the most immediately impactful option…
Partial Settlement
I am writing to my creditors to offer partial settlements on several debts . How much detail should I go into in the letter? Basically I have had to take on exs debts as part of divorce. He refused to work and left me paying his debts as well as my own. Some are against the house. There is a non-molestation in place. The…
Would you sell property to clear debts?
Hi all I know this might seem like a personal decision but I think it's always handy to hear other peoples opinions. My husband has a property that he rents out. We live together in my property. These have been kept separately. I don't want to get into the whole if we divorce business as hopefully it'll never happen. He…